Friday, December 9, 2016

Generally Frightening

Verrrrrry Flynnteresting…But Stupid

In the weeds
December 9, 2016
Verrrrrrrrrrry dangerous…but screwy
As promised, we now pay special attention to a special Chrump advisor. In what appears to be an attempt to put the military in charge of most of our government Chrump is stocking up on generals for positions typically held by civilians. Chrump’s pick for National Security Advisor is Gen. Mike Flynn, who was dismissed from his post at the Defense Intelligence Agency because he didn’t play well with others. Flynn, who Chrump considered as a running mate, has opined, “Fear of Islam is RATIONAL (sic)” (and SICK). Flynn seems to want to mix it up with just about every Arab nation. He has said that, “Islam is a political ideology. It is a political ideology. It definitely hides behind this notion of being a religion.” Mike Flynn called Islam “a malignant cancer” – which coincidentally is the same thing Rick Perry said about Donald Chrump.
Gen. Mike Flynn and his vision of Utopia
Flynn was hired by Obama to run the DIA and then fired for incompetence and pushing conspiracy theories. Flynn also leaked classified information (Lock Him Up?), yet was one of the most outspoken haters of Hillary Clinton and her damn emails. The general was known by co-workers for “Flynn facts – hyperbolic statements that were not grounded in reality.” Thanks Obama.
Flynn has been a frequent guest on Russian state television and sat next to Vladimir Putin at a gala honoring Putin’s propaganda machine. Flynn says Russian state television is no different than MSNBC. His upcoming job, National Security Advisor a) need not be vetted or confirmed by Congress and b) is typically one of the president’s closest advisors on a daily basis. Since Chrump cannot be bothered with daily security briefings I guess Flynn will be handling everything himself. Flynn also claims China and North Korea have ties to Jihadists. One might call this an axis of evil if one were delusional like George W. Bush or some such thing. And what a lucky sonofabitch Bush is. Once Chrump is done with this country he will make Bush, Jr. look like Abraham Lincoln. And Amerika look like Japan after a fly-over by the Enola Gay.
This sociopathic idiot has a son – his chief-of-staff – who is even more ensconced in the same swamp (there is more than one swamp that needs draining) of conspiracy theories including the one about Hillary Clinton and John Podesta running a child sex-slave ring out of two DC pizza parlors connected by an underground tunnel. A fellow loony from North Carolina decided to “self-investigate” and showed up at one location armed with an assault rifle, firing shots into the floor presumably to injure whoever was in the non-existent tunnel below. Flynn and son are inseparable and the younger fruitcake is already part of the Chrump transition team for whom they requested a security clearance.*
Like father…

Like spawn…
A chip off the old blockhead
*Or at least he was until this story broke. Now he has to be an unofficial advisor. I guess he will have to settle for being part of the actual administration. As for Flynn, Sr., he is reported to have pushed fake news 16 times since August. No word yet on his transition team status. Oh, did I mention that Flynn, Sr.’s new post is one of the single most influential positions in the cabinet? No biggie.
Gen. Barry McCaffrey (Ret), originally very supportive of Flynn’s appointment as National Security Advisor apparently decided it might be worth doing a little research on Flynn – after endorsing him. I might have done the research first, but what do I know? I’m not a general, I’m a specific. After getting a snoot full of some of Flynn’s tweets McCaffrey said, “I think that we need to aggressively examine what was going on with Gen. Flynn and his son, dealing with these transparent, nearly demented tweets that were going out. I think it needs closer scrutiny.” Ya think?
This promises to be an exciting ride. I recommend stocking up on canned goods and bottled alcohol.
I. Mangrey reporting. Ketchup is not a vegetable.

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