Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Fear and Losing in The White House

Shock and Wha…!?

February 14, 2017
Chrump’s message to America: The only thing we have…is fear itself.
Chrump is obsessed with the mythical hellscape that is inner city black America. He is following in the footsteps of Charles Manson who saw himself as a savior of African Americans. Though Chrump has a long history as a racist, I assume he is not purposely proposing a race war as did Manson. I am sure it is only a coincidence that he has elevated people like Bannon and Sessions and who knows how many other less openly racist scumbags. Chrump’s whole shtick is a Shock and AAAAUUUUUUUUUUUUGGGHHH assault on our senses and is right out of Hitler’s playbook. Lie, distract, blame, frighten, repeat, repeat, repeat.
Depress Secretary Sean Spicer is more than happy to, as George W. Bush said, “catapult the propaganda” as he speaks his boss’s mind. Toxic Spice reminded the press corps that “the Earth is a very dangerous place right now.” If you are not cowering under your dining room table you are a loser and you will be sorry…and then dead.
Newly installed Racist-Attorney General Jeff Sessions, during his acceptance screed, very sternly lied about rising violent crime rates being a "dangerous permanent trend." This lie – I’m sorry, this alternative fact – contradicts FBI data indicating a long-term downward trend in crime rates. "A new era of justice begins and it begins right now."
Yosemite Jeff
Team Chrump vacillates between American Carnage mode and Amateur Hour. From attacking judges, to signing executive orders he has not read, to his idiotic phone calls with world leaders, to his idiotic, dangerous Muslim ban, Chrump is stumbling and bumbling his way into the history books. Chrump is obsessed with Nordstrom treating of his daughter “so unfairly”, tweeting about it when his schedule said he was supposed to be in his daily intelligence briefing. He had the head of Intel hawking a new product from inside the Oval Office. Kellyanne Conjob breaks the law by telling Fakes News viewers to “buy Ivanka’s stuff” from the White House. Chrump is doing exactly as he said he would, running his business above all else and happily running the country as an amateur on the side.
Russian Around the White House
What the hell is it with this White House and Russia? Flynn has been sucking up to Putin for years. Rex Tillerson loves the Russian strongman more than words, or billions of dollars, can say. Bannon misses Stalin. Chrump has made his affection for Putin known over and over. Maybe the Russians wanted Chrump to be president because they know that is the only way to keep him from stiffing them on all the money he owes them, and they would hate to waste a perfectly good poison-tipped umbrella, use up their dwindling supply of polonium on such a pitiable buffoon.

After repeated, strident denials by Mike Pence (who apparently is our vice president) about alleged improper communications between then-citizen Mike Flynn and the Russian Ambassador, a new Washington Post report begs to differ, "Flynn’s communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were interpreted by some senior U.S. officials as an inappropriate and potentially illegal signal to the Kremlin that it could expect a reprieve from sanctions that were being imposed by the Obama administration in late December to punish Russia for its alleged interference in the 2016 election." Flynn himself denied any such communication ever took place. As did Sean Spicer and Reince Priebus as well as Pence. Flynn has since un-denied the charges. The other three lying traitors have not commented further. A spokesman said Flynn “indicated that while he had no recollection of discussing sanctions, he couldn’t be certain that the topic never came up.” Just how stupid do these people think they are?
Well guess what, Crazy Mike Flynn, rather than being the toast of the town is now just plain toast. Not historic, just history. It seems Crazy Mike done went and made Team Chrump’s Russia crush a little too obvious. Their little Guess Who’s Coming to DC did not go so well. Seems We The People who set the dinner table are not that ready to welcome a stranger such as Vlad into Our House. So, with less than one month as National Security Advisor under his belt, Chrump’s pride and joy, his hand-picked general, finds himself looking up at the bus that is running him over and dragging his sorry ass out of town. One cannot help but wonder who ‘suggested’ that Flynn make such a huge, idiotic and illegal mistake.
I. Mangrey reporting. Who’s next?
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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