What would summer be without reruns?
Here's one from Paying Attention™’s Fourth of Julys past. No
ghosts. Just gasps. Sit back and enjoy this thrilling story of yesteryear,
brought to you without commercial interruption…
Independence Day Extravaganza
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
July 4, 2018
On this 242nd anniversary of the great experiment
in democracy that is the United States, I am reminded of a day back in 1976,
during our nation’s Bicentennial Brouhaha, when the man who pardoned the
criminal Richard Nixon – unelected president Gerald R. Ford – dared to show his
face in Philadelphia – the birthplace of American democracy (Anyone remember that?), and right outside Independence
Hall of all places.
Despite the city’s attempts to relegate protesters to a
remote location, far away from Ford, a ragtag file of demonstrators – the
Philadelphia Painted Faces Brigade – flouted the anti-First Amendment attempt to
countermand the right of “people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the
Government for a redress of grievances,” and braved a phalanx of constabularies
and angry “patriots,” to be near Independence Hall, the Liberty Bell and
Nixon’s handpicked successor/enabler. Members
of the PPFB were told to “love it or leave it,” caused to dodge projectiles,
threats and epithets, but this tiny but determined group, eventually joined by more
aggressive agitators from New York, stood their ground and made their voices
heard. It was a big story (actually, a
tiny one) in all the papers (well, one of them), and the lads were photographed
extensively by several men in very nice suits.
All members eventually showed up on America’s Most Ignored list.
Zappa/Beefheart – 200 Years Old
Incendiary signage was waved. Anti-authoritarian chants filled the air. And yes, a flag may have been set ablaze, either
to signify the rockets’ red glare, or perhaps the bombs bursting in air, or
possibly to express outrage at the presence of the man – himself unelected to
the highest office in the land – who pardoned a criminal president, the
lingering resentment of the recently ended Vietnam War, and the long history of
genocide, slavery, government sponsored corporate malfeasance, international
tomfoolery, and all the other intolerable acts carried out in the name of the
American people.
Gil Scott Heron – Bicentennial Blues
That Was Then, This
Is Then-er
Forty-two years later, members of the PPFB remain committed
to the ideals of a nation that values gender, economic and social equality, a
government of, by and for the people, a healthy environment, and what some have
referred to as life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Some people never learn.
As we celebrate the Fourth of July in 2018, we have a
president more criminal than any other.
We anxiously await the report and/or further arrests pursuant to the
investigation of the 45th – and most fascist – president by Special
Counsel Robert Mueller, who is looking into connections between said president
and a panoply of Russian oligarchs, spies, lawyers and other friends of this
president’s idol, Vladimir Putin.
Countless members of 45’s inner circle have Russian connections. An unknown number of Russians attended his
inauguration, including various attendees at exclusive, invitation-only inauguration
One cannot help but wonder how many Russians have attended
other inaugurations. I wonder how many
Russians attended Barack Obama’s inauguration.
I wonder when, if ever, Republican’ts in Congress might start to
question the relationship between their party’s leader – who was unquestionably
helped, if not catapulted, into office by Vladimir Putin (who despised and
feared Hillary Clinton) – and the Russian government. I will not be holding my breath…or my tongue.
Der Furor has also announced his plan to meet privately with
his Russian benefactor – so there will be no actual record of their
conversation. This is usually an
indication that El Dummo is sharing state secrets. If this meet turns out half as well as the
recent punking by Kim Jong Un, the next Fourth of July might feature real
rockets’ red glare/bombs bursting in air, if not proof through the night that
our flag is still there. I say, if it
walks like a schmuck, and it quacks like a schmuck, and it has the world’s most
ridiculous “hair,” it will hopefully end up in prison, or at the very least
impeached, ostracized, and a pariah for all time.
Here are some of the proposed changes Jared Kushner, who (among
all the other jobs he always was, and has since proven he is absolutely,
without a shadow of a doubt, unqualified, incapable, and
not-the-least-bit-interested in doing) was made responsible for restructuring
the federal government, is “working” on:
Amendment I: Congress shall not interfere with any law
demanding an establishment of religion, or more accurately Christianity as law
of the land. The president (as long as
it is a white, male Republican) shall be free to abridge the freedom of speech,
or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, or to
petition the Government for a redress of grievances as he sees fit, or simply
throws a fit.
Amendment II: An uneducated electorate, being necessary to
the security of a Republican-controlled State, the right of the people to
remain purposefully and aggressively ignorant, shall not be infringed. Oh, and
more guns please, mainly for white people.
Amendment III: Any Soldier shall, even in time of peace be
quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, and in time of war,
can do whatever they want, such as grab them by the pussy, regardless of any
law that may appear to be contrary.
Amendment IV: The right of the people to be secure in their
persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and
seizures, is quaint and obsolete, and no Warrants shall be necessary, nor
probable cause, nor Oath nor affirmation, and any place shall be searched, and any
persons or things shall be seized at the whim of the Executive or his agents,
especially his daughter Ivanka, whom he covets above all else (and not in a
good way).
Amendment V: All persons shall be caused to answer for
capital, or otherwise infamous crimes (unless having anything whatsoever to do
with Russians), despite any danger to themselves; do not think for a moment
that you cannot be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb; or be compelled in
any criminal case to be a witness against yourself, or possibly be deprived of
life, liberty, or property, without due process of law if you dare to even
speak against the president; private property shall be taken for public use,
without just compensation if it please the Executive or his agents (see
Amendment IV).
Hopefully, this project will either never get anywhere, like
all of Kushner’s other projects, or will have to be completed from the comfort
of a federal prison.
I. Mangrey. Bad
craziness. Panic first, ask questions later.
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