Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Don't Mess With-Consin

Walker, Wisconsin Deranger

September 22, 2015
How can God be so fickle? Poor Scott Walker. While announcing his candidacy Walker told us that “running was God’s calling…I am certain: This is God’s plan for me…” Well, God and the Koch brothers – who actually have more money than God. A few short months (though it seems like years) later, it appears that God has told Walker to stop running. During his farewell mumblings Walker told the audience (I assume there was an audience), “The Bible is full of stories about people who were called to be leaders in unusual ways. Today, I believe that I am being called to lead by helping to clear the field...” World’s Greatest Quitter, Sarah Palin must be very proud.

Dead-eye, Deader-between-the-ears, Scott Walker
The Chrump said now that Walker has left the race he feels sorry for him. In a grand gesture, Chrump has offered to purchase all twelve of Walkers supporters. “It’s not like I’m buying votes,” said the reality-TV star/faux presidential candidate, “I’m offering to buy people. That’s not the same thing. Yeah, I know, some people would say that sounds even worse, but I’m not one of those people and none of Scott’s followers is black. And I’m not a Muslim, like some people say certain people living in the White House are. I’m just your average Joe-$10 billion pack. Yes, I know some people say I don’t have $10 billion, but those people are lost in the facts and figures. My hair tells me that I have $10 billion, so that’s what you need to believe. Nobody does money better than I do. I now have all of Scott Walker’s people and both of Rick Perry’s. I can’t be stopped. I will do great things, even better than tearing up critical, pristine Scottish coastline to build a golf course and bullying old people and another place to put my name in giant letters. I’m doing great in the polls. The Blacks and Latinos love me. The ladies love me. The Jews love me. I love my daughter, and not just like a dad. The Obama’s love me; I don’t care where he was born, he’s a nice guy for a Muslim – as some say he is. Jeb Bush is uglier than Carly Fiorina – who I said was beautiful so I wouldn’t look like such a jerk after I called her ugly – and he can kiss my ass.”

I’ll leave the rest to your imagination.
In Other News…

of the morbidly stupid, J.E.B. (The Smart Bush) who is married to a Mexican, when asked if he was in favor of refugees and immigrants integrating into U.S. society and if he would help "empower them to become Americans," responded, "We should not have a multicultural society." As usual, Bush claims he was misunderstood and was not using ‘multiculturalism’ the way everyone else uses the word. I guess he’s just too smart for the rest of us.
And Finally…

In honor of the start of Yom Kippur, the holiest day on the Jewish calendar, Sen. Marco Rubio held a fundraiser at the Dallas-area mansion of real estate magnate Harlan Crow. I don’t believe Mr. Crow, whose eclectic art collection includes two of Hitler’s paintings, a signed copy of Mein Kampf (Come on, who doesn’t have one of those?) and some place settings Hitler once used, is Jewish. Some people, even some in Rubio’s home state of Florida, found this upsetting. I’m not sure why.
I. Mangrey reporting. Chrump that.

Thursday, September 17, 2015

Little Ado About Even Less

Oh Ye Of Little Brains

Almost in the fetal position
September 17, 2015
I can’t tell you how much I enjoyed the second Republican’t debate because I know of no word or words to express an amount so staggeringly insignificant. These poor little children can’t do anything without being in the shadow of Ronnie Reagan’s mythical bosom, standing right in front of Reagan’s Air Force One at the Reagan Library. Forget the fact that none of the modern-day Republican’ts would give the actual Reagan the time of day because by their standards, St. Ronnie would be nowhere near enough to the right of Bernie Sanders. They would pound the real Reagan mercilessly for repeatedly raising taxes, bloating the federal government, cuddling up to Iran, running scared out of Lebanon and let’s not forget his heretical attack on Second Amendment rights as governor of California. Though, to be fair, this was in response to black men exercising those oh-so-special rights, and nobody knows that better than today’s Republican’ts.

Mike Huckabee, who continues to talk like a late-stage syphilitic, reminded us that none of the racist-homophobes-who-despise-poor-people-and-social-programs on the Reagan Library stage were socialists. Like you-know-who. As you know, a socialist is someone who believes the nation’s wealth should be used to assure life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness for all Americans, while Huckabee believes the nation’s wealth should be used strictly to enrich the wealthiest Americans while average citizens should be able to use their own bootstraps to stay afloat. Socialists believe that people should all have equal rights with no interference from any particular special interest group or religion while Huckabee believes his religion trumps any law Reverend Mike doesn’t like. Clearly he’s not a socialist…or an American.
These folks keep muttering about finding America again or getting their country back. Where the hell do they think they’re living? Latvia? Human Ambien prescription, Ben Carson thinks Obamacare is worse than slavery. The Chrump says America sucks and he will make it great again by doing great stuff. Ted Cruz wishes he was back in Cubanada or something. Carly Fiorina thinks Planned Parenthood is Jeffrey Dahmer or Adolf Hitler or Hannibal Lecter.

J.E.B. moaned that, “The next president of the United States is gonna have to fix an extraordinarily difficult situation.” Does this guy have the memory of a guppy? Has he ever met his older brother? Was he anywhere near America in 2008 when Obama took office? Was J.E.B. in fact born yesterday? The smart Bush added, “As it relates to my brother, there’s one thing I know for sure – he kept us safe. I don't know if you remember (delusional applause), do you remember the rubble?”  Yes, about that rubble. I don't suppose you recall how that rubble came to be in that particular place, and under your brother's feet at the moment you so selfishly invoke? Heckuva job Bushie. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.
The Chrump went after little Rand Paul before even taking a breath. At one point The Classless One grumped, “I never attacked him or his looks, and believe me, there’s plenty of subject matter right there.” Well, if he hadn’t attacked Paul’s looks before (he did), he managed to do so while bragging (lying) that he hadn’t. Chrump has the same relationship with the truth as Dick Cheney.

Proto/Future Trump?

It’s entirely possible that Chrump’s head originally escaped from the Star Trek set and the Trebbles are the science fiction version of a planet inhabited by the progeny of whatever is living on Chrump’s head. This is what a post-Chrump world will look like.
Either way there is an antidote right under our noses:

I. Mangrey reporting. My brain hurts.

UPDATE: Happy Anniversary, Occupy!

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Son Of A Bunch

Because we are planning on feeling a bit lazy over the next week or so, we here at Paying Attention have decided to make available for one time and one time only, unless there ends up being another time... 

The Life and Crimes of George W. Bunch

 “Facts are stupid things – stubborn things, should I say.”
Ronald Reagan, addressing Republican National Convention 1988

“His ignorance covered the whole Earth like a blanket
and there was hardly a hole in it anywhere.”
Mark Twain
 “If we don't succeed, we run the risk of failure."
George W. Bush



 He Started Out, Continued To Be, And Ended Up As A Child

 “If this were a dictatorship, it would be a heck of a lot easier, just so long as I'm the dictator."
George W. Bush, December 18, 2000

“I want to piss away the first forty or so years of my life cashin’ in on my family name and fortune and just have everything handed onto me without havin’ to ever do any real work, maybe even become vice president or somethin’ like that, where you get to just wave and smile a lot but don’t have to do a bunch of work and stuff…that’s my dream.”  These words, attributed to the subject of this book at the mere age of nine, could have come from almost any young boy, though most nine-year-old boys want to be doctors or baseball players or firefighters or astronauts or even president... but not this one.  All those things sounded like too much work.  In his mind, such as it was, he could be so much more while doing so much less.  He believed he could see the writing on the floor, he knew which side his cheese was buttered on – he wanted to make the pie higher.  He dreamed of wanting what he believed in his tiny little heart and similarly miniscule brain was to be rightfully his, through no effort or even innate ability of his own.  He was wholly incapable of the former and entirely lacking the latter.  This young lad was determined to make the most out of the privilege handed to him on a platinum platter and reach for the stairs. 

In any event, most nine year olds are not known for their grasp of either middle age or history or even puberty for that matter.  As far as they know, the world is there for their personal pleasure first and foremost, especially those born with a silver spoon cavorting with one orifice or another.  Most of us grow out of this phase of perfectly natural self-absorption at some point and realize there are others in this vast world, perhaps thinking the same thing we are.  Most of us eventually learn it is best to temper our selfish desires with some sense of community or society or, if nothing else, the Golden Rule.  But not this guy.  He was to be nothing if not perversely consistent.  Stubborn and immovable as a two-legged mule stoned out of its mind on heroin.  Unwilling, if not unable to learn even the simplest of lessons or experience any significant degree of personal growth.  Throughout his entire life, anything outside of his own shoes was simply there for his amusement, or more often, his abusement.

Our subject was not just any nine-year-old of course.  One day this unassuming, unhinged, Oedipus-like father-hating, mother-loving little rich boy would chronologically and physically grow into a man who would manage to stumble backwards into front-page news, the History Books and Ripley’s Believe It Or Not.  Though he never heard of Oedipus, George Washington, or Pennsylvania and never quite understood who Jesus was or why he mattered, and would never manage to force open a history book, the world was his oyster if he wanted any of it.  Many would see him as little more than a pawn of more thoughtful albeit malevolent powers who tagged our boy-man as the kind of guy those ill-versed in the issues of the day or, in most cases any day, and seemingly not in possession of any means of relating causes to consequences, would like to have a beer with and for that reason alone, for clearly there was no other, elect to high office. 

These treacherous cretins, who make up a large portion of the American electorate turned out to be right about him being a guy capable of having a beer with someone, and the lad would one day be a boy in a man’s attitude who would shake the world like few others. 

As you may have noticed, history has a funny way of coloring and texturing the way people and events are ultimately seen.  Not always funny-ha-ha, more often funny like – that’s-funny-I’ve-never-actually-seen-a-cloud-appear-from-the-ground-up-and-shaped-so-much-like-a-mushroom kind of funny. 

It was in the same way Christopher Columbus, lost at sea, thinking he had finally come ashore in India, ended up discovering a New World.  Discovering seems such a subjective descriptor in this case.  Some would say it was actually the Taino who discovered Columbus lost, stupid and desperate on a beach in the Caribbean.  But Columbus of course had better PR men (not to mention an arrogant and nasty disposition and weapons unlike anything the people he acquainted them with had ever imagined) and was able to get the story told the way he wanted when all was said and done.  Instead of being heralded as one of the dumb-luckiest sailors of the time, mostly the dumb part, Columbus has come to be revered as a brilliant navigator who discovered America.  No matter that he had no idea whatsoever where he made landfall.  No matter that even though Chris described the Taino as a gentle people without guile who gave generously of themselves to the pale strangers who hadn’t the faintest clue where they were.  Columbus still found it useful to bludgeon the land and its people with murder, mayhem and disease, mostly in the name of greed and glory, with a side order of God and Country...not his country mind you, but the one that financed him.  I’m sure we all hope that history will paint such an inspirational, however disingenuous, picture of us when we are gone.  Who would not want their cowardice to be viewed as heroic?  Who would not wish their biggest mistakes would bring wealth and fame?  Who would not want their murder and mayhem to go essentially ignored, assuming one would even wish or somehow manage to commit such atrocities in the first place?

And so it may be with our current subject who upon landing the biggest job in his life, probably one of the biggest, most important in anyone’s life if not history itself, managed to bludgeon not only that same land once accidentally discovered by Columbus and its by-then-not-so-original inhabitants, but also those who placed him in his position of power as well as the very position itself, which would never be looked at with the same reverence and respect it had prior to his intrusion.  Like Columbus he found himself in his once-honored position having no idea what that position meant or called for, with little idea how he actually came to be there.  In his day he committed such murder and mayhem with no thought to the past, present or future, presenting himself for all the world as a masterful hero; for this was precisely how he saw himself when he looked deeply into his soul…such as it was…on both occasions.

He was the best of presidents; he was the worst of presidents.  Not really…he was, in fact very simply and without exception, the WORST of presidents.  The absolute, far-and-away, undisputed WORST FUCKING PRESIDENT in the history of the United States.  This is not one of them ex-ag-ger-a-tions nor is it an  opinion.  It is historical fact…by any measure you care to use.  And there is an abundance, actually an overabundance, of proof.  Videotape, audiotape.  Digital proof, analogue proof.  Verifiable quotes, still photographs.  Mental scars, emotional scars, physical scars.  There is no missing the significance unless you were one of the faithful.  Even then chances are good that the part of the personal subconscious entwined with the collective unconscious felt the stinging pain that began at the moment he seized power and ended, with any luck at the time of their own physical demise.  In addition, it turns out that almost every single presidential historian concurs: Grand W. Bunch will go down as the worst of the worst.  To be sure there have been some doozies since the birth of this nation and perhaps even one or two almost everyone agrees were really good ones.  But according to those whose business it is to study and know about these things, none of the first forty-two presidents of the United States, individually or as a group, did as much damage to as many facets of the social and political fabric, not to mention the emotional well-being and long-term health of our nation and planet, in as short a period of time and left in his wake more enduring and painful consequences than did America’s 43rd president.   In fact, the experts are convinced that it would take a concerted effort with malice of forethought to surpass the Herculean ineptitude displayed by president #43.  And all he ever asked from us was that he not be “misunderestimated.”  That, and an almost fanatical devotion to his woe begotten agenda.

Most of those who survived those surreal years have the emotional, psychological, financial, and in many cases physical scars to bear out just how painfully hideous his presidency was.  And as it turns out, according to all the computer models, the Grand W. Bunch presidency’s horrific ranking could be extrapolated to include King George III of England, who inspired the birth of our nation in response to his arrogant, corporatist, imperialist, autocratic buffoonery in the Eighteenth Century. 

Polls show that most Americans prefer root canal procedures, labor pains, kidney stones, sharp steel needles in their eyes and even vivisection sans anesthesia to even thinking about the 43rd presidency.  Nobody with even the slightest taste for truthiness honestly believes that anything even approaching mediocre occurred during or resulted from the eight-year-long Reign of Terror that began the 21st Century or the New American Century as the neoconservative benefactors of the Bunch presidency preferred to call it.  Unfortunately, a large percentage of Americans will never be honest about those soiled years and the putrid creature that made them what they were.  In fact, a fairly large percentage of Americans were at best oblivious to what was going on, as is their wont.  Truth be told, somewhere dangerously near the vicinity of fifty percent of those who took the time to vote believed, or simply decided without the slightest thought that Bunch should hold the highest office in, what at that time was still the most powerful nation on the planet and still at least to some degree, the Land of the Free and the Home of the Brave.

If there is anything to follow the attempted recovery of America’s democracy, economy, environment, military and world standing after the damage inflicted by the man known as President Moron, President Primate, President Doody, President Pinhead, President Bobblehead, President Piñata, President Peewee, President Pipsqueak, President Putz, and many descriptors much less flattering, history will have little if anything kind to say about the 43rd president of the United States.  Leaving office with a popularity rating just slightly higher than syphilis, Grand W. Bunch would claim that history, and history alone would vindicate him…what choice did he have after all.  As I commit this to paper (screen actually) history has not yet had time to take full measure of what this man has wrought.  And history will likely have to stand aside for a time while the human race attempts to lift itself by its own bootstraps out of the quagmire left behind by this Special President (think Special Education) until there is spare time and stomach enough to recapitulate, analyze and commit to collective memory all that was perpetrated during those Bunched-up years.

Said Bunch upon leaving office, ”I know some say I made some mistakes these last eight years.  This is a free country with numerous as-inconveniently-as-possible located Free-Speech Zones so people are free to say whatever they wants just so long as people who don’t want to hear what these Free-Speechers are saying don’t have to hear it.  It worked for me.  I never heard one discouraging word while I was in office, which I assumed meant that everyone loved me and agreed with me.  I am not going to take it personal just because some now say bad things about me.  They could be talking about anyone.  You know, they say it takes a great man to admit that some say he made a mistake.  And great man that I am I’ll admit they may be right.  I will take their word for it if that makes them feel any better because, and I’ve thought long and hard about this, I can’t think of a single mistake I made as president.  I suppose it’s possible that I may have cleared a bit too much brush, and I may live to regret never using noocular weapons while I had the chance, but those are not mistakes so much as things I may have did wrong.  As far as what may or may not have happened before I was president, I really don’t remember any of that at all and anyways that was all in the past.  I believe in turning the other chunk and I’m ready to move on and act like nothin’ ever happened.  So long’s I still got the god-given ability to pat myself on the back I’m good to go.  Besides, I was extremely impressed with the way I ran the country.  So I’ll let history be the judge, waterboarder, jury and executioner, heh, heh, heh, not all you evildoers and nay sayers.  History will make me look real good.  Now watch this drive.  MISSION ACCOMPLISHED.” 

No matter that Grand had no familiarity with the history that preceded him, much understanding of the things he himself did or caused to be done, or even a fleeting knowledge of what history actually entailed, he just liked talking about it.  And surely, after leaving office, he would pay as little attention to what would transpire as he paid to what was in the past, which was, unfathomable as it might be, actually more than the amount he paid while in office.  Once Bunch’s term expired some said to the doomsayers who claimed that Bunch had all but consummated the apocalypse, and surely with no small surprise and considerably more than a little sense of relief, that there was in fact life after Bunch.  True enough, but it was life in the ICU on life-support with multiple organ failure and a dire prognosis.  There is no evidence to the rumor that God Himself is standing by poised to deliver Last Rites.

In any event, whatever else can be said, he was the first president of the Zeros.  That’s what the first decade of the twenty-first century was ultimately called.  We had the Roaring Twenties, the Fabulous Fifties, the Psychedelic Sixties…not much of note for a while after that, but the start of the new millennium was simply: The Zeros.  The Zeros made the Civil War, the era of the Great Depression, even the Second World War seem like a gentle rain on a warm summer day.  Once this down-home, red-blooded (blue actually) American Decider-of-things-better-left-undecided-not-to-mention-undone hurled his alleged presidency at an unsuspecting, though not altogether undeserving, United States and the absolutely stunned and traumatized world at large, what else could such an era be branded?  The Bunch presidency was for America the societal equivalent of whatever put a stop to the dominance and in fact the very existence of the dinosaurs.

Though he claimed to have stopped abusing alcohol in his early forties, Bunch remained an alcoholic at heart and one made no less belligerent, self-sure for no good reason and obstinate beyond all measure even without the help of his long-time drug-of-choice (the others were mere temporary distractions, or hobbies, due to their being illegal).  He claimed to have eschewed booze for the pretense of religiosity at the age of forty-one under threat of divorce by his wife, herself an inadvertent killer who ultimately found it comforting to blame outside forces for her unfortunate happenstance, but that’s another story.  So Grand claimed to have cleaned up his act, all appearances, actions and outcomes to the contrary. 

Grand stole into office with a villainous and sadistic vice-president, mangled every aspect of the English language every time his mouth opened, appointed the most incompetent bunch of worthless albeit loyal malefactors and pinheads to every post imaginable and used the Constitution to wipe his ass…literally, and repeatedly…without ever even bothering to rinse it off between uses.  If nothing else, at least that goes to show that the old hemp document really holds up under pressure – physical or otherwise. 

Our hero oversaw the beginning of the end of the dominance of the United States of America as, if nothing else, the most economically and militarily dominant nation of the Twentieth Century.  He also oversaw the beginning of the end of the United States Constitution as a guiding force in America’s social structure, and as it turned out, he had no small hand in the rending of the social structure itself.  And even though he acted as if it were so…he wasn’t always President of the United States of America.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

I Was Right All Along, Though I Was Totally Wrong. Who Am I?

Shoot In The Face First, Don’t Ask Questions Later

A not-secret-or-undisclosed-enough location
September 7, 2015
Unrepentant hostile psychopath Dick Cheney and his equally belligerent daughter Liz appeared on Fux News Sunday with Chris Wallace. Cheney was unsurprisingly trashing Barack Obama, this time over the deal with Iran. I could accept Cheney staying out of prison for war crimes if only he would just put a stop to his word crimes. The Charles Manson of modern day politics continues verbally assaulting us on political issues as he desperately tries to put the lipstick of history on the pig that is his legacy. Shouldn’t he be spending more time with his family by now? I mean in private, not carting his daughter around to talk shows. Shouldn’t he be called out as a liar, a failure, a ghoul?

Cheney, caught on camera just after learning of 9/11 attacks.
A guffaw or a yawn, you decide.

Wallace asked if Cheney was being fair comparing Obama’s deal with Iran to Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of Hitler. Cheney’s answer? "Yes. If you look at what happened with respect to [Obama's] Iranian deal, the only winners are Iranians. The losers are the United States, are the friends and allies of the United States in the region, the Israelis the Saudis and others…I think it's a big deal, a major, major defeat -- in my mind -- in terms of our position in the region."

I had to punch myself - pinching just wasn’t enough, and I was secretly hoping it might cause amnesia - to make sure I wasn’t hallucinating. Simply replace ‘[Obama’s] Iranian deal’ with “the illegal war based on lies into which I led this country to pad my Halliburton profits,” and Cheney’s statement makes perfect sense. And why does Dick have to bring his little parrot girl with him everywhere he goes now? Is Liz the only thing standing between Cheney and someone else getting shot it the face? Does that make you feel safer?
Wallace pressed on, one assumes feeling safe in the knowledge that he was on live TV, "You and President Bush, the Bush-Cheney administration, dealt with Iran for eight years, and I think it was fair to say that there was never any real, serious military threat," Wallace noted. "Iran went from zero known centrifuges in operation to more than 5,000. So in fairness, didn't you leave -- the Bush-Cheney administration -- leave President Obama with a mess?" the Fox News host asked.

"I don't think of it that way," Cheney replied.
"But the centrifuges went from zero to 5,000," Wallace pressed.

"Well, they may have well have gone but that happened on Obama's watch, not on our watch," Cheney insisted, unfazed by the facts as always.
"No, no, no," Wallace fired back. "By 2009, they were at 5,000."

Cheney countered, “Well, I don’t know who was in office at that time, I’ll let history decide that, but regardless, this is all Obama’s fault. It couldn’t have been me; I was in a wheel chair at the time of his inauguration. Do you think I did that just for spite? Just because he’s was a ni…new kid on the black…I mean block? Have you ever seen me in a wheel chair before or since that day?”
Wallace, stunned, responded, “What does that have to do with the matter at hand sir?” This was followed by Cheney clearly reaching for something in his trousers, halted only by a stern look and what appeared to be a small electrical jolt, both delivered by his daughter. Cheney just “smiled” and withdrew his hand which reappeared palm up on the desk, as if to show it was empty.

Speaking of empty, Here's a little something from Barack Obama's home page over at

Not wanting to interrupt Cheney’s reverie of nooclear combat toe-to-toe with the Ayatollahs, I hesitate to interject Cheney’s old Secretary of State, Colin Powell’s take on the Iran deal. I hesitate, but I do not stop. I do it anyway. Powell told MSNBC’s Chuck Todd, "I think it is a good deal. I studied very carefully the outline of the deal and what's in that deal. And I've also carefully looked at the opposition to the deal. And my judgment after balancing those two sets of information is that it's a pretty good deal…If they don't implement it, bail out. None of our options are gone." Cheney insists our only option is to get stinking drunk and shoot Iran in the face, claiming we mistook them for a crippled quail.

I. Mangrey reporting. Don't be a Cheney.


Saturday, September 5, 2015

Sometimes You Act Like A Nut, Sometimes You Don't

Hey, You Got Church In My State. No, You Got State On My Church

The (Not At All) Holy Land
September 5, 2015

Rowan County, Kentucky Clerk Kim Davis was jailed for contempt after refusing to grant marriage licenses to gay couples, based on her religious fanaticism and in direct conflict with the Constitution and our generally very conservative Supreme Court. I’m not sure just how religiously fanatical an adulterer who is on her fourth marriage can be, even if all her exes are opposite sexes, but that’s between her, Jesus and I’m guessing half of the male population of her county. As columnist Dan Savage said of this latest faux-persecuted Christian, “She actually thinks she works for God there, in the county courthouse, when she actually works for Caesar.”Perhaps Ms. Davis is unaware that Jesus specifically spoke against divorce, while mentioning his disdain for same sex relations exactly zero times. Maybe she is similarly unfamiliar with the separation of church and state from the First Amendment to the Constitution of the United States. Many people seem to trample blindly over the First as they stampede their way to the last bit of the Second Amendment

Presidential Never-Gonna-Be-s Weigh In

Much to my surprise Lindsey Graham, John Kaisich, Carly Fiorina and even super-loopy Ben Carson have begun to look past the Fourteenth Century and come out in favor of obeying the law allowing any two consenting adults to marry. Wall building expert Donald Trump, who does not understand the wall that already exists -between church and state - acknowledges that the Supreme Court ruling is the "law of the land," but thinks clerks should be able to "take a pass" on issuing marriage licenses to gay couples if they claim it violates their beliefs. I’m pretty sure that’s not how laws are meant to be carried out. If we allow people like Kim Davis to have their way, how long before we are living under Sharia Law?

Former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee called Davis a "person of great conviction" and claimed that she is not required to follow the Supreme Court ruling in favor of same sex marriage. I’m sick to death of people moaning that it was just “five people” who made same sex marriage legal. It only took five people to give us and unelected (and ultimately disastrous) president. Go cry foul on somebody else’s shoulder.

Stealth candidate Bobby Jindal told the Huffington Post that Davis should not have to resign because nobody "should have to choose between following their conscience, their religious beliefs and giving up their job or facing financial sanctions." 

Kentucky senator and super genius Ayn Rand Paul, the guy who believes the Civil Rights Act infringes on private business owners, said we should leave it up to the courts to decide. Maybe he’s been too busy pretending to run for president, but one of our finest courts - some would call it Supreme - has already ruled on this issue very clearly. Check it out Rand, it was in all the papers.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz recently posted on Facebook that there should be "alternative ways to ensure that government functions are accomplished without infringing on religious liberty." There are alternatives; do your job properly or find a job that you are actually qualified and willing to perform. I guarantee you will never find an Orthodox Jew working at a Bob Evans factory. Or an observant Muslim working for Jack Daniels. I think we need to ensure that religious beliefs do not infringe on government functions. Our Constitution demands separation of church and state. Every American can hold whatever religious belief they choose (Remember, religion is a choice.), but anyone with a government position must leave their religious beliefs at home as a job requirement. No ifs, ands or buts. It’s just that simple. If people want to live in a country where outdated extremist religious beliefs are in fact the law of the land, I believe there are plenty of vacancies throughout the Middle East.

I. Mangrey reporting. Try not to marry your favorite chair.

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Denali, Bitches!

Denali, Alaska
August 31, 2015

The highest peak in North America, or Turtle Island if you prefer

Mt. McKinley my ass. I don't know much (hardly anything really) about McKinley. Can't even remember his first name at this moment. I do know that there's no way his name needs to be associated with such a Purple Mountain Majesty Above the Frozen Plain. He hailed from Ohio, had never been to Alaska. Nonetheless, Ohio Republican'ts are throwing a fit over this unspeakable slight. The mountain was called Denali by the Koyukon Athabaskans long before any of McKinley's ancestors - uninvited interlopers, or as they are known in the modern tongue, illegal immigrants - set foot on these shores. Long before Jesus was even a twinkle in his Father's eye. So there. Thank you Barack Hussein Obama for this tiny bright shining moment of giving anything back to the Original People of this land. The only downside is that this causes me to be in agreement with none other than Sarah Palin, who like just about every other Alaskan (with the notable exception of her serially-pregnant-unmarried-abstinence-only-coach daughter, Bristol), prefers the name Denali to the name of some white guy who has no business being recognized in Alaska. Well, nothing's perfect.

Mt. McKinley Denali - The Tall One

I. Mangrey. All my relations.