Thursday, February 16, 2017

Just Leaker Room Talk

What’s That Hissing Sound?

Hanging around the Leaker Room
February 16, 2017

Are you kidding me? If it was not for leaks, this democracy, this nation would probably have been would have shriveled up and blown away like Chrump’s balls long ago. From the Pentagon Papers, to Watergate to the current Flynn Fiasco, if not for heroic patriotic leakers, sociopathic fascist ignoramuses like Chrump would have turned this place into the Ninth Circle of Hell decades ago.
The Chrump White House is hemorrhaging secrets like stupid tweets issue from Chrump’s unsecured phone, which is being monitored by the Russians, the Chinese, the North Koreans, Iran and who knows who else. Maybe they are hacking into his phone and controlling his mind. He sure isn’t controlling it.
I cannot understand why this president is so upset by all the information oozing out of the White House and/or the intelligence community. After all, it is just leaker room talk. It’s not like someone grabbed him by the pussy. And all this fuss from a guy who was “dealing with N. Korea” in a dining room full of curious civilians with cell phones, some of whom took pictures of the man carrying the briefcase holding all the nuclear codes. George W. Bush at least had the courtesy to go completely blank as he sat in front of a roomful of children on 9/11. Chrump discussed a North Korean missle test in a room full of country club patrons. He has no idea what the hell is going on. Chrump could not be more clueless about his current job if he was in a coma.

Chrump, Abe, et al dealing with North Korea with utmost discretion
Chrump is the guy who wanted to “Lock her up!” because Hillary used an unsecured server, and continues to himself use an unsecured phone to tweet all manner of insane garbage even though many people are saying that he is President of the United States. In fact I saw thousands of Russians dancing in the streets of Philadelphia celebrating his “victory”.
In an attempt to better control the flow of information, Chrump only fielded questions from conservative news outlets for his third press conference in a row on Wednesday. He was clearly afraid of being asked real questions by real reporters. Chrump held a real press conference today to prove he could handle it. He could have done worse, but one would be hard pressed to imagine how. In Chrump’s defense, his “hair” held steady. He did manage to display what some would call a sense of humor when he said, "This administration is running like a fine-tuned machine." I am curious to see what happens when something goes awry. Tune in next time when Hair Chrump says, “I can tell you that I am the most smartest man ever to having been president. The smartest. Believe me.”
I. Mangrey reporting.                                                                    


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