Monday, February 27, 2017

How Many Chrump Rallies Can Fit on the Head of a Pin?

They Are Everywhere…Both of Them

All across America
February 27, 2017
This past Saturday, our presIDent tweeted:
Across the nation today massive pro-Chrump crowds made their voices heard, although you could only hear them if you were standing very, very close.
Yuuuge crowd in Bellingham, Washington
Yuuuge crowd in Raleigh, North Carolina

Yuuuge crowd in Atlanta, Georgia
Reports indicate that across the country literally hundreds of people mobbed the streets to show their support for the Chrump.
I. Mangrey reporting. Because you should know.

Sunday, February 26, 2017

A Night at The Oscars, cont'd

More to come?

A Night at The Oscars

Later that same day..

February 26, 2017

Spotted on Twitter:

We will keep you posted as things erupt.

Life in Chrump’s Dumocracy

Look Who’s Not Talking

Everytown, USA
February 25, 2017
I am sorry to bring this up, but have you heard about this whole Chrump thing? Did I miss something? Is this thing for real? This is just a horrible dream right? This guy is impossibly crazy. And what’s with that hair?  Is it actually hair? Seriously? He displays the incomparable sentence structure of Sarah Palin but with less of an understanding of the Constitution, how our government actually works, foreign affairs, domestic affairs, history and hair styling. This Chrump guy is just a whack job as far as I can tell. Has anyone else noticed this? Is it true that he is now president? Whatever happened to that Obama fellow?

Surely we are all trapped in some mass hallucination
Chafetz at The Bit
Chairman of the House Oversight Committee and miserable little shit-weasel Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) walked into what was more hornet’s nest than town hall meeting, in his home district a week ago. Long bouts of booing and shouts of, “Do your job,” "We'll be back!" and "Investigate Trump!" from over 1000 Utahans rained down on Chafetz before and after he announced his intention to eliminate the Department of Education. Chaffetz has vowed to continue his futile pursuit of Hillary Clinton, but refuses to say whether he will look into the Clear-and-present-danger-in-chief. But, not even Chafetz, an unabashed party hitman, could avoid chastising Kellyanne Conjob for plugging Ivanka’s clothing line from the White House.
Chaffetz is not alone. From Georgia to Iowa, from Arkansas to Kentucky to Montana, Ohio, Pennsylvania and Tennessee, Republican’ts across the land are being treated to yuuuge crowds giving Senators and members of Congress a piece of their minds. Many people are saying these are the largest crowds ever assembled in human history. Constituents are telling them, “Do your job!” and investigate Chrump’s Russia connections, his ongoing business interests in countries that also have political dealings with our government and his damn tax returns. They are reminding their elected officials that, “You work for us!” Thousands of people are showing up telling their representatives that the Affordable Care Act has saved their lives and not to mess with their Obamacare. Among other issues.

Many Americans seem as mad as hell and unwilling to take it anymore
You Can Hide, But You Can’t Escape
Many of our politicians are in hiding rather than face the people for whom they work. Senators and Congress people are supposed to be communing with their constituents during their extended recess. Instead Republican’ts are hiding from concerned, sometimes angry citizens who want to have an honest and open exchange of views with the people they sent to Washington to represent them. Some get one look at the crowd gathered to engage them and simply run away. Most choose to simply stay away.
This is the party of Chrump. They do not decry the man for grabbing pussies, attacking judges, vilifying the Press, comparing the intelligence community to Nazi Germany. The first law they passed stopped mentally ill people from being denied their right to bear arms. I guess at this point it hardly matters since a mentally unstable child now has the nuclear codes. All Republican’ts care about is that he is their mentally unstable child. Even though he is their foster child, they love him unconditionally since he lets them do whatever they want. It is a strange and toxic relationship. In keeping with tackling the most crucial issues facing America in the “total mess” L’il Chrump had dropped in his lap, Jeff Sessions leapt into action on the vital issue of rescinding an Obama order allowing transgender students to use the bathrooms corresponding to their gender identity. How brave and civilly right.
Lately they have dredged up the obscure Congressional Review Act, which allows them to just nullify a bunch of stuff Obama did in the last six months. This act was only successfully used in 2001 when the original President Moron wanted to role back workplace safety standards…because who wouldn’t want to make workplaces less safe. This Congress has already used it five times in one week. They will be looking at more than 50 programs like the awful Hunger Free Kids Act, which assures healthy school lunches for, you know, kids. They want to roll back the senseless Endangered Species Act because they say it hinders drilling and logging access. Now why didn’t I think of that? Who needs all those pesky wild animals anyway? New congress critter Liz Cheney is sponsoring legislation to eliminate wolves. If these annoying animals really cared they would hire lobbyists.
Pat Toomey’s constituents had to bring their own Toomey to a town hall
They are mostly going to be disappointed because Republican’ts are cancelling previously planned town hall meetings. Only 19 out of 298 Republican’t representatives and senators are showing up to town halls. Republican’ts were all atwitter when the Tea Party started their attack on liberal America. Countless anger-filled town halls sprang up across the country as Tea Partiers screamed that Obamacare was going to either ruin their lives or simply put them to death. While the Tea Party was built up and funded by corporations and veteran political operatives, and armed mostly with ignorance and the lies they were fed, the new protests are notable for being the exact opposite. The new Resistance is truly organic, more informed and not propped up by corporate interests. Now that the other side is finally making its voice heard, the Republican’ts are showing that they cannot take as good as they gave. They can be repealed and replaced. Though it might not be easy.
A special election for congress is immanent in Montana and the state found that money can be saved by using mail-in ballots. Mail-in voting is known to be extremely resistant to voter fraud, about which Republican’ts are constantly howling. However, true to their nature of consistently trying to interfere with rather than protect voting, Republican’ts are warning that mail-in ballots are dangerous because “all mail ballots give the Democrats an inherent advantage...” Why this might be true is irrelevant. It is legitimate, error-free voting. We could vote these people out if they would just let us vote.
I. Mangrey reporting. Peek-a-Booooooooooooo!
                                                                                                    Mad in USA


Chrump’s Dumocracy

New World Disorder

February 26, 2017
Chrump inherits the wind
The man whose interal ignorance is second only to the external ignorance he calls ‘hair’ continues his attack on the First Amendment, non-white immigrants and reality. He is scheduled to inflict his Tazmanian Devil/president act on a joint session of Congress Tuesday night. You will surely want to miss this event, and if you blink at just the right moment, you very well might.

Many in the media were heard hoping that normal decorum would previal when Chrump begins lying incessantly and insulting everyone who opposes him. I hope the exact opposite occurs. These are not normal times and this is no time for normal decorous behavior. Nothing will be achieved by continuing to look weak and ineffectual in the face of the political equivalent of a dirty bomb in the process of spreading its poison throughout the land. No, I say, no. respect must be earned, not blindly bestowed. Barack Obama earned, if nothing else, America’s respect. He got none from Republican’ts, especially one Don Chrump.
A substantial American majority is not prepared to respect a lunatic, septagenarian adolescent who chose as his top advisor Stephen Bannon who said his goal is the, “deconstruction of the administative state.”  Bannon had no shame in saying, “If you look at these Cabinet nominees, they were selected for a reason, and that is deconstruction.” Adding for good measure, “It's going to get worse every day for the media.” Republican’t nimrods – now led by the clueless autocrat Chrump and his band of not-so-merry deconstructionists – perpetually insist that the federal government does not work. They have tried, with varying degrees of success, to demonstrate this for decades and now they are in a position to prove it once and for all. Their Dream Team is in place. From Bannon to Stephen Miller and the Cabinet From Hell, they are tearing things apart at the seams as you read this, and if you ask them, they are only getting started.

Our frightened, insecure, self-loathing president has already backed out of the White House Correspondents Dinner, which takes place in April. Of course he is far from the first one to boycott what is known in DC circles as “Nerdprom.” Vanity Fair won’t be co-sponsoring its popular after-party this year. The New Yorker is opting out of its kickoff party, as well. U.S. News & World Report thinks a boycott of the dinner would be best. Chrump is unwilling to risk everyone knowing ahead of time that his Correspondents Dinner will not be the biggest and best one ever. It makes the lying much less enjoyable.

He knows the press is smarter than he is. He knows the press is more honest than he is. He knows that the press will eventually find the smoking gun that ends his “presidency”. Many people are saying this will happen before April, but just in case, Wet-diapered Don is planning to stay away.
Can his skin get any thinner?
In The Art of The Deal Chrump said that he doesn’t make things up, he just speaks in “truthful hyperbole.” Not exactly “alternative facts” but he is equally clueless and/or mentally ill. According to many alternative doctors, Chrump is suffering from late-stage Propecia poisoning – there are major malfunctions from the neck up and the waist down, and what is in between would turn you to stone if you ever saw it uncovered. He cannot keep track of what he is talking about, he cannot work for more than a few minutes at a time, he cannot remember things he said ten seconds earlier, he is often incoherent and his mind is rapidly deteriorating. I would like to feel sympathy for him, but he is dragging an entire nation into acute psychological trauma. And that might not be as far as this goes.
Is it Safe?
A majority of Americans are worried that this damaged bag of flesh will soon start a war. The only good news is that he has, at long last, he seems to understand that nuclear war is dangerous. Although, this epiphany does not seem to have blunted his desire to ramp up America’s nuclear weapons production. Chrump told Reuters he wants to expand our nuclear arsenal so it is "at the top of the pack." Further he lied, “I am th first one [unless you count Reagan who called for abolishing nuclear weapons in the 1980s] that would like to see everybody – nobody have nukes…” Chrump was though, likely the first that really did call for everyone to have nukes, which he did while on the pre-inauguration campaign trail.
Also, Chrump apparently believes he is ridding America of Mexican terrorists. He insists that his deportation frenzy would be done “warmly and humanely.” One example of his very humane approach is the decision to drop deportees in Mexico, whether or not they are Mexicans. He told Reuters that his massive deportation of non-white people was “a military operation” that was “getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody’s ever seen before." Some of these really bad dudes are mothers who were guilty of traffic violations. Whew!
I. Mangrey reporting. If this president does then it probably is illegal.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

Friday, February 24, 2017

How Many is Too Many?

Alright, Who Ordered the Extra Nazis?
You Want Freedom Fries With That?

East Berlin Washington, DC
February 24, 2017
It seems someone is not satisfied with the number of racists and fascists in the Chrump administration. Only not the way you would have hoped. Apparently, it is felt that there are too few of them, and that they were not sufficiently visible to send the appropriate message to the American public and the world.
Thirty-one year old Stephen Miller was Chrump’s chief speechwriter during the campaign. He has espoused hateful views on immigrants, people of color and liberals –including denying the existence of racism and attacking feminism – since his early teens. At least he is consistent. His anti-feminism might well explain the fact that Miller has never been on a date, which in turn might help explain his monumental hostility and steely rigidity. Or he might just be one of the world’s biggest assholes – not that the two possibilities are mutually exclusive.
Miller is now Chrump’s senior policy advisor and the latest spokesmutant to display his arrogance-drenched-in-obliviousness on behalf of Der Furor. If you have not seen him in action consider yourself lucky; he is uniquely nauseating. Miller was previously communications director for then-Alabama senator, Jeff Sessions, and before that Michelle Bachmann. Somewhere in there this severely truth-challenged little fascist plied his mind-numbing dishonesty for the tobacco industry (as did Mike Pence). Miller recently shared this gem, "The whole world will soon see as we begin to take further actions that the powers of the president to protect our country are very substantial and will not be questioned." To quote Lorenzo St. DuBois, “Seig heil baby.”
Best. Hitler. Ever.
I agree somewhat with Miller; this president should not be questioned – he should be ridiculed and/or ignored and then FIRED. To Miller’s other point, I believe the whole world has seen quite enough. I know I have. It surprises me that they let this guy show his face in public, let alone have him share his fascist musings on air. Chrump of course applauded Miller’s disturbingly Goebbels-like performance. If they were smart they would keep this guy deep in the shadows with Bannon. They are not smart. And the emperor has no brains. Thank God he has clothes though. I apologize in advance for the following picture.
Stephen Miller, yes he is actually alive and that is his real face.
Reality-TV star and longtime Chrump associate, Omarosa Manigault, is now a Chrump communications official. As if we needed another reality-TV star in this White House, this one was previously known for this quote: “Every critic, every detractor, will have to bow down to presIDent Trump.” Manigault reportedly got into a heated argument last week just outside the Oval Office with White House reporter April Ryan. According to witnesses, Manigault “physically intimidated” and verbally threatened Ryan, warning the reporter that she was among a number of journalists on whom Chrump officials had collected “dossiers” of damning information. Dossiers on reporters? Nixon would be so proud. Someone should tell Omarosa and her boss about that First Amendment thing and that stuff about not abridging freedom of the press. I think that means reporters.
Manigault & Chrump in a pout-off
If It Talks Like a Facist and it Dresses Like a Nazi…
Brand new White House Communications Director Sebastian Gorka – formerly(?) of Breitbart White Supremacist News – wore a suspicious looking medal and an unusual jacket to Chrump’s inaugural ball. Some Hungarian news outlets and scholars identified both jacket and medal with Miklós Horthy, the anti-Semitic World War II-era leader whose regime witnessed the murder of some 600,000 Hungarian Jews. Gorka seems to be a Nazi sympathizer, or as we say in the biz, a Nazi simp. In his native Hungary, at the turn of the century (the 21st that is), Gorka published articles in a newspaper the U.S. State Department says "published anti-Semitic articles and featured articles by authors who have denied the Holocaust.”
Gorka, rockin’ the Nazi look
On his first day out of the cage Gorka showed off his idiocy and belligerence when he called the BBC “fake news”. He spent most of the interview berating his counterpart and insulting other journalists who dare question the infallible Hair Chrump. Gorka more recently phoned a highly respected terrorism expert at his home Tuesday night and threatened legal action against him in response to repeated criticism of Gorka he has been posting on Twitter. Gorka apparently used his personal cell phone rather than calling from his White House office or using his government-issued cell phone. Perhaps Gorka forgot that he now works for the American people and needs to have all of his communications officially logged. The target of Gorka’s threats suspected he “was trying to conceal the call.”
Vignettes of Life in Chrumptime
A Colorado police commander told American citizens protesting Chrump’s disgraceful refugee ban to “stop doing anything that could be construed as free speech without a permit.” A protester asked, “I cannot carry the Constitution without a permit?” the officer replied in the affirmative.
Minnesota lawmakers are looking to make protestors pay the law enforcement costs of covering a protest.

Was he also the only member? He is in “good” company now.
We learned that Chrump’s choice to take the stolen Supreme Court seat belonging to Merrick Garland, Neil Gorsuch was a precocious little shit during his time at an elite DC Jesuit prep school. The British tabloid Dailymail reports that Gorsuch founded and led an anti-liberal student group called "Fascism Forever". I am sure this is simply a coincidence. Or maybe a pun. All in good fun.
Keith Olbermann
Schindler's Gist
John Schindler, a former analyst at the National Security Agency, and former professor at the Naval War College tweeted this...

I. Mangrey reporting. No soup for you.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

Thursday, February 23, 2017

The Longest Month in the History of Time

He Came, He Saw, He Tweeted

February 23, 2017
They said it couldn’t be done…well, I said it couldn’t be done, but we made it through an entire month under the watchful tweets of Donald J. Chrump. We are now 30 days and 198 (That is 66/day for the math-averse among you.) frighteningly stupid tweets into this, for lack of a better word, presidency.

Chrump is working hard to keep every deplorable, racist, fascist campaign promise he made. Deporting 11 million immigrants, building a wall, banning all Muslims, depriving millions of healthcare, stealing from the poor to give to the rich, the tacit approval of  the alt-Right, destroying the planet – all the stuff that will make America great again. Chrump has wasted no time insulting and blindsiding world leaders – friend and foe alike. He is also busy creating the cabinet that do the most damage to the fabric of our democracy. Sad.

Rounding out this Month From Hell, Chrump went to the National Museum of African American History and Culture where he pretended to care about African Americans. After all, he is only a casual racist, not like many of the professional racists, Islamophobes and anti-Semites who populate his cabinet. To prove his love for black folks he told them that he won the election thanks to states like South Carolina – the state that began and still cannot let go of the Civil War – where he “won by double, double, double digits.” He thought this would be a good place to also pretend that he cares about the alarming proliferation of anti-Semitism that has arisen in tandem with Chrump’s ascendance to the throne.
Jewish organizations were unimpressed with Chrump’s no-hearted attempt to stumble through a statement implying that anti-Semitism was a bad thing (Who knew?). The Anne Frank Center said, “His statement today is a pathetic asterisk of condescension after weeks in which he and his staff have committed grotesque acts and omissions reflecting anti-Semitism, yet day after day have refused to apologize and correct the record. Make no mistake: The anti-Semitism coming out of this Administration is the worst we have ever seen from any Administration.” Sean Spicer stood up for his boss with his signature disingenuous whining, “But it’s ironic that no matter how many times he talks about this, it’s never good enough.” Poor little Chrumpy, everyone picks on him for no reason. After Chrump’s pathetic swing and miss, and the latest horrific terror attack on a Jewish cemetery, it was decided that Mike Pence should step up to the plate and take a swing. Pence did better than his boss, at least making contact, but only fouling it off, in part because his facial expression, as usual, conveyed an unmistakable insincerity bordering on treachery.
In other news, though we have (thankfully) not seen hide nor hair of Kellyanne Conjob since she did her illegal informercial for Ivanka’s fashion line, the White House insists that she has not been “sidelined” from appearing in public. I can only assume from this statement that she has been Putin-ed. I for one will not miss her, though my condolences go out to her family.
I. Mangrey reporting. Only 47 months to go.
Mad in USA

Monday, February 20, 2017

In Case of Emergency Break Press

Profiles in Different Stuff

Somewhere in Alt-reality
February 20, 2017

“Journalism is printing what someone else does not want printed:
Everything else is public relations.”  George Orwell
President Twitterbell is at it again. Attacking the press has become his signature issue. It is practically all he talks about other than reminding everybody over and over that he won the election. Some people are still waiting for Chrump to pivot. To grow up. To act like a president. I am not one of them. Leopards will change their spots by tattooing each other before Chrump changes his behavior.
Posted, then quickly deleted and replaced with…

Labeling the press as the “enemy of the people” is straight out of the playbook used by Stalin and Hitler. I am not sure how much Putin disparages the press in public, it seems he just eliminates those who offend him. The fact that the entire Republican’t establishment, with frighteningly few exceptions, is not just ignoring but enabling this behavior proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have no allegiance to this country, only to their party and themselves. They cherish their status and their profits at the expense of the poor, and they simply do not give a flying fuck about democracy or the United States of America.
All presidents have had their issues with the media. From George Washington on. Each one has their own unique way of dealing with the press. Some try to play nice. Some use third parties to leak stories they want aired. Dick Cheney leaked a story to the New York Times and then quoted the Times to bolster his agenda. Just for the record, fuck Dick Cheney.
Other presidents have weighed in on the press. John F. Kennedy had this to say, “There’s a terrific disadvantage of not having an abrasive quality of the press applied to you daily to an administration. Even though we never like it, even though we wish they didn’t write it, even though we disapprove, there isn’t any doubt that we couldn’t do the job in a free society without a very, very active press.” Kennedy said this at a time when he was furious with the press, but if nothing else, had the brains not to show it in public. Whether or not he believed what he said, it is an eloquent statement about the ideal of a democratic society. And he said it on television.
Richard Nixon had a somewhat different take. “Remember we’re going to be around and outlive our enemies. And also never forget the press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The press is the enemy. The establishment is the enemy. The professors are the enemy. The professors are the enemy. Write that on a black board 100 times and ever forget it.” This Dick said this in secret 20 months before he ran away in disgrace, as impeachment loomed, the only American president to resign. Purposely or otherwise, Chrump (who has as a top advisor Roger Stone, who worked for Nixon and has a tattoo of the Dick on his back) is bringing back much of the Nixon mystique. From claiming the mantle of “law and order” president, to his lifelong paranoia-fueled never-ending need for revenge against anyone who is perceived to cross him, to his hatred for the media. Instead of plumbers, Chrump had the Ruskies break into DNC. Carl Bernstein says Chrump’s attacks on the press are “worse than Nixon”.
Chrump’s Secretary of Defense James Mattis – on the heels of Chrump’s ‘enemy of the people’ tweet – told an interviewer in Dubai, "I’ve had some rather contentious times with the press, but no, the press as far as I’m concerned are a constituency that we deal with, and I don't have any issues with the press myself." The whole world is watching.

While Crump fiddles, the Republican’t House and Senate are running amok behind everyone’s back. The have already begun their onslaught on the environment, gun regulations…but it is so difficult to turn away from him because he is doing pretty serious damage himself. Republican’ts are poised to destroy many programs that people really like – Obamacare, Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security. They are already eliminating regulations that protect workers’ rights, workers’ health, people who like to breathe air and drink water and that protect people from banksters.

I love signing my name. I wonder what this says.
Chrump clearly detests all the presidenting. People questioning him constantly, throwing his lies in his face. All the pretending to focus on and understand what people are saying every single day…except for weekends is taking a toll. Chrump has decided that, instead of pretending he is president, pretend he is not president and hold a campaign rally, where no one will question him or say a discouraging word. Where everyone not only knows his name, but will happily chant it and laugh at his every dishonest, hateful, senseless utterance. He wishes he could do this every day…except weekends of course. He does not have the stamina. 
Chrump ends up lost after a long night of tweeting

While out on the campaign trail in his head, Chrump tried to frighten the crowd of uninformed, incurious Chrump-lovers by one-upping Kellyanne Conjob’s non-existent “Bowling Green Massacre” by going international. Chrump told his likely well-paid attendees about the “what's happening last night in Sweden. Sweden! Who would believe this? Sweden!” Former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt wondered: "What has he been smoking?" It is not known whether the death toll in Sweden was greater or lesser than Bowling Green because both were fictitious events that occurred only in the fevered brains of Chrump and Conjob and neither has bothered to make up any fictitious numbers with which to horrify us.

I. Mangrey reporting. The whole world’s watching. The whole world’s watching.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

It's Nap Time in America

Someone Needs a Timeout

Kindergarten, DC
February 19, 2017
There are horse whisperers and dog whisperers, elephant whisperers and probably hog whisperers. These special people are able to communicate with animals and help them to be calm. We are now witnessing Steve Bannon the demented Chrump whisperer – more of a horse’s ass whisperer. Rather than having a calming effect on his creature, Bannon urges his pet president to commit repeated acts of insanity (as if Chrump needed any help, given his innate problems with the inside of his head, which are exacerbated by the medication he takes for the outside of his head).
I miss the good old days when a sociopath like Son of Sam listened to his neighbor’s dog, who only wanted a few people killed, rather than Son of Fred who listens to Bannon’s bidding to destroy the whole world. Bannon knows that his boy cannot read more than 140 characters at a time – and only two or three times in a single day – before his tiny brain begins smoldering, threatening to ignite the stuff attached to the top of his head and consequently endangering the fragile stability of entire world. Bannon explains what he wants Chrump to know as he places important documents in front of the Orange Gas Cloud, who happily signs away whatever it is just like good old Gov. William J. LePetomane.

Look what I did. Hey, I didn’t get a harumph out of you!
Chrump is like a little child who learns a new word, or how to swear or whistle. They begin doing whatever it is incessantly because it is new and exciting and empowering. Chrump has learned how to sign executive orders – not read them mind you, but he sure can sign them. He is so excited to be in charge. He hopes that his new powers will overshadow his deep-seated self-loathing and insecurity. Chrump will continue to wield his pen since he has long been unable to wield his penis. He is not “like a smart person”. He is not anything like a president. He is a cross between a spoiled brat and Godzilla. His tantrums can take out entire cities. With all due respect, he needs a serious spanking. Unfortunately he is incapable recognizing pain, criticism or reality.

It is not unusual for new presidents to flood the zone with executive orders, but Chrump thinks anything longer than 140 characters that comes into his head needs to be an executive order. It took almost two weeks to get him to stop ‘executive ordering’ lunch every day.
I have the best signture. The best.
Judges suck. I am the law.
The press sucks. I am the news.
I. Mangrey reporting. I do not whisper.

Friday, February 17, 2017

Some of my best friends are...I'd rather not say.

How Many Jews Can Chrump Insult By Being the Head of a Pin?

February 17, 2017

An Israeli reporter asked Hair Chrump, "And I wonder what do you say among the Jewish community in the states and in Israel and maybe around the world who believe and feel that your administration is playing with xenophobia and maybe racist tones?" Chrump replied, and I kid you not, "Well, I just want to say that we are, you know, very honored by the victory that we had. (He really said that.) 306 college votes, we were not supposed to crack 220.
(Turning to Netanyahu)You know that, right? There was no way to 221, but then they said there's no way to 270, and there's tremendous enthusiasm out there. I will say that we are going to have peace in this country. We are going to stop crime in this country. (He really said that.) We are going to do everything within our power to stop long-simmering racism and every other thing that's going on. A lot of bad things that have been taking place over a long period of time."
Some of my best friends are…well, you know.
Unable to stop his face sphincter from defecating further, he continued, "I think one of the reasons I won the election is we have a very, very divided nation. Very divided and hopefully I'll be able to do something about that, and I -- you know, it was something that was very important to me." And before the verbal diarrhea abated, he closed with, "As far as people, Jewish people, so many friends, a daughter who happens to be here right now. A son-in-law. And three beautiful grandchildren. I think that you are going to see a lot different United States of America over the next three, four, or eight years. I think a lot of good things are happening. You're going to see a lot of love. You're going to see a lot of love. Okay?" Okay. Should I hold my breath while I wait, or just tie a plastic bag over my head?
No mention of the words "anti-Semitic or anti-Semitism" in response to a question…from an Israeli reporter…about anti-Semitism. He did manage to squeeze out the word “Jewish” once though as he essentially tried to convince himself that some of his best friends were that. On Holocaust Remembrance Day this same seemingly random collection of protoplasm gave a prepared statement that did not mention the Jewish people in any way. Interesting choices.
The next day, when Chrump decided to go solow, another extremely deferential Jewish reporter tried to ask him how he was going to handle the rapid rise of anit-Semitism that seems to have spiked since Chrump threw his Chinese hats in to the ring, and even more so since his (gulp!) election "victory". He seemed not to understand the question and got very testy, starting his answer with, “Sit down. I understand the rest of your question. So here’s the story, folks. No. 1, I am the least anti-Semitic person that you’ve ever seen in your entire life. [WRONG] No. 2, racism, the least racist person. [REALLY WRONG]” From there it simply flew off the rails. No one survived. Chrump seems to have a problem with Jewish people who are not his daughter, his son in law or his grandchildren.
In other Chrumpy news, The Don has decided that all this presidenting is too hard. People question him. People dislike him. Other people despise him. A lot. He has decided to run for president again, like the good old days of 2016. Chrump is heading back to Florida to hold a campaign rally so he can pretend he is popular. You go girl. His approval rating is on life-support and under a constant suicide watch at 38%. Chrump’s disapproval rating is surging now at 56% and hurtling toward infinity at an alarming hilarious rate.

I. Mangrey reporting. Oy.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA