Friday, August 31, 2018

When The Twitter Hits the Fan

He is A Shitty Prez After All

August 31, 2018
I do believe that is a fan I see a little way off in the distance.  And, if I am not mistaken, there appears to be a malodorous brownish substance poised to make contact with the fan.  It is quite a large fan, but the brown mass hurtling toward it appears much larger.  I hope I am far enough away from all of this that I will not end up covered with whatever that brown mass is, when it ultimately strikes the whirring blades.  I can also make out a familiar looking figure very close to the fan.  What looks like orange spaghetti is being blown almost off the rotund fellow’s bloated head.  It seems certain that this unfortunate creature is about to take the brunt of the blow-back.  I assume he is there, in the wrong place at the wrong time, for a good reason.  He looks defiant and laughing and appears to be tweeting something.

Others, including those who shamefully continue to enable Chrump’s increasingly frightening behavior, are also aware that trouble’s a comin’.  While trying desperately to keep their distance from the fan of destiny, they took a few minutes to create a list of investigations into their Dear Leader and his criminal cadre, which they dread will commence if the Democrats take control of the House of Representatives, and dare I say the Senate, in November.
Republican'ts Wish-You-Wouldn't List
Unfortunately, though the man at the fan deserves every speck of ejectamenta about to engulf him, none of us will escape our role as collateral damage.  To wit, a California man upset about The Boston Globe’s coordinated editorial response to Der Furor’s attacks on the news media was arrested yesterday for threatening to travel to the newspaper’s offices and kill journalists, whom he called the “enemy of the people.”  I (don’t) wonder where he came up with that turn of phrase.
Further evidence of the feces/fan fest comes from recent polling.  A new Washington Post-ABC News poll found that Chrump's disapproval rating has reached a record high, with 60 percent of Americans disapproving of Chrump's performance as president; only 36 percent approve of the job he is doing. More Americans believe that Congress should start proceedings that might ultimately lead to Chrump's removal from office by 49 to 46 percent. Additionally, special counsel Robert Mueller is polling better than his prey.  Fifty-three percent believe that Chrump's efforts to interfere with Mueller’s investigation is obstruction of justice, while only 35 percent disagree.  I am starting to feel sorry for the poor guy.  Totally kidding. Lock him up.
He loves orange, so what’s the big deal?
I. Mangrey reporting. 

Wednesday, August 29, 2018

The Whole World is Retching

A Clear and Present Traitor

August 29, 2018
Fifty years ago today, the whole world was watching while peaceful demonstrators protested the Vietnam War and the Democratic National Convention in Chicago.  Chicago mayor Richard Daley decided to sic his brutal police force on thousands of protestors outside the convention hall, setting off police riots as the chant, “The whole world is watching,” filled the air.  The perennially hapless Democratic Party, reeling from the assassination of Robert Kennedy, instead nominated über milquetoast Hubert H. Humphrey, who of course lost to Richard Nixon.
Chicago, USA 1968
A few months later, Nixon sabotaged the peace talks in Vietnam in order to bolster his re-election chances.  This move, as evil an endeavor as any in American politics, would be rivaled almost 50 years later by Chrump engaging Russia to sabotage the election in his favor.  Allegedly.  I suppose Chrump deserves credit for being up front about it.  After all, he very publicly asked the Russians to go after his opponent.  Not allegedly.
At least when Richard Daley swung the 1960 election in favor of JFK (which may be more urban legend than actuality), he was conspiring with Americans.  At least when Nixon directed his “burglars” to brake into the Watergate Hotel leading up to the 1972 election, he hired ex-CIA – Americans.  Neither one outsourced their skullduggery to a hostile adversary.  Neither one said, “Russia, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the 30,000 emails that are missing.”  And then have Russia release a plethora of Hillary’s emails the next day.  It is almost as though there was some sort of COLLUSION between Chrump and Russia.  Neither Daley nor Nixon hired Russians to fix elections or steal information from the Democrats.  Although to be fair, as noted above, Nixon did secretly collaborate with the North Vietnamese to sabotage the peace talks in order to bolster his election chances in 1968.
The whole world is watching again.  Most of the rest of the world is in shock that America now has a demented, psychotic narcissist, whose entire team is a bunch of criminals, steering a major superpower into a bottomless pit of disgrace and global volatility.  Unsurprisingly, our Unindicted*-co-conspirator-in-chief, and one of history’s most tragic and dangerous figures told a Fux News interviewer that he deserves an A+ for his amazing presidenting, adding, “I tell you what, if I ever got impeached, I think the market would crash, I think everybody would be very poor.”  I will gladly take my chances.  I will bet I am not alone.
It is not just the whole world; some Americans are also watching, it is just that too many are either too ignorant or too deep in the Republican’t/Fux News/Chrump Kool Aid Swamp to know what the hell they are watching.  To be fair, it is difficult to see much when you are staring directly at your own colon…from the inside.
Chicago Transit Authority - Prologue / Someday August 29, 1968
I. Mangrey remembering.  Those who do not learn from history are doomed.  Period.
*As of this writing.

Monday, August 27, 2018

Stuporman! Offender of Liberty

America’s New Superzero

August 27, 2018
Falser than a sleazing bullshit.  More full of crap than a worksite Porta-Potty.  Able to skirt long-held norms in a single tweet…every fucking day.  It’s Stuporman!
Look! Down on the ground! It’s a turd, it’s a stain, it’s Stuporman!
There is a new Superzero on the scene.  By day, he swore an oath to the Constitution, by every other day and every single night, he fights for himself (and often with himself) and no one else.   Especially while he is spending eight hours a day watching Fux News, or tweeting bullshit from his toilet at all hours, or hiding in his room wishing he was dating his daughter and whatever else he does while he’s wishing he was dating his daughter, oh and when he is off golfing and charging tax payers millions of dollars (much of which ends up in his pockets) every time he stays at one of his resorts.
El Prezidente dumping two turds with one groan
Yes it’s Stuporman.  Strange visitor from an alternative universe, who came to Earth with powers and abilities far beyond those of mortal men.  (That was not a compliment.)  Stuporman, who can change the course of long-held norms, bend reality with his tiny hands, and who, disguised as Donald Chrump, a wild-mannered FAKE prezident, fights a never ending battle defending lies, injustice and the FAKE America-Great-Again Way.
Does he have to burn a cross on the White House lawn to convince people that he is a racist?  Does he have to grab an actual pussy on live television to prove that he is a misogynist?  Does he have to lock up every CNN reporter to prove he is a fascist?  No, he is Stuporman.  Champion of COLLUSION.  Defender of the indefensible.  Friend of felons.  Protector of perverts.  Coddler of criminals.  Nurturer of neo-Nazis.  Favorite of fascists everywhere.  No one offends justice, liberty and the Constitution better than Stuporman.  Nothing, it seems, can stop him.
He treats laws like birds treat windshields...
when he sees injustice he makes it worse
What will be his Kryptonite?  Truth?  Justice?  The American way?  Robert Mueller?  Stormy Daniels?  Michael Cohen?  Omarosa?  Allen Weisselberg?  A pretzel?  Walking?  An inconvenient chicken bone?  His own ignorance and ego?  The 2018 midterm elections? 
I. Mangrey reheating. 

Sunday, August 26, 2018

Thought For The Day

For Sunday morning
some haiku to get you through
Sun’s up, life goes on
August 26, 2018

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, August 24, 2018

Thought For The Day


Orange is The New Chrump
August 24, 2018
One in prison, awaiting sentencing and further court appearances, two more avoiding jail time by cooperating with the special counsel.  Three more, Jared K, Don, Jr., and Papa Don are pissing and shitting themselves so often that they are buying adult diapers by the truckload.
Not pictured:
-campaign big-wig Rick Gates (cooperating);
-Chrump Organization CFO Allen Weisselberg (cooperating);
-campaign advisor/gabby drunk George Papadopoulos (cooperating);
-long-time Chrump friend/protector and National Enquirer publisher – in possession of unknown amount of damaging Chrump stories kept in a special safe – David Pecker (cooperating)
Extra thought for today: Is Lindsey Graham angling to become the next Attorney General?

This has been your Paying Attention Thought(s) For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, August 23, 2018

An Open Letter to Donald J. Chrump

To The 45th White Guy to Live in The White House 

August 23, 2018
Truth is truth.  Crime is crime.  In your case, truth is crime.  Just because you do not know what COLLUSION is, does not mean you did not do it.  With all due respect, and there is absolutely none due, STFU and crawl back into your sand trap. 
I. Mangrey’s dream date
I await your demise...I mean response.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention

Wednesday, August 22, 2018

Manafort Overboard

A Date Which Will Live in Outfamy

Lock Him Up Again, Lock Him Up Again, Lock Him Up Again

August 22, 2018 
Long-time Republican’t and Russian operative – and temporary Chrump campaign chairman – Paul Manafort, was found guilty on 8 out of 18 charges of committing financial crimes.  Manafort was severed from the Chrump campaign once his decades of working for Russia and a variety of Eastern European oligarchs and petty tyrants and other possible unsavory activities became known to the FAKE news.  Chrump has since tried repeatedly to disavow any knowledge of Manafort’s existence, with little success among the reality-based community.

It’s Like Deja Watergate All Over Again
Chrump immediately began screaming about how this had nothing to do with him.  No one was able to count how many times he said “no collusion” during his brief tirade. Just like Michael Flynn, Rick Gates and George Papadopoulos who all worked on Chrump’s campaign, all pleaded guilty, and were all up to their beady little eyeballs in Russians and Russian money, had nothing to do with him.  Next comes Michael Cohen, who among other things was working a deal for a Chrump Hotel in Moscow (the one in Russia) in the midst of the 2016 campaign, pleading guilty on a number of counts, some of which appear to directly implicate Donald Chrump.  Not to mention the over two dozen actual Russians that have been indicted for attacking our elections.  This has clearly been one of the most successful witch hunts/hoaxes in history.  Are my roses suddenly back in bloom right now, or is that the sweet smell of a Chrump indictment?
Very soon, in the dictionary, the definition of collusion feature a picture of Donald Chrump.  Eventually, the words will become superfluous.

From the Oxford Living Dictionary
These people have neither shame nor brains, just huge brass balls and a level of greed that would make Midas blush.  I am really looking forward to Don, Jr.’s time in the barrel, which should not be far off, as the Chrump Titanic makes first contact with the Mueller Iceberg.  Iceberg?  Is that some kind of Jew or something? 
Stay tuned for much more meaningful merry Mueller mischief. 
I. Mangrey rejoicing.  Just a little bit.
Coming Soon

Tuesday, August 21, 2018

History Re-tweets Itself

Hell To The Chief

August 21, 2018
Many people, especially some of the most ridiculous – like Rudy “Truth Is Not Truth” Giuliani, Lindsey Graham, and the Orange Gas Cloud itself – are saying that Robert Mueller (who all Republican’ts said was the best man for the job) should wrap up his FAKE, rigged witch hunt RIGHT NOW.  They say that this investigation is taking way too long, and that this unprecedented foot-dragging is unacceptable. 

Funny thing though, and many people do not know this, but the Watergate investigation took four years – start to finish, the investigation into the Iran-Contra scandal took five years, and the investigation into the Whitewater controversy took six years.  The Benghazi “investigation” lasted over two years, resulting in absolutely nothing, and now the alpha moron running that debacle tells Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein to "finish [Mueller’s Russia investigation] the hell up."  Hillary Clinton’s email probe began in 2014, and there’s an orange-colored clown living in the White House who is still yelling about that one.
Lock her up already! What about her emails!?
Side note: One would not be mistaken for noticing something interesting about the above investigations – Watergate helped rid our nation of a paranoid, vengeful crook (despite his protestations to the contrary).  Iran-Contra uncovered totally illegal backroom arms sales to a sworn enemy in order fund a brutal dictator under the table; many were indicted and/or found guilty.  Whitewater was a red-herring yielding nothing other than the Lewinsky Affair.  Neither Benghazi nor the email hearings bore any fruit whatsoever – and not for any lack of obsessive trying.  For those of you keeping score, when Republican’ts are investigated, they are found to be perpetrating traitorous malfeasance.  When Democrats are investigated, it is likely a political hit-job, wasting tax payer money and time.
We may be far from finished with this Chrump/Russia thing, but I am starting to agree with the folks who want it finished the hell up.  I think Mueller should wrap this baby up right before Halloween.  Or right after, I could live with that.  Or maybe, eleven days before the midterms, in case there is still much work to be done.  Maybe he should just leak a few questionable, juicy tidbits to stir up impeachment talk. 
Many people are also saying that it is against the rules to release information that might affect the outcome of an election right before that election takes place.  Actually, all of this don't-mess-with-an-election stuff is nothing more than a "gentlemen's agreement." I think we can all agree that we are well beyond 'gentlemen' and 'agreement' at this point.  Comey and Chrump have put all that stuff behind us.  Hell, they knew Chrump was up to his FAKE tan in Russians well before the election, and Mitch McConnell made them keep it quiet.  Although, McConnell was fine with Comey talking absolute shit about Hillary Clinton’s emails less than two weeks before a presidential election.  Maybe Comey did not realize that Hillary was running for president at the time.
I say never again.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed, and considering holding my breath, for an October surprise to beat all October surprises.
It might be more imperative for Mueller to give us something sooner than later now that Der Furor has offered up this little nugget Chrump-splaining where he stands on Mueller’s investigation, “I've decided to stay out. Now, I don't have to stay out, as you know. I can go in and I could... do whatever, I could run it if I want.”
One more thing before I sign off.  It was interesting to see Chrump trash talk John Dean.  Chrump called the man who ended up being the hero of the Watergate fiasco a “RAT.”  Chrump does not like people who tell the truth instead of being thrown under the bus by their criminal bosses.  As Maya Angelou said, “When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”  Chrump shows us who he is time and time again.  Believe him every time.
Bruce Cockburn – Call it Democracy
I. Mangrey refocusing.                                            

Sunday, August 19, 2018

Thought For The Day

Ball of Collusion Conspiracy

August 19, 2018
We have just learned that the White House Counsel Don McGahn has been spending quite a bit of quality time – some 30 hours – with Special Prosecutor Robert Mueller.    Our presidon’t was up dark and early, toilet tweeting at 4:00AM.  I will let him shriek for himself:

Someone in the West Wing did not want Der Furor to shriek for himself, having one of Chrump’s ghost tweeters put out a less psychotic communiqué at a reasonable hour last evening.  No need to show you that one, but our own ghost tweeter at Paying Attention followed up this morning’s misspelled missive thusly:

The Pioneers – Time Hard
Meanwhile, on Meet the Press, Chuck Todd broached the subject of his boss testifying under oath and the concept of ‘truth’ with Chrump's PR lawyer Rudy Giuliani.  The precise context is less important than anyone might claim. What does matter, is Fruity Rudy’s quote-of-the-day response.  “No, it isn't truth. Truth isn't truth.” Giuliani replied.

Chuck Todd was not seriously injured
Gimme Some Truth
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, August 16, 2018

Bait and Snitch

The Shithead's Apprentice

August 16, 2018
Chrumpo the Clown is flailing away as his wonderful son Don, Jr. appears to be squarely in Mueller’s crosshairs, his former campaign chairman’s fate lands in the hands of a jury, his long-time personal lawyer prepares for his days in court, and his one black friend releases a barrage of unflattering materials on the 45th and worst president of the United States. 
The crappy couple in better times,
as Chrump sniffs and drops the f-bomb at Omarosa
Der Furor’s current focus is on one-time Apprentice contestant and now former pal Omarosa.  Lacking both the intelligence and the social skills to handle bad press, the Child-in-chief has his diaper in a twist and is only making things worse for himself.  It seems the incalculably ignorant Fux Friend Brian Kilmeade has a better grip on the Chrump/Omarosa conflagration.  The hapless halfwit told his audience, which always includes fellow hapless halfwit Donald Chrump, that Omarosa, “seems to have outsmarted the president*, who has taken the bait…”  Even the very low IQ Kilmeade knows that Chrump did the same thing with pseudo-author Michael Wolff after he released his thrilling tell-all, Fire and Fury, detailing all manner of idiocy, ineptitude and insanity in Chrump’s West Wing, in January 2018. 

As he struggles to cover his treasonous footprints, Chrump is leaving a trail of his own feces for all to see.  For his latest schmuckscreen, he has revoked the security clearance of former CIA Director John Brennan in a pathetic attempt to distract his base from the coming Judgement Day that is likely to end his ersatz presidency. 
The best outcome would be Omarosa dumping a pile of crap that buries Crump and then winds up in jail for illegally recording people in the Situation Room and other sensitive White House environs.  No wonder Scott Pruitt wanted a cone of silence and all that lotion.
Whether it be from Omarosa, Wolff, Kim Jong Un, Putin, Stormy Daniels, LeBron James, the kid behind the counter at KFC, all Chrump ever does is take bait.  This should surprise no one since Chrump is nothing if not a master bait taker. 
Missing Jon Stewart

* A lower bar there will never be
I. Mangrey rebounding.  Don’t tape me bro.

Wednesday, August 15, 2018

The Second First Amendment, Part Two

Who's On Worst?

August 15, 2018
You can stop holding your breath, pacing, biting your nails, waiting by the phone (which really makes no sense if your waiting for something on the internets), or whatever you do while waiting for another shoe to drop, or simply hoping we were kidding about there being a part two.  Here is Part Two of our riveting one-on-whatever-the-hell-Ollie-North-is.
North: Get a grip Willie.  Totally different things.  Printing presses aren’t guns, okay?  Everyone knows that.  ‘Well regulated militia’ was nothing more than a catchphrase back then.  Kind of like, “Where’s the beef,” or “Drain the Swamp,” or “Build the Wall,” or “I have a very good brain.”  Don’t be so literal.
Nilly: Okay, let’s agree to disagree on that for now.  We might also disagree that you might be just a bit of a sociopath, but the public record clearly shows that you are, so let’s move on.  What are you planning to change about the First Amendment?  I mean, we’re already like 45th in the world on freedom of the press.  Forty-fifth Ollie.  This is supposed to be a cornerstone of what this country is all about.
North: Our new First Amendment will shed the useless protections of the free press and protect us from all the fake news out there – Fux News has all the freedom they need and have consistently made America proud.  They tell the president what to think, which takes a lot of pressure off the NRA, and he does what they tell him.  It’s a great system really.  They are all the free press this great-again nation needs. In fact, the president’s new communications director Bill Shine, who was fired from Fux for allegedly enabling sexual harassment there, was given an ethics waiver so that he can continue to coordinate – NOT COLLUSION – with Fux.  Ethics are for poor people and Democrats anyway.  You don’t see me flaunting ethics.  America will not be great again if we waste a lot of time worrying about ethics.
Nilly: Tell me something, is great-again one word?  Does anyone actually know what that even means?  Did Reagan define that when he used the same phrase almost 40 years ago?  Couldn’t Chrump even come up with an original slogan?  You all know that Reagan would have hated this guy right?
North: That’s all just more fake news; just because it’s true doesn’t make it real.  That’s why we have to keep the enemy of the people in check.  We can’t let the enemy of the people run rampant.  Next thing you know they’re reporting on trading arms for hostages with Iran, and that’s dangerous talk. Or reminding everyone that Mr. Chrump’s summits with Kim Jong Un and Putin were completely worthless – except for whatever he secretly promised Russia.
Nilly: But you did in fact provide Iran with weapons at a time when they were a mortal enemy.  I’m talking about Iran by the way, not the free press.
North: Again, I don’t recall doing any of that.  All I know is that what really makes America special is not the fake media, but the ability to shoot anyone, anytime.  God gave us the right to bear arms and no other country has nearly as many gun related death as we do.  God bless America.  And that’s why we cling to our God and our Guns.
Nilly: Boy, you guys sure weren’t very happy when Obama talked about that. 
North: Well, there were good reasons for that.  It’s kind of like the “N” word.  It’s okay when Kenyans like Obama use it, but us regular folks, who might wear tennis shoes or an occasional python boot, aren’t allowed to say it…at least not in public.  We don’t think people like Obama should be talking about us at all, let alone knowing us better than we know ourselves.
We are excited about this Second First Amendment, which will streamline things greatly.  Here’s what we like so far:                     
Congress shall make no law restricting the collecting, hoarding, or wanton expression of their God-given freedom to shoot, or prohibiting the ability to murder so-called innocent people for any reason, often in large numbers; and the right to petition the Government at any hint of restricting anything to do with guns; the right of the people to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed.                                    
Since we are proposing significant changes to the old First Amendment, we should probably do something about the Second; we can’t just skip to the Third.  No one even knows what that one is anyway.
A well regulated, or even an out-of-control, Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the fake news media and all fake religions will be appropriately scrutinized by a specially appointed Central Scrutinizer.
Nilly: Fascinating Mr. North.  I suppose that once Chrump banishes the Congress, you’ll be able to shove this through easily.  I guess no one could have expected the Constitution to last forever, or this great experiment in democracy.  You have done a tremendous service to morons, fascists and mass murderers across this land.  Thank you again for taking time out of your soul-crushing schedule to speak with me.  Now I think I’ll go waterboard myself.
Well, that was all Willie could take.  We managed to catch up with him before he could begin his waterboarding and recommended an alternative plan.  We expect him to recover in short order, once his month of Rent-A-Coma runs its course.  He will be in our thoughts.  No one could have endured that much time with Oliver North unscathed.  With any luck, Willie will be good as new when he returns.  We thank him for bravely taking on this very dangerous assignment.
 Warren Zevon – Lawyers, Guns and Money

Monday, August 13, 2018

The Second First Amendment, Part One

Liars, Guns and Money

August 13, 2018
I. Mangrey is taking a well-deserved Rent-A-Coma break.  He did not leave a return date, but hopefully he will be back among the purposely conscious before too long.  In his absence, we sent our ace intern to do an exclusive interview.
A Shot in The Dork
The NRA and its Republican't underlings are hatching an assault on the Bill of Rights.  They are calling their plan Operation Shoot the Messenger.  NRA president and convicted felon (later cleared on a technicality) Oliver North, sat down with Paying Attentions's Willie Nilly for an exclusive two-part, very, very terrific – I would say, the best ever – blockbuster interview.  To quote Donald Chrump, “I think you’re going to find it very informative and very, very interesting.”  He of course, was bragging about his collusion with Russia.  He was teasing a major speech about “all the things that have taken place with the Clinton,” a speech that never happened.  We are talking about an actual fake interview.
Ed Venture
Today’s special event brought to you by…
If you’re not outraged, you’re not paying attention.
If you’re still awake, you need
Willie Nilly: I understand the NRA is getting into politics now.  Just kidding, everyone knows you have owned the Republican’t Party and an all-too-significant portion of the Democratic party, for several decades.  But seriously, word is out that you have a new project in the works to fuck with the Bill of Rights.

   Oliver North, lying then      Fewer marbles, and lying now
Ollie North: That’s right.  We leaked the news ourselves to keep things neat and tidy.  We felt it was time to make a long-needed adjustment to the first two amendments.  The old First Amendment is no longer pertinent in modern America.  The Founders, great as they were, could not have predicted the severe modernization of the way people get information and news.  There are so many alternatives: social media, anti-social media, fake news, alternative facts. 
Nilly: How does that change anything?  Don’t we still need to ensure that the government allows for free an open public debate?
North: That’s not even an issue.  We do need to protect certain religious freedoms.  That’s why AG Sessions is initiating a Religious Liberty Task Force.  Certain religions are being discriminated against in this country.  What we need is more religious freedom to make people who aren’t religious enough, or don’t follow the right religion, get with the program.
Nilly: What program is that?
North: You know, the real religion this country was founded on.  Everyone knows our Founding Fathers meant this to be a Christian nation.  America has lost her way over the years, but Jeff Sessions and Mr. Chrump are getting us back on track.  We’ll deal with that stuff later. 
Nilly: Oh, right.  I don’t know what I was thinking.
North: Obviously, the most important part of the old First Amendment is the ability “to petition the Government for a redress of grievances,” which is the last phase.  We’ll be looking to beef up that part since everyone knows the last part is always the most important, just like the good old Second.
Nilly: Yeah, that one’s working out pretty well… especially for mass shooters.  But, again, what about freedom of the press and the freedom to peaceably assemble?
North: The fake media is clear proof that so-called freedom of the press has been nothing but trouble.  And, the peaceably assemble language is very misunderstood if you ask me.  Many of these protesters, especially those crazy left-wingers are a danger to our democracy.  Now, don’t get me wrong, I adore our Founding Fathers, and in most cases we agree with the original intent and every word of the Constitution – with the exception of the first two thirds of the old Second Amendment, obviously a mistake of the times.  The quaint old First Amendment was written for people who wrote with quills and used primitive printing presses.
Nilly: How is that any different from the change from muskets to assault rifles?  And, what about militias?  And the whole “well regulated” issue?
Thanks Willie.  Very interesting...but stupid.  You will not want to miss North’s answer to this and many more of the best questions ever asked.  Believe me.
Ed Venture
Managing Editor, Paying Attention

Saturday, August 11, 2018

Every Day is Kill The Earth Day

The New, Improved Environmental Prevention Agency

August 11, 2018
I am not certain that the EPA has officially changed its name, but its intentions are unambiguous.  Prevent the environment from harming corporations in any way, especially corporations that incessantly destroy the environment while raking in obscene profits (and in most cases, government subsidies), while never being held in any way responsible for the inevitable damage to nature, life or limb. 
Maybe we really do need a Space Force
It is no surprise that the EPA (birthed, strangely enough, by a man called Nixon), in the Chrump Era, has ramped up its attacks on nature-red-in-tooth-and-claw.  The self-imagined big boss of everything is an orange alien who believes the entire surface of the planet should be a golf course, with the exception of a few areas that are concealing fossil fuels or other environmental toxins from those who would profit from their extraction.  This mutant malefactor has repeatedly insisted that global climate change is a hoax perpetrated by China, while simultaneously fighting to build a wall in the ocean to stop the rising tides from inundating his ill-begotten golf course on the coast of Scotland.

Chrump’s ignorance is surpassed only by his astounding stupidity.  It remains uncertain whether Chrump actually hates the Earth as much as he claims, or if he simply enjoys the adulation and applause he gets from his brain-free true-believers when he attacks the planet that sustains us all.  It is said that the fish rots from the head down, but in this case it is difficult to distinguish head from anus, and it matters little where began the rot since it is all encompassing at this point.

Insane scandal monkey Scott “Swamp Monster” Pruitt was finally forced from his post atop the EPA after a historic mélange of lunacy, larceny and Nixon-level paranoia.  Pruitt was replaced by his second in command, and former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, who unsurprisingly believes the Earth should be subservient to the fossil fuel industry and is at this moment pushing to deregulate the coal industry.  How ironic.  I mean wouldn’t.
The Chrump administration is also proposing to reverse the Obama Era mandated increase in federal fuel efficiency standards.  Not to be seen as missing the forest for the trees – while feverishly working to eliminate both – this push to punish the planet includes forcing California to lower its statewide standards, which have been permitted to surpass federal standards due to its population size and perpetual struggles with air pollution.  Well, fuck all that I guess.  Chrump has bigger fish (and birds, land animals, plants, and waterways) to fry.  I guess he figures that once everything has been burned to a crisp, there will that much more space available for golf courses, and the real estate prices will be the best ever.  Then he can use all the money he’s made off the presidency to own all of it.
Tom Lehrer – Pollution
And Then There’s This
Donald Trump tweeted in 2012, "If we didn't remove incredibly powerful fire retardant asbestos & replace it with junk that doesn't work, the World Trade Center would never have burned down."
New, improved EPA website screen capture
Today, the EPA is hard at work fighting to end the war on asbestos.  They are looking to impose new rules to allow asbestos to be used in manufacturing again.  The proposed easing of asbestos regulations has elated one Russian company.  They are so grateful, that they packaged their tremendous, albeit carcinogenic, product with Chrump's, possibly equally toxic, image on it.  Some people find it odd to learn that Russia is the sole source of asbestos to the U.S.  Despite being on vacation, Chrump took time out from his busy golf schedule to weigh in, “Asbestos has gotten a raw deal.  A very raw deal.  No one even knows what a carcinogen is.  I sure don’t, and I’m very intelligent.  I can tell you that I put asbestos on my cereal every morning and I still have a very good brain, which is part of my amazing intellect.  These death-killing regulations must be removed to make America’s asbestos industry great again.  Some people are saying that our only source of asbestos is Russia.  They can’t prove that.  Believe me.” 
What a perfect face for a toxic, carcinogen…and asbestos too
Rumors that the EPA is considering making smoking mandatory have not been confirmed.  We here at Paying Attention believe this to be untrue; this is plainly the jurisdiction of the Food and Drug Administration and/or Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms.  Surely, they are on the case.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Earth First! Chrump Last!