Monday, February 28, 2022

Thought For The Month

Teach Your Children

February 28, 2022

February was not always Black History Month. In this country, Black people were always, shall we say, appropriately valued. Black history in America is rife with trauma and tragedy. Back when states’ rights…I mean slavery was the law of the land, many white people – most of our revered founders among them – behaved very badly toward those who were of African heritage, to put it mildly. Our last president did not even know who the fuck Frederick Douglass was. In the last guy’s defense, he is a flaming, unrepentant racist. I hope all of this has not made anyone feel uncomfortable. But I digress.

Jonathan Harris – Critical Race Theory

Today’s thought is not a new one, but it has just gotten another boost from – again, I hope this does not hurt anyone’s feelings – science. The fact that human beings, whether Adam and Eve, Adam and Steve or Darwinian-style evolution, are originally from the African continent. So, whether this makes you sad or not, we are all African if you go back far enough. And yes, that means more than 6,000 years. Ironic, ain’t it.

So to all the white supremacists, racists, bigots, (I know “patriots” is one of them, but no; just no) whatever you prefer to call yourselves, fuck your little feelings, your discomfort and your sadness over hearing the truth. The truth about American history, the truth about current American events, and the truth about where all of you, all of us come from. Get over yourselves. Wise the fuck up. And shut the fuck up already.

Rahsaan Roland Kirk – Blacknuss

Have a nice day.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Month.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the month?

Saturday, February 26, 2022

Judge Not

Let Loose The Dogs Of Hypocrisy

February 26, 2022

At so it begins. Joe Biden has the nerve to follow through on a campaign promise. He has nominated Ketanji Brown Jackson to be the first African American woman on the Supreme Court. Well, that only took 232 years. If nothing else, he owed it to Anita Hill.

Ketanji Brown Jackson
The next contestant on America’s Got Assholes

Despite having a bullet-proof (it’s just an expression) majority of mostly youngish radical-religious, right-wing, painfully-white justices – two in stolen seats, Senate Ratpublicans will undoubtedly display all the discretion, professionalism and gravitas of a clown car during the confirmation process. The only question for these yahoos is which will they bring on harder – the misogyny or the racism. While many on this side of the aisle and the flip-side of reality can barely walk and chew gum at the same time, I have a feeling they will manage to multi-task on this one. Only slime will tell.

A bunch of wealthy, white, male landowners – just like the Founders intended, sitting in judgment of a black woman. And certainly not the first time such a woman was tougher and smarter than all of them put together. Think Michelle Obama, Anita Hill, Maya Angelou, Shirley Chisholm, Angela Davis, Harriet Tubman, and thousands of slave women who had plenty of brains, but not enough bullets to prevail.

You might remember Judge Jackson; she ordered former White House counsel Don McGahn to testify before the House of Representatives. In her decision the judge explained the nature of the American presidency by quoting Founding Fathers James Madison and Alexander Hamilton and French diplomat Alexis de Tocqueville. Perhaps the most well-known phrase to come out of that decision was “Stated simply, the primary takeaway from the past 250 years of recorded American history is that Presidents are not kings, and plaintiff is not president.”

Loopy Lindsey, Kooky Kennedy, Jerky Johnson, Hang ‘Em Hawley and Mopey Mitch
on their way to Senate hearings on accosting Ketanji Brown Jackson

The mammals on the Court will remain greatly outnumbered, but at least there will be more diversity while we wait for the current majority to shrink. Time’s a wastin’.

I. Mangrey, court reporting.

Friday, February 25, 2022

The Plot Sickens

Ratpublicans For Putin

February 25, 2022

Vladimir Putin is obsessed with seeing democracy as a global entity fail. This is nothing new. Well before his relentless crusade to get Donald Tmurp elected president, Putin’s prime objective was weakening democracy. No better stooge could have been created to accelerate Putin’s mission than a brain-dead, narcissistic, autocrat-wannabe conman.

So, we expect Putin to attack democracy. What we did not expect, though we really should have, was Putin not being the biggest threat to democracy, particularly in America. The most clear and present danger to American democracy is Donald Tmurp’s Ratpublican Party. This massive cadre of fascistic white nationalists, that has infiltrated our government at the highest levels, and has an enormous propaganda machine, is shamelessly fomenting civil war. They are determined to take this country back in time to when they thought America was great before. Today’s Ratpublican Party has done everything short of supporting the return of slavery.

By many accounts, including some of Putin’s close advisors (all of whom, one imagines, must fear for their lives every waking moment, not to mention being awakened by hellish nightmares based on real stories of past associates), Putin is rapidly approaching Tmurp-like levels of mental incapacity. Perhaps the most telling example of Putin’s alternative facts is his insistence that he is merely trying to stop Volodymyr Zelensky, who is Jewish, and his neo-Nazi regime from committing (non-existent) genocide in Ukraine. There's lying, and then there's looney toons.

While American autocrats are working to re-litigate the Civil War, the Russian strongman is trying to get the SSR back together, even if he has to wipe out most of their populations. Vlad the Mad has also threatened historic conflagration should anyone dare stand against him.

Donald J. Trump July 23, 2018
Remember when this psycho was on Twitter?

“Whoever tries to hinder us, and even more so, to create threats to our country, to our people, should know that Russia's response will be immediate. And it will lead you to such consequences that you have never encountered in your history. We are ready for any development of events. All the necessary decisions have been made in this regard. I hope that I will be heard.”
                       Vladimir J. Putin February 24, 2022
                         Guess these two use the same writers

Putin to U.S. “Duck and cover motherfuckers!”

Most of the Ratpublican Duma is vigorously siding with Putin. Let us not forget that the moment Barack Obama became president, countless Ratpublicans and their media enablers began singing the praises of Putin, while denigrating Obama at every turn, and down every straightaway. Then, Tmurp surrounded himself with Russophiles like Paul Manafort, Mike Flynn, Steve Bannon and others too numerous to mention. Once installed as president despite losing the popular vote handily, Tmurp took up Putin’s causes while weaking the United States with impunity. So here we are.

Rare photo of movie night at Mor-on-Lago

King Ratpublican Tmurp made his feelings known as Putin surrounded Ukraine, poised to initiate the most illegal war-of-choice since Bush/Cheney invaded Iraq. Here’s what the Toxic Twit had to say about his benefactor,

“I went in yesterday and there was a television screen, and I said, ‘This is genius.’ Putin declares a big portion of the Ukraine—of Ukraine. Putin declares it as independent. Oh, that’s wonderful. So, Putin is now saying, ‘It’s independent,’ a large section of Ukraine. I said, ‘How smart is that?’ And he’s gonna go in and be a peacekeeper. That’s the strongest peace force. We could use that on our southern border. That’s the strongest peace force I’ve ever seen. There were more army tanks than I’ve ever seen. They’re gonna keep peace all right. No, but think of it. Here’s a guy who’s very savvy, I know him very well. Very, very well.”

From Newt Gingrich, to Lindsey Graham, to Josh Hawley, to the GQP House Caucus, to John Bolton (remember this no-nothing asshole?), to Mike Pompeo, Ratpublicans of all smells are rushing to microphones to call Joe Biden weak and ineffective, and Putin strong and masterful. For his part, Pompeo, a recent secretary of state and former CIA chief, recently gushed on Fux News that Putin “was a very talented statesman” who “has lots of gifts.” Pompeo added, “He was a KGB agent, for goodness sakes. He knows how to use power. We should respect that.” Respect is not exactly the first word that leaps to my mind, but then I still have at least minimal control of my faculties. And, despite its many faults, I’ll still take the U.S. over Russia.

While another ex-secretary of state Condoleezza Rice has called Putin “megalomaniacal,” Pompeo has praised him as “very shrewd” and “very capable.” Putin’s media outlets are replaying clips on a loop of Pompeo's praise on Russian state TV. So Makeshift Mike must be right.

In another interview last week, Pompeo said, “I have enormous respect for him – I've been criticized for saying that.” This is how today’s Ratpublicans run for president.

Fucker Carlson cannot imagine why everyone is being so mean to Putin, “asking” his audience, “Why should I hate Putin?” Followed by a laundry list (in question form of course – does this pinhead think he’s always on Jeopardy?) of things Putin didn’t do to poor little trust fund baby Fucker. “Did he ever call me a racist? Has he ever tried to get me fired for disagreeing with him?…yada, yada, yada.” Hey Fucker, you might want to know that Putin doesn’t get people fired for disagreeing with him – he gets them dead, you ignorant slut.

Insurrectionist fan-boy Josh Hawley was a bit less obsequious, “America has an interest in Ukraine’s independence and territorial integrity, and we have a strong interest in deterring Russian adventurism. But these interests are not so great that we should commit ourselves to fight Russia over Ukraine’s future.” Funny thing, Joe Biden specifically stated that we have no intention of fighting Russia. With senators like this, who needs democracy?

I. Mangrey recoiling. Let’s agree to disagree dispose of them. Electorally, of course.


Charles Mingus - Oh Lord Don't Let Them Drop That Atomic Bomb on Me

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Best Sequel Ever. Ever.

The Latest Imminent Demise of Donald Tmurp

February 23, 2022

Now that ex-Commoder-in-chief Tmrup has been caught with boxes of classified documents that he did not flush down the toilet, now that Tmrup’s accounting firm has tossed him out on his badly dyed ear claiming that any numbers they received from Tmrup’s “businesses” over the past nine years cannot be trusted, now that one judge has ruled that the two Dons and Ivanka must testify in Letitia James’ criminal case (Eric already testified, pleading The Fifth 500 times), and a federal judge found that Tmrup can be held accountable for his leading role in the Jan 6th insurrection in a civil case filed by several members of Congress and members of law enforcement who were under threat of death that day. The civil case has the potential of massive dollar awards to the plaintiffs. These will not be like the pittances Tmrup paid to some number of porn stars to keep quiet, meaning Team Tmrup may have serious problems meeting expenses after all the payouts. Have we got a deal for him and his crime family, and it gets him squarely in front of the cameras again, where he always longs to be.

An excited television executive producer, after being pitched this show said, “We’ve got a sequel that will absolutely crush the original series. In most cases, the sequel simply bombs. Best case scenario, it does almost as well as the original. Not this time. What we have here is pure television gold. No! Diamonds! They’re forever, right? Nobody will be able to resist this obvious mega-hit. It will kick off with a block of weeknight prime time episodes, but the plan – if this thing goes the way we think it will, sponsors are literally begging us for slots – is to create something like C-SPAN. That’s right, 24/7 baby. All Tmrups all the time. No one will be able to touch these ratings. Believe me. This will make reality TV great again. The greatest. We would like to thank Rudy Giuliani, the once-and-future crack-head Mike “My Stupid-Fucking-Pillow Guy” Lindell and of course, the one and only Big Don Tmrup. No one did more to make this blatantly criminal family what they are today. We love you Donny.”

TV Or Not TV, That Is the Question

Get ready for the most addicting reality TV of all time. This will be the biggest, most terrific, most beautiful show ever. This is no hoax folks. Join us for


They’re all together, forever, having a ball…and chain

Many people said that Tmrup could do whatever he wanted – and for so many, too many years he simply did. Fake Tmrup charity, phony Tmrup University, fake billions in wealth. Grab ‘em by the p*$$y…well, he said he could, they called it assault, rape pedophilia. He thought he could pay some of them off to keep quiet about his affairs, but then his “attorney” blew the whole thing up and spilled the beans. Tmrup said he could shoot someone on Fifth Avenue and not lose a single vote. As it turned out, doing that might have been less of a problem than what he actually did. Conspiracy, money laundering, campaign finance violations, fraud, tax evasion, obstruction of justice, attempted coup, immeasurable ignorance. He’s lucky that racism and fascist tendencies are not in and of themselves, crimes. Tmrup also reportedly flushed presidential documents down the toilet – the very same toilet he drank out of.

Anyway, the whole whacky Tmrup family will all finally be back home where they belong, in their big beautiful Mor-on-Lago, but now they will all be together all of the time. All of them. All the time. They can get in, but they can’t get out. Doomed to a life of McDonald’s, KFC, Taco Bell, Diet Coke, and all the court documents they can eat. Delivered right to their door – because they cannot leave. They’re all under house arrest.

The house that fake wealth built bought
Beautiful(?), soon-to-be-bankrupt Mor-on-Lago

The Electoral College cannot save them now. Never again will they eat or visit or slowly sip their much-loved Covfefe. They will not enjoy another visit to the very beautiful mountain beaches of Nambia – the island nation that exists only in the fevered mind of their child patriarch, little Donny, Sr. The beautiful island of Nambia. An island surrounded by water. Big water. Ocean water. And, it is landlocked.

This time for real, he will not be visiting his many fabulous golf courses worth millions or thousands of dollars, depending on who is asking. All those tax cuts he gave himself? Can’t use them where he’s not going.

The realest TV you will ever see. The most fun you will ever have. Don’t miss it. Don’t miss them. Let’s get Tmrup the greatest ratings in television history. Make America greater than ever, or at least greater than the Tmrup days. It’s a low bar after all. Not so much a bar as a chalk line on the ground.

Turn on, tune in, throw up.

The Paying Attention™ Team

Monday, February 21, 2022

Lock Them Up…Where We Can Keep An Eye On Them

They’re Fired

February 21, 2022

Paying Attention Goes Hollywood

You have never seen reality TV before. Ever. You may think you have, but you are wrong. Believe me. Hear me now and thank me later. I alone can fix this. Forget the Kardashians, the Real Housewives, Survivor, Big Brother and all the rest of the fake-reality TV pasteurized, processed entertainment product. Here comes the real deal. You will not be able to look away. You will not watch any other shows. You will seriously consider quitting your job. I mean, more than usual. The best, most beautifully terrific entertainment is coming soon.

The Tmrup Show, which officially lasted five of the longest seasons in television history. It brought us some of the most riveting alternative reality programming this side of Fear Factor. It gave a grifting psycho tv “personality” a starring role to end all roles. And plot twists beyond belief. The guy who should have been voted off the show in the first five minutes, after flaunting his racist bona fides at the bottom of “his” golden escalator, ended up in the White House. Polling showed that most Americans would have been less surprised, and had more confidence in leadership if Mr. Ed had become president.

The Tmrup “men” after learning they must testify in New York State,
and the looming new reality show they cannot escape
The two Dons are delusional; Eric has no idea what’s happening

With each grueling episode, the majority of his audience hung in there, despite their better judgment, only to grow more weary, more disgusted, more emotionally and mentally unstable day after day, month after month and year after fucking year. Obviously, there were some who cherished their Human-Cheeseburger-in-chief, and hung on his every ill-advised, incoherent, insincere tweet, the thousands of senseless lies, and endless idiocy. Oh, and the racism – Tmrup made Archie Bunker look like the Fresh Prince. The feces-flinging-faithful watched with glee, while most of us looked on with clenched fists, teeth and eyes. But, we all continued to watch, however painful it became. And, as you well know, it was perpetually and profusely painful right up until it was mercifully cancelled.

So what will we do now for entertainment? Watch black people get assaulted and murdered by racist cops and assorted civilians? Watch all our coastal cities drown in climate-crisis sea level rise? Hope that Russia sets off nuclear combat by invading Ukraine? Watch Bitch McConnell decay right before our tired eyes? All electrifying cell-phone-based reality-tv video to be sure. But not good enough. America needs something so special, so inspiring, so hysterically fucking funny as to literally crack thousands of ribs across this great, bigly land of ours.

Tune in next time to learn about an exciting new television event you won’t want to miss.

Ed Venture

Managing Editor, Paying Attention™ 

Sunday, February 20, 2022

Thought For The Day

Legitimate Political Disaster

February 20, 2022

Ex-vice president Mike Pence of “Hang Mike Pence!” fame, once again stood with his party of racist/fascists. Most recently, Pence helped make excuses for the RNC censuring the only Ratpublicans who dared join the effort to uncover the truth of the horrific events of January 6, 2021 instead of embracing the alternative facts of the day, and for referring the day’s events as “legitimate political discourse.” Assholes and idiots like Pence can make all the excuses they want, but until this country admits that a very dangerous precedent has been set, democracy in America will continue to be at risk.

Mike Pence in the snow

The Far White Wing

Many people believe that the Civil War ended more than 150 years ago. The shooting may have ceased after Appomattox, but the essence of the war never stopped. Yes, slavery, as it existed then, is no more, but the oppression of the descendants of slaves continues unabated for all intents and purposes. The people who continue this legacy of hate and racism are the driving force behind today’s Ratpublican Party. And Mike Pence has no problem with that. Or if he does, he is sure is keeping it to himself.

Racism, anti-Semitism, insurrection,
what’s not to love

The party of the insurrection and their leader who fomented, incited and delighted in the violence at the Capitol on that day continues their efforts to pretend nothing out of the ordinary took place that day, despite hours of video, nearly 150 law enforcement officers injured, and more than 700 arrests and 70 (Is that all? Really?) sentenced. And they continue kneeling on the neck of democracy.

The repugnant Ratpublican base comprise the same people who still insist the Civil War was about states’ rights. These are the people who do not want their children to be exposed to any words, thoughts or books that might dangle their tiny, fragile, white minds above the roiling waters of non-alternative facts, which might cause them some discomfort, or heaven forbid, self-reflection. And these are the same people who continue kneeling on the neck of democracy.

Golden (Rainbow, actually) oldie video interlude

Fuck Mike Pence!

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Friday, February 18, 2022

Thought For The Day

White Sewerpremacy

February 18, 2022

White noise, old school:

White noise 2022:

The whitest noise

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Monday, February 14, 2022

Russia, If You’re Listening…

But His “Emails”

February 14, 2022

Donald Tmurp famously does not use email. Or formulate coherent sentences. Or know how to spell most words. More comfortable yelling insults and big lies, he was much more at home tweeting. Before being jettisoned for spreading disinformation about COVID-19, Twitter was his preferred means of assaulting our senses in written form. Many people were saying this was in part because he could not focus long enough to create statements any longer than 280 characters.

During the 2016 presidential campaign Donald Tumrp had this to read aloud about Hillary Clinton’s fake email scandal: “People who have nothing to hide…don’t destroy evidence to keep it from being publicly archived, as required under federal law.”

That was then This is now: Witnesses reported seeing Turmp literally ripping up documents in the White House, and on at least one occasion, according to former Turmp aide Omarosa Manigault, shoving the hand-shredded evidence into his face sphincter. More recently we have learned that Turmp removed 15 boxes of documents, including some marked…wait for it…classified, with some documents labeled top secret, from the White House and took them to Mor-on-Lago when he finally, grudgingly was coerced into leaving the White House. The National Archives were forced to go to Mor-on-Largo – I hope the received hazard pay – to retrieve the documents by authority of the Presidential Records Act. 

It is believed that there were also an unknown number of documents that were destroyed in “burn bags” and permanently lost. And who knows what else this life-long criminal is hiding. One assumes that since Trmup believes he is president-for-life, he can do whatever he wants since, and I quote, “When somebody is the president of the United States, the authority is total. And that's the way it's got to be. It's total.” Therefore, it only goes to show that any documents that he wants belong to him in perp…etuity

Tmurp’s famous, altered weather map featuring his “Sharpie bubble”
was one of the illegally pilfered documents retrieved by authorities
According to our sources, it was proudly displayed on his refrigerator

Royal Flush

It is well known that Turmp has serious potty issues. Number one, he reportedly spent a good deal of time tweeting from that particular porcelain pedestal. Number two, he also went on frequent toilet tirades, for example, “I won’t use the example of toilets ‘cause it’s sort of gross, right, but let’s use it anyway. People are having to flush it seven, eight, ten, twelve times.” We may now have new insight into why this mildewed-melon-masquerading-as-a-mammal was so focused on frantically flushing his toilet.

New reporting from Maggie Haberman reveals that while Turmp was in office, “staff at the White House residence periodically discovered wads of printed paper clogging a toilet, and believed [Trump] had flushed pieces of paper.” According to Haberman, staff members would periodically find his personal toilet clogged. The plumber (presumably, not one of Nixon’s Watergate guys) would have to come and find the source of the problem, and what he would find would be clumps of printed paper. Apparently these papers were flushed whole, and not digested like the ones he shoved into his misshapen maw. It would not be wise however to rule out the possibility that at least some of these documents were pre-chewed before being deposited in the crapper, like a mother bird preparing food for her hatchlings. So just to be clear, these documents could have emerged from either end of the president, or placed by hand, or any combination thereof. The mind reels. The stomach churns.

In any event, it seems that either Turmp was attempting to illegally dispose of government documents or he was, as many suspected, literally wiping his ass with the Constitution. Clearly a full, far reaching rectal investigation is in order. We must look into his entrails.

You may remember, (Hopefully not) when the Classified Document Consumer said of Hillary Clinton, “She sent vast amounts of classified information, including information classified as top secret. Top secret. Okay? and this is where they said that she was extremely careless, and frankly I say, grossly incompetent.” Grossly incompetent? You mean like someone blithely divulging extremely sensitive top-secret information to Russian agents in the Oval Office, putting a key ally’s operations in jeopardy? Like that? 

James Comey, Donald Tmurp, Vladimir Putin and much of the “liberal” American media used Clinton’s so-called Email-gate to assure, purposely or otherwise, Tmurp’s Electoral College victory in 2016. As we all know, it was repeatedly determined that Clinton was sloppy, but not criminal. Unlike some people we know, who are both.

Many people are asking: Can you impeach a twice-impeached ex-president? While #45 ended up facing his post-second-impeachment trial as ex-president, both actual impeachments took place while still in office. So the question still stands. As does the need.

How about a dead one?

And I would be remiss if I did not say, Lock. Him. Up!

I. Mangrey reporting.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

Thought For The Day

Marjorie Trailer-Trash Green

February 12, 2022

I hate to admit it, but every time my thoughts are turned to Marjorie Traitor Greene for some mind-bending reason, there are visions of the last phrase of the Second Amendment dancing in my head. And I don’t even own a gun, or think the Second Amendment is the Eleventh Commandment. It is getting harder and harder to get a restful night’s sleep anymore. If only COVID was the most dangerous infection floating around in the air.

According to Greene, who joins the Orange Ogre with her recent permanent suspension from Twitter, told fascist radio host Seb Gorka, “Ultimately, the truth is it's our Second Amendment rights, our right to bear arms, that protects Americans and gives us the ability to defend ourselves from a tyrannical government. And I hate to use this language, but Democrats, they're exactly...they're doing exactly what our Founders talked about when they gave us the precious rights that we have.” She does not in fact hate to use this language, or she would stop using it. At least it was refreshing to hear her take a break from comparing everything she doesn’t like to Nazis and the Holocaust.

Legitimate Political Discourse Rides Again

So many of these Ratpublicans cannot stop referencing the Holocaust in insane analogies. Maybe they would be better off switching to the Crusades. I hear they were pretty bad, and more in their wheelhouse.

More recently Greene warned Americans of “Nancy Pelosi’s Gazpacho Police” and something about her patriotic (Did she mean idiotic?) buddies who assaulted the Capitol being held in the Democrats’ gulag (Did she mean goulash?). Every time she opens her mouth, America’s collective IQ drops a point or two. If she had any brains, Margie would just STFU. Clearly, her precious Second Amendment says nothing about the right to keep and bear brains.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, February 10, 2022

Question For The Day

Dang Mike Pence

February 10, 2022

Is the real reason Mike Pence refused to go along with Turmp’s plan to overturn the election that he knew it wouldn’t work?

Good thing this didn’t happen. Right?

How else to explain it taking him 13 months to reassert his “belief” that Turmp “was wrong” about Pence’s authority to hand him the election?

Pence did briefly come out against the violent assault on the Capitol with a tepid, “Today was a dark day in the history of the United States Capitol.” He never mentioned how many times he had change into clean underwear while running and hiding for his life that day as his boss’ Red Hats rampaged through the Capitol chanting, “Hang Mike Pence!” Did that slip his mind?

Pence then went mute on the subject. He never said Turmp was wrong about anything until just the other day. Unlike McConnell, McCarthy (Kevin, not Joe), and lily-livered Lindsey Graham, Pence never even for a moment connected Turmp’s months of frantic planning and violent rhetoric on that day to the Capitol siege and the gallows with Pence’s name on it. I hope Pence doesn’t have some sort of undiagnosed brain-eating disease that causes him to say shit he doesn’t mean.

Just asking your Paying Attention Question For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your question for the day?

Wednesday, February 9, 2022

Dirty Words

What Makes A Word Dirty?

February 9, 2022

Remember George Carlin’s “Seven Dirty Words You Can’t Say On Television”? These words were deemed dangerous to young minds, and ultimately to anyone watching the small screen. So words like “shit”, "piss”, “fuck”, “cunt”, “cocksucker”, “motherfucker”, and “tits” are still not allowed on American television or radio.

The late, great George Carlin

Song lyrics like Roger Daltry singing, “Who the fuck are you?”, or Grace Slick’s “Doesn’t mean shit to a tree” line, or the chorus of Dan Bern’s “Missing Link” (below) are too toxic for American sensibilities, but professional dissemblers and white supremacists like Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity, Joe Rogan and Fucker Carlson (good thing this isn’t television or radio, or we wouldn’t be allowed to use the actual name of Fux News’ number one asshole…I mean asset) are permitted to essentially yell “Fire!” in a crowded theater every fucking day (well, Limbaugh is finally dead, but you get the point). There are many more of these verbal assaulters whose names will not be mentioned. Because they are unsafe for public consumption.

Who can forget The Doors who were told they could not sing the lyric “girl we couldn’t get much higher” by Ed Sullivan? Sullivan insisted they change the line to “girl we couldn’t get much better.” Jim Morrison ultimately said fuck you to Sullivan, not literally, but instead by singing the original lyric on live television, and the band was banned from ever appearing on the show again.

Tom Petty had to record two versions of his song You Don’t Know How It Feels, to save listeners from the line, “let’s roll another joint.” In the “clean” version he says, “let’s hit another joint,” which is kind of funny as the savvy listener will understand this is not necessarily much better. But, I digress.

If words could literally hurt like sticks and stones, as opposed to just figuratively or as is too often the case, indirectly, Fucker Carlson would be spending much of the rest of his miserable trust-fund-prolonged life behind bars and gagged.

And aren’t people who threaten the lives of White House occupants immediately visited by the actual men in black – the Secret Service? Are not words like, oh I don’t know, “Hang Mike Pence!” a federal offense? I know I would never risk saying such a thing to a Secret Service agent, on television, or radio, or even on a little-read blog.

I didn’t say a fucking thing.

And what about when one of the two major political parties calls the violent siege of the Capitol, in service of a sitting president inciting the overthrow of the government, calls beating Capital police with Turmp and American flag poles (literally the sticks of “sticks and stones”) and various other weapons of bodily harm “legitimate political discourse?” have filthier words ever been spoken?

Dan Bern – Missing Link

I. Mangrey, who never has slurred a discouraging word, and whose eyes are not cloudy. OK?


Frank Zappa - Your Mouth

Sunday, February 6, 2022

Recent History Lessin’

Losin’ Collins

February 6, 2022

The following is really all you need to know about today’s (and yesterday’s for that matter) Ratpublican Party:

Donald Turmp was the most disgraceful, unqualified, anti-democratic candidate ever to run for the presidency, yet he became the Ratpublican standard-bearer.

He and countless members of his campaign worked with Russia to defeat Hillary Clinton.

Turmp lied relentlessly every single day he was in office, ultimately totaling 30573 over 4 years*…that we know of, since we also know that he had a habit of (illegally) tearing up countless presidential documents by hand, causing a need for aides to reconstruct them per the Presidential Records Act of 1978, mandating the preservation of all presidential records (Hmmmm, wonder why we needed that law). As we now know, this includes records that have been hand-shredded (sometimes to confetti-sized pieces) by a criminal president who spent more than a year screaming about Hillary Clinton’s handling of her communications.

He was impeached for abuse of power and obstruction of Congress, related to his personal attempts to strongarm the president of Ukraine into bringing bogus charges against Hunter Biden. The Ratpublican Senate refused to convict, despite overwhelming evidence of high crimes and/or misdemeanors delivered by numerous patriots who witnessed Turmp’s depredations.

After being bailed out by his enablers, Turmp took revenge against everyone who told the truth about his criminal activities.

Turmp’s enablers, sycophants, suck-ups and sock puppets

Turmp stood up for Nazis, white nationalists, Confederate fetishists, and Qanon (who he claimed he knew nothing about except “they like me very much”), and Vladimir Putin at every turn.

He probably provided more aid and comfort to the COVID-19 virus than any person on the planet, was verifiably responsible for hundreds of thousands of American deaths, and suggested people drink disinfectant as a treatment for the virus he nurtured.

After losing in a landslide to Joe Biden, Trump insisted the election was stolen, spread his Big Lie, and mounted a vast campaign to overthrow the government. This campaign culminated (in truth, it remains ongoing) in Turmp inciting a horrendous terror attack on the Capitol, where his supporters tried to hang Mike Pence, assaulted and in some cases murdered law-enforcement, smeared feces on the Capitol walls, and attempted to steal documents necessary to ceremonially certify the Electoral College count on January 6, 2021.

To top off the most disgusting presidency in American history (and that’s saying something), Turmp is impeached a record second time. Again, mountains of incontrovertible audio and video evidence presented by House managers were not enough to convince Senate Ratpublicans to convict the obvious, shameless criminal. The one many of them rightly, albeit briefly, blamed for the attempted coup.

Dangling Pardons, Simple

As if all of that was not sufficient to disqualify this deplorable douchebag from ever showing his face in public again, let alone running for office, Turmp recently told rally-goers in Texas, “Another thing we’ll do – and so many people have been asking me about it – if I run and if I win, we will treat those people from January 6 fairly. We will treat them fairly. And if it requires pardons, we will give them pardons. Because they are being treated so unfairly.” I assume he has a good treason for saying this.

Presumably, neither Turmp nor his simple-minded, seditious supporters understand that pardoning someone presumes, and enshrines for all time, the fact that the pardoned party was guilty in the first place. They also missed the fact that Turmp was still technically president for two weeks after his failed coup, and could have theoretically pardoned all his little criminals then. But that is only because he thinks they are all suckers and losers. Or maybe because not one of those fuckers was arrested during the four-hour-long assault.  Nonetheless, Turmp did not stop at offering up phony pardons for the traitors who attacked the Capitol. He urged his mindless minions to “protest” should any court dare put him on trial for any of the many crimes for which he is currently on the eve of indictment. We all know what Turmp means when he talks about white folks protesting.

But wait, there’s more…there’s always more…

Apparently not satisfied with the current state of indictments against him, Turmp took a few moments to reiterate that he attempted a coup, whining that the House Select Committee on Jan 6, which he claims is fraudulent, should be investigating Mike Pence for not “overturning the election” – his words…and mine.

Nonetheless, Susan Collins (and an as yet unofficial number of other Ratpublican office-holders) would not rule out voting for the disgraced, twice-impeached, seditious, ex-president and failed blogger should he again be the party’s nominee in 2024. Collins, you may recall, was given permission by another Russian loyalist – Moscow Mitch McConnell – to vote in favor of the second impeachment. Collins probably thinks Turmp will have learned his lesson by then.

Now, I Digress…

Can’t wait to see how the ever-concerned-about-everything-except-what-she-should-be-concerned-about Collins will vote on Biden’s undoubtedly qualified and undoubtedly African-American woman nominee to the Supreme Court. We already know her boss McConnell would prefer a “real” American. Collins has already expressed her patented concern about “the way that the president has handled this nomination,” which she whined was “clumsy at best.” This of course, has nothing whatsoever to do with the quality of any potential nominee.

Clearly, Ratpublicans insist (believe?) that only white males are capable of looking at issues of race, gender, class, whatever, objectively.

I find it amusing that anyone would give one iota of credit to Mike Pence for, after 13 months of unrelenting cowardice, finally saying that his former owner was “wrong” about Pence being able to “overturn the election.” Worse late than never. Pence is nothing but a self-serving cynic looking to salvage his political future. I would not even waste a gallows on him. He deserves nothing but our bile. And maybe a show on Spotify.

I also find it amusing that so many Ratpublicans act like Turmp is an aberration. He is not. He is them and they are him. All con, all the time. No shame, no guts, no class. Gross. Old. Party. Fuck ‘em.

And just to put the urine-infused icing on this seven-layer feces-flavored cake, the Ratpublican National Committee has now officially, purposely, in writing, with no sense of shame, irony or fascism, labeled the murderous, shit-stained, treasonous January 6, 2021 terror attack on the Capitol as “ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

And, so to bed.

Leonard Cohen – Everybody Knows

*In the spirit of undeserved generosity, we will assume three “working” days per week times four years (remember, Turmp also “worked” very short days, and took 307 golf days, so really at best he “worked” approximately 400-500 days, but we’ll ignore all that) which means Turmp lied some 50 times per “work” day. One would be excused for thinking he had some kind of lying bonus in his contract with Putin.

I. Mangrey, more concerned than Susan Collins.