Friday, September 26, 2014

Denying The Deniers Their Denial

Wake Up And Smell The Climate Change

Third Stone From The Sun
September 26, 2014

The People’s Climate March, the largest climate march in history, took place on September 21st in New York City. 400,000 people (and one Polar Bear) marched through Manhattan to once again attempt to raise awareness to what many, including high level military strategists, believe is the single greatest threat to world security in the not-too-distant future. The march more or less continued on Wall Street the next day as Flood Wall Street, in order to publicize corporate involvement in climate destruction. This march included the arrest of said Polar Bear along with 100 other land mammals.

Frost-Paw the protesting Polar Bear is cuffed by New York City police
while exercising his First Amendment rights to peaceably assemble
with fellow land mammals

Once again New York City’s finest earn their keep, as they did during the Occupy Wall Street protests, by protecting criminal corporations from peaceful citizens and one Polar Bear. As I recall their motto is ‘Protect and Serve’ though I naively assumed they were meant to protect and serve the citizens from danger. Apparently they have decided it is better to protect and serve those who perpetrate danger from the citizens they steadfastly harm in the interest of runaway profits.

Frost-Paw in happier times posing with fellow mammal
and president of the United States, Barack Obama
outside the White House on November 22, 2013

Meanwhile, in an effort to get to the truth as they insist it must be, the United States House of Representatives Committee on Science, Space and Technology held hearings to expose what they see as the Great Global Climate Change Hoax, among other things. Apparently the present-day mission of this Republican’t-controlled committee is the difficult task of proving or disproving the very existence of science, space and/or technology. This will likely be a very daunting task for a committee whose collective IQ requires high-tech scientific measuring devices typically used for calculating things like the distance between electrons in an atom. And since this committee remains unconvinced of the existence of any such devices, or atoms for that matter, it is unlikely that we will ever know…anything.

Committee member Larry Bouchon (R-IN) told the scientist/witness who suggested Bouchon consult actual research instead of public comments on the internets, “All the climatologists whose career depends on the climate changing to keep themselves publishing articles, yes I could read that but I don’t believe it.” When asked what exactly he does believe in, Bouchon could not be reached for comment even though he was standing right there while the question was being asked. Mr. Bouchon, who I assume is a mammal, though I have no actual proof of this, has as his top three sugar daddies the energy giants Murray Energy, Koch Enterprises and Peabody Energy, so clearly any potential accusations of conflict-of-interest must not be taken seriously. Unless of course you happen to be a mammal.

 The historic march in New York, along with marches in several other countries including Australia, Germany, France, Brazil, Columbia, India, England and Canada, was completely ignored by the liberal media. Right now the media, with its laser loser-like focus, has zoomed in on ISIS or ISIL or ASSOLE or whatever they’re called, in Iraq and Syria. These lunatics are thought to be making $6 million a day by selling stolen oil from their conquered territories. Remember when the Bush regime tried to con us into believing marijuana use was funding the Taliban while trying to sell us an illegal war? It was always oil that financed terror in the Middle East and it still is. And of course Bush and Cheney’s war was entirely responsible for the rise ISIS and so many other great things.

If we are serious about putting the screws to the terrorists in the Middle East we should promptly and swiftly eradicate the oil-based world economy. Without oil the entire power structure of the oil-and-terror-rich Middle East will be starved to death. Any alleged attempts to degrade this threat that do not include eroding the value of oil are merely meant to dupe us into thinking something is being done. Oh, and what luck, extricating ourselves from the toxic cloud that has been the Petroleum Age gives us a chance for a healthier environment in which to continue living.

One final note: The Rockefeller family, founders of Standard Oil with which they built their epic fortune, just pledged a $50 billion fossil fuel divestment. They did this as prelude to the United Nations Climate Summit. The Rockefeller Brothers Fund is already out of the coal and tar sands businesses. They are instead investing heavily in sustainable energy and climate solutions. The Climes they are a changin'.

I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for tuning in. Remember, climate change only exists in reality.

Sunday, September 7, 2014

Do Unto Others...Or Else

Dick Dynasty

All Over The Map
September 7, 2014 

More-than-fairly-unbalanced Sean Hannity, matchless journalist that he is, did his due diligence in addressing a major issue garnering world-wide attention of late. Hannity weighed in on the group of masked cowards (think KKK, only in black) known as ISIS/ISIL that killed its second prisoner in a barbaric, video recorded, terror event. ISIS has offended al Queda, among others with its radical call for a medieval Muslim caliphate and its murderous rampage across Iraq and Syria. ISIS is demanding that people convert to Islam or die. Anyone with even a shred of humanity sees this kind of thinking as frightful, untenable and insane at first, second and every subsequent blush.

Hannity understood right away that as a trained seal professional his best move would be to have as a guest on his show someone with broad based knowledge about the Middle East, the history of the long and troubled relationship between Christianity and Islam and a keen grasp of world political strategy, to provide his viewers with perceptive insight and level-headed strategies for dealing with a complex, dangerous and unpredictable situation. Apparently John McCain was busy.

Hannity’s choice for this delicate, nuanced job was none other than the intellectually challenged patriarch of the American institution – Duck Dynasty – Phil Robertson. The very brave hunter of man-eating ducks never bothered to serve his country in the military and thinks racism has something to do with NASCAR. Attempting to show how good-hearted he is Robertson offered, "We just love 'em, give 'em the good news about Jesus—whether they're homosexuals, drunks, terrorists. We let God sort 'em out later, you see what I'm saying?" I see what you’re saying…that apparently makes one of us. Not sure that’s good news. Robertson also opposes abortion believing it is a violation of the Declaration of Independence. Not sure that’s good news either.

His latest words of wizz-dom were aimed directly at ISIS, "In this case, you either have to convert them - which I think would be next to impossible - I'm not giving up on them, I'm just saying either convert them or kill them. One or the other." Now where have I heard that before?
Which Convert-or-Die enthusiast would you prefer to marry your daughter?

Government of The Rich Guy, For the Rich Guy, By The Dumb Guy

Upon leaving the courtroom after being found guilty on 11 of 14 counts of corruption, one-time presidential hopeful and newly convicted ex-governor/now-felon Bob McDonnell of Virginia said, “All I can say is my trust remains in the Lord.” McDonnell threw his (now-also-felon) wife under the bus and moved in with his priest during the five-week-long trial. Both now face possible jail time. Never again will McDonnell be able to force unwanted, invasive ultrasound procedures on young pregnant women. No longer can he promote tobacco-based “health” products for sugar daddies. Never again will the Lord have to cringe every time Bob McDonnell invokes his name.

Yes We Can’t
Barack Obama has once again shown his gutless side by punting on immigration reform, leaving it to Congress to sort out the situation. Congress, which has its own share of convert them or kill them aficionados, is sure to do a bang-up job.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Thanks for listening. You can’t survive on $7.25.