Sunday, February 26, 2017

Chrump’s Dumocracy

New World Disorder

February 26, 2017
Chrump inherits the wind
The man whose interal ignorance is second only to the external ignorance he calls ‘hair’ continues his attack on the First Amendment, non-white immigrants and reality. He is scheduled to inflict his Tazmanian Devil/president act on a joint session of Congress Tuesday night. You will surely want to miss this event, and if you blink at just the right moment, you very well might.

Many in the media were heard hoping that normal decorum would previal when Chrump begins lying incessantly and insulting everyone who opposes him. I hope the exact opposite occurs. These are not normal times and this is no time for normal decorous behavior. Nothing will be achieved by continuing to look weak and ineffectual in the face of the political equivalent of a dirty bomb in the process of spreading its poison throughout the land. No, I say, no. respect must be earned, not blindly bestowed. Barack Obama earned, if nothing else, America’s respect. He got none from Republican’ts, especially one Don Chrump.
A substantial American majority is not prepared to respect a lunatic, septagenarian adolescent who chose as his top advisor Stephen Bannon who said his goal is the, “deconstruction of the administative state.”  Bannon had no shame in saying, “If you look at these Cabinet nominees, they were selected for a reason, and that is deconstruction.” Adding for good measure, “It's going to get worse every day for the media.” Republican’t nimrods – now led by the clueless autocrat Chrump and his band of not-so-merry deconstructionists – perpetually insist that the federal government does not work. They have tried, with varying degrees of success, to demonstrate this for decades and now they are in a position to prove it once and for all. Their Dream Team is in place. From Bannon to Stephen Miller and the Cabinet From Hell, they are tearing things apart at the seams as you read this, and if you ask them, they are only getting started.

Our frightened, insecure, self-loathing president has already backed out of the White House Correspondents Dinner, which takes place in April. Of course he is far from the first one to boycott what is known in DC circles as “Nerdprom.” Vanity Fair won’t be co-sponsoring its popular after-party this year. The New Yorker is opting out of its kickoff party, as well. U.S. News & World Report thinks a boycott of the dinner would be best. Chrump is unwilling to risk everyone knowing ahead of time that his Correspondents Dinner will not be the biggest and best one ever. It makes the lying much less enjoyable.

He knows the press is smarter than he is. He knows the press is more honest than he is. He knows that the press will eventually find the smoking gun that ends his “presidency”. Many people are saying this will happen before April, but just in case, Wet-diapered Don is planning to stay away.
Can his skin get any thinner?
In The Art of The Deal Chrump said that he doesn’t make things up, he just speaks in “truthful hyperbole.” Not exactly “alternative facts” but he is equally clueless and/or mentally ill. According to many alternative doctors, Chrump is suffering from late-stage Propecia poisoning – there are major malfunctions from the neck up and the waist down, and what is in between would turn you to stone if you ever saw it uncovered. He cannot keep track of what he is talking about, he cannot work for more than a few minutes at a time, he cannot remember things he said ten seconds earlier, he is often incoherent and his mind is rapidly deteriorating. I would like to feel sympathy for him, but he is dragging an entire nation into acute psychological trauma. And that might not be as far as this goes.
Is it Safe?
A majority of Americans are worried that this damaged bag of flesh will soon start a war. The only good news is that he has, at long last, he seems to understand that nuclear war is dangerous. Although, this epiphany does not seem to have blunted his desire to ramp up America’s nuclear weapons production. Chrump told Reuters he wants to expand our nuclear arsenal so it is "at the top of the pack." Further he lied, “I am th first one [unless you count Reagan who called for abolishing nuclear weapons in the 1980s] that would like to see everybody – nobody have nukes…” Chrump was though, likely the first that really did call for everyone to have nukes, which he did while on the pre-inauguration campaign trail.
Also, Chrump apparently believes he is ridding America of Mexican terrorists. He insists that his deportation frenzy would be done “warmly and humanely.” One example of his very humane approach is the decision to drop deportees in Mexico, whether or not they are Mexicans. He told Reuters that his massive deportation of non-white people was “a military operation” that was “getting really bad dudes out of this country, and at a rate that nobody’s ever seen before." Some of these really bad dudes are mothers who were guilty of traffic violations. Whew!
I. Mangrey reporting. If this president does then it probably is illegal.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

1 comment:

  1. Ah, good times, good times...
