Sunday, February 28, 2021

Words For The Day

Don’t Be Anti-Semantic

February 28, 2021

Sometimes it is best to be precise with language. We are all familiar with the Bush II-era Orwellian “Clean Air Act” that was anything but - just one example among too many to mention. Many on the right have taken the dire warning of Orwell’s 1984 instead as a handbook on how to weaponize language.

Despite our best efforts, what we say and what any given listener hears are not always exactly the same thing. This is unavoidable. However, it is still worthwhile to try our best to minimize the potential for misunderstanding. Especially when one party is purposely ignorant and/or delusional. Today’s focus is on some descriptive phrases we at Paying Attention believe need to be etched in electronic stone, and become common parlance for journalists and the populace at large in an effort to keep our language clean, our heads straight and the wolves at bay.

Climate Crisis

Different phraseology has been used to describe the dramatic changes in the Earth’s long-term weather patterns, which have been irrefutably proven to be caused in no small part by human activity, and which have led to drastic and deadly weather events across the globe. It is not global warming; after all, there are snowballs.

And idiots with snowballs in February in the Senate
Pictured here, Sen. Jim Inhoffe (R-not OK)

It is not climate change; most people are simply either too stupid or too misinformed to grasp the nuance of the fact that the planet's climate is undergoing unnatural, largely human-caused changes. Some places get hotter, some colder, some wetter, some drier. None of it is good, and denying its reality does not exempt anyone from suffering its consequences. On top of all that, the situation is simply and obviously nothing less than a crisis.

Radical Right-Wing Terrorists

They could just as easily be called Radical White-Wing Terrorists. They have gone beyond being good old-fashioned insurrectionists. According to the Congressional testimony of acting Capitol Police Chief Yogananda Pittman, we learned of threats (Plans?) to “blow up the Capitol and kill as many members as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union” during Joe Biden’s upcoming State of the Union address, currently planned for some time in March.

Turmp-inspired radical white wing terrorists attack Capitol

Or perhaps Turmp’s army of mental defectives will attack on March 4th, the day these deranged douchebags have decided that their Lard and Savior Don Turmp will finally be restored to the throne and Joe Biden (and one imagines, all Democrats…and blacks…and Jews) will be locked up for treason. Or simply killed, just to be on the safe side. Final solution 2.0.

Mitch Fucking McConnell

Many people are unaware of Moscow Mitch’s middle name. It’s not that he is not proud of it. It really is not surprising, after all, he has been having his way with our democracy for far too many years now.

McConnell voted not to acquit TWICE IMPEACHED ex-Fake president Turmp after the latter’s second impeachment trial for inciting the violent January 6th assault on the Capitol. After the reprehensible vote to acquit, Mitch Fucking McConnell immediately took to the floor of the Senate and pretended he believed Turmp should be processed through the criminal justice system for the crimes McConnell pretended he believed were committed by the leader of his party; you know, the ones Mitch Fucking McConnell had just voted to ignore.

Although it is not uncommon to hear people refer to the soulless ghoul from Kentucky as Fucking Mitch McConnell, this is incorrect, though no less appropriate. In this case it is probably acceptable to use either variation.

More recently Mitch was asked if would support Turmp if the disgraced fascist who tried to incite his cult members to overthrow the duly elected government of the United States once again became the nominee of the humiliated Ratpublican Party in 2024. Asked if he would support the nominee of his fascist, racist party, the man McConnell said was “practically and morally responsible for provoking the [January 6th terrorist assault on the Capitol], no doubt about it”, McConnell’s response was, “The nominee of the party? Absolutely.” Mitch Fucking McConnell is always prepared to take a principled stand on being unwaveringly unprincipled.

Neera Tanden was chastised, and her nomination as Director of the Office of Management and Budget scuttled in part for accurately referring to Fucking McConnell as “Moscow Mitch.” Everyone knows it is more respectful to refer to him as Moscow Mitch Fucking McConnell. Hopefully, Tanden will do better going forward.

Admittedly, this one might be a bit harder to get past censors on most news programs, but does not make it any less important for codifying it into the vernacular and bringing further clarity and precision to our everyday discourse.

Some General Semantic Rules Of Engagement

It is not wrong to call a fascist a fascist. No need to be shy about calling a racist a racist. And do not be afraid to admit that a Nazi symbol is a Nazi symbol, even when it shows up where big names in the Ratpublican Party gather to spew racist, fascist bullshit. Make no mistake it is now, more than ever, the Republican/National Fascist  Party. Remember, not all white supremacists are neo-Nazis, but all neo-Nazis are white supremacists, and not all Ratpublicans are neo-Nazis, but all neo-Nazis are Ratpublicans. And all white supremacists, neo-Nazis, and a majority of all Ratpublicans worship Turmp. Does anyone really notsee what is going on here?

CPAC stage in the shape of an Odal rune symbol worn by Nazi SS guards
and still in use by neo-Nazis. Any questions?

These have been Paying Attention's Words For The Day.

You're welcome.

Do you have any words for the day?

Saturday, February 27, 2021

Conservatives Pulverize American Principals

Solid Gold Shithead

February 27, 2021

On top of the climate crisis pummeling countries across the globe, and currently beating Texas to a pulp, America is also facing a Stupid Crisis (as is much of the world). As if the brutally stupid and deadly January 6, 2021 white terror attack on the Capitol was insufficient evidence of the intractable idiocy beginning to suffocate sanity and democracy, the next stop on the Stupid Train to Nowhere is this weekend’s CPAC conference, which features a panoply of dim bulbs hoping to keep the Big Lie alive and further rile up the mindless millions who follow Turmp like rats to the Pied Piper. That is not an analogy, not a metaphor. Just plain fact. A bunch of white rats following the whiny sound of the Orange Ogre as he leads them to who knows where.

In less psychotic times, CPAC was a place where conservatives would yell about their terrible policies, policies which invariably favored their base…of donors, having the exact opposite effect on the electorate they nonetheless successfully court year after year, despite perpetually ruining their lives. There will be no talk of policy this year; it would take time away from continuing to lie and whine that the election was stolen from them and that Turmp was, in (alternative) reality, still president.

This year’s CPAC features countless delusional douchebags too numerous and painful to mention, but including the likes of Kevin McCarthy, Matt Gaetz, Josh Hawley, Ted Cruz, Lauren Boebert, Don, Jr., a couple Huckabees and of course, the King of Losers – Turmp himself. They all are hoping to inspire another violent terror attack on the government of the United States of America, which they will promptly deny inciting.

Already, Cruz took time out of his delirious diatribe to slam Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, who (I guess, disgracefully?) raised $5M dollars to help families in Texas while Ted “Don’t Mess With CancĂșn” Cruz was attempting to abandon his post in CancĂșn while his constituents faced death and destruction. Which at this point probably seems favorable to facing Ted Cruz.

Holy Moses, Fatman!

A fake gold, false idol to the real idle: I guess they couldn’t find a golden calf

Completely immune to irony, reason and reality itself, the party of Turmp is holding its annual gathering, and to kick things off they brought in a Golden Cow (above) to bow down to. These self-professed good Christians see no irony in worshipping Mammon, the modern-day personification of whom will be regaling and debasing the guileful crowd as the keynote shrieker. The Cult of Turmp are clearly and vehemently unfamiliar with both the Constitution and the Ten Commandments, both of which they claim to revere.

And now, this musical interlude…

Timbuk3 - Standard White Jesus

To open the event, some poor woman was tasked with pleading for the crowd to be so kind as to wear masks when squashed shoulder-to-shoulder as they scream in each other’s feckless faces listening to one delusional, traitorous speaker after another over the course of the weekend. The poor messenger was promptly greeted with booing and people yelling, “Freedom!” I wonder how many of these fine people have gotten Joe Biden’s vaccines.

I. Mangrey recoiling.

Tuesday, February 23, 2021


Perseverance Is On Mars, But We’re Still On Earth

February 23, 2021

The Senate is holding hearings on a number of Joe Biden’s cabinet positions this week. Once Senate Ratpublicans finished fucking up Turmp’s second impeachment trial, the calendar opened up for other business. Neera Tanden, Biden’s pick to head the Office of Management and Budget, is facing stiff opposition because she said and tweeted mean things about a number of politicians – on both sides of the aisle, mind you – and lord knows, we can’t have someone in a position of authority in DC who once said mean things. Unless of course, that person is a racist, misogynist, Ratpublican president who bragged about grabbing women by the pussy and tweeted insane, vicious bullshit about every five minutes. For the record, most of Tanden’s mean tweets and comments were accurate. Anyway, that’s not exactly what I came here to talk about today.

Congresswoman Deb Haaland

In a decision that is more than 200 years overdue, Deb Haaland, who along with Sharice Davids, became one of the first two Native American women ever elected to the U.S. Congress in 2018, is Joe Biden’s nominee for Secretary of the Interior. Haaland is an enrolled member of the Laguna Pueblo from New Mexico. Haaland likes to say that she is a 35th generation American. Rather that the customary white male, most of whom were – sometimes literally – in bed with the fossil fuel industry, America might have our first Interior Secretary who will fight to the death to keep the Earth from being murdered instead of so many who believed the Earth was nothing more than a giant litter box for humans – one which they never quite explained or cared about who might periodically empty it out, or how.

Ratpublicans are upset at the thought of Haaland becoming Interior Secretary because, according to a tweet by Texas Sen. John Cornyn, “Interior secretary nominee has joined pipeline protests and opposed fracking.” Damn fucking straight, you motherfracking asshole.  

The time for seriously addressing the climate crisis that is well underway, and already causing billions of dollars of damage, not to mention deaths. The climate crisis is also implicated in providing more fertile ground for the type of virus pandemic are currently face. we need a strong unwavering voice, the type that seemingly can only come from someone whose family has lived in North America before the original "illegal aliens" arrived here. There is simply no time to lose in turning things around and disconnecting our mindset and our economy from our obsession with fossil fuels and all other technologies and practices that are causing such significant damage to our planet and our personal health and survival.

Please consider going here to sign the petition, or maybe make some phone calls to your senators and pass the petition along to help see to it that Deb Haaland is our next Secretary of the Interior. You, your children and their children for seven generations will be glad you did.

I. Mangrey requesting. No compromise in defense of Mother Earth!

Saturday, February 20, 2021

Thought For The Day

February 20, 2021

This Just In

Researchers have determined that after only one month in office, Joe Biden has already worked more hours than the last guy did in four whole debilitating, demoralizing, demonstrably disastrous years. To be fair, Biden has devoted absolutely no time whatsoever to making money off of taxpayers by golfing at one of his opulent resorts, rage tweeting incessantly from his toilet, or watching eight-to-ten hours a day of Fux News. I bet if he was doing all of those very presidential things he would not get nearly as much done.

As president, Biden has prioritized not being a dick

And as an extra added bonus, Biden has made serious efforts to stop people from dying rather than making absolutely certain that hundreds of thousands of them do. I guess everyone needs a hobby. Biden does not even seem to know how to speak of himself in the third person.

I wish President Biden luck trying to get anything done without the help of Jared Kushner and Stephen Miller.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Friday, February 19, 2021

Profiles In Damage, Part II

Profiles In Garbage

February 19, 2021

In Profiles In Damage, Part I, we discussed just how horrible the Ratpublican Party is, has been, and likely will continue to be. Even in the so-called absence of their failed, disgraced, ex-reality TV celebrity and alleged serial rapist, and more recently twice-IMPEACHED fake-believe president. We pick up the story with a few specific examples of moronic, hypocritical, anti-democratic bullshit.

Everyone now knows that a large majority of the Ratpublican Party stands behind the un-American cretin they chose to follow in 2016. They are pretending that all he ever did while riling up his tiny-brained minions before they stormed the Capitol was exercise his First Amendment rights. The First Amendment does not give you the right to yell “You’re fired!” in a crowded Capitol, even if you are the world’s biggest asshole. Apparently, Ratpublicans believe that Second Amendment remedies are necessary for sorting out issues with the First or whatever it is they think they’re doing.

Ratpublican Who’s Who Of WTF

Ratpublicans all across the land are busy censuring everyone in their own party who had the unmitigated gall to stand up for truth, justice and the American way. Oh, and that Constitution thingie. All of these life-long rat-fuckers, most of whom voted unwaveringly along party lines with the brief and likely singular exception of this one time, have become personae non grata among the faithful in the party that is now owned lock, stock and smoldering gun barrel by Donald Turmp. And I say verily unto them, go fucketh thyselves to hell.

On Presidents Day (which should cease to be a holiday until such time as this nation atones for “electing” Donald Turmp) Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan sent a three-page letter to Nancy Pelosi, casting the blame for the January 6th Capitol attack at her feet. Both of these marshmallow-brained criminals (Nunes was sharing secret information with Turmp during the Russia investigation and Jordan was accused of looking the other way when fellow wrestling coach was sexually abusing student wrestlers at Ohio State) were given Medals of Freedom, as was finally-dead human wrecking ball Rush Limbaugh, presumably for their horrendous deeds against humanity.

Devin Nunes and Jim Jordan

Wisconsin super genius, somehow senator and two term loser Ron Johnson decided to weigh in on the storming of the U.S. Capitol last month, saying on conservative talk radio Monday that it “didn't seem like an armed insurrection to me.” To be fair, it must be difficult for him to know what is going on with his head so far up his ass. Johnson would lose a debate with a man in a coma. Let's just say Ku Klux Ron is 51 cards short of a full deck.

Perhaps best and most honest of all, Dave Ball, Washington County, Pennsylvania Ratpublican Party Chair said of Pat Toomey's vote to convict Turmp, “We did not send him there to vote their conscience. We did not send him there to do the right thing, or whatever it is you think he’s doing…” Proving once again that even on those rare occasions when they tell the truth, they absolutely suck.

The last honest Ratpublican

Everyone saw what happened on January 6, 2021. Everyone knows why and how it happened. Everyone knows who detonated the improvised explosive device Ratpublicans have been assembling for so long on that fateful, disgraceful day. His deed earned him a SECOND IMPEACHMENT, only to escape justice once again thanks to those who birthed, nurtured and protected him against American democracy.

According to Alex Tausanovitch Director, Campaign Finance and Electoral Reform at Center for American Progress, 34 Ratpublican senators representing just 14.5% of population can block conviction of president who tried to violently overthrow American democracy.

Maybe I'm unable to be objective, but I defy anyone to show me a box of hammers the likes of Johnson, Louie Gohmert, Jim Jordan, Steve King, Devin Nunes, Matt Gaetz, Marjorie Greene, Rand Paul, Rick Perry, Sarah Palin, Kevin McCarthy, Josh Hawley, Lindsey Graham or Donald Turmp in the Democratic Party.

Rats Refuse To Leave Stinking Ship

Naturally, it is not just the elected Ratpublicans who are the problem. A Politico poll taken shortly after the IMPEACHMENT debacle of February 13th found that only 27% of Ratpublicans held Turmp at least partly responsible for the horrific attack on the Capitol, while 46% of these very fine people (one assumes) put at least partial blame on…no, for once it was not Barack Obama…Joe Biden. The other 27% blamed windmills, Jews and the Muppets. Currently, 68% of Ratpublicans want Turmp to remain the party leader, while 31% want anything else.

One very big rat did actually abandon ship, albeit temporarily. Texas toast/senator Ted Cruz was spotted fleeing his home state while millions of his constituents, most of whom are getting what they deserve, suffer with a freak storm (that clearly has nothing to do with any kind of climate crisis) that pummeled Mexico’s northern-most territory with mountains of snow and almost-unheard-of freezing temperatures, plunging much of the state into darkness. Cruz first blamed his daughters for talking him into heading south to Cancun, before trotting out various “explanations” in search of the least damning excuse. After being spotted and outed on social media, the Texas Weasel turned tail and ran all the way home to attempt damage control.

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, home from his failed vacation

I. Mangrey trying to breathe.                                                                                            


Thursday, February 18, 2021

Broken News

 Massive Mistakes Meet Maker

February 18, 2021

Yesterday, long time eyesore and public hazard, the Turmp Plaza Cheesy Hotel and Bankrupt Casino in Atlantic City met its fate and was imploded and reduced to the rubble its namesake attempted to make out of the United States. Today, the Plaza, tomorrow with any luck, Turmp himself.

Turmp Plaza, Atlantic City never really saw better days

Speaking of white elephants in need of elimination, in other news from yesterday, another long time eyesore and threat to public safety, the morally, ethically and socially bankrupt mass of tissue known as Rush Limbaugh was mercifully, if much too late, removed from the rolls of the living. every other news source referred to this poison pill as "conservative radio host" or something similar. Limbaugh should more accurately been described as "lying, misogynist, racist hate-monger". I believe this is known as truth in advertising, the likes of which you can always find here at Paying Attention, if nowhere else. Limbaugh was one of the most pervasive sources of filth throughout his career. May he rot in place.

I. Mangrey reporting.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Profiles In Damage, Part I

Trial And Error

February 17, 2021

Democratic IMPEACHMENT managers won the day but lost the vote

When I saw Mitch Fucking McConnell’s post-vote-to-acquit statement decrying the obvious guilt of the man he just let off for committing treason – a president of the United States, no less – I thought I was either hallucinating or had been unknowingly transported into an alternate reality. I was not watching live, so I simply had no way to process what I was seeing. I almost considered that Turmp had actually been prophetic when he said, “What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.” I pinched myself so hard I hurt my face and my hand. I wish it could have been Fucking McConnell’s face I was pinching.

Mitch Fucking McConnell votes to acquit, then talks shit

Obviously, it is not just Mitch Fucking McConnell behaving badly; that of course, is a given. It cannot be said too often how disgraceful it is that Mike Pence, who was a primary target of Turmp’s wrath and therefore the murderous insurrectionists who answered Turmp’s call to harms, refused requests to testify on behalf of American democracy. Like all loyal Ratpublicans, all he cares about is his political future, country be damned. And thanks to Pence and his ilk, it certainly is.

Remember, Turmp’s minions were chanting “Hang Mike Pence!” and “Destroy the GOP!” the disgraceful coward Pence, despite almost becoming a casualty of Mad King Donald’s deluge of douchebaggery, still cannot pry is lying lips away from Turmp’s unwashed ass. He should not be hanged; certainly not before receiving a fair trial for withholding evidence in the trial of his former boss. The chants of “Destroy the GOP!” however, should be ringing from every mountainside, and polling place from Wallagrass, Maine to Miami, Florida to the Red Lake Indian Reservation in Minnesota to San Antonio, Texas, to San Francisco, California for at least a generation. With any luck they have destroyed themselves; if so, let us work with them to make sure it is done correctly.

Many pundits, most of whom are Ratpublicans – those who have either left the party entirely or have spent the last five years bemoaning their wonderful political party’s loss of its soul under the inestimable leadership of Donald Jerkstore Turmp – insist that it is time for their party to move on from Turmp. Well, fuck them and fuck all that. They are reaping what they have long been sowing.

What the Ratpublican party needs to do is suffer the consequences of nominating, enabling and finally, condoning his racism, fascism and attempts to a) maim and/or kill Mike Pence, b) maim and/or kill Nancy Pelosi and any number of legislators on both sides of the aisle and, c) overturn the legitimate, repeatedly certified election of Joe Biden by inciting his feckless followers to take over, if not burn down the Capitol. They need to wander the political desert for 40 years, think about the damage they have done to this nation. They should not be allowed out of their room until they can demonstrate that they know what they did wrong and are willing to apologize profusely and constantly. What once was a political party is now nothing more than a cult of borderline personality.

I. Mangrey reflecting. Another perfectly good IMPEACHMENT shot to hell.                              


Sunday, February 14, 2021

Hard To Get Happy After That

The Manson Gambit

February 14, 2021

Yesterday was likely the second worst day in at least the last 160 years of American history. The first of course being January 6, 2021. It is possible that February 13, 2021 was even worse. On that day, the Constitution was defeated by one of the two major political parties in America. Ratpublicans pressed on undaunted by the truth, uncaring of their oath of office, and loyal to their disgraced leader who now holds them hostage for the foreseeable future.

Lead House impeachment manager Jamie Raskin tried to explain 
the obvious to Ratpublican senators, his next, much easier 
challenge is reported to be teaching astrophysics to actual weasels

Despite Turmp’s Charles-Mansonesque prodding of the malignant mental patients comprising his extended family of racist revolutionaries, who did his bidding and murdered police, literally shit all over the Capitol and inflicted an as yet undetermined amount of damage to our Union, video evidence of which was available absolutely everywhere anyone (with the possible exception of Ratpublican Tommy Tuberville who apparently goes deaf and blind during snowstorms, in addition to being perpetually dumb), 43 Ratpublican senators let Turmp off the hook on a technicality manufactured out of thin air by Mitch Fucking McConnell and no one else.

Turmp’s lead defender, the previously manic Van Der Veen who chases ambulances in Phillydelphia (sic) when he is not masturbating in front of the U.S. Senate, switched gears to depressive as he trudged through his closing dirge. The ambulance chaser’s closing argument was less painful than it was disingenuous and poorly prepared and delivered, and it was excruciatingly painful. Lying at every turn, in order to reinforce the Turmpian delusion of victimhood and fake revolution in the name of white supremacy – which after all, is the single common thread of all the insurrectionists the Inciter-in-chief summoned to the Capitol on January 6. The frequency of his mispronouncing of words surely made his client blush with affection. And the “pretty good” ending Van Der Veen assured at the start of his deluge of dishonesty was coming, landed with a pfffffffffffft.

Turmp defense closer Van Der Veen wondering if it’s safe to 
start his one-man lying douchebag show for the Senate

Notwithstanding having made their case against the traitor Donald Turmp as well as any case has ever been made, 43 Ratpublicans shamelessly voted to acquit the Orange Offender. The twice-IMPEACHED ex-Fake-president now holds not only the record for number of impeachments – and in only a single interminable term – but additionally, can now boast (and you know he will) first and second place for the most lopsided (such as it is) votes to convict, the second impeachment outpacing the first with 57 out the necessary 67 voting in favor.

Meanwhile Mitch Fucking McConnell continues pissing on our legs and telling us Nancy Pelosi is pissing on our legs. After his historically rat-fucking vote to acquit Turmp, Fucking McConnell took to the Floor telling America that the man he just voted to acquit on a non-existent technicality was guilty as sin of what he was IMPEACHED for. But because McConnell himself refused to accept the articles of impeachment in a timely manner (a fact he somehow neglected to mention in his cynical soliloquy), McConnell insisted he and the rest of Turmp’s hand-picked jury needed to vote to acquit. You would be excused for coughing up your cookies from the dizzying…we’ll call it logic…grunted out by the reptilian McConnell. As always, McConnell moved the goalposts in the final seconds of the game. Once again he and the Ratpublicans slam their knee on the neck of democracy.

I wonder if Manson’s lawyer whined and lied so much. At least Charles Manson was convicted for the mayhem and murder committed by his family.

I. Mangrey recalculating.

Saturday, February 13, 2021

Do The Wrong Thing

Profiles In Bullshit

February 13, 2021 (Before the vote)

Not sure what to say. You would end up homeless and forehead-deep in debt betting on Ratpublicans doing anything other than the worst thing imaginable in any given circumstance. On today’s menu is what should be the obvious conviction of Donald Junta Turmp for incitement of insurrection, which as everyone knows, is one of his better traits.

Turmp was correct when he called Mike Pence a coward, just not for the reason Turmp was claiming. Turmp was also not wrong for saying Pence betrayed the Constitution, just not for the reason Turmp was claiming. Pence was not acting cowardly when after being whisked away from Turmp’s lynch mob he returned to his seat in the Senate chamber to fulfill his mainly ceremonial Constitutional duty to formally certify the votes of the Electoral College.

Pence, in a cowardly assault on the Constitution and our democracy, continues to keep mum about the depredations visited upon him by the man he had been obsequiously loyal to for five long, humiliating years. Mike Pence has pertinent and likely damning evidence of his boss’s state of mind leading up to Turmp’s months-long road to incitement which almost got Pence killed. We now know that Turmp continued to focus the wrath of his murderous, traitorous mob on what he perceived to be Pence’s Judas to Turmp’s Jesus, even after he was told what he likely already knew, that Pence had been spirited out of harm’s way.

Speaking of cowardly liars, after both sides presented their cases and all questions from the jury were answered, we learned that House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy had a heated perfect phone during which he begged Turmp to call off his psychotic horde. Turmp responded, “Well, Kevin, I guess these people are more upset about the election than you are.” Furious, McCarthy told Turmp that the rioters were breaking into his office through the windows. According to a Ratpublican lawmaker familiar with Turmp’s latest perfect call, McCarthy replied to the delusional dimwit, “Who the fuck do you think you are talking to?” Where is Kevin McCarthy’s voice confirming or denying this story?  

The noose that Turmp built: while inside the Capitol Turmp’s mob 
chanted, “Hang Mike Pence!” a gallows awaited Turmp’s VP just outside.

The “defense” put on by Turmp’s team of lawyers whose previous experience comprises representing mobsters and rapists and the newest litigious lunatic on the team who is a personal injury lawyer (who sued Turmp last year) was nothing more than an attempt to deflect, distract, dissemble and please their client’s perverse needs in order to get paid by their well-known serial-deadbeat client. Turmp would have been much better off being represented by Hungadunga, Hungadunga, Hungadunga, and McCormack. He should have told his awful attorneys to stand back, stand by and shut up.

To be fair, Turmp’s lawyers did manage to dial the stupid they displayed during their opening statements way down during the rebuttals. Bereft of facts, they battered the audience with out-of-context videos of Democrats – after raging about Democrats relying on out-of-context videos (which of course was untrue) – using the word “fight” relentlessly in order to shock and awe people into submission. Rather than defend their indefensible client, they knew they had to be louder, ruder and mispronounce as many words as possible in order for their client to like them enough to consider paying them for their public humiliation. The defense was reduced to supplying the cowardly, anti-democratic Ratpublicans the cover they needed to vote for insurrection, criminality and racism, which after all have all been the Ratpublican Party’s raison d'ĂȘtre for a very long time.

I. Mangrey retaliating.                                                                                                    


Friday, February 12, 2021

The Defense Reeks

The Most Offensive Defense

February 12, 2021

It is only thanks to America’s latest black hero Eugene Goodman that there are no dead or maimed members of Congress and the Capitol was not awash in blood after Donald Turmp sent his mindless minions to attack the Capitol, kill Mike Pence and any number of legislators. Like Frank Wills, the security guard at the Watergate Hotel who discovered the presence of Nixon’s plumbers and started in motion the wheels of justice resulting in the resignation-in-utter-disgrace of Richard Nixon, Goodman saved the lives of legislators being hunted by bloodthirsty Turmpers on January 6th.

Goodman, another black man who saved America from itself, risked his life as he diverted an angry racist mob away from what could have been a Manson-esque encounter with senators, representatives and the ultra-cowardly Mike Pence (who has maintained absolute silence despite knowing that his ex-boss essentially put out a hit on him for not forsaking the Constitution and helping Turmp overturn the legitimate election, and knowing that there was a gallows with his name on it erected just outside the Capitol).

Eugene Goodman distracted and then diverted Turmp’s crazed traitors, saving
countless lives during the Turmp-incited insurrection on January 6, 2021

One cannot help but wonder whether instead of only five dead, two subsequent suicides and more than 140 injured officers, that there were some number of their colleagues dead and injured at the hands of Turmp’s traitors, that they would then have to at least consider acting like real jurors rather than co-conspirators in Donald Turmp’s second impeachment trial. With any luck, Turmp will soon be facing real juries for real crimes in the real world.

Despite mountains of video, Twitter evidence, including countless idiots insisting that all the did they did for Turmp, when half of the jury was either complicit in the crime or simply unwilling to hear the evidence, not to mention literally conspiring with the defense. In Ratpublicans’ defense, many of them were AWOL while the evidence they already knew proved that the defendant they worshiped was guilty as hell was being presented. Many of these seditious senators warned us against electing the man whose ass they just can’t quit kissing just a few years ago.

After the Democratic House managers made their devastating case against Turmp’s months-long incitement of his fascist/racist followers, the twice-IMPEACHED, ex-fake-president’s broken-brained, bargain basement bozo barristers made will make what passes for their case to keep their client from being convicted of the crime everyone in the entire world could easily see he committed. They are expected to kkkeep their remarks brief since, a) they have no actual defense, b) their opening statements were ridiculed by every single person who witnessed them and, c) they have already settled out of court with their loyal jurists whose numbers are sufficient to squash what would otherwise be the inevitable conviction.

Though he is full of shit, they will acquit

The defense of Turmp’s blatant, shameless, irrefutable incitement of insurrection harkens back to something Turmp said several years ago: “What you're seeing and what you're reading is not what's happening.”

I. Mangrey reporting.                                                                                                       


Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Thought For IMPEACHMENT Trial II Day

February 9, 2021

Turmp's Cult Of Borderline Personality

First let me wish everyone a Happy IMPEACHMENT Trial II Day. Donald Turmp has become the Tom Brady of being IMPEACHED. Being a Turmp fan, I’m sure Brady would not mind this comparison. With his record breaking second IMPEACHMENT trial, Turmp will surely go into the rotten presidents Hall of Shame.

We now return you to our regularly scheduled angst, already in progress…

Maybe this is semantics, but I am definitely not anti-semantic. I keep hearing Ratpublicans whine about the unconstitutionality of impeaching a president once he is out of office. Turmp was impeached while he was in office (they apparently did not believe he could be impeached while he was in office either), In fact he was impeached twice WHILE he was in office.

Someone should remind them that first comes IMPEACHMENT, which is followed by an IMPEACHIMENT trial. Maybe these fucking nimrods like Rand Paul, Lindsey Graham, et al should take a few minutes out of their busy whining and dining with Turmp and read the fucking Constitution they took an oath to defend. Freshman senator from Alabama Tommy Tuberville (yes, that’s his real name) could not accurately name the three branches of government. Someone should also remind Ratpublicans that their boss, Mitch Fucking McConnell refused to allow the IMPEACHMENT trial to begin WHILE Turmp was in office, and now has joined the chorus of cretins who say Turmp cannot be IMPEACHED because he is no longer in office.

Turmp's Cult Of Borderline Personality

I understand that the idea of a literacy test for voting dates back to Reconstruction, so I would never recommend such a thing today, though maybe we should at least require a PET scan to test for brain activity. However, there is no reason we should not have a literacy test before being allowed to serve in Congress or the White House, and there should definitely be a quiz on the Constitution.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For IMPEACHMENT Trial II Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for IMPEACHMENT Trial II day?

Sunday, February 7, 2021


Throw The Bum That Was Thrown Out Further Out

February 7, 2021

Impeachments used to be so much fun, but it seems all the devastation and mayhem has taken some of the joy out of kicking a national malefactor in the cajones. After all, this treacherous cretin spent four years tuning on America at every turn. He sided with Russia, he sided with murderous dictators, he sided with homegrown Nazis, bigots and mentally defective conspiracy theorists, he sided with the deadly corornavirus and finally, he sided with – no scratch that – he led the charge of (figuratively speaking of course) the mob of mutants to overturn the 2020 election and ultimately lay siege to the Capitol.

This impeachment could be even less satisfying when the object of our rejection has already been removed from the playing field. However, it might be worth making an exception since Turmp apparently still believes – or believes he believes – that he won the election, won the insurrection and thus deserves a special cocktail injection – all within the confines of due process and the law of course. This psychotic simpleton, this phantasmagorical fuckwit will not allow anyone around him to call him a “former president.” Turmp has done the impossible; he has degraded the Ratpublican Party further than any dared imagine, leaving them beneath whatever disgusting substance was under the filthy, slimy rock that was turned over in searching for their soul.

Now, the Ratpublican Party appears poised to cement their place in history. A place so close to Hell, Jefferson Davis seems almost quaintly patriotic. They have, after all, been burnishing their bona fides for the better part of a century. This is the party that nominated a malignant narcissist, authoritarian conman to be their standard bearer. They looked straight into the eyes of a misogynistic racist sleazebag and shouted, “That’s our guy!”

Death to America

Thanks to their relentless, decades-long destruction of the democratic process by gerrymandering, purging voting rolls of non-whites, and generally taking every possible opportunity to make voting a Herculean task for as many people as possible, they catapulted the most vulgar, hateful, criminal to the highest office in the land. Mitch Fucking McConnell used this simpleton to get what he wanted as let this country go straight to hell with all the racism, fascism and then the utter, purposeful incompetence leading the deaths of hundreds of thousands of Americans who simply refused to drink enough bleach to stop the virus.

The American public and House of Representatives had him dead to rights after his perfect phone call to the Ukrainian president – which turned out to be just the first step in Turmp’s plan to destroy his rival (and democracy) and assure himself a second term. Despite being impeached, and because his obedient minions in the Senate refused to permit a fair trial, Turmp never took his fake-bone-spurred foot off the gas pedal in his attempt to steal a second term. Culminating in the shameful, degrading, deadly assault on the Capitol.

This was not enough for the Ratpublicans. They further disgraced themselves by quickly trying to whitewash the whole sordid affair, telling us to move on and hold hands with them, to forget that anything happened.

It was love at first Fuck-you-America

This Tuesday they will begin to write the final chapter in their century-long run from grace. They still have an opportunity to salvage some tiny shred of decency by seeing to it that Donald Jurassic Turmp can, at the very least, never hold elected office again in the land of the free and the home of the brave – words entirely unfamiliar to the 45th (and in his mind still) president of the United States. If there is ever a worse president in the land of my birth, I can only hope I am not around to witness it.

Famous scene from Jurassic Pork

I. Mangrey reporting. Remember, those who do not learn from history are doomed to fuck everything up for the rest of us.