Friday, May 8, 2020

America – Get It While It Lasts

Because It’s Just About Gone

May 8, 2020
Donald Chrump took an oath to “faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.”
Reporter: Mr. Chrump, you took an oath to faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States.
Chrump: The Office of President?  I thought it was to faithfully execute the country.  But I don’t do anything faithfully.  That I can tell you.  Have I told you about how bad the toilets and showers are?  They should be executed too.  Anyway, with the help of McConnell and my great lawyers, I am executing the Office of President.  It should be dead any minute now.
Chrump salutes victims of COVID-19
Chrump vs. Coronavirus – May The Best Germ Win

Chrump’s coronavirus task farce requested recommendations from the CDC to help minimize the further spread of the virus during the attempt to re-open the country.  Unsurprisingly, the Chrump administration will be completely ignoring the 17-page draft recommendation for reopening America.  Brace yourselves for a soul-crushing reboot of massive fatalities in the coming weeks, brought to you by President Death, Donald Chrump.  Meanwhile, Chrump has taken to describing citizens as “warriors” in the battle against the pandemic, suggesting some might have to die if that will help boost the economy, that is, boost his chances for re-election.  And keep your fingers crossed now that Chrump’s personal valet has tested positive for COVID-19.
William Barr vs. Justice
Michael Flynn twice pleaded guilty to lying.  He was also found to be working as an unregistered foreign agent against the interests of the United States while advising then-candidate Donald Chrump (also working against the interests of the United States).  At the time of Flynn’s trial, Chrump said, “I had to fire General Flynn because he lied to the vice president and the FBI.”  During his trial, the judge asked Chrump’s National Security Advisor Michael Flynn if he was guilty of lying to the FBI and Flynn responded, “Yes, your honor.” So, now that he is claiming that he is not in fact guilty of the crime he pleaded guilty to, I guess we can add perjury to the list of Flynn’s offenses.
“Democracy? Justice? Never heard of ‘em.”
Some are calling this a “black day for the Department of Justice.”  In the Chrump era it is simply a day ending in “y.”  This is also nothing new for Bill Barr, who has made a career of protecting top government officials from justice.  Barr’s first stint as Attorney General included absolving the Iran-Contra criminals of their crimes against the people and the laws of the United States.  Just another day at (abusing) the office for Bill Barr, enemy of democracy, brought in to hijack justice for the most criminal administration in American history.  For once, Chrump has actually found the best man for the job.
I. Mangrey reporting.  This hurts me more than it hurts you.

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