Thursday, December 8, 2016

Party Like It’s 1933 or 1984

Making the Fatherland Great Again

December 8, 2016
Chrump spokesmoron Scottie Nell Hughes revved up her word sprayer to set Amerika straight, “One thing that has been interesting this entire campaign season to watch, is that people that say facts are facts, they’re not really facts. Everybody has a way, it’s kind of like looking at ratings or looking at a glass of half-full water (sic). Everybody has a way of interpreting them to be the truth or not true, there’s no such thing, unfortunately, anymore of (sic) facts.” I’m feeling a little faint, somebody get me a glass of half-full water.
I am Der President
Fact-Free Facist Fathead

As Chrump begins his stomach-turning, mind-numbing Electoral-College-victory-In-Your-Face tour, reliving his big league half-victory – as Clinton’s popular vote lead closes in on three million – ridiculing his former opponent, continuing to demonize the media who in fact catapulted him into his current position, and continuing his brutal assault on reality, one cannot help but be reminded of another orator who thrived on fear and ignorance to build his cult of sociopathic personality.
Chrump continues to whip his gullible, perpetually and unrepentantly fact-averse minions into a frenzy with assaults on the First Amendment, the Fourth Estate, the Fourteenth Amendment, decades of foreign policy protocol most notably with China and Pakistan, 240 years of American democracy and thousands of years of human evolution. In an attempt to distract from his foreign policy insanity Hair Chrump showed his chops on domestic policy insanity:

Not everyone shares Chrump’s vision for a more fascist Amerika…

Then there’s Kellyanne Conway with some friends and their begging-to-be-burned flag-wear:
Shameless hypocrites one and all.
And I’m old enough to remember when this patriotic gentleman was excoriated for displaying the flag. I guess that was before it was fashionable…

Another in a Long Line of…Whatever

In February 1905 Friedrich Trump (or was it Drumpf?), a German, was ordered to leave the kingdom of Bavaria within eight weeks as punishment for having failed to do mandatory military service and failing to give authorities notice of his departure to the US when he first emigrated in 1885. So draft dodging and an inability to play by the rules is just Chrumps being Chrumps. Well, at least little Don came by his draft evasion and disregard of the laws of his land honestly. I’m guessing that is the only thing we can say that about.
Chrump’s father was arrested at a Ku Kux Klan rally in 1927, and listed in the arrest report as one of the "berobed marchers" arrested at the event. Well, at least little Don came by his dislike of “The Blacks” honestly. I’m guessing that is the only thing we can say that about. At least (as far as we know) his kids only shoot defenseless endangered animals. And they do it for fun, not because they hate defenseless endangered animals. I assume.

Like grandfather, like father, like son?
American banks stopped lending money to Chrump many years ago because he did not pay his debts. This is why he is up to his hair-weave in debt to Russia, China and who knows who else. Very presidential. Chrump’s latest gambit is telling everyone that he is totally removing himself from his family business while leaving it in the completely unrelated hands of his children. “I have decided to do the right thing and create a blind trust, well not a blind trust but a bullshit trust. It’s the same thing. I promise you. I have nothing to do with my children, just ask them. So see, it’s fine. They run the business, I run the country, I have no idea what they’re doing with the business and I have no idea what I’m doing with the country. Everybody wins, or at least the Chrump brand does which is the point after all. You are welcome Amerika.”
It’s not hyperbole when they behave so similarly
Thanks to Chrump’s little con in Indiana, the people of Indiana just bailed out a bunch of corporate executives to the tune of $7M. Actually, Pence did the heavy lifting and Chrump took the credit. The story of his life. And the real heavy lifting was setting up all the smoke and mirrors since very few real Amerikan jobs were saved and hundreds of jobs are still going to Mexico. Both Bernie Sanders and Sarah Palin called it crony capitalism. Chrump is surely a man of the people, just so long as those people are corporations.
I. Mangrey reporting.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

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