Thursday, December 15, 2016

A Fox in Every Hen House, Part 2

Wait There’s More

Knee-deep in the swamp
December 14, 2016
Chrump’s Self-Congratulatory Masturbatory Misery Tour
Chrump continues to crisscross and double-cross the country on his Self-Congratulatory Masturbatory Misery Tour. When not busy tweeting economically and politically dangerous and/or idiotic drivel, or meeting with important dignitaries like Kanye, the Electoral College-president-elect seems to be continuing to campaign. He is probably testing the waters, which will soon be undrinkable, for his 2020 “Just Give Me One More Chance To Make Amerika Great Again Again - The First Four Years Were Obama’s Fault” campaign. He continues to claim that he won the election in a landslide. This would be the first landslide in political history where the winner of said landslide prevailed by getting three million – or 2% - FEWER votes. Math and democracy are for losers.
Chrump’s continuing effort to destroy the very fabric of our Constitution, our society and our planet continues apace as he fills his cabinet with the most specifically inappropriate picks for each and every major post with very few exceptions. It seems clear that there are several major criteria for getting onto team Chrump. 1) have a history of at least allegations of assaulting women, 2) be filthy rich and/or a multi-million dollar donor to Chrump and/or a denizen of Goldman-Sacks with a greedy streak a mile wide, 3) be a right-wing extremist, 4) be a Fux News alum, 5) believe at least 25 insane conspiracy theories, and/or 6) have a treasonous hard-on for Vladimir Putin. Here are some more of Chrump’s picks for killing what George Washington called The Great Experiment:
One Bad Apple Don't Spoil The Bunch, What About Twenty?
Linda MacMahon/Small Business Administration – World Wrestling Entertainment, Inc. co-founder, anti-worker, anti-union, anti-small business, hates paying her workers or giving them health insurance.
Chrump, Mr. Linda MacMahon and one black guy Chrump won’t f*#k with
Oh I almost forgot, MacMahon is a long-time business associate of Chrump’s – going back to the 1980s – who happened to donate six million dollars to a Chrump super PAC. MacMahon and her husband are the single largest outside donors to the Trump Foundation to the tune of $5 million. Chrump of course uses that money to buy paintings of himself and pay off lawsuit settlements, which he says he never settles.
Chrump doing who-knows-what in the ring 
Scott Pruitt/Environmental Protection Agency – Oklahoma attorney general, pioneer in turning government over to corporate special interests, climate science and regulation denier, who has spent most of his career fighting the EPA (I guess he finally won) and who is so far up big oil’s ass that he bleeds crude, joined other conservative AGs who sued to block Obama’s Clean Power Plan. But it’s okay because Chrump met with Earth’s lobbyist Al Gore before nominating Kill The Earth lobbyist Pruitt. There have been over 1,900 earthquakes in Pruitt’s home state in 2016 thanks in no small part to what I will, with tremendous self-restraint, politely refer to as the resource extraction industry. Luckily there’s only time for about 85 more this year. I’m sure it will all stop in 2017.

Andy Puzder/Labor secretary – fast-food CEO, strongly opposes a federal minimum wage. For some added spice, his then-wife accused him of domestic abuse on at least two occasions in the mid-1980s. Earlier this year Puzder waxed pathetic about replacing low-skill workers in a fully automated restaurant in an interview with Business Insider, “They're always polite, they always upsell, they never take a vacation, they never show up late, there's never a slip-and-fall, or an age, sex, or race discrimination case,” he said of the robots who might run his restaurants in the future. Really, who could blame him for hating on all those greedy minimum-wagers, keeping that big money out of the hands of their overlords incredibly wealthy CEOs.
Dr. Ben Carson/Housing and Urban Development – the sleepy surgeon will ply his skill surgically separating poor people from the social safety net.
Rex Tillerson/Secretary of State – current CEO of Exxon (you may have heard of them) who has only ever worked for Exxon since the 1970s, introduced to Chrump by ex-oil tanker Condoleezza Rice, personally awarded the Order of Friendship medal, the highest honor given to non-Russian citizens by Vladimir Putin in 2013 (at least it wasn’t last week), spent time at Putin’s vacation home to sign a $500 billion deal between Exxon (who we now know deliberately lied to the American people and Congress about climate change research since the ‘70s) and a Russian-owned oil company but could not complete the deal because of sanctions against Russia (who– according to the CIA and 16 other national intelligence agencies – interfered with our presidential election in order to get Chrump elected; congressional leaders were informed of this prior to election day, but we were denied knowing about this prior to the election because Mitch McConnell – whose wife “subsequently” got a cabinet appointment – decided the American public did not have a right to know. Mitch McConnell, who promised to obstruct a non-Russian-backed president from getting anything done for eight effing years. That Mitch McConnell.)
Tillerson and friend…or is it lover
Anyone who thinks they can do business with this greedy, morbidly-narcissistic despot – Chump, not Putin – (I’m talking to you Al Gore, et al) is dumber than first-term Obama who thought he could find common ground with Republican’ts who only wanted him dead and/or gone from day one, and never stopped.
According to Carl Bernstein, who knows a thing or two about lying, sociopathic presidents said, “Richard Nixon was nothing in terms of lying, compared to what we have seen from Donald Trump. What we have seen throughout the campaign is pathological disdain for the truth, the kind of lie and ease with lying that we have not seen before. Bernstein, who broke open the Watergate cover-up added, “Trump lives and thrives in a fact-free environment. No president, including Richard Nixon, has been so ignorant of fact and disdains fact in the way this president-elect does, and it has something to do with the growing sense of authoritarianism that he and his presidency are projecting, and the danger of it is obvious, and he’s trying to make the conduct of the press the issue, not his own conduct.”
To wit, Hair Chrump is preparing to purge the Energy Department of anyone who has dared to engage in anything to do with science and/or climate change remediation or clean energy. Energy Department officials declined to provide any such information. Climate scientists are now busy with the important business of copying all their data in fear it may be confiscated or as they say in Russia – disappeared – by Chrump’s Climate Gestapo or other anti-fact squads as they emerge in Chrump’s Grave New World.
Chrump takes aim at climate change and the environment
Speaking of Soviet-style exploits Chrump has seen to it that all national parks – public spaces – in the DC are unavailable to the Million Women’s March. Large portions of the national mall and Pennsylvania Avenue, the Washington Monument and the Lincoln Memorial will be open for the inauguration festivities, but will not be available for protesters per Chrump’s demands. I am sure they will make available some terrific “Free Speech Zones”, as delineated in the Constitution’s First Amendment, “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion with the possible exception of Christianity, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof with the possible exception of Islam; or abridging the freedom of speech of certain select individuals, or of the dishonest press as long as they are saying the right things; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble in certain arbitrarily selected locales, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances so long as there is no expectation of reply.
The Cabinet of Contemptables is not full yet. Still plenty of space on the shelves. Stay tuned for Rick “Oops” Perry at the Department of Energee-whiz and lord knows what other 4 Watt bulbs to complete the seep weep sweep. And with Perry in charge at Energy, what could possibly go wrong, other than him swallowing his own head?
I. Mangrey reporting. I’m so tired. My mind is on the blink.
Mad in USA

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