Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Smarter That the Average Beer

May Contain Artificial and Natural Intelligence (Trace Amounts)

September 4, 2018
Raise your hand if you know someone who is not
There is more and more talk about artificial intelligence.  I am of the opinion that it would be best to focus on natural intelligence first.  Our phones are smart, our televisions are smart, cars, houses – everything is getting smarter.  We, as a species, are not.  America (sort of) elected a mentally and emotionally defective narcissistic pathological liar to lead an arguably great nation into a potentially bottomless abyss.  A depressingly large number of Americans continue to insist, beyond all logic, evidence and incontrovertibly objective proof, that he still deserves their undying support.
A recent study in China found that consuming air pollution is not only bad for our physical health.  According to the study, irresponsible use of dirty air also reduces intelligence.  Study subjects showed a decline in cognitive performance in both verbal and math tests. 
“Clear? Huh! Why a four-year-old child could understand this report!
Run out and find me a four-year-old child, I can't make head or tail of it.”
The greater the exposure to polluted air, the more damage to intelligence. Language ability displayed more harm than mathematical ability.  Age and gender were also found to be factors; older adults and males experienced more damage than their counterparts did. 
Fortunately, most of the air is perfectly clean, there is no climate change and Donald Chrump is “a unicorn riding a unicorn over a rainbow” (at least according Sean Spicer, who has apparently been living in a service garage with engines running 24/7 since leaving the White House). 
Unfortunately, this study did not take into account the now ubiquitous exposure to the toxic Orange Gas Cloud emanating from Washington, DC, and in the process of engulfing much of the globe.  Many scientists are saying that this particular source of pollution may be more devastating to life, limb and brain function than anything since the asteroid that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Is that an Orange Gas Cloud or are you just naturally stupid
Case in Point:
The man with the artificial “hair”, artificial skin-tone, artificial reputation, artificial facts and artificial election victory has neither artificial nor natural intelligence.  Nevertheless, he persisted.  Below, he attempts to show his great artificial respect for – and apparently familiarity with – the flag he repeatedly pretends to care about. 

 Maybe he should have copied from the other children.
Is Chrump colorblind? Or perhaps colorstupid?
And then there is this brilliant attempt to rig the justice system from Mr. “Lock-her-up”.

I. Mangrey reporting.  Any questions?

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