Saturday, November 2, 2013

Tar Sands 'r' US

Tarred And Fetid

ExxonMobil, DC
November 2, 2013
Republican’ts continue their childish obsession with killing Obamacare, voting over forty times to defund it. Perhaps the most amusing part of this is that the part where everyone has to buy coverage from the already rich and greedy insurance companies is essentially an old Republican idea. Cruz & Co. are willing to sacrifice anything-that’s-not-military-spending to get their way. They shut down the federal government to avoid risking affordable healthcare for all Americans, but that’s not all they wanted. Not by a long shot. Republican’ts created a laundry-list of demands, including cutting taxes on the wealthiest (nobody saw that one coming), cutting regulations on the Wall Street criminals that helped destroy our economy, keeping contraceptives out of the hands of women and gutting environmental regulations in exchange for raising the Debt Ceiling. Yet, they refused to entertain any debate regarding raising the Debt Dumb Ceiling, which they do every Monday.
They also demanded that Obama immediately approve the Keystone XL pipeline to transfer tar sands oil from Cruzland Canada through the United States to the Gulf of Mexico for sale everywhere but America…to maximize profit. The jobs promised by proponents of the pipeline are mythical and the oil will simply pass through this country like jalapeno-inundated diarrhea. The Keystone pipeline will provide close to zero benefit to Americans - except for the oil company executives who stand to make a killing on the deal, in more ways than one.
The next big eco-tourism destination?

Canadian tar sands extraction is the largest industrial operation on the planet. Toxic-sludge byproducts are simply carted off to create giant 'lakes.' Every day hundreds of thousands of gallons of toxins are leaching into the water table in northern Canada. The process for extracting tar sands oil uses more natural gas than all the homes in Canada. Tar sands oil puts 3-4 times more carbon pollution into the air than regular gasoline. What could possibly go wrong?
Tar sands oil is also more fun because it eats through the pipes that carry it so it escapes its containment regularly and will do this more often if we let it. Another fun fact: It doesn’t float on water like regular oil; it sinks and is therefore much more dangerous and all but impossible to clean up. There aren’t even any serious clean-up plans in place for regular oil spills, let alone this stuff. The oil companies, though they receive massive subsidies (i.e., welfare) from the federal government (i.e., our tax dollars) spend whatever is left over, after the obscene salaries and bonuses for their CEOs and the pittance they pay their workers, on extraction technology, but nothing on safety and clean-up.
On March 29, 2013 tar sands began oozing out of its pipeline in Mayflower, Arkansas causing the evacuation of 22 homes. ExxonMobil, owner of the pipeline worked very hard after the 'accident' keeping cameras and reporters away. They then proceeded to 'clean up' the mess with paper towels. This is their state-of-the-art technology in the year 2013. Paper towels. And that is after 364 oil spills in 2012 alone. You'd think they'd have something that looked better to at least distract us by now. 

They probably clean their bathrooms with Q-tips and club soda
Tar sands oil that began bubbling up from the ground, in amounts that would make Jed Clampett weep, in northern Alberta, Canada in May is still spewing onto the earth’s surface from four different leaks. Nobody knows how the leaks started and nobody knows how to make them stop even five months later.
Thanks to creative regulations (written by lobbyists) tar sands oil is not considered oil, it is called bitumen. Since it is labeled as bitumen and not oil, it doesn’t fall under the regulatory umbrella that protects us (yeah, right) from environmental devastation, like when giant oil barges captained by drunks run aground in Alaska, or purposely flimsy oil rigs explode in the Gulf of Mexico. Therefore tar sands oil is exempt from payments into the Oil Spill Liability Trust Fund typically required for every barrel of oil shipped in the US. Oil companies that earn huge profits by shipping toxic tar sands across our country don’t have to pay into the fund that is designed to pay for most of the clean-up of the XL’s inevitable spills. ExxonMobil used this loophole to get out of paying to clean up their mess in Arkansas.
James Hansen, who spent 46 years at NASA and is one of the world's leading climatologists says extraction of the Athabasca oil sands is "essentially game over" for any hope of stabilizing global climate. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change raised its level of certainty from "very likely," which is a 90% likelihood, to "extremely likely," which is a 95% likelihood that "human interference has been the dominant cause of the observed warming since the mid-20th century." We're #1.
My parents always told me to clean up after myself when I made a mess. What about all this talk about individual responsibility? Republicants are frothing over Obamacare, a plan that was hatched under Ronald Reagan in the 1980s, and supported by conservative think tanks for decades until Barack Obama fought for and then signed into law. They insist that people be responsible for their own healthcare. And food. And multiple jobs. Why won't they hold oil companies responsible to clean up after themselves? Why won't we hold them responsible to clean up our planet now that we know we are responsible for causing catastrophic damage to the environment? Now that’s real healthcare.
I. Mangrey and T. Doff reporting
Thanks for listening. Don't take any bitumen nickels.