Thursday, November 29, 2018

Chrump v. HIs Own Words

Donald Cooks Up Some Word Salad (Beware of The E. Coli)

November 29, 2018 

On Thanksgiving, a reporter was either foolish, clueless, hopeful or desperate enough to ask, “What are you most thankful for, Mr. President?”  To the surprise of no one, America’s Top Turkey answered, “For having a great family* and for having made a tremendous difference in this country.  I made a tremendous difference in the country.  This country is so much stronger now than it was when I took office that you won't believe it and I mean, you see it, but so much stronger that people can't even believe it (actual quote**).”  I am not so sure that is the part people can’t believe.  But hey, what the hell do I know?  I am neither delusional moron, nor minority-elected prezident of the United States.

“…I have a gut, and my gut tells me more sometimes than anybody else’s brain can ever tell me.”
                                           Donald J. Trump, November 27, 2018
Chrump continued… 

“My gut doesn’t believe scientists, those idiots are always using their brains – no guts.  The very stupid, filled with fake Democrats, CIA has no idea what they’re talking about.  They rely on intelligence.  I love the poorly educated because they know to listen to their very, very large uh, guts.  I don’t believe Monkey-face Bob Mueller – he was too stupid to get bone spurs and ended up being a Marine.  He could have easily been killed doing that.  Not Chrump.  Chrump played it safe and smart.  I like Marines who didn’t get shot.  I don't believe Michael Cohen, never did – very weak individual, barely know the guy, probably not even a real lawyer.  I wouldn’t know.  Mostly he brought me cofvefe and sandwitches for lunch.  A real loser if you ask me.  I’ll stick with my very, very large uh-gut.
One wonders if he can hear his own voice

“I have to tell you how glad I am that I’m doing such an amazing job as president.  No one ever doubted me, but I’m exceeding my own incredible expectations.  One of the most amazing things about it, is that I don’t have the slightest clue how any of this works.  Not a clue.  Don’t know how many branches or twigs the government has – I just know that the Church is one of them.  Never read the Constitution book – not even the Corinthians part, but it doesn’t even matter.  That’s how great a job I’m doing.  I won my very first election with no help at all, by a very big margin by the way – the biggest of all time I believe.  And then I won the midterms with an almost complete victory.  Amazing, all those candidates that I got elected with my incredible embrace.  I just have an amazing instinct for all this stuff.  America is so lucky to have Donald Chrump – I just wish I was a regular citizen so I could enjoy all the winning and greatness I have created for America.
I am going to take care of all the unfair, fake media, the unfair judges, fake witch hunt, and all the fake parts of the so-called Constitution.  I am going to put the con back in Constitution very soon, very soon.  I’m going to do it, that I can tell you.  Very soon.  I’m also going to look very carefully at all the fake intelligence.  I’m starting to think that all intelligence is fake…except for mine.  I have the best intelligence, certainly the most.  I know I can always trust my judgment.  Always. 

Even my new Attorney General/temp thinks the Mueller witch hunt is a witch hunt.  He’s been saying this for years, like so many other very smart people.  Very smart, believe me.  It’s not me saying this, it’s him, and I don’t even know the guy.  Never met him.  I don’t even know his name.  He probably doesn’t even know I’m the president.  I never told him.  He would never shut down such a witch hunt.  Why would he?  It’s no big deal.  I never think about it at all.  It will be over soon.  Never should have started. 
This Mueller business is much worse than the fake murder of a fake reporter who was known to be an enemy of the state in Saudi Arabia – a really great place with very nice people who spend lots of dollars on Chrump.  These are very smart and nice people who would never hurt anyone.  Why do you think Bush didn’t attack them after 9/11?  I know why because of my incredible intellect, but you should figure it out for yourself.  I don’t know why the CIA wants to blame Jared’s good friend Mohammed bin Salman.  I don’t see why he would*** have done this.  My gut likes him very much.  I just might pardon bin Salman, who is a very nice, very strong and powerful man by the way, if I have to.”
Surely, and unfortunately, we have not heard the last of Donald Chrump, and we will continue to bring you the important Chrump news as it happens…even if we have to make it up.  Speaking of making things up, it would be helpful if Chrump would make up his “mind”.  Is he a Saudi stooge or a Russian Stooge?
*Okay, so this part was a surprise.
**Seriously.  Not kidding.  He said this.  With his face sphincter.
***Did he mean ‘wouldn’t?’
I. Mangrey recreating. 

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Who’s Dreaming of A Red Christmas?

The Color Orange

November 28, 2018
It appears that Melania Chrump has found a way to make her strangely hued husband look less orange-y.
What a thoughtful holiday* gift from the Worst Lady. He almost looks human.
*That’s right bitches, I said holiday.

Monday, November 26, 2018

Thought For The Day

Still Frothing After All These Years

November 26, 2018                                              
It seems like only yesterday (it actually was) we were talking about the environment and climate change.  What seemed like fairly exhaustive coverage of all the stupidity turned out to be anything but.  The predictably useless former Senator from Pennsylvania managed to add his one cent.

“A lot of these scientists are driven by the money that they receive. Of course, they don't receive money from corporations and Exxon and the like. Why? Because they're not allowed to because it's tainted. But they can receive it from people who support their agenda and that, I believe, is what's really going on here…California is burning because they have bad forestry policies that left lots of fuel there for people on the floor of these forests to allow these fires to get out of control.”
        Deranged ex-one-term Senator Rick Santorum fact-freely weighing in on climate change

Why is Rick Santorum still allowed on television?  Why is CNN paying him to froth on air every weekHe claims to be a devoutly religious man, yet every time he opens his mouth, he proves he is an idiot and/or soulless hypocrite.  I wonder if he would enjoy a nice hunting trip with Dick Cheney.  I’m sure we could crowd fund it.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome. 

What is your thought for the day? 

Sunday, November 25, 2018

It’s The Environment, Stupid

Plus, It’s the Stupid

November 25, 2018
“Carbon dioxide has a strange property. It transmits visible light but it absorbs the infrared radiation which is emitted from the earth. Its presence in the atmosphere causes a greenhouse effect [….] It has been calculated that a temperature rise corresponding to a 10 per cent increase in carbon dioxide will be sufficient to melt the icecap and submerge New York. All the coastal cities would be covered, and since a considerable percentage of the human race lives in coastal regions, I think that this chemical contamination is more serious than most people tend to believe.”
Hungarian-born physicist Edward Teller joined the Manhattan Project after emigrating to the United States.  He was the guest of honor at a gala celebrating the 100th anniversary of the oil industry in America in New York City.  The November 1959 event was organized by the American Petroleum Institute.  The opening quote is Teller’s from this event.
Teller advocated excessive nuclear force, and also advocated controversial technological solutions to both military and civilian problems.  He devised a plan to excavate an artificial harbor in Alaska using thermonuclear explosives, and later vigorously advocated Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative (known as Space Force…I mean Star Wars).  Okay, so no one is perfect.
Full disclosure: Edward Teller believed in science
Earth Last!
Shortly after the most recent devastating hurricane – Michael – to demolish parts of Florida, the dehydrated, diminutive, demented Marco Rubio, one of many Chrump haters that became Chrump lackeys, said of the accelerating warming of the Earth’s climate, “No matter what we do with laws – let’s say we went to all solar panels and did all that stuff, which is not realistic – this trend would still continue.”  Spoken like a true oil-soaked mental midget.  When Chrump called him “Little Marco”, I always assumed he was referring to his limited height, who knew he was referring to his diminutive intellectual capacity.
The United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued a report, warning that the world is on a path toward catastrophic climate change if greenhouse gas emissions aren’t cut dramatically by 2030.  The report, made public in early October of this year says the world needs to decrease emissions by 45 percent by 2030 to avoid catastrophic consequences.
Chrump’s newest financial wise-guy, ex-Reagan administration official, ex-Wall Street analyst Larry Kudlow responded thus, “The issue here though is magnitudes and timing. [whatever the hell that means] Personally I think the U.N. study is – is over – way, way too difficult. I won’t say it’s a scare tactic, but I think they overestimate.”  But you did say scare tactic Larry, you did.
Once again, Republican’ts show they will not be dissuaded from their colossal idiocy by a bunch of egghead experts.
Now, the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud we call prezident offers this outstanding bit of stupid:

Donald Chrump was forced once again to act presidential by touring some of the devastation on the heels of the horrendous and deadly November California fires.  Chrump twice referred to the town of Paradise as Pleasure, finally corrected by California Governor Gerry Brown.  The following exchange took place…
Reporter: Does seeing this devastation, though, change your opinion at all on climate change Mr. President?” 
Chrump: “No. No. I have a strong opinion.  I want great climate and we’re going to have that.”

Not-So-Fun Facts

Researchers estimated that humanity has destroyed as much as 60 percent of the world's animal population since 1970, and a study found that oceans have retained 60 percent more heat each year than was previously thought.
A dead sperm whale that washed up in a national park in Indonesia had about 13 pounds of plastic waste in its stomach.  Rescuers discovered a large lump of plastic waste inside the 31-foot mammal’s carcass.  The mass included 115 drinking cups, four plastic bottles, 25 plastic bags, two flip-flops, a nylon sack and more than 1,000 other assorted pieces of plastic.
After inspecting the devastation from the latest historic California fires, inferior Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke told reporters, “it’s not the time for finger-pointing” on the causes of the fires.  Several breaths later Zinke, an avid anti-environmentalist who is under multiple investigations for abusing his office added, “I will lay this on the foot of those environmental radicals that have prevented us from managing the forests for years. And you know what? This is on them.”  How can you argue with someone who constantly claims to be a geologist?  
Zinke has claimed to be a geologist at least 40 times in public settings, including many under oath before Congress.  He studied geology, “as a result of closing my eyes and randomly pointing to a major from the academic catalog, and I never looked back.”  He has clearly never looked forward either.  Zinke has never held a job as a geologist.  He is a professional piece of shit. 
Speaking of the environment and the stupid, lest you think the Republican’ts staggering stupidity around the environment is anything new…

He may look stupid, but don’t let his looks fool you… 
Quayle is much dumber than he looks.
Or, in the inimitable words of Fredonia President Rufus T. Firefly…

Lost, But Not Least

The Chrump administration hid the release of an alarming report on climate change behind Thanksgiving.  They made the damning study public on Black Friday hoping no one would notice their HOAX.

The Hoax-in-chief says everything is just fine
According to the report, the U.S. is on track to lose hundreds of billions of dollars due to climate change-related costs, see its most vulnerable populations decimated by extreme weather events and face the specter of a contaminated water supply.

The report concludes, “While Americans are responding in ways that can bolster resilience and improve livelihoods, neither global efforts to mitigate the causes of climate change nor regional efforts to adapt to the impacts currently approach the scales needed to avoid substantial damages to the U.S. economy, environment, and human health and well-being over the coming decades.”
I. Mangrey reporting. Oy.

Friday, November 23, 2018

The Old Ball and Cheney

You Make Me Dizzy Miss Lizzy…Well, More Nauseous Than Dizzy

November 23, 2018
The Republican’t Party, the party of Chrump (not Lincoln, not Reagan – the former was never true, and the latter is ancient, ostensibly disavowed history; they are more accurately the party of a couple of Dicks - Nixon and Cheney, Newt Gingrich and Ted Bundy – yes, that Ted Bundy) has named someone with a very familiar surname as the third-ranking member of their Congressional caucus.  That person is none other than Liz Cheney, daughter of the torture-loving, CIA operative-outing, face-shooting, war-mongering asshole who pretended to need a wheelchair so as not to stand during the inauguration of Barack Obama, and historic dick, Richard Bruce Cheney.  To commemorate her promotion to this auspicious post, I will quote her dear (unfortunately not departed) dad, “Go fuck yourself.”
The incredible Cheneys: Like father, like daughter
The Republican’ts also have a brand new boogie-man, boogie-woman actually, for decades they have had their favorite target – Hillary Clinton, and their backup manufactured malefactor – Nancy Pelosi.  Both of these women have been demonized relentlessly for as long as anyone can remember.  Donald Chrump is still going after Hillary, still longing and chanting, along with his mindless minions, to lock her up.  Pelosi, for her part, may yet have the last, or at least the next, laugh.
Republican’ts, never to be deterred from finding women to fear attack, have already found their next manufactured culprit.  The new target of their afflictions is none other than Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.  Ocasio-Cortez has the extra added bonus of not only being a woman, but also a woman of color.  She is also very young – the youngest woman ever elected to the House of Representatives.  This of course will enable Republican’ts to excoriate Ocasio-Cortez right up until the Earth has been fried, flooded and fucked as a result of Republican’ts’ psychotically aggressive efforts to maintain and accelerate climate change.
The still-growing Blue Wave, currently giving Democrats at least a 39-seat pickup in the House of Representatives – which would have been considerably larger if not for gerrymandering and voter suppression…you know, cheating – which outdid the Tea Party wave of 2010 in sheer numbers.  The Tea Party garnered six percent more popular votes, while the 2018 Blue Wave outvoted Republican’ts by eight percent.  Or as Donald Chrump called it (albeit accidentally ironically), “very close…to complete victory.”
Facts are stubborn things

The majority Democratic 116th Congress will surely be turning a much more critical, rather than a blind, eye at the 45th prezident’s long, salacious and relentlessly criminal history, not to mention his ongoing campaign of obstruction of justice, and his relatively recent ENORMOUS COLLUSION with Russian agents to steal the 2016 election.  Finally, Chrump will be scrutinized, but we can be assured that regardless of any efforts to keep him in check, he will never be balanced.  I suppose one out of two ain’t bad.

Bitch McConnell has coined a new phrase – “presidential harassment”.  I assume that this miserable piece of shit – from the party of presidential harassment – is referring to the temerity of the American electorate to vote for representation that would stop the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud from suffocating the democracy that McConnell has been busily choking to death in his own way.
Jim Accosted
In further tales of fascism, Jim Acosta, who managed to stand his First Amendment ground after being brutally assaulted by one of Chrump’s thugs, has been vindicated by a Chrump-appointed judge.  Acosta was attempting to ask Petulant Chrump a question when he was, at the direction of the Petulant, viciously assaulted by a woman who tried to wrest the microphone from the unyielding reporter.  Nevertheless, Acosta persisted, survived the attack, and managed to ask his questions to a peevish and uncooperative Chrump, before yielding and ultimately having his press credentials revoked by the would-be-dictator. 
Acosta bravely fends off Chrump henchman’s attempt to thwart the First Amendment
After further whining by Hair Chrump, threatening further punishment for Acosta, the White House has finally (for now at least) relented and fully reinstated Acosta’s press credentials.  In another stunningly pathetic display of weakness masquerading as showing-who’s-boss, new heavy-handed rules of engagement for reporters on the White House beat are to be implemented to keep reporters in their place – yes even the white, male ones…in theory.  We’ll have to wait and see what happens.
I. Mangrey refreshing.  Koyaanisqatsi, baby!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Happy Thanksgiving from Paying Attention

November 22, 2018

Enjoy this special moment from the Annual Mangrey's Thanksgiving Day Parade...

Travel safely, eat wisely and/or too much and love the ones you're with.

Peace out.

The staff at Paying Attention

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Thought For The Day

Climate? He Can’t Even Spell It.

November 20, 2018 

Donald Chrump was forced once again to act presidential by touring some of the devastation on the heels of the most recent California fires.  Chrump twice referred to the town of Paradise as Pleasure, finally corrected by California Governor Gerry Brown.  The following exchange took place…
Reporter: Does seeing this devastation, though, change your opinion at all on climate change Mr. President?” 
Chrump: “No. No. I have a strong opinion.  I want great climate and we’re going to have that.”
“I have a very, very large uh-brain, but I left it in my other hat.”
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, November 19, 2018

Chrump The Insult Prezident Dog*

How Do We Get This Mutt To Stop Humping Our Leg
and Peeing on The Oval Office Rug?

November 19, 2018

As I take keys to fingers, the midterm wave continues to get bluer, presumably because those crooked Democrats insist on counting every vote.  It is simply disgraceful.  Before all the votes were counted, many Republican’t candidates were clearly winning.  Counting all the votes, it is now obvious, tends to make Democrats win.  As Republican’ts have been screaming from the rooftops for decades, this constitutes an unfair advantage.  More on this as final vote counts continue to come in. 
“Why are you low IQ, fake reporters so mean to Chrump? 
Is it because I poop on you every day?”

*formerly known as Chrump The Insult Candidate Dog, again with apologies to Triumph The Insult Comic Dog (seen below) who is actually funny, incisive, and much better looking than Chrump
Bad Prezident! Bad Prezident! Down Boy!
Chrump The Insult Prezident Dog is rapidly descending into, if this can be believed, a more profound state of madness than when he first accosted the political scene by calling all Mexicans rapists and murderers.  Ahhhh, the good old days, when America could still believe that a racist conman with a very, very small uh-brain would never become president.  America back then was like an innocent child, but that poor little child ended up seeing her father humping the neighbor’s dog.  And not a classy, well-groomed pedigree, but a three-legged mutt with rabies – ironically, half French poodle, half Chihuahua.  America will be scarred for life, but will hopefully embark on an immediate and lengthy course of therapy to mitigate the damage.
Contrary to Jeb Bush’s matronly admonishment, “Donald, you’re not going to be able to insult your way to the presidency,” Chrump was in fact able to insult his way to an all-expenses-paid White House vacation – complete with incessant golf outings, travel to exotic lands (not shithole countries mind you, but nice places with lots of white people), and an array of big-screen TVs and all the time in the world to watch them.  But, the insults did not stop once he gained access to the People’s House.  Chrump has spent most of his time there insulting his way to World War III and/or impeachment, or at the very least, the near destruction of whatever good America has brought to the world. 
Chrump made the 2018 midterms about fear and ignorance. Fear, ignorance and an almost fanatical devotion to himself.  Chrump’s act consists of nothing other than insulting everything in sight – Mexicans, the Chinese, POWs, women, handicapped people, Jews, Muslims, people of color, the military, the intelligence community, the intelligence of the vast majority of Americans, and in fact the inarguably diminished intelligence of most of those who support him for reasons they cannot even explain.  
Der Furor also made it abundantly clear that the midterm elections were all about him.  And for once, he was right.  Despite the fact that Chrumpy the talking raccoon told a reporter, “To be honest, I’ll be honest, I thought it was…It was a very close…to complete victory,” this was one of the bluest, waviest midterms in history.  It could not be clearer that voters, who turned out in overwhelming numbers, wanted to send Chrump a message.  That message was not, as Chrump seems to want us to think he believes, “Thank you,” it was much closer to “Fuck you!” I know, it is shocking to think that our nation’s leader is so stunningly delusional beyond repair, but it just might be true.  Take appropriate action.  Your umbrage may vary.
The Party of Chrump did manage to win two of the most high-profile races – those for governor in Florida and Georgia.  These two campaigns showed that the only way to stop strong, surging, progressive African-American candidates, was with virulently racist, reactionary white males.  As Andrew Gillum said of his opponent, and as is equally true of Donald Chrump, “I’m not saying my opponent is a racist.  I’m simply saying that the racists believe he’s a racist.”  Apparently, the only way to stop a black guy with a vote, is a white guy who decides who will be permitted to vote and who will not.  Despite all of that, both races were squeakers, but the white racists carried the day.  Some people think all of this is problematic.
I. Mangrey recounting. Don’t make me come over there.                                                                                                            

Saturday, November 17, 2018

America's Worst Lady

Melanie Makes Her Move?

November 17, 2018
Chrump has the best words, the best wives and the best people
Just when you thought it could not get any crazier (I know you did not really think that, but please allow me this literary device), it has gotten considerably crazier.  Stepford First Lady (or First Stepford Lady) Melanie (some call her Melania) Chrump, the one-woman caravan of illegal aliens preparing to take over our government, is now officially and overtly throwing her weight around the West Wing. The worst first lady has apparently fired deputy national security adviser Mira Ricardel because she transgressed some unwritten law.  To her I say, I don’t really care do you?
With all due respect, of course
Melania said of Ricardel, “It is the position of the Office of the First Lady that she no longer deserves the honor of serving in this White House.”  I believe the third Mrs. Chrump meant Ricardel no longer deserves the horror of serving, but I could be wrong.  Is Melania making a move to take over the White House?  Does she have Chrump by the tiny little balls?  Does she control her husband’s stockpile of “hair” spray, and consequently the keys to power?  Who will she terminate next?  We’re looking at you John Kelly.
Chrump was overheard saying, “It’s okay if Melanie, or even Melania fires people.  She’s the mother of one of my children I think…I think it’s Eric maybe.  I’m in charge and she’s my wife for now, and I haven’t cheated on her ever for many months now, so she can do whatever she wants.  I’m very happy that she is finally interested in what I’m doing.  And let me tell you, I’m so sick of this whole Constitution thing.  No one even knows who wrote it or where it came from.  It’s nothing but a bunch of outdated regulations from like a hundred years ago.  I’m the best at getting rid of regulations, and I can get rid of these too.  Just watch, there’s nothing that can stop me.  Nothing.  Many people are saying there are things I’m not allowed to do.  They don’t know much about being president.  I know more than any of them.  Believe me.  I’ve studied the Constitution very closely, I know all the words including some that no one else knows about.  Many people said I shouldn’t or couldn’t fire Sessions, but I did it.  They said I couldn’t grab him by the pussy – well, I didn’t, but I could have if I wanted to.  I still might.  We’ll see what happens.”
I. Mangrey regaling.  Don’t piss off the missus.

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Mythed it By That Much

Donald Chrump: Self Made-Up Man

November 14, 2018
You know the old saying, “The shit doesn’t fall far from the asshole.”  It has to be admitted that Chrump comes by his dishonesty honestly.  He comes from a long line of crooks and ne'er-do-wells.  His father, Fraud Chrump was a racist conman in his own right.  Chrump himself has always claimed to be a self made man.  He told a town hall audience in 2015, “It has not been easy for me. And you know I started off in Brooklyn, my father gave me a small loan of a million dollars.”  Even if this was true, it would be a pathetic perfidy from a poor little rich boy.  But it was not true.  Not even close.  Chrump got $413 million (in today’s dollars) of mostly illegally transferred dollars from big bad daddy.
Little Donnie Rich
The New York Times recently detailed the sordid financial shenanigans of the Chrump Crime Family.  Tax fraud, inheritance schemes, never-more-aptly-named dummy corporations to hide money from the IRS, in short a lifetime (actually two, and now three…and counting) of crime.  Apparently, Little Donald had such a good head for business that he was being paid over $200K/year by the age of three.  He was a millionaire by age eight – by which time he could barely spell his own name.  Donald and his siblings worked tirelessly to defraud the government out of taxes that were owed. Naturally, Chrump will blame his lawyers and accountants for something he will say never happened anyway.  The buck never stops.
Young Donald quickly showed prowess in helping to manage daddy’s dollars.  Little Donnie Rich apparently had the wherewithal to help his parents hide vast sums of money from the IRS.  What a sharp young lad.  No one could have known then that he would one day “grow up” to become a fake president.
One of daddy Fraud Chrump, Sr.’s last lucid acts, as he was falling deeper into Alzheimer’s (although many people are saying he was instead trying to disavow knowing any of his family or owning any of his criminal, racist past), was to notice that his dear Donald was trying to change his father’s will.  As you have already guessed, Donnnie was trying to keep everything for himself in order to shield himself from his many failed projects, which were bleeding him dry.  At the time, Fraud, Sr. solicited the help of Donnie’s sister Maryanne (then a federal judge) to protect his empire from Donny and his creditors, saying something “didn’t pass the smell test.”  What Fraud, Sr. was smelling was the early emissions of an Orange Gas Cloud that would one day poison, and still appears more than capable of annihilating the United States of America.
His eyes are bigger than his stomach, much bigger than his 
very, very large uh-brain; nothing is bigger than his ego
More Modern Mythology
“It’s is a very scary time for young men in America, when you can be guilty of something you may not be guilty of.”  Yes, it is indeed a very difficult time for rapists and sexual assaulters of all kinds, possibly even if you are one of those and also a Supreme Court nominee, or even a Prezident.  What is this world coming to?  These vicious, uncaring victims of rape and sexual assault know no bounds in their desire for so-called justice.  They will use any means necessary – including eye witnesses, official reports and even the absolute truth – to achieve their ends.  So look out all you actual or would-be rapists out there, this world unfairly values women’s accusations of sexual assault.  It is not safe for you in this scary time in America.  The only good news is that your Prezident has your back.  He has been there a hundred times.  He knows what it is like to be credibly accused over and over and over again, of sexual misdeeds.  He feels your pain.  And he causes mine.
File Under: When You’re Her Father, You Can Do Whatever You Want
In all the excitement of his 2016 nomination,
Chrump forgot where Ivanka’s eyes are.
He sure had no trouble finding her ass.
Who can forget, especially since I keep reminding you, Chrump ogling and groping his beloved Ivanka in front of the entire world at the 2016 Republican’t National Convention?  It seemed so natural, as if he had done it a thousand times before.  Don’t forget, as Chrump has said repeatedly in public, if she wasn’t his daughter perhaps he’d be dating her.  And we all know what he means by ‘dating’.  Chrump is talking about having Ivanka replace Nikki Haley as UN Ambassador, presumably so they can work more closely together.  And we all know what he means by working more closely together.
I. Mangrey, doubled over in pain.  Don’t cry for me Argentina…Oh, what the hell go ahead and cry for me.

Sunday, November 11, 2018

The Times They are a Strangin’

Get Your Chrump On

November 11, 2018
On this Day of Remembrance, marking the centennial anniversary of the World War I Armistice, let us remember that the so-called president of the United States backed out of visiting the Aisne-Marne American cemetery because he was afraid of getting his “hair” wet.  Why does Donald Chrump hate our troops?  And why the fck does he care so much about his fcking “hair”?
I find it interesting that so many, let’s call them people, want to change the Fourteenth Amendment of the Constitution because times have changed.  One in particular, let’s call him the fake president, keeps screaming about the so-called invasion of foreigners (you know, the ones that are not from Norway) who pose a grave threat to our national security.  Therefore, he insists that if not we, then he must fix the Fourteenth Amendment – a cornerstone of the inclusiveness that makes America what it is.  Somehow, these same people would just as soon shoot you in the face (I’m looking at you Dick Cheney) as harm a single letter of the sacred Second Amendment, despite the fact that our daily mass shootings threaten more than our national security.
It remains frightening to me that 40 percent of this country is delusional and addicted to the lies, authoritarianism and white nationalism coming from Der Furor.  Despite the significant, at-least-temporary-life-saving changes to the House of Representatives due to begin on January 3, 2019, we remain stymied and almost suffocated by the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud and those who remain hypnotized by its fumes.
A very stable Janus
As everyone knows by now, Donald Chrump believes that the Attorney General of the United States is tasked with protecting the president, in this case – from himself, among others.  As most people who are not Donald Chrump know, the Attorney General is not, in fact, the personal lawyer for the president, let alone his Roy Cohn.  El Prezidente has installed, in defiance of the Constitution and common sense, what passes for his Roy Cohn – except that Roy Cohn, though crooked to the core, was a competent lawyer, unlike Matt Whitaker by all accounts.
It appears that very soon, this president will be in actual and dire need of a personal attorney, as various jurisdictions are nearing the moment when the myriad crimes of Donald Chrump finally make it to some number of courtrooms.  Chrump is poised to make Richard Nixon look like Mother Teresa.

 “I can tell you Matt Whitaker is a great guy.  I mean, I know Matt Whitaker.”
Donald Trump, October 11, 2018

 “I don’t know Matt Whitaker.  Matt Whitaker worked for Jeff Sessions, and he was always extremely highly thought of*, and he still is**.  But I didn’t know Matt Whitaker.”
Donald Trump, November 9, 2018

The Scream, and it’s latest explanation
They say the pendulum of politics swings back and forth.  I just hope the pendulum of politics is not like the pendulum of physics.  The real pendulum will eventually come to a grinding halt due to gravity.  Sure, it can swing back and forth, back and forth for quite some time under the right conditions, but unless it is swinging in a vacuum, it will come to a dead stop.  We are not living in a vacuum…it just feels like it.

Todd Rundgren/Utopia – Shinola
*Not by anyone who actually thinks
**What he still is, is a conman who is under investigation by the FBI; something else he has in common with his new boss
I. Mangrey reprimanding.  Don’t let the sun catch you crying.