Friday, November 2, 2018

Question of The Day

Eddie Are You Kidding?

November 2, 2018
Donald Chrump: Actual anti-Semite or just anti-Semite adjacent?
*See the "surprising" answer below
What Many People Are Saying?
A Jewish woman, who identified herself as Merissa, flying to be with her family, passed a man sporting a “Make America Great Again” hat, sitting a few rows in front of her a note. 
“Dear sir in the pretty red hat.  I am in Los Angeles because my family lives here. We are Jewish. We survived the Holocaust. My family members were murdered in gas chambers…A lot of people were upset, angry & scared on the plane when they saw your hat…For you, I want to assume it’s about politics, economics and the support of a charismatic man…To us, your hat sanctions our death, our murder, our evisceration.  Because you’re hat supports a man who does little to help us and so much to fuel hatred, violence and cruelty…I hope your good America doesn’t include flushing me and my people out.”
In Germany supporting Nazis is all but illegal, in Chrump-addled America it is presidential.

This has been your Paying Attention Question Of The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your question of the day?
Shitstorm in mirror is closer than it appears 
*According to Michael Cohen, who recently decided he would rather give than take a bullet for his former employer, told Vanity Fair reporter Emily Jane Fox that Chrump was comfortable using wildly racist language in casual conversation.  Cohen provided several, shall we say colorful (we shall), examples.  After Nelson Mandela's death: “Name one country run by a black person that’s not a shithole.”  After Cohen commented on the whiteness of Chrump’s campaign crowd: “That’s because black people are too stupid to vote for me.”  I suppose the surprise is that Chrump allegedly did not use the “N” word, and has not done so in public yet.  So, if there is anyone who at this point in time was the least bit unsure of the blatant, deep-seated, constantly-on-display racism of the 45th prezident, these alleged examples provided by Cohen just in time for the midterms should seal the deal…unless you happen to be a Chrump supporter, in which case you too might be a racist. SAD.


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