Monday, July 31, 2023

Strategery 101

Smith Got Game

July 31, 2023

Someone who displays significant strategic advantage over a hapless adversary is often described as playing three-dimensional chess, while their foe is playing checkers.

Special Counsel Jack Smith seems to have added a few new dimensions to his game. It is looking like Trump’s Florida indictments are a smokescreen. He knew he was likely to get Trump’s unqualified, unserious pet judge to hear the case, so he tossed these indictments as a diversion while he put together the Washington, DC indictments for Trump’s January 6 kerfuffle – as his enablers like to call it.

The DC charges are possibly more serious, and more likely to be tried much sooner than Florida. And there will almost certainly be a real judge in DC. The extra bonus is that when Trump is found guilty in DC – perhaps of sedition or insurrection – his bid to re-steal the White House will be over, either electorally or legally. Then after the election that Trump will either lose or be watching from the sidelines or a cell, the Florida case can proceed and no pardon will be forthcoming. Double fucking whammy.

If you’re considering inviting Donald over for dinner, you’d better
get on his schedule soon; his calendar is filling up pretty fast.
And two more indictments are looming bigly.

For his part, disgraced, twice-impeached, twice-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president Trump insists that neither arrest, indictment or imprisonment will interfere with his campaigning. Trump is desperately seeking a second term (third if you ask him) for the sole purpose of pardoning himself after he is found guilty of any or all of the crimes against the United States that he knows full well he committed during and after his time in office.

Someone else knows what Trump did last summer. Newly indicted co-conspirator Carlos De Oliveira told a Mor-on-Lago IT guy that “the boss” wanted the server containing the security video records deleted. When the IT guy pushed back, saying he would need approval from his security supervisor, De Oliveira again stated that “the boss” wanted the server deleted. Guess who was the boss of him.

“I never liked the White House anyway,
I’ll be president from right here.”

Despite the fact that Trump is playing checkers, there is no way he is going to get kinged.

Funny Thing

Shortly after completing this post, I found that someone else was playing with the same chess/checkers analogy. However, this does not put me in good company. Ultra-psychotic loser Karen Kari Lake, who is vying to outdo Trump when it comes to election denial, still claims she is the newly elected governor of Arizona. She is not. Lake, despite her delusions of being governor of Arizona, is desperately trying to get on the Trump 2024 ticket. She came up with the following regarding Jack Smith v. Don Trump…

“They're playing checkers and President Trump is playing, you know, chess at the highest level, so I don't think they want to pick a fight with him.

That’s right folks. Donald Trump is running rings around poor Jack Smith. If memory serves, Smith is not the one rage posting every day in all caps. Nor is Smith the one who stole classified documents and then lied to authorities about returning everything. Smith is not the one who has been caught directing underlings to destroy evidence, or the one who incited an insurrection designed to overturn the free and fair election he lost. Only one of the players in this game of chesskers is facing 74 federal counts. And it is not Jack Smith.

I may need to alter my analogy: Jack Smith is playing multi-dimensional chess, while Trump is playing know, playing with himself.

He doesn’t look at Kari the way he looks at Ivanka, but she’ll do
(whatever Donny wants)

I. Mangrey, reevaluating.

Saturday, July 29, 2023

The Donald Trump Cult


July 29, 2023

Who’s the leader of the cult that’s killing you and me,


Hey there, hi there, ho there,

We’re fucked as we can be!


Donald Trump

What the fuck?

Donald Trump

What the fuck?

Forever we can only wonder why. Why?! Why?! Why?!

Come along and right this wrong, indict this S.O.B.


Now it’s time to start the trials, lock this fucker up

D-O-N, anything’s better than this asshole,

A-L-D, don’t forget to throw away the key,

T – R – U – M – P

I. Mangrey. Sometimes things just inexplicably happen.

Wednesday, July 26, 2023

Slaves With Benefits

How White You Are

July 26, 2023

As if I needed any further fodder (wait, that can’t be right, shouldn’t it be any fodder further?) for my angst and, let’s call it discontent. It has come to my attention that many of the Africans dragged from their homes and who managed not to die on the voyage across the ocean wherein they were transported like debris (not exactly a Carnival Cruise), and then became slaves in the New World, benefitted greatly from their captivity by developing “skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit”* someday down the road…possibly. Some benefitted by learning skills like not dying from savage beatings, inhuman working conditions, rape, perpetual emotional torture and not being lynched. Apparently, some also gained skills like blacksmithing, or golfing or something, which they could then use later in life if they were not being hunted down by angry White mobs who refused to admit that 1) slavery was inherently evil, and 2) slavery had been abolished in the United States.

Would this be considered a skill?

Holocaust Deniers, Meet Slavery Deniers

None of my ancestors had the luxury of being dragged half way across the globe, enslaved by a bunch of savages and learning marketable skills. Most of my ancestors were merely dragged from their homes, taken a little ways away and murdered in Nazi concentration camps, where no useful skills were imparted to those who managed to escape dreadful slaughter.

One of the Fux News talking heads decided to drag noted Austrian psychiatrist and Holocaust survivor ViKtor Frankl (who he referred to as “Vik Frankl” because I guess they were buddies in an alternate reality) into the fray, whining that Frankl said that some Jews survived the death camps by making themselves useful. Keep digging asshole.

Naturally, the rabid rat-in-a-tie who took Fucker Carlson’s place (remember him?) on Fux was appalled, appalled I tell you, that Vice President Kamala Harris had the audacity to push back against Florida’s decision – based on Ron DuhSantis’ “War on Woke” – to begin teaching the delusional up-side to the indelible stain on the American Experiment that was slavery.

Carlson’s repugnant replacement Jesse Watters posed this: “I just have to ask the African Americans watching right now [African Americans, plural? Watching Fux News? Really?] What’s it like to be lied to by Kamala Harris? What’s it like to be lied to by these buffoons on MSNBC?” One imagines it is much like being lied to every single minute of every single day by watching Fux News, except that the almost-all-white, almost-all-over-60 Fux audience wouldn’t know a lie if it pissed on their leg and called it rain. Oh wait, that’s what Fux does all the time.

Done DuhSantis

On a happier note, Florida Governor Ron DeRacist, now that his political career has come to an ignominious, hard-earned conclusion, should be sold into slavery to learn a new skill.

* Quoth the craven Ron DuhSantis, while claiming he had nothing to do with the Florida bored of “education” attempting to whitewash the disgraceful institution of slavery. After mewling, “I didn’t do it. I had nothing to do with it,” DuhSantis went on to explain why he thought it was a good idea to teach about the benefits of having been enslaved in America.

I. Mangrey reconstructing.                                                       


Monday, July 24, 2023

Thought For The Day

‘X’ Marks The Blot

July 24, 2023

Tesla CEO and flailing fascist fuckwit Elon Musk is apparently not finished destroying Twitter. While the social media platform did have its good points, it was a murder-hornet’s nest of filth, disinformation and stupidity…on a good day. And it has become infinitely worse – now with more hate, racism, anti-Semitism and miscellaneous filth than ever – under its new “management.”

Billionaire bozo Elon Musk announces Twitter rebranding

Following in the dog-shit-encrusted footsteps of such corporate greats as the murderous Philip Morris, the mercenaries at Blackwater, planet fuckers British Petroleum and F@$*book, all of whom hoped they could hide their misdeeds behind a new moniker or logo, Muck is poised to do the same with his newest toy – Twitter.

Musk GivesThe Bird

Musk is planning to rebrand his recent grossly overpriced purchase to – and if nothing else exhibits the true depths of his brilliance, this should just about do it – ‘X’. Yes, I am not making this up – ‘X’. That should fix everything.

I guess this ingenious rebranding can’t make Musk’s Twitter any more useless than it already is. Musk said he would transform Twitter into a "super app" but it quickly became super crap. The company is already valued at a third of the stupid price Musk paid less than a year ago.

Many people are saying that he chose ‘X’ because 'Q' and the swastika were already taken.

The Trashmen – Surfin’ Bird

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Paying Attention™ Public Service Announcement

Think Of The Savings

July 23, 2023

One of the dimmest bulbs in the Fascist Party firmament – and currently one of its most powerful members – EmptyG, attempted to ridicule Joe Biden’s agenda by derisively comparing Biden to the likes of FDR and LBJ (whose existence Marge apparently just discovered). “His BIG socialist programs were the Great Society ... big government programs to address education, medical care, urban problems, rural poverty, transportation, Medicare, Medicaid, food stamps and welfare.” Disgusting. It’s high time we put a stop to providing federal funds all these horrific – and staggeringly popular across all demographics – programs…in Red states. Funny thing; most of the morons who repeatedly vote for EmptyG and her ilk will be devastated without all these BIG socialist programs.

The Biden campaign used the video of EmptyG stating the above quote with the predictable tag-line “I’m Joe Biden and I approve this message.”

I’m Dark Brandon and I approve this idiot’s message

Green would do well to stick to her strengths: showing Hunter Biden’s dick pics to everyone, everywhere she goes, and fondling life-size cardboard Donald Trumps. Does she keep this in her office or her bedroom? Inquiring minds are afraid to know. Poor Marge must be terribly lonely after her husband dumper her dumb ass. Maybe she should get herself a dildo…I hear Lindsey Graham is available.

(Not Photoshopped, I swear)

Take Our Funding And Shove It

I think that Red states should immediately begin declining money generated by Blue states. I'm sure these proud sons of bitches…I mean, the South would be much happier not being a bunch of pathetic, groveling welfare queens dependent on a bunch of liberals for their very survival.

They should cut off all Medicaid, Medicare, Social Security – all those damned government handouts their elected officials are trying to do away with all the time. And they can save money by ridding themselves of all those woke public schools that keep trying to shove reality down the throats of their children. They would be helping the nation they say they love so very, very much – so much that they would gladly burn it all down so they could make it great again. If these Welfare States would stop taking all these unwanted, undeserved discretionary dollars, just think of the positive impact it would have on the federal deficit they keep whining about.

Let’s help our brothers and sisters stand up on their own hind legs. If they cannot summon the courage to just say no to liberal money, then we should, out of the goodness of our hearts, give them the tough love they need. Cut off all monies going from Blue states to Red states immediately.

It’s for their own good.

This has been a public service announcement from the good people at Paying Attention™.

Thursday, July 20, 2023

Kennedy? 2024?

Turn The Other Freak

July 20, 2023

This Lousy T-Shirt

The other day I saw someone sporting this t-shirt:

Simple, yet defective

I wasn’t sure if this meant RFK, Jr. or JFK, Jr.

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has thrown his clearly-much-too-tight-to allow-sufficient-oxygen-to-his-brain hat into the ring to challenge Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination (I guess). Jr.’s candidacy does give him a much more robust platform to compare COVID-19 vaccines to Nazi concentration camps, and countless other conspiracy theories. Kennedy, a conspiracy theorist of the highest order, said he “thought” Joe Biden won the 2020 election, but was not sure.

RFK, Jr.’s latest dive off the deep end suggested that “COVID-19 is targeted to attack Caucasians and Black people. The people who are most immune are Ashkenazi Jews and Chinese.” Now, at first blush this might not seem as anti-Semitic as other RFK, Jr. fodder until you stop to think: Exactly who, besides Jews, would be protecting Jews? And why spare the Chinese? Everyone knows how much Jews love Chinese food.

How many times does one need to defend, deny, apologize, rationalize, homina-homina-homina their anti-Semitic statements before one must admit to oneself and the world that, okay, so I'm anti-Semitic, so sue me.

“What is your problem with the Jews, Ralph?”
“Homina, homina, homina.”

Maybe the shirt was not even referring to RFK, Jr. Qanon believes his cousin John F. Kennedy, Jr. is still alive and is preparing to swoop in, become Trump’s running mate and make America something again, or maybe for the first time. Who the fuck knows anymore? Maybe since JFK, Jr. has yet to show himself, he’s been upgraded to the top of the ticket.

RFK, Jr. has been spending quality time with anti-Semites, Joe Rogan and Michael Flynn and on Fux News. Though he claims to be running as a Democrat, most of RFK, Jr.’s support and funding comes from the Steve Bannon wing of the Fascist Party. We reached out to Kennedy to find out if he believes John, Jr. is still alive and/or planning to enter the 2024 race.

We also reached out to John, Jr. Our requests for comment drew no response, possibly due to a lack of his being alive.

Hasn’t the Kennedy family suffered enough? Junior’s sister and cousin Joseph publicly rebuked him for his comment regarding the Jews. Undoubtedly, RFK, Jr.’s father and two uncles are fortunate to be unable to witness this shameful tableau…unless they too are simply in hiding.

Or perhaps it had nothing to do with any of the Massachusetts Kennedys and the wearer was supporting super-Cracker John Kennedy of Louisiana – one of the most asinine members of the Senate in living memory, a tragically high bar.

Whoever this person was intending to support, as we passed each other I was too polite to offer up a WTF, too scared to ask, and too nauseated to point and laugh.

I. Mangrey, watching the wheels go round fall off the bus.

Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Hmmmm For The Day

You Have Been Warned

July 18, 2023

You may have noticed a strange message in place of the usual pithy headline atop our most recent post Empathy For Dummies. It seems this post has been flagged by the host of this fine upstanding young blog for dangerous content. Apparently, it has become unfashionable, nay, unacceptable to threaten, however sarcastically, fascists, racists, anti-Semites, toxic morons and their fellow travelers.

It is fine for people like Donald Trump – leader of the fascists, racists, anti-Semites, toxic morons and their fellow travelers – to threaten judges, federal agents, district attorneys and anyone who thinks Trump pals around with fascists, racists, anti-Semites, toxic morons and the like. It’s okay for Trump to threaten our national security and our very democracy, but a line is crossed when a simple country blogger with a following in the dozens makes strong statements of warning and perhaps a joking hint at violence against those who actually perpetrate violence against America.

We here at Paying Attention will continue to say whatever the fuck we want. We also promise to never commit actual violence against anyone, with the possible exception of throwing small rocks at the vicious deer who unrelentingly threaten the very survival of the many flowering plants that grace the landscape of our corporate headquarters in lovely southeastern Pennsylvania.

Signs - The Five Man Electrical Band

This has been your Paying Attention™ Hmmmm For The Day.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Thought For The Day - It's The Drugs, Stupid

Cloudy With A Chance Of Side Effects

July 11, 2023

As if the obnoxious, ubiquitous, often potentially dangerous television advertisements hawking drugs you never heard of weren’t bad enough. Each commercial ends with a litany of mind-curdling side effects: Crockloxy may cause bleeding, headaches, insomnia, cranio-rectal insertion, psychosis, Republicanism, or global thermonuclear war. Do not take Crockloxy if you are pregnant, planning to be pregnant, are likely to be within 50 yards of someone who is, was or might ever be pregnant, if you plan to operate heavy machinery, smart phones or refrigerators, or if you are allergic to Crockloxy (this is one of my favorite warnings – how the fuck would you know you’re allergic to something you only just found out existed 30 seconds ago?). Do not take this medication if you have hair, skin, teeth, internal organs, or plan to live past Wednesday.

Apparently, these bullshit ads weren’t having sufficient economic impact. They had become so ubiquitous that people stopped even noticing them. I guess we haven’t been asking our doctors if these drugs are right for us enough for Big Pharma to rob us blind (I wonder if there’s a drug for that).

Madison Avenue must have been getting desperate to attract our attention anew.  They have kicked their bullshit up a notch. Now all these drugs are starting to have their own theme songs and/or dance routines. These drug ads are starting to have production budgets that rival many feature films.

Don’t forget to ask your doctor, or someone who plays one on TV, or maybe some homeless guy, if Crockloxy is…oh, fuck it, just go out and get you some. What could it possibly hurt? You too could be singing in the rain, dancing in the streets…or dead.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

What do you think? 

Monday, July 10, 2023

Fraught For The Day

So Long, And Thanks For All The Filth

July 10, 2023

I’ve been in the throes of yet another existential crisis.

I now can’t decide whether it will be the rampaging Climate Crisis or Artificial Intelligence that in the not-too-distant future will be the final blow to humanity.

But then it hit me.

I am now convinced that AI will use the Climate Crisis, and most of human kind’s immeasurable aversion to acknowledging its very existence, to rid itself of the very messy, increasingly divorced from reality and intelligence, human species. Hopefully AI will be kinder to the planet than we have been.

Either that, or AI will lower its expectations of ruling the entire planet and will instead (easily) find a way to take over America by getting us to Second Amendment ourselves out of existence.

In any event, we’ve had a good run.

Not really, but we certainly enjoyed ourselves to death.

Freak out…

I mean, Peace Out.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.

What has you fraught for the day?

Friday, July 7, 2023

Fun Fact For The Day

Marge And In Charge Discharged

July 7, 2023

Separated at birth

Wow. Brain-damaged (and that’s being generous) EmptyG has been thrown out of the increasingly insane Fascist Party’s House FreeDumb Caucus. Apparently, she is too close to ersatz-Speaker Kevin McQarthy and has been saying mean things about her fellow dumbasses. 

aka Lord of The Flies Caucus

It appears that the FreeDumb bunch is distraught because malignant, moronic Marge has not been bringing the crazy like she used to. Despite recently posing with an assault weapon with the Capitol as a backdrop, calling Lauren Boobert “a little bitch” was a bitch too far for the other MAGAts. Regardless what their “thinking” might be, it’s good to see all these whackos set up their circular firing squad. So, what will EmptyG do now that she is a caucus of less-than-one? Inquiring minds couldn’t give a shit.

Just thought you might like to know.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.

Thursday, July 6, 2023

Broken News

Fighting Liar With Liar?

July 6, 2023

It is clear that bragging about grabbing women by the pussy, two impeachments, getting creamed attempting a second treasonous term, inciting an insurrection, getting indicted for espionage with several other major felony indictments looming, have not dampened the abject, cultish fealty the majority of the Fascist Party faithful (You know…morons) unwaveringly bestow upon their lard and slavior.

Trump’s lead among primary voters has only widened since his latest crushing blow, according to national polling. Every single primary rival has lost ground in the past two months – even those who had no ground to lose. No one has lost more ground than Florida Governor Ron DeFascist.

Assholes can’t resist a dickhead

Indictment For The Win

We have it on good alternative authority that President Joe Biden and his team are hard at work trying to find a way to peel off some of Trump’s support among the not-too-bright/not-beholden-to-the-law crowd in case Trump is the Fascist Party nominee once again. Biden’s advisors have come to the conclusion that their best bet is for the president to get indicted in order to woo some the 70,000,000 idiots who are likely still planning to vote for the disgraced, twice-impeached, twice-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leader and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term-president.

Lock me up! Lock me up! Lock me up!

Team Biden is well aware that no matter what, Trump will still have more indictments under his elastic, stretched-to-the-limit belt than Biden could ever hope to amass in such a short time. Even if Biden does manage to get himself indicted, he will have his work cut out for him if he hopes to get close to the 70-plus counts Trump has already racked up, and Trump is only getting started. 

Nonetheless, the Biden campaign is busy holding focus groups to determine which possible indictment would attract the greatest number of nitwits. Should he expose himself in public? Start inviting spies from China and Russia to his resorts to show off classified documents? Shoot someone on Fifth Avenue? Incite a coup against himself?

At the moment, cartoon character/hot air buffoon Donald Trump is riding his indictment wave like a bitch. The worse it gets for the Inciter In-chief, the better he does in the polls. This shocking shithead is only four points behind Joe Biden right now. will his next three or four indictments have the same effect? Will he take the lead after his first conviction? Will he become forever-president after his third or fourth? Inquiring minds want to rip their own heads off.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled heebie-jeebies. 

Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Use The Fourth

What would summer be without reruns? 

Here's one from Paying Attention™’s Fourth of Julys past. No ghosts. Just gasps. Sit back and enjoy this thrilling story of yesteryear, brought to you without commercial interruption…

Independence Day Extravaganza

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 4, 2018

On this 242nd anniversary of the great experiment in democracy that is the United States, I am reminded of a day back in 1976, during our nation’s Bicentennial Brouhaha, when the man who pardoned the criminal Richard Nixon – unelected president Gerald R. Ford – dared to show his face in Philadelphia – the birthplace of American democracy (Anyone remember that?), and right outside Independence Hall of all places. 

Despite the city’s attempts to relegate protesters to a remote location, far away from Ford, a ragtag file of demonstrators – the Philadelphia Painted Faces Brigade – flouted the anti-First Amendment attempt to countermand the right of “people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” and braved a phalanx of constabularies and angry “patriots,” to be near Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and Nixon’s handpicked successor/enabler.  Members of the PPFB were told to “love it or leave it,” caused to dodge projectiles, threats and epithets, but this tiny but determined group, eventually joined by more aggressive agitators from New York, stood their ground and made their voices heard.  It was a big story (actually, a tiny one) in all the papers (well, one of them), and the lads were photographed extensively by several men in very nice suits.  All members eventually showed up on America’s Most Ignored list.

Philadelphia Bulletin, circa July 5, 1976
(Thanks to BtB for archival material)
inset below

Two founding members of the PPFB – July 4, 1976
The Punishment Brothers, Cruel and Unusual 

Zappa/Beefheart – 200 Years Old

Incendiary signage was waved.  Anti-authoritarian chants filled the air.  And yes, a flag may have been set ablaze, either to signify the rockets’ red glare, or perhaps the bombs bursting in air, or possibly to express outrage at the presence of the man – himself unelected to the highest office in the land – who pardoned a criminal president, the lingering resentment of the recently ended Vietnam War, and the long history of genocide, slavery, government sponsored corporate malfeasance, international tomfoolery, and all the other intolerable acts carried out in the name of the American people.

Gil Scott Heron – Bicentennial Blues

That Was Then, This Is Then-er

Forty-two years later, members of the PPFB remain committed to the ideals of a nation that values gender, economic and social equality, a government of, by and for the people, a healthy environment, and what some have referred to as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.  Some people never learn.

As we celebrate the Fourth of July in 2018, we have a president more criminal than any other.  We anxiously await the report and/or further arrests pursuant to the investigation of the 45th – and most fascist – president by Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into connections between said president and a panoply of Russian oligarchs, spies, lawyers and other friends of this president’s idol, Vladimir Putin.  Countless members of 45’s inner circle have Russian connections.  An unknown number of Russians attended his inauguration, including various attendees at exclusive, invitation-only inauguration events. 

One cannot help but wonder how many Russians have attended other inaugurations.  I wonder how many Russians attended Barack Obama’s inauguration.  I wonder when, if ever, Republican’ts in Congress might start to question the relationship between their party’s leader – who was unquestionably helped, if not catapulted, into office by Vladimir Putin (who despised and feared Hillary Clinton) – and the Russian government.  I will not be holding my breath…or my tongue.

Der Furor has also announced his plan to meet privately with his Russian benefactor – so there will be no actual record of their conversation.  This is usually an indication that El Dummo is sharing state secrets.  If this meet turns out half as well as the recent punking by Kim Jong Un, the next Fourth of July might feature real rockets’ red glare/bombs bursting in air, if not proof through the night that our flag is still there.  I say, if it walks like a schmuck, and it quacks like a schmuck, and it has the world’s most ridiculous “hair,” it will hopefully end up in prison, or at the very least impeached, ostracized, and a pariah for all time.

What is that pile of shit on top of its head?
(undoctored photo, I swear)

It is ironic that on our nation’s anniversary there has been a leak of plans to change the very nature of our Constitution.  Once again, Paying Attention has exclusive reporting thanks to our new intern, Willie Nilly who spoke to a highly placed, anonymous, non-existent source, who gave the alias Creep Bloat.  “Get ready for some serious Constitutional rewrites.  These guys are not backing down and they have some very big, very stupid ideas.  What the hell do you think is going to happen once the Court is stacked, and loaded for the Middle Ages?  This is only the tip of the shitstorm we can expect from now on, unless the Tumor-in-chief is excised once and for all.  Me, I’m moving to Greenland.  Like NOW!”

Here are some of the proposed changes Jared Kushner, who (among all the other jobs he always was, and has since proven he is absolutely, without a shadow of a doubt, unqualified, incapable, and not-the-least-bit-interested in doing) was made responsible for restructuring the federal government, is “working” on:

Amendment I: Congress shall not interfere with any law demanding an establishment of religion, or more accurately Christianity as law of the land.  The president (as long as it is a white, male Republican) shall be free to abridge the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, or to petition the Government for a redress of grievances as he sees fit, or simply throws a fit.

Amendment II: An uneducated electorate, being necessary to the security of a Republican-controlled State, the right of the people to remain purposefully and aggressively ignorant, shall not be infringed. Oh, and more guns please, mainly for white people.

Amendment III: Any Soldier shall, even in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, and in time of war, can do whatever they want, such as grab them by the pussy, regardless of any law that may appear to be contrary.

Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, is quaint and obsolete, and no Warrants shall be necessary, nor probable cause, nor Oath nor affirmation, and any place shall be searched, and any persons or things shall be seized at the whim of the Executive or his agents, especially his daughter Ivanka, whom he covets above all else (and not in a good way).

Amendment V: All persons shall be caused to answer for capital, or otherwise infamous crimes (unless having anything whatsoever to do with Russians), despite any danger to themselves; do not think for a moment that you cannot be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; or be compelled in any criminal case to be a witness against yourself, or possibly be deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law if you dare to even speak against the president; private property shall be taken for public use, without just compensation if it please the Executive or his agents (see Amendment IV).

Hopefully, this project will either never get anywhere, like all of Kushner’s other projects, or will have to be completed from the comfort of a federal prison.

I. Mangrey.  Bad craziness.  Panic first, ask questions later.                                                                                                                                                     

Today's new content below