Saturday, September 29, 2018

What Do You Mean WE, White Man?

Start Acting Like a Girl

September 29, 2018
To the Republican’ts on the Senate Judiciary Committee…

To be fair, the white Democrats were obviously much less useless than their counterparts from across the abyss aisle.  Thankfully, they at least learned something from their disgraceful performance during the Anita Hill/Clarence Thomas fiasco. 
It might appear, since Jeff Flake changed his support-Kavanaugh vote to better-bring-in-the-FBI-first, that a white man did something.  As it turns out, Flake changed his tune after being verbally accosted by Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila – who at one point scolded Flake to, “Look at me when I’m talking to you!”  Flake, to his credit, had the good sense to follow those instructions and take his medicine – though he tried to hide and tried to escape, but he could not.  It seems that medicine had powerful effects, and Boozy Brett’s future is once again uncertain.  Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila – sexual assault survivors who, strangely enough were women, chastised Flake for over five minutes.  Not long after that, Flake and the Democrats worked out a compromise, and Kavanaugh’s full-Senate vote will have to wait until the FBI takes a crack at investigating this foul mess.  

Gallagher and Archila may have given us a 21st Century Rosa Parks moment.  Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s testimony was no mean feat either.  The number of people helped by the National Sexual Assault Hotline was 201 percent above average on the day she testified.  Donald Chrump brought racists and neo-Nazis out of the woodwork; Christine Blasey Ford brought rape victims out of the shadows.  If this democracy and our national decency are to be salvaged, it is clearly women’s work.
Maria Gallagher and Ana Maria Archila
So, in the end a white guy finally acted, but only after being shamed into it…by two women.  Even Chrump was forced to say that Dr. Ford’s testimony was “compelling.”  I doubt he knows what it means, but his handlers made him say it, and he had to order the FBI to investigate – despite Chrump previously having said, “Well, it would seem that the FBI really doesn't do that.  They've investigated about six times before, and it seems that they don't do that.”  Huh?  With any luck, Brett Kavanaugh will not only lose his bid to defile the Supreme Court, but will be impeached from his current post for perjury, and then jailed for sexual assault.  Move over Bill Cosby.
Obviously, Chrump meant to say, “Well, it would seem that the FBI really does do that.”  He has the best words; he just has no idea what they mean or how to use them in a sentence.  Now that the FBI is being permitted to try their hand at investigating, I hope they put some of their best women on the case.
I. Mangrey reporting.

Thursday, September 27, 2018

In The Zone

The Twilight of America

September 27, 2018

I often watched The Twilight Zone when I was younger, and not the reruns.  The stories were consistently and stunningly bizarre.  Mind bending tales tenuously tethered to the world as we know it.  Rod Serling was an interesting man with an incredible imagination.  Nothing Serling devised comes close to our current state for sheer unbelievability.
As serial liar, and (probably more than) alleged serial sexual predator/mean drunk Brett Kavanaugh responded to the latest acquisition accusation against him, he said, “This is ridiculous and from The Twilight Zone.”  Does Kavanaugh think The Twilight Zone was a documentary?  Because that is the only way his statement makes any sense.
Kavanaugh’s trained-seal performance in his Fux News interview received lousy reviews, claiming that his controlled, matter-of-fact demeanor, comprised of little more than a string of repeated wall-to-wall talking points, was not that of someone being falsely accused.  Thanks to further coaching, Kavanaugh is now showing a much better level of umbrage, as he attempts to play out his con to the last.  Someone should hold him down against his will and force him to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth.  This does not seem to be something that comes easily to this judge.    
Anything is possible…none of it good
Many days, I look at the TV and I see a strange orange gas cloud with a, let’s say human, voice.  It says things.  Many things.  Frightening things.  Stupid things.  Unimaginable things.  Every so often I feel challenged to believe what I am seeing is real – usually not more than five or six times a day.  At times, I have to shove bamboo splinters under my fingernails to make sure I’m awake.  Then I realize two things: 1) I am in fact awake, and 2) the excruciating sensation of bamboo splinters under my fingernails is comforting compared to the sensation of admitting that the world actually is what I see in front of me.  And it is all downhill from there.  Then I begin tapping away at my little keyboard, like a starving woodpecker slamming his head against a tree desperately seeking the sustainence necessary to stay alive.  While the woodpecker’s goal is taking food into its body, my pecking is meant to help me to preserve my increasingly tenuous embrace of the reality of the majority, and to evacuate the poisons teeming through my system as a result of incessant exposure to the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud fouling my air, poisoning my soul.  I have not yet literally taken to banging my head against a tree.  I am not ruling anything out though.
Not even Serling could have imagined Chrump
I wish I had the imagination of Rod Serling.  Maybe then I could imagine a world that made some bit of sense.
I. Mangrey rerunning.  Nothing is as it appears, it is considerably worse.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

You've Got Males

White Men Behaving Badly, Episode #5,395,493,297

September 26, 2018
Apparently, all Republican’t senators need to take polygraph tests since they all keep saying it is normal for teenage boys to commit sexual assault.
Hey, anyone remember Senator Al Franken?  What ever happened to him?  Oh wait, I remember, the Democrats forced him to resign without even a hint of due process.  He probably did behave badly towards a number of women.  He never exposed any part of his anatomy.  Was never accused of anything near the kinds of things Brett Kavanaugh is credibly accused of doing. 
Kavanaugh’s accusers are more than willing to air out their grievances; Kavanaugh and his Republican’t enablers are deathly afraid of allowing any sort of investigation or hearing.  They already know what they think they need to know.  That is, Brett Kavanaugh is white, a radical religious fundamentalist, and a multiply-accused sexual assaulter who is guaranteed to rid them of Roe v. Wade.  Nothing else matters to these miscreant misogynist morons.  If this country has any chance of moving forward in the 21st Century, or ever, it must send a strong, unmistakable and multi-generationally long statement on November 6, 2018.
Kavanaugh, claiming that his voice is not being heard as regards allegations of sexual misconduct, ran to Fux News to be interviewed with his wife by his side.  He told his interviewer, “I’m not going to let false accusations drive us out of this process.”  I do believe that the normally very dishonest jurist is correct.  Unfortunately for him, it will not be false accusations, but disgustingly true accusations that will end up being a problem for him. 
I am intractably disinclined to believe incorrigibly dishonest Brett Kavanaugh.  He of the party of Roger Ailes, Pat Buchanan, Richard Nixon, Karl Rove, George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Mitch McConnell and every member of the current Chrump Junta – to name just a few.  The party of Iran-Contra, Willie Hortoning, Swift Boating, the Iraq-War-featuring-ersatz-WMD, Birtherism and Sarah Fucking Palin.  I believe I need say no more, but I fear I must. 
As Kavanaugh plays P.T. Barnum to an ever-shrinking basket of Chrump supporters, hawking tickets to his never-had-sex-show – Step right up, step right up!  Nothing to see here folks!  Come see the constantly drunk, virgin high-schooler/collegian!  The one, the only Brett Kavanaugh!  While all his friends were out assaulting and raping, Brett was merely face-down in the bathroom.  The only thing young Brett assaulted was that unfortunate toilet seat.  It was never the same once it escaped Brett’s suffocating embrace.  Step right up, step right up.  Come see that very talking toilet seat.  Hear the real, the whole, the totally true Kavanaugh story right from the porcelain horse’s mouth.  Step right up, but before you go in, enjoy our complimentary Kool-aid – the show won’t be the same without it.  You’ll love’s a way of life. 
The New York Times reported that Kavanaugh “has calendars from the summer of 1982 that he plans to hand over to the Senate Judiciary Committee that do not show a party consistent with the description of his accuser.”  It is of course very common for 17 year-olds to keep such calendars.  One wonders if Kavanaugh be able to have the ink dry on his 1982 calendar in time to hand it over.  We managed to get our hands on Kavanaugh’s undoctored calendar:
click calendar to enlarge
The all-white-male Republican’t wing of the Senate Judiciary Committee has come to the realization that their utter and entirely sincere contempt for women has become just a tad too obvious for an election season.  They have therefore decided to hire a “female assistant” to stand up for them in the questioning of Dr. Christine Blasey Ford, who has decided to stand up for herself, against her long-ago attacker, and to the all-white-male Republican’t wing of the Senate Judiciary Committee.  The soon-to-be-all-dead (because they are all very old – this is not a death threat, though possibly a wish, unless that is also illegal, in which case it is simply a statement of the obvious) white guys are hoping that by hiding behind a “female assistant” in order to discredit another woman, they will show other women that they are not rape-friendly or rape-adjacent, and come out smelling like roses, or at the very least not like the rotting corpses they appear to be.  Once again, Paying Attention has the scoop on who this female questioner/façade will be.
Senate Committee stand-in, Ruby Giulianski preps
for her big day with real live sex criminal
(don't click to me)
In Other News of White Men Behaving Badly …
A blobulent white rhinoceros male masquerading as a large, straw-covered, deranged cantaloupe, masquerading as president of the United States, unleashed a barrage of invective and sheer idiocy at the United Nations in New York yesterday. 

Much too seedy for my taste

When he made the inarguably absurd claim, “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country”, literally the entire world burst out laughing. 
Chrump slays at UN
Perhaps even more unusual, was the fact that Chrump seemed able to take a joke.  He can obviously see one…every time he faces a mirror.
I. Mangrey reflecting.  Hey Donald, keep it stupid, simple.

Monday, September 24, 2018

A Very Special Revolving Door

Once Around the (Chopping) Block

September 24, 2018

The Chrump White House is often described as a revolving door.  It is the best revolving door, utilized by, one assumes, the best people.  Many of these best people have merely moved from one position to another, the vast majority however, have simply abandoned shit.  More people left this administration in the first 20 months than any in memory, if not history.  I am not inclined to look it up, but clearly the Chrump administration is one lava-hot mess.  (Full disclosure, I did look it up and this is in fact historic in how pitiful it is.)  Mt. Kiluea has a long way to go to cause even a fraction of the devastation that has only begun to gush from the toxic Orange Gas Cloud. 

50 percent hot air, 50 percent hairspray, 50 percent unidentified toxins
Just about everyone who joined the Chrump team – some gone, some still clinging pathetically to their alleged jobs – has threatened to quit, or has been threatened with firing at some point.  And these are the best people.  No swamp.  You’re the swamp.

Several of Chrump’s best people have called him an “idiot” (Chief-of-staff John Kelly, Steve Mnuchin, ex-Chief-of-staff Reince Preibus) or a “fucking moron” (ex-Secretary of State Rex Tillerson).  “Like an 11-year-old child” (ex-butt-boy Steve Bannon).  “Less a person than a collection of terrible traits”, “dumb as shit” (ex-chief economic adviser Gary Cohn).  “An idiot [with the intelligence of] a kindergartener” (National Security Advisor HR McMaster).    The list goes on, but I will leave it there for now.
Here is a sample of some of the best words Chrump has used to describe some of his best people:
Steve Bannon, chief executive officer of Chrump's campaign and than Chief White House Strategist: “Sloppy Steve Bannon”, “Steve Bannon has nothing to do with me or my presidency. When he was fired, he not only lost his job, he lost his mind.”
Jefferson Beauregard Confederacy Racist Sessions III, first sitting (I know, it’s hard to tell) Senator to support Chrump, who became Attorney General after lying his little ass off to the Senate during his nomination hearing: “beleaguered”, “scared stiff”, “disgraceful”, “weak”.
George Papadopoulos, member of Chrump’s foreign policy advisory panel, then pleaded guilty to lying to the FBI about interactions with foreign officials close to the Russian government: just a “coffee boy”.
Paul Manafort, Chrump’s campaign chairman, credited with getting Chrump over the finish line, forced out after allegations of shady Russian ties: “He was only there for a short period of time.”
Omarosa, long time Chrump lackey who said, “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to President Trump.  Everyone who’s ever doubted Donald, who ever disagreed, who ever challenged him. It is the ultimate revenge to become the most powerful man in the universe.” (She later left the White House and wrote a tell-all.): “Lowlife. She’s a lowlife,” “Wacky Omarosa, who got fired 3 times on the Apprentice, now got fired for the last time. She never made it, never will. She begged me for a job, tears in her eyes, I said Ok. People in the White House hated her. She was vicious, but not smart.”

Don’t Let the Door Kill You on the Way Out
This Chrump revolving door is no ordinary revolving door though.  It really is more of an abattoir.  With your standard revolving door, one comes out the other side to proceed on one’s merry way, whereas when you pass through Chrump’s revolving door, you are dead meat.
And now for something completely relevant
The most recent high-ranking Chrumper to be tweeted out the door was White House Counsel, and possible “flipper” Don McGahn, whose job it is was to advise the prezident on legal matters and to safeguard the presidency – not the actual president, but the office itself.  In this case, that mainly consisted of protecting the office from the current office-holder, causing McGahn to commit the cardinal sin of telling the Cry-baby-in-chief “NO” from time to time.  This does not sit well with KFC spokes-blob Chrump, who believes it is absolutely everyone’s job to protect him from the media, the truth and the law.  McGahn, who was at one time counsel and ethics advisor to disgraced (and highly unethical) Texas congressman Tom DeLay, has also been instrumental in stacking the federal court system with right-wing, religious fanatic judges.  McGahn personally recommended Neil Gorsuch and Brett Kavanaugh for the Supreme Court.  To McGahn I say, don’t let the rotating knives hit you on the way out.  Though I don’t really mean it.

No one who has spent any time in the direct orbit of Donald Chrump keeps whatever reputation they might have had going in.  Even the so-called pious Mike Pence looks worse for the time he has spent as Chrump’s double-dealing, obsequious lapdog.  Once you have been had by Chrump, it will take a very long time to remove the stench.  One would be better off canoodling with an angry skunk.
What used to be a plum job and a sure-fire way to get your resume to float to the top of any binder full of women, is now a death sentence for any career.   

But Wait, There’s More
Casey Patten, owner of the 17-store hoagie chain, ‘Taylor Gourmet’, met with Chrump at a White House small business roundtable in January 2017.  It is unclear whether there were more people present at the roundtable, than were at the inauguration; let’s assume there were.  Patten thought it would be a good idea to be in a photo and video with the new prezident.  The images were then shown nationally.  According to an anonymous source familiar with the situation, Taylor Gourmet’s “sales dropped 40 percent the next day.  And it persisted and never really got any better.”
Hey, what the hell are you doing? Get off my lawn.
This poor kid, who just wanted to do a good deed and meet the prezident, simply got too close to Chrump and was subsequently abandoned by his parents, and is now in a juvenile detention center.  Even though the young lad is white, he simply came too close to Chrump and will be tainted for life.  His future now appears as bleak as that of Chrump himself – walls closing in, nowhere to hide, unemployable.  Lepers have closer friends.
Speaking of poor kids, video has emerged wherein Don, Jr. told an interviewer that one of the important things his dad told him, when he was very young (Jr. said age four, but that was clearly a lie) was, “No smoking, no drinking, no drugs. And don’t trust anyone, ever.”  To be fair, this could also be a lie.  Who the hell knows with these psychopaths?
I. Mangrey reporting.  It's a living.  Not really.  But, I do it anyway.

Sunday, September 23, 2018

Thought For The Day

I Have to Laugh To Keep From Guffawing
September 23, 2018
One of the hottest races in the 2018 midterms pits upstart Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke against the most despised man in the Senate, Ted Cruz.  In what should have been a cakewalk, Cruz the Texas Tick has become increasingly desperate as the race and his colon tighten.  Cruz is so desperate, that he has reached out to the man he called a “sniveling coward” and a “pathological liar” during the 2016 campaign – one Donald J. Chrump.  This should make for some tantalizingly awkward and irresistibly entertaining moments over the next few weeks. 
He Ain’t Worthy, He’s Our Brother

In other awesome midterm endorsement news, Arizona Republican’t Paul Gosar’s reelection bid opponent – Dr. David Brill, put out an ad featuring six – I kid you not, six – of Gosar’s siblings absolutely trashing their brother while in no uncertain terms endorsing his challenger.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Saturday, September 22, 2018

Thought For The Day

Better Call Brett

September 22, 2018
I love all these people saying they know Brett Kavanaugh and that he would never do something like what he is very credibly accused of doing.  Has anyone heard of the Catholic Church?  Remember how they were seen as representing the word of Jesus, but were doing other stuff behind the scenes?  Remember when the Republican’t Party thought pussy-grabbing was a bad thing?  Remember when everybody loved OJ Simpson?  Bill Cosby? 
Kavanaugh, as everyone knows from the public record, has already lied repeatedly during his confirmation process (as he did during his previous confirmation process), so there is no secret to what kind of upstanding gentleman he is. 

Dirty deeds done dirt cheap
Now we are watching as Republican'ts on the Senate Judiciary Committee are figuratively holding down Christine Blasey Ford to keep her from getting out of a threatening situation, as they attempt to cover her mouth to stop her from alerting those who might help her overcome her attackers, and alert the proper authorities.  Why does this sound so familiar?

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, September 20, 2018

The Not So Great Unraveling

Chrump and His Fellow Ravelers

September 20, 2018
Report after report indicates that behind closed doors and buckets of KFC, Donald Chrump is becoming unraveled, unglued and unhinged as pressure from various fronts mounts.  Behind closed doors?  What the hell do they call what he is doing in broad daylight? 
Have they not seen any of Chrump’s tweets?  Did they not witness the racist rant announcing his candidacy after descending his golden escalator?  Did they miss his “American Carnage” inauguration speech?  Exactly when was Chrump even slightly glued, or hinged to anything?  When did he ever seem to be in the same galaxy as sane?  If these reports are implying that he is in fact worse in private than what we see and hear every day, or that he is getting worse in general, we could all be dead by Tuesday.
Unraveling His Administration and Our Democracy
Has anyone noticed that Chrump has been firing, one by one, everyone in the Department of Justice who was involved in investigating his ties to Russian money, COLLUSION, and obstruction of justice?  Remember James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Preet Bharara, Sally Yates, Peter Strzok?  Speaking of Comey, our Very-stable-genius-in-chief offered up this gem, “If I did one mistake with Comey, I should have fired him before I got here. I should have fired him the day I won the primaries.”  Small children, and probably no small number of invertebrates, know that there might be some restrictions involved with a citizen firing an FBI director.  Though I am neither a small child nor an invertebrate, I would stake my career on this fact.  If anyone has any alternative facts in this regard, I would be interested to hear them.
It is long past time to stop pussyfooting around with the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud.  Stop acting like any of his behavior is anything other than sociopathic.  A sanitation worker would be fired for behaving like this lunatic.  Have these reporters seen any of the people with whom Chrump has surrounded himself?  Robert Mueller (I highly recommend this article) has flipped almost everyone outside his immediate family, his poll numbers are receding faster than his hairline, and he still sees himself when he looks in the mirror.  He told us he would bring in the best people.  Well maybe, but not one of them appears to be the best at what he appointed them to do.  Unless he hired them to do exactly what they are doing – destroy whatever agency they are running.  For that, I must admit, they are all over-qualified.
The “best” “people”
Now we have Brett Kavanaugh, the lying, gambling-debt-ridden, accused sexual assaulter, who the lying, neurologically impaired, admitted sexual assaulter who wants to have sex with his own daughter, has nominated to pardon him…I mean end a woman’s right to choose what to do with her own body…I mean have a lifetime appointment to the Supreme Court.
Probably the best at doing his actual job is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.  At least Secessionist Sessions had the sense to recuse himself from anything dealing with the Russia investigation – he had no choice, according to the law.  If it was not for the fact that he repeatedly lied to the Senate during his confirmation hearing, the fact that he is a miserable little racist who continues to oversee the kidnapping of thousands of children with no plan to keep track of where their parents are, is busy dialing back criminal-justice reform and voting-rights protections, is ending a Justice Department partnership with independent scientists to improve forensic science standards, and who thinks marijuana is as dangerous as heroin, he could grow up to be a darn good Attorney General one day.
The putz who hired Sessions for the job has been trashing his hand-picked Attorney General since day one.  Chrump recently told an interviewer, “I don't have an attorney general. It's very sad.”  How the hell do you think we feel?  We don’t have a president.  It’s very sad.  To paraphrase Dear Leader, “He is one of the dumbest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of stupidity.”*
* He described Hurricane Florence as “one of the wettest we’ve ever seen, from the standpoint of water.”  Actual quote.

I. Mangrey reporting.  It’s not easy being raveled.

Monday, September 17, 2018

Thought For The Night

Clarence Thomas 2.Oh No
September 17, 2018
An even whiter version of the lying sexual predator, and eventual Supreme Court mute, Clarence Thomas, has made his way into Senate hearings to become yet another pro-corporate, anti-minority, anti-woman, anti-etc. Supreme Court justice.  Just what this country needs – another narrow-minded, ultra-conservative pinhead, who thinks pretends he is channeling the men who wrote the Constitution (signed 231 years ago today), overseeing our adherence to our founding document. 
Once again, a woman accuser is set to be dragged through the mud by stupid white men, as she bravely agrees to testify under oath, in a public hearing.  Despite knowing what Anita Hill was subjected to 27 years ago, Professor Christine Blasey Ford has agreed to be questioned – by some of the same men who disrespected and disregarded Anita Hill – in order to tell her story of being sexually assaulted – almost raped – by Brett Kavanaugh when the two were in high school.  The only other witness, Kavanaugh’s friend at the time, claims his buddy was innocent, with the caveat that he was so drunk that he really cannot remember much of anything. 
We already know that Kavanaugh has been repeatedly less than honest during this confirmation process, as well as during a previous confirmation process year ago.  Blasey has already passed a polygraph test.  Kavanaugh has not.  Perhaps this time justice will be served, instead of steamrolling a victim and elevating a sleazebag like Thomas…I mean Kavanaugh to a lifetime appointment to the highest court in the land. 

Chrump reportedly advised a friend accused of sexual impropriety, “You've got to deny, deny, deny and push back on these women.”  This is, of course, exactly what Chrump has done some two dozen times…that we know of.  The man who nominated Kavanaugh, who won over Republican’ts by saying, “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything ... grab them by the pussy. You can do anything,” is standing by his man.  For now.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Texting, Texting 1,2,3…Is This Thing On?

File Under AYFKM

September 17, 2018
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) will do its first test of what they are calling the Emergency Alert System (EAS) next Thursday.  The system is designed to allow the president to send a message to most U.S. cellphones. 
According to FEMA, “the EAS is a national public warning system that provides the president with the communications capability to address the nation during a national emergency.”  As if Chrump’s ability to nauseate us via television and Twitter is not bad enough.  At least you have to voluntarily access Twitter or turn on the news to be accosted by Der Furor as things now stand.  Do we really want the Child-in-chief to be able to text almost all of us at his “discretion?”
Coming soon to a phone near you
Thursday’s test message will have a header that reads "Presidential Alert," according to the agency.  If your phone is on you will twice hear a tone and vibration and then see an English-only (for now) message: “THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System. No action is needed.”  English only?  Was this at the direction of FEMA’s racist director, or did these orders come from higher up?  Is this really an emergency alert or a way of getting rid of people who cannot read English?  One can never tell these days. 
Bigotry and hatred are inarguably on the rise across the globe, including, in no small measure, in the United States.  In Germany, it is all but illegal to show support for Nazis, in Chrump’s Amerika, it’s presidential.  Hatred of immigrants is practically a cottage industry.
What we really need is an alert system to warn us of Chrump’s latest bout of stupidity.  He is the single most serious threat to our country and our way of life.  Just ask anyone who works for him.  Actually, you do not even have to ask – they are all telling everyone already.  All you really need, is to be paying attention.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Don’t forget to keep your cell turned off phone on Thursday.

Saturday, September 15, 2018

Thought For The Day

Most Successful Witch Hunt Ever

September 15, 2018
Which witch is which?  The only thing missing is eye of Newt. 
The Hunted: Papadopoulos, Cohen, Manafort, Flynn
No longer hunted, all have been caught, and turned into marched frogs.  Guilty frogs.  Cooperating, talking frogs.  Flipping frogs.  Mueller’s frogs.  Not Chrump’s attack dogs.

One more witch waiting in the wings?
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, September 14, 2018

Bush v. Chrump

Oh Look, It’s George W. Bu(ll)sh(it)

September 14, 2018
The Bush family has seemed to be vigorously opposed to Donald Chrump.  Poppy Bush made clear his disdain for the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud, as did Mommy Bush.  The whole nation watched as Chrump humiliated and crushed George, Sr. favorite son Jeb.  The whole family has been clear in their contempt for the “man” who dismantled their boy Jeb, claimed he was always opposed (he wasn’t) to George, Jr.’s Iraq debacle, and disrespected their family throughout the campaign.
I spent almost three decades ignoring politics, as so many now find necessary for survival in the Time of Chrump, until the day George W. Bush was appointed to the presidency by the Supreme Court on December 12, 2000.  As it turned out, the Bush II years were quite exciting, what with face-shooting, CIA operative-outing, Haliburton-enriching, and all-around-nasty-mother-fucker Dick Cheney, the 9/11 attack, the economic collapse/Great Recession, the illegal invasion of Iraq and the ensuing destabilization of the Middle East, and knowing Vladimir Putin’s soul by looking in his eyes.
Ahhh, the good old days (It's only a paper goon)
Little George is now out on the campaign trail, giving further credence to George Washington’s prescient warning upon leaving office, that political parties would become vehicles, “by which cunning, ambitious, and unprincipled men will be enabled to subvert the power of the people and to usurp for themselves the reins of government, destroying afterwards the very engines which have lifted them to unjust dominion.” Common wisdom, such as it is, believes that #43 is simply looking out for his party.  This, at a time when many – though not nearly enough – Republican’ts are finally taking a moment to put country above party.  They are either leaving the party or at least speaking out against its leader.
George W. Bu(ll)sh(it): Goon, But Not Forgotten

Ultimately, George the Younger’s efforts will serve to keep Chrump in power, unless the Blue Wave materializes.  My guess is that George W is desirous of keeping Chrump in power because every moment Chrump is in office helps people forget more and more just how pathetic, ignorant, disgraceful and incompetent George W. Bush was (and continues to be).  The list of Bush II’s failures, fiascos and outright disasters is lengthy, and his stupidity was off the charts.  He did more damage to this nation than any president in our lifetime, possibly in the lifetime of this nation.  That is, until the Pork Rind-in-chief came along. 
It was hoped that the Bush II era was America hitting bottom, but Chrump has surely plumbed new, unimaginable depths of dishonesty, depravity and disgrace.
Memory Is (Not) a Funny Thing
It is thanks to Bush and his fellow travelers that the Republican’t Party has become the party of Donald Chrump.  They sowed the sickening seeds, tilled the toxic soil, watered and fed the racist base that nominated, “elected,” and continues to enable Chrump.  All in the name of endless tax cuts for the richest of the rich, killing people by gutting social safety nets, access to health care and abortion rights, praying and/or legislating away the gay, destroying the environment to increase corporate profits, dismembering voting rights and packing the Supreme Court with phony jurists who will have their backs.  This is admittedly a full menu of mishegas, but most Americans would actually prefer these malefactors take some time off or maybe jump off a cliff.
So, once more, fuck you George W. Bush.  Go paint your feet, or your dog or the back of your head.  Just STFU and stay out of the politics game.  You have done more than enough already.  Much more.  We are still cleaning up your monstrous mess.  It is easy to get carried away with the atrocity that is Chrump, but let us not forget just how staggeringly awful George W. Bush and his horrible horde was.  There was a reason so many people called him President Moron.  And that was when they were being nice.
I. Mangrey reminiscing.  Democrats are not the greatest, but seriously…

Wednesday, September 12, 2018

Thought For The Day

Who Knows Why? 
September 12, 2018
Many children are asking, “Daddy, why is the sky blue?”

Many more children are asking, “Mommy, why is the prezident orange?” 

Many adults are asking no one in particular, “What the fuck is wrong with this guy?”
Sociopath-in-chief celebrates 9/11 in Shanksville, PA
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?