Monday, December 5, 2016

Do People NotSee What’s Going On?

Where the hell are we?

December 5, 2016

Interesting interview on CNN with Chris Cuomo recently. Cuomo seemed a bit peeved because the Conspiracy-theorist-in-chief did not speak out vigorously and specifically after the douchebag who coined the phrase “alt-right” made a series of thinly veiled anti-Semitic remarks during a prepared statement, which he closed by exclaiming, “Hail Chrump, Hail Victory.” This led to great excrement excitement in the hall accompanied by familiar gestures. In the United States of Amerika.
Chrump has the best supporters
After blaming this on “the two-party system” Chrump supporter John Phillips called a bunch of neo-nazis “nuts”. Having apparently not dug a deep enough hole for himself he added, “the Left has a lot people with a lot of boutique ideas on their side.” So people using Nazi dog whistles and salutes (not to mention the hundreds of similar episodes occurring all across Amerika in Chrump’s name) are spouting ‘boutique ideas’? WTFFFFFFF
Chrump spokespuke John Phillips apparently finds Nazis in Amerika amusing
Phillips continued, “In fact if you go back to 2000 when he was thinking about running for the presidency under the Reform Party banner, he said, ‘Look I don’t want any part of it because David Duke was part of that party at the time…” So wait a minute, are we talking about the same Don Chrump who recently said he didn’t know anything about the same David Duke or white supremacists when Duke – and many other fringe-right haters – endorsed Chrump during the primaries? I must be confused and still obsessed with reality. My bad.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Mad in USA

1 comment:

  1. As your attorney, I'm telling you that it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
