Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Bringing You the Future Before It’s Too Late, Part II

Further Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle

Here, there and Everywhere
December 28, 2016
Where Did We Go From Here
Hopefully, you are either sufficiently lubricated, otherwise altered or completely fried, or you have already started your Rent-A-Coma program. In any event, welcome to Part II of our thee-part series on the way it will be in 2017. We begin with inauguration day and the official onset of Global Worsening. 

January 20, 2017
John Roberts and The Oaf of Office
Donald J. Chrump is inaugurated amid much excrement excitement. Despite much whining, stomping of feet and middle-of-the-night tweeting, Chrump was not permitted to swear to preserve, protect and defend the Art of The Deal or to place his itty bitty hand on said ghost-written volume, and was forced to place his hand on a Bible and swear an oath to the Constitution. According to reliable sources Chrump has read exactly none of these works. Chrump has been heard saying, “If the Constitution was such a great book how come it was never made into a movie?” Two million Amerikans were on hand for the swearing in. As has become commonplace at Chrump events, thousands were paid by the Chrump/Amerika Organization to act happy, but the vast majority paid their own way and were seen protesting and vomiting in the streets, as they watched the 45th president being formally hired. Forced to appear outdoors…in Washington, DC…in January…without a hat, Chrump’s “hair” attempted to suffocate Chief (in)Justice John Roberts. It is not clear whether the attempt on Roberts’ life was intentional. The “hair” could not be reached for comment. It also appeared that Chrump did not know which one was his right hand. In a tweet moments before taking the oath of office Chrump said he was now doubly unshackled and would be “letting his hair down big league,” adding, “nobody knows unshackled like Donald Chrump. I will make America almost as great as me.”
What’s that book you got there? Be a shame if something happened to it. 

January 21, 2017
Less than one day after his boss swore to pervert, preempt, and defile the Constitution, Sarah Palin fanboy and Chrump’s Field Marshall Stephen Bannon begins to implement his Sherman’s March over our nation’s founding document, saying he finds it quaint and outdated adding, “So many people imagine they understand the original intent of our founders. Most of them are so wrong. I know this because I am one of the few who actually does know what they meant. Every single word. Since there is so much confusion out there I have decided to replace the old document with something newer and stronger. And more concise with language that cannot be misinterpreted. Plus the added benefit of having me right here to explain everything clearly right from the start. You’re welcome.” The delusional bigot toys with officially restricting minority voting, lowering the minimum wage, reinstating prohibition, instituting the marriage of church and state, and replacing the pledge of allegiance with an as-yet-undisclosed Bible verse. “We’ll show those secular losers what they can do with their hatred of ‘under God’ in the pledge, which our founders put there for a good reason in 1954.”
It is reported that Bannon took his first shower in a decade in preparation
for inauguration day. He refused to answer questions of any kind.

January 22, 2017
I am happy to say to all of you who did not vote for me – and I have all your names thanks to my Russian friends – that it is payback time and you will all be sorry…even sorrier than you probably are right now. Unfortunately, just like that guy who made the Great Flood – that’s from a book called The Bible, some of you may have heard of it. Pretty good book. I had someone read the Cliff Notes and then tell me about it. Great story. The Bible is the second best book of all time after The Art of The Deal, I know I said the Bible was the best while I was running, but…I think you know what I mean. Anyway there’s a story in the Bible where there was a yuuuge flood and everyone had to die whether they deserved it or not.  

            February 2, 2017
Pennsylvania legend and powerful prognosticator in his own right, Punxsutawney Phil emerges from his winter nap in somewhere in the depths of Chrump’s “hair”, sees his shadow and runs back into the tangled mass of cordage, signaling another nine months of executive branch insanity. The American public immediately decides the smaller rodent should be the 46th president.

March 13, 2017

The new series QVC/White House, hosted by Ivanka, Eric and Don, Jr. debuts on Chrump TV. Featured items on episode #1 include Chrump Hair Cement, Patented Chrump Skin-tone, Chrump’s Best Words DVD/CD/Book Set. The teaser for episode #2 include the Coolidge China, Nixon Silverware, and a Grab-bag of State Secrets. This promises to be a top-rated show, whether anyone watches it or not.
                                                                                          New improved Oval Office

March 21, 2017
In another effort to enhance his personal investments, in clear breach of the Constitution, Chrump fights to shove the giant flimsy oil catheter known as the Dakota Access Pipeline right through the heart of the Standing Rock Sioux reservation. The National Guard continues to refuse to maim and murder protesting Native Americans and military veterans for a few more hours of Earth-killing fossil fuel combustion. After several days of mad tweeting Chrump brings in Russian troops to put an end to the protests. “I have tried to be nice. No one is nicer than me. I have tweeted about this problem for many days. Many days. Hillary Clinton lost in a landslide so it is obvious that people are tired of all this protect the planet nonsense. And it is nonsense people. That I can tell you. You people have forced me to find a final solution and so I, Donald J. Chrump, am bringing in my Russian friends to fix the problem. They don’t give a damn about Native Americans or the very stupid and dishonest environment. And Russia did such a tremendous job in getting me elected that I have great faith in them. Putin has made Russia great again and they will settle this thing once and for all. You’re welcome.”
Go and have a nap or a concussion, maybe some Prozac, we are only up to March so there is a good chance Part III is coming soon and you will not want to miss what's left of the future.
Ed Venture, T. Doff, I. Mangrey and Shay King continue bringing you the future before it’s too late.

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