Thursday, May 28, 2020

All’s Wealth That Ends Wealth

My Money Or Their Life

May 28, 2020

I could not in good conscience keep the money obtained by cashing a check bearing the name of Donald Chrump, even after crossing that name out.  I know that in fact it was not his money to dispense.  I know too that the appearance of Chrump’s name on the check was nothing more than what he always does – put his name on something he either had no hand in actually creating.  To be fair, Chrump has also put his name on things that would later either quickly disappear from the world due to their utter worthlessness or because the courts shut them down for fraudulent practices.
I decided I did not want to use that money for its intended purpose – shoring up the Obama-economy-for-which-Chrump-has-taken-credit in order to rescue President Death’s floundering administration in time for the November election.  I realize I am being – to paraphrase Dear Leader – amoral toward the moral by not wanting anything to get better right now if it means saving Chrump’s fatty-fat-fatty bacon in November.  He made America’s place in this pandemic much worse than it needed to be, and we cannot risk any appearance of him saving the day.
Chrump has made it crystal clear that, whatever the reason he decided to ignore countless warnings from all quarters, and despite being personally responsible for tens of thousands of deaths, he is more (i.e., only) concerned about how Wall Street is doing.  He is openly willing to lose however many of us it takes to keep the economy good enough to get him re-elected, in which case many of us will do whatever it takes to catch the coronavirus in hopes of being put out of our misery.

Anyway, in order to ensure that my relief check did not provide any relief to Chrump, I donated that money to Philabundance to help them feed Philadelphians crushed, but not yet killed by Chrump’s interminable efforts to protect the coronavirus from all the conniving, murderous doctors and scientists determined to do it harm, not to mention all the bad Americans running around wearing masks to hide their identities from the innocent, well-meaning virus.
I. Mangrey redistributing.  Attempting to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable.

1 comment:

  1. I was thinking to give to Biden's campaign, but I like your idea better. Help those who are ignored.
