Thursday, February 4, 2021

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Cuts

The Face That Launched A Thousand* Lies

February 4, 2021

After four disastrous years of Turmp’s crimes and our punishment, culminating in his Klux Klan Koup, it remains difficult to hear anyone’s call for unity above the relentless shouting of the GQP, many of whom still insist that Biden stole the election and Turmp won. That is, when they are not busy threatening the lives of their colleagues.

Despite the almost universal recognition – even among Ratpublican legislators – that Turmp was guilty of inciting insurrection against the United States, in between their anything-but-sincere, cynical whining for unity, Ratpublicans are mewling to anyone who will listen that it’s time to get over that whole violent coup thing that happened so long ago, and move on. Presumably, to a few dozen more Benghazi hearings, or maybe just one or ten or forty-seven more investigations into Hillary Clinton’s emails. Of course, when Ratpublicans call for unity they mean: do what they want you to do and there will be unity.

While many among them are now trying to pin the blame on Nancy Pelosi, McConnell’s Minions are blubbering that holding a Senate IMPEACHMENT hearing is just a silly waste of time, and will cause division in our nation. They are anxious to get on with relentlessly obstructing Joe Biden’s agenda to pull America up out of the hundred-foot-deep dung heap under which they allowed, no encouraged, Turmp to bury us.

Agreed: There has been a significant improvement in quality of life since Turmp has been banned from Twitter and other antisocial media platforms, not to mention the White House. Disinformation regarding the outcome of the 2020 election dropped by 73% in the days after Turmp’s Twitter ban took effect.

Agreed: Stress levels have greatly diminished since Turmp has lost his bullshit pulpit and we do not have to wonder what existential threat to democracy he will perpetrate every single day. The almost total elimination of having to hear his whiny voice has brought considerable healing to a sickened nation (excluding of course, the tens-of-millions of whoever the hell voted for this poison pill).

Needed: In a desperately needed effort to wipe Turmp off the face of our political landscape (I bet you thought I was going to say Earth, but that would be inappropriate in so far as it might catch the attention of authorities trained to monitor such dangerous talk unless it is uttered by radical right-wing lunatics who believe that Jewish space lasers started the California wildfires and that Anderson Cooper eats babies.) and the well-earned erasure of this fascist fuckwit from our memories, the media must stop showing pictures of his fake fucking face. That is, unless it shows him responding to a subpoena, being escorted in handcuffs, sitting in a courtroom next to some doofus attorney he hired out of the Yellow Pages after all his third-tier attorneys quit because they refused to work for a raving lunatic who still thinks he won the election, or on his first day in prison, or next to his very brief obituary that somehow leaves out the fact that was president. Otherwise, these are the only pictures we should have to endure now that the White House has been liberated:

This is more than sufficient to let us know not to bother looking

Or this…

Objectionable in mirror is closer than is healthy

Or this…

This would also be acceptable…

Gregor Samsa's got nothing on this vermin

And of course, this…

America’s happy place

His voice is painful, his words are stupid and/or lies, his fake fucking face hurts to look at. Stop subjecting us to any of it without good cause and/or proper protection.

* Actually, it was 30,573 false or misleading claims in four years. Nearly half in his final year.

I. Mangrey recovering.

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