Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Fraught For The Day

White Self-Defense, American Style

November 30, 2021

The trial of vigilante vermin Kyle Rittenhouse resulted in him walking free with not even a slap on the wrist. Conversely, the three confederates in Georgia were found guilty-as-hell in the horrific hunting down and ultimate modern-day lynching of Ahmaud Arbery

The Rittenhouse Defense

I threatened to shoot him and he tried to grab my gun, so I had to shoot him. I was acting in self-defense. Emphasis on ‘acting’. Not my fault he died.

The McDaniel/Bryan Defense

All we did was chase him in our Confederate-Flag-festooned pick-up, scare the living shit out of him, surround him, and put a gun barrel in his face. The ni…uh, nitwit tried to avoid being killed, and he grabbed at one of our guns. We feared for our lives so we shot him to death. We had to shoot him, he almost had a gun.

And remember, according to folks like this guy, the only way
to stop a black guy without a gun, is a white guy with a gun.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fraught For The Day.

You're welcome.

What has you fraught for the day?

Saturday, November 27, 2021

Paying Attention™ Book Club

A Tale of Two Shities

November 27, 2021

While the world continues to extricate itself from the massive, collective brain injury that was the second most recent president, many problems he either created, simply allowed to fester or purposely sabotaged for personal gain, continue to put stress on every aspect of our lives. You remember him – the guy who still, more than a year after being crushed in the election and almost a year since his successor was inaugurated. Yeah, that fucking guy.

Most of the goods people need, and want for the upcoming holiday season, are having trouble making it to market. Just in the nick of time, we bring you another exhilarating title from the people good people at Paying Attention™ who brought you Good Night Goon, Donald and the Very, Very Large Uh-Brain, and Orange Dregs and Scam. This one is something of a remake of a very old classic, brought up-to-date with the hijinks of two of modern-day America’s most high-profile characters. This exciting new title is available wherever imaginary products are sold.

They are the best of slimes, they are the worst of slimes.

Kyrsten’s Enema

Sinema has been described as an “enigma” because she has steadfastly refused to explain any of her positions or reasons for her stances, or to spend one minute engaging with the constituents she was elected to represent. Like her partner in slime Manchin, Sinema’s actual constituents are her big-money donors – greedy corporations like those who peddle drugs, petroleum (and in Manchin’s case the coal industry – responsible for untold death and destruction – that just happens to finance his substantial fortune) and money for rich people.

Like so many of their colleagues on both sides of the DMZ…I mean aisle, the Dyspeptic Duo has love and money for the military industrial complex that know no bounds. Money for real people just trying to survive the crushing capitalism that treats them more like collateral damage than consumers? Fat chance; that would merely interfere with their sacred profit margin.

Sinema, who holds a PhD in justice studies, a law degree, and a master's degree in social work, recently told a reporter, “I don't pay any attention to what they're talking about in the national media. I don't even know what enigma means, really. No one really does.” First of all, if you don’t pay attention to what the national media is talking about, how did you know that they consider you an enigma. Do you know that they also consider you a lightweight and a shameless mouthpiece for corporations? Inquiring minds want to know. Second, I guarantee that there are quite a few people who know precisely what ‘enigma’ means. And you are likely one of them. Third, all your education, degrees and political offices do not protect you from being implausibly stupid.

Ed Venture
Managing Editor

Thursday, November 25, 2021

Thought For Thanksgiving Day

Thought For Food

November 25, 2021

We call it Thanksgiving. This, despite the previous, disgraced, twice-impeached, murdering, so-called president claiming, without a shred of evidence or intelligence, “You know, some people want to change the name Thanksgiving. They don't want to use the term Thanksgiving.” Did I mention he is also psychotic?

Personally, I don’t care what it’s called, but reality has a special place in my heart.

For many Native Americans, this is more a day of mourning than celebration. Let us not forget the origin of this holiday (and of course, this nation’s original illegal immigrants, and its original sin). Let us give thanks that this land’s original inhabitants were not as brutal and murderous as those who came after them.

If you’re like most non-native people
(including me) you did not know this

Since 1970, the Wampanoag tribe in Massachusetts has declared Thanksgiving a National Day of Mourning. The truth is, like every other day after the arrogant, entitled intrusion on this continent by uninvited co-conspriators, this was a day of thanks-taking. I’m sure that in short order, the original peoples thought to themselves, “They’re not sending their best. They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing those problems with us (sic). They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”* And of course, genocide.


So as you’re enjoying family, friends and food, maybe let you thoughts and perhaps a few words, turn, if only briefly to the true history of the origin story of this day and our homeland, and our history so that the thanks you are giving is based on reality and not alternative facts.

*actual quote (in case you forgot) by Donald Turmp during the announcement of his ultimately disastrous presidential run. And then he gave America the runs.

This has been your Paying Attention™ Thought For Thanksgiving Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for Thanksgiving Day?


John Lennon - Gimme Some Truth

Tuesday, November 23, 2021

One Too Many Kennedys

What’s In A Name?

November 23, 2021

Shameless simpleton shithead John “Cracker” Kennedy (R-Dumbfuckistan) accused AG Merrick Garland of doing exactly what Cracker Kennedy (sorry to use such a pejorative descriptor, but I would not want anyone to confuse this spineless schmuck with the actual John Kennedy, who is obviously deceased, yet still more viably intelligent than the current name holder) ignored for four long, painful, still-destructive years of Turmp running roughshod over the Justice Department not to mention justice itself.

According to his bio, Kennedy is not a dumb as he looks, acts or sounds, but I am satisfied taking him at his drawled words and basing my opinion of him by watching him in action.

Kennedy explaining that he attended Magdalen College,
a constituent college of the University of Oxford (yes, that Oxford)

Kennedy explaining what doctors found during a brain scan

Speaking of Kennedys, a fringe element of the Qanon fringe element of the no-longer fringe element of the now very fringy Ratpublican Party, spent a day at Dealey Plaza in Dallas Texas – site of the JFK assassination in 1963. Why, you might ask, and then wish you hadn’t? These very fine people were doggedly drooling in anticipation (as opposed to their fairly perpetual general daily drooling) of the return of, not Jesus this time, but John F. Kennedy, Jr.

According to one Q-ist, Donald Turmp is the biological son of Gen. George Patton, and a blood relative of JFK. Therefore, when JFK, Jr. comes out of hiding, having not in fact been dead since 1999, he would join Turmp (Is he dead yet?) on the 2024 (alternative 2020?) ticket. After a stunning, historic victory, Turmp would step down and JFK, Jr. would ascend to the throne. I did not make any of this up. I apologize for sharing this information.

Proud, psychotic, pseudo-patriots pathetically parading.
Oddly, this does not refer to the living, brainless John Kennedy,
but to the long-deceased John Kennedy, Jr., or perhaps his dead father

Kennedy went full Joe-McCarthy on a Biden nominee who escaped the Soviet Union and became an American citizen, and served previously under George WTF Bush, saying, “I don’t mean any disrespect. I don’t know whether to call you professor, or comrade.” And we don’t know whether to call you cracker or douchebag.

Apparently, the Massachusetts Kennedys should have trademarked their name. The cracker freak from Louisiana has turned the name to shit. And they should have copyrighted it so the Q-brains…I mean P-brains couldn’t speak or print it on their idiotic banners without paying royalties. Then, horrifying yahoos like this Kennedy from Louisiana would have to be called something more appropriate, like Andrew Jerkson, or Jefferson Doofus.

I. Mangrey reporting. I’ve got to stay here, but there's no reason why you folks shouldn't go out into the lobby until this thing blows over.

Saturday, November 20, 2021

White Makes Right, Part 5,002,495

The United States Of Shooting Black People

November 19, 2021

Once again America is on the edge of its white, watching the wheels of justice churn in the brutal hunting down and murder of Ahmaud Arbery. Three white men in a pick-up truck with a Confederate Flag license plate chased an unarmed, innocent black man, claiming to be executing a citizens’ arrest, when in fact they ended up simply executing an unarmed black man. The defense attorney, in an attempt to make everything crystal clear, asked the court to ban “black pastors” from the courtroom. Mighty white of him.

Police arrived on the scene shortly after the senseless murder of Ahmaud Argery:

Officer: “Did he have your gun?”

Murdering White Idiot Travis McMichael: “I want to say he did.”

McMichael sang a different tune on the witness stand, claiming there without doubt that Arbery grabbed the gun that was poised to at least threaten him and ultimately did murder him in cold blood. For being black.

According to an alternative quote from McMichael, “I was minding my own business after we chased the ni…nasty guy down and threatened to blow his fucking brains out, and he tried to get away. Once we had him trapped, I very politely stuck the barrel of my gun in his face and I was shocked when he may or may not have tried to protect himself and take it away. So, I had to shoot him. Or, maybe he shot himself with my shotgun. We may never know. Anyway, that’s what we call self-defense here in Georgia. These people are dangerous.”

Remember kids, if you try to protect yourself from a racist, white vigilante pointing a shotgun at you at close range (or any range for that matter), it’s not self-defense. The only way you can get justice is if a cop kneels on your neck for 10 minutes…on camera.

Also, remember that when you are on the witless stand, making excuses for murdering someone who is black or black-adjacent, do your best Brett “Credibly-Accused Sexual Abuser” Cavanaugh, and bring those tears to your eyes and cheeks, and for that extra special touch, consider soiling yourself and then stand up and show your brave self to the judge and jury – after all, there’s a good chance they are on your side anyway. If you have trouble manufacturing tears, just think about what it will be like on your second day in prison, a prison that undoubtedly overly populated by black folks, who may have heard about your affinity for Confederacy kitsch, and what you did last summer.

Second Amendment Shoots First Amendment In The Face…Again

Of course, white supremacist fanboy, teen vigilante Kyle Rittenhouse was found not guilty on all counts despite having killed two people with a semi-automatic weapon he should never have possessed, while intruding in a situation he had no business being involved in. This was a dicey legal case all the way around, but still…not guilty of anything? After killing two and permanently disabling another? Dick Cheney must be jealous as hell.

Apparently, the only way to stop a black guy without a gun, is a white guy with a gun.

Steely Dan – With A Gun

I. Mangrey repeating. 

Thursday, November 18, 2021

Thought For The Day

Guess What I’m Thinking Today

November 18, 2021

This Week In Fuck Joe Manchin

There just are not enough Fuck-Joe-Manchins to do justice to his obsessively obtuse, onerous obstruction.

Joe Manchin, this bird’s for you

The Manch continues to hold his party and millions of desperate Americans hostage in order to satisfy the perverse demands of his corporate overlords. And the upkeep on his Maserati and his (coal-powered?) yacht. And naturally, he is looking out for his son who is currently running Manchin’s coal business while Daddy Joe pretends to represent the people of West Virginia. Manchin is still pouring cold water on the most important legislation – the Build Back Better social rescue plan put forth by Joe Biden and 98 percent of the Democratic party in Congress. Oddly, this cold water is actually warm…and yellow.

Joe Manchin – Fuel Fossil

Old King Coal's most recent hand-wringing around the legislation that the President of the United States, who leads the party Manchin claims to be part of, involves the inclusion of tax incentives for electric vehicles made by American workers who are represented by unions. Manchin is concerned that incentivizing the purchase of electric vehicles from the only three auto companies with unions – the U.S.-based Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler – would be “un-American” and “wrong.”

Manchin showed up at a recent event where Toyota officials announced they would be investing $240 million in a non-union West Virginia plant to produce hybrid vehicles. At the Toyota plant where workers have no union representation, Manchin said, “We shouldn't use everyone's tax dollars to pick winners and losers.”

“Look, it should be obvious by now that I'm just a giant dick. What the hell do you
people want from me? I'm taking care of my donors, isn't that good enough?”

Speaking of how everyone’s tax dollars should not be spent picking winners and losers, U.S. taxpayers spend tens of billions of dollars a year (thanks to Joe Manchin and his ilk) subsidizing new fossil fuel exploration, production, and consumption. These subsidies, directly affect how much oil, natural gas, and coal gets produced – and how much clean energy doesn't. Somehow, Manchin does not find picking these winners and losers “un-American” or “wrong.” I suppose this goes without saying, though not nearly so much as it needs to go on being said at every opportunity, “Fuck Joe Manchin.”

Honest Government Ad | Net Zero by 2050 (feat. Greta Thunberg)

The Asshole Has No Clothes

Manchin’s alleged reasons for obstructing the American recovery are, one-by-one, being exposed for what they are –obfuscation of his shameless, greedy mission to maintain the status quo, to protect corporations and the inordinately wealthy while allowing most Americans and the county itself to languish. His pretense of keeping a level playing field and his faux concern over inflation and the deficit can no longer be treated with even a half-whit of seriousness. The asshole has no clothes.

This has been your sadly predictable Paying Attention™ Thought For The Day.

You're welcome to join in the chorus.

What is your thought for the day?


Steve Miller Band - Fly Like An Eagle

Monday, November 15, 2021

Election 2021 Autopsy-Turvy

Winners And Losers And Winning Losers

November 15, 2021

In the aftermath of what most of the political punditry is calling an unmitigated disaster of an election – because Dems lost the governor’s race in Virginia, blame is being heaped on progressive Dems for jamming their Crocs into the legislative gears. So, the only Congress critters who actually give a shit about the majority of Americans (oh, and the planet) are being pilloried for not abandoning their principles by giving in to their corporate-clinging colleagues. It seems the experts have lost their minds sight of the fact that it is progressives who are fighting for the agenda that Joe Biden and significant majorities of Americans  who elected him to do what he campaigned on – want.


These high-paid hyenas of histrionics in the media have also forgotten that after every presidential election, the victorious party loses the governorships of both Virginia and New Jersey. And this year, after winning the presidency – despite the incessant whining of Ratpublicans all across the land to the contrary – New Jersey managed to eke out the retention of their Democratic governor. Maybe this means that Joe Biden really isn’t president after all…at least not in New Jersey. It’s hard to tell how anything really works anymore.

Fun fact: Naturally, there was rampant voter fraud. Naturally, it was perpetrated by Ratpublicans. Naturally, it was ignored by said Ratpublicans since their guy, Glenn Youngkin won his election in Virginia. A single incident (which would be portrayed as hundreds-of-thousands by Ratpublicans) of attempted voter fraud was uncovered in the Virginia gubernatorial race. Funnier fact: Glenn Youngkin’s 17-year-old son twice tried to vote illegally. In fact, he attempted to do so in a precinct where his family doesn’t even live. Twice. According to authorities, the younger Youngkin did not technically break any laws. He only tried to. And after all, he’s white. And Ratpublican.

For any others out there who don’t know anything at all about voting in America, the voting age is 18. Which is more than 17. And one is required to vote where they live. This is true even for white people and Ratpublicans. For now.

*The origin of the word “sabotage” is believed by some to derive from stories of striking French laborers throwing their wooden shoes sabots into the machinery, over a century ago. Is this why similarly-fashioned though non-wooden footwear are called clogs?

I. Mangrey reporting. Because it’s there.

Bonus Track:

Frank Zappa - Sinister Footwear II

Saturday, November 13, 2021

Socialism, Bitches!

You Can't Spell America Without A Little Socialism

November 13, 2021

I suppose all the yammering by mental defectives like Margie Taylor Greene and others about how the Democrats are murderous, baby-eating, socialist, communist, Marxist, nazi, anarchist pedophiles still works as far as strangling every last vestige of functioning brain matter in the feckless faithful. As if the labelers and the corroded consumers of their drivel could accurately define any of those epithets. And best of all, those who are throwing these stones continue to support uber-pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s good friend Donald Turmp whose campaign absolutely colluded with Russia (almost as much as they colluded with white supremacists) to take the White House in 2016, and then supported Putin’s positions at every turn while in his ill-gotten office.

Emma Goldman (who could define all of those epithets)

Though it is all but impossible that America might become a full-fledged socialist society, most Americans actually love socialism, whether they know it or not. Or at the very least, they love quite a few government programs that reek of socialism. Even if they do not realize that capitalism is often deadly – not to the capitalists necessarily, but to just about everyone the capitalists depend on and take advantage of for their survival, in particular, the workers and consumers, including most of the people who support candidates who support the greed-ridden capitalist infrastructure. Maybe the people who keep fretting and screeching about how absolutely evil socialism is (which they can’t describe or define any better than they can Critical Race Theory, which is to say not at all), are still doing their research. Just like their vaccine “research.”

Socialism Curious

There are however, a number of very popular socialist type programs that are very popular among the citizenry: Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security, the military, the internet, welfare for poor people. And of course, welfare to companies like Boeing, General Motors, Intel, Exxon, and many others, smack of socialism, albeit in the absolute wrong direction. Oh, and roads, bridges, trains, the electrical grid (with the exception of Texass, which maintains the right to needlessly endanger and kill its citizens because…freedom), and airports, you know, crazy commie pinko stuff like that.

As far as I am aware, no socialists own any politicians. But capitalists own many of them, most pertinently visible at the moment, Manchin and Sinema – dutifully doing the bidding of fossil fuel, pharmaceutical and other corporate connivers.

You can’t have socialism and freedom, they wail. Just like you can’t have people wearing masks and freedom at the same time. These are the same people who are apoplectic at school board meetings about the need to ban books about slavery, because freedom is all about hiding the truth found in books. Guilty conscience much? I haven’t finished doing my research on this, but I am certain my research will prove what I already know to be true – the same people who want to present alternative viewpoints to the Holocaust, or ban (or burn) books on slavery and everything else that makes them uncomfortable, are the same ones who insist that masks cause cancer and the coronavirus vaccine turns you into a human magnet, or a human/pumpkin hybrid, or something.

In Other Beloved American Socialism News…

Greedy capitalist pig/Ratpublican megadonor/currently under investigation by the FBI, Louis DeJoyless is apparently intent on killing off our postal service as well as many seniors with his new Pay-More-For-Slower-Service regime at the United States Postal Service. His plan includes slowing down some First-Class mail, including medications that many people get through the mail. Some people need to get their medications by mail and some insurances actually force people to get their medications through the mail whether they like it or not. DeJerk will also be jacking up prices for mailing packages during the holidays.

DeJoyless claims his goal is making the USPS more profitable. Unlike his privately owned package delivery businesses, which are in direct competition with the Postal Service, the USPS is a public service (SOCIALISM!!), not a capitalist, for-profit business. Maybe we need to also address the perpetual money-pit known as the U.S. military. When is the last time they turned a profit? Or won a war?

I have no doubt that the next tax-payer-funded operation to see the chopping-block is the government-funded, socialist election industry, which never generates any profit, and often leads to unqualified, ignorant racists and/or profiteering poseurs in positions of power.

Albert Brooks - Phone Call to Americans

I. Mangrey reporting. Pay no attention to the man behind the certain.

Thursday, November 11, 2021

Not Everybody's Talkin' At Me


November 11, 2021

I assume that I am not the only one who finds it ironic, if not hilarious, that Donald Turmp, who has been whining for quite a while that his very important voice is being stifled for no reason, doesn’t want anyone to know about many things he and his little friends have been yammering about since Turmp got his gelatinous rear end handed to him in the 2020 election.

Banned from Twitter, supposedly for life. Banned from F#*$book. Never mind of course, that the reasons for being banned are almost infinite: the inveterate lying throughout his time in office, his serial-killer-like response to the worst pandemic in over a century, his very strong and powerful lie about defeating Joe Biden, and then there’s the racism, hate-mongering and treason. But other than that, he’s a repeatedly bankrupt (financially) and perpetually bankrupt morally, misogynist conman. Oh, and the blog Turmp started, to get him back on social media barely lasted one Scaramucci.

Now the Jan 6 Commission wants access to Turmp's communications leading up to and during his insurrection. The people who want to give Turmp the full credit he deserves for trying to “Stop The Steal” are very interested in everything the-most-impeached-president-ever has to say. They want all of his communications – 700+ pages, including, hand-written notes from his chief-of-staff, White House diaries, which detail the president’s day – where he was, who he was meeting with, what phone calls he took, who he called. Inquiring minds want to know. 

We Know What You Did Last Winter

So which is it Donald darling? You want everyone to hang on your every word? Or you want all your thoughts, dreams and coup d'état plans hidden from your adoring minions, as well as the majority of Americans. You make the call. Just kidding. Please just shut the fuck up and lose a few more court battles. Like the one you just lost in federal court. Turmp's very stable lawyers filed a motion around midnight on Monday to temporarily block the National Archives from releasing his administration’s records to the House January 6 Select Committee. He was shot down, as usual. And adding insult to idiocy, the judge's decision included the phrase, “But presidents are not kings, and plaintiff is not president.” Hey Don, what if we let you post them on Twitter?

Too bad Donny, you can't win hardly any of 'em

Turmp will continue to try and run out the clock in the courts, hoping Ratpublicans will take control of the House next November, and stop investigating Turmp’s attempted coup and turn their attention to, one assumes, Benghazi and Hillary Clinton’s emails. And impeaching Joe Biden…for being a Democrat.

Freedom Of Screech

Speaking of STFU, deranged congressthing Paul Gosar (R-AZ), whose siblings banded together (unfortunately to no effect) to produce a campaign ad explaining that their brother was a rotten yutz who had no business being elected to Congress, is at it again. Naturally, the Ratpublican electorate in Arizona, found this irresistible and elected yet another intellect-free reptilian reject.

Gosar asking if anyone can help him with his name

Gosar, who is suspected of being part of the planning phase of the January 6 terrorist plot to overthrow the United States government, recently posted an animated video depicting him murdering Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and wielding two swords against Joe Biden, the current president, despite all of Gosar’s fever dreams and attempted coups to the contrary. Gosar posted this garbage on both his personal and his official Twitter accounts, any or all of which should win him a visit from the Secret Service.

In a surprise move, the GQP leadership, censured Gosar. Just kidding, Gosar’s sick behavior is just business as usual. Nothing to see here, he’s not a Democrat. Plus, Ratpublicans are literally too busy censuring their colleagues who dared vote in favor of the infrastructure bill aimed at helping millions of Americans and America itself.

I’m looking forward to Kathy Griffin’s take on Gosar’s antics.

I. Mangrey reporting.

Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Broken News

Electile Dysfunction Hits The Bigtime

November 10, 2021

This is really well done…

Brand new ad - out today

Just for the record (16 years ago)…

February 3, 2005 

Are you having trouble sustaining an election? 

Announcing an important new drug for a serious condition afflicting hundreds of millions of people the world over. 

You may already need the newest and most remarkable wonder-drug  of all time - VOTEGRANot just for men. Not just for women. Hundreds of millions of people all over the world are suffering horribly and don't even know it. You may think you're healthy and just fine in every way or you may simply be in denial like so many others. Don't let another (chance at an election go by leaving you in the dust) (four years go by leaving you) feeling angry, depressed, hopeless, powerless, useless, out of step, unamerican or just plain stoopid. The FDA has waived all safety regulations and precautions - and that's almost a stretch for them. This drug is too important to hold back any longer. 

Are you suffering from Electile Dysfunction? 

Can't get into the booth like you used to? Are you voting blanks? Do you wish you could do it more often and make it mean something? Is your chad just hanging there limp and listless? Is your votecount shockingly lower than you ever would have expected? Is your once worthless candidate now just a worthless has-been? Would you like to be able to throw a football through a tire? 

VOTEGRA won't just help you keep an election for as long as you want. It may even help you prop up a government for years on end. You'll be fighting off those corporate whores with a stick if you know what I mean. And why shouldn't you be - you put the pedal to the metal and made your vote count like you haven't been able to do for years. Who's your daddy now? With VOTEGRA your election will be valid every time.  No more just wishing you had an election - VOTEGRA can make you feel like you could get that lever up and down any time you want to.  Don't wait any longer - ask your doctor or senator if VOTEGRA is for you. 

Electile dysfunction is no joke. You may have it and not even know it. Do something about it before it's too late and you end up with a wiener in the White House. Oops, you waited too long - don't let it happen again. 

Possible side effects include runny candidates, listless legislators, long lines, spoiled votes, butterfly ballots, purged voter rolls, euphoria, multiple orgasms, draft-dodgers, hickies, Partiot Act III, armed repression, cranio-rectal syndrome, Jeb Bush, recounts, John Kerry, Office Of Homeland Torture, Al Gore, minority suppression, armageddon. 

If your election lasts longer than four years contact your arms dealer immediately.


This has been a Paying Attention Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled dysfunction.

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

Big Bird vs. Big Turd

Can You Tell Me How To Get To Sesame Street?
I Damn Sure Can’t Take It Here Anymore.

November 9, 2021


Raphael "Ted" Cruz, fresh off his implausible defense of parents at school board meetings displaying nazi salutes because of mask mandates perpetrated by horrible people trying to avoid dead school children, has found a new, cause pathétique. Unable to take on actual humans, the Texass Tragedy decided to take on Big Bird.

Cruz accused Big Bird of disseminating "government propaganda…for your 5-year-olds" because Big Bird did what he has been doing for decades – getting vaccinated and telling kids to get vaccinated against one thing or another.

Way to go Ted. Only a real man would go after a giant puppet.

Cruz, a well-documented slimeball, who among too many cringeworthy assaults on common decency, ran off to Cancun while his constituents literally froze to death because their home state of Texass didn't want big government to intrude on big oil’s turf, leaving their energy infrastructure vulnerable to…what’s that called? Oh yeah, weather. Particularly, climate-crisis-induced weather events, which Texass is doing everything possible to perpetuate. As the saying goes, “There is no Texass in team.” And when his constituents are dying and or in dire need, there is no Cruz in Texass.

“It’s okay Ted, everyone knows you’re a sorry-assed, sniveling, shithead and a
super sucky schmuck – these are all words that begin with the letter ‘S’.

Ted Cruz, who once proved to the world that he did not understand the message in Dr. Seuss' seminal work Green Eggs and Ham, is now showing some of his signature faux courage, bullshit bravado and sheer stupidity by going after Sesame Street superstar and all-around good egg (well, one-time good egg), Big Bird. According to legend, Big Bird is six years old (one assumes in Big Bird years, since the gentle giant has been helping children learn all manner of things for more than 40 human years. Cruz, on the other hand, acts like he is only six human years of age. On a good day.

I. Mangrey reporting. Brought to you by the letter ‘O’ for Oy.

Sunday, November 7, 2021

You Can Turn Your Clocks Back All You Want, But It's Time To Move Forward

Every Day Is Still January 6th

November 7, 2021

Imagine if the number of Americans who have been fighting on behalf of the January 6 insurrection/attempted coup had come out so strongly and powerfully in favor of the 9/11 hijackers and the Taliban (the Islamic one, not the white/Christian one that thinks America is theirs). I'm guessing that these same Turmpified insurrection sympathizers would be the ones who would have started shooting them in the streets.

Angry, ignorant tourorists enjoying a day of violent patriotism.

Speaking of shooting in the streets, some trigger fingers are getting itchy now.
One particularly
candid MAGAt barfed up this gem at a town hall, “At this point, we're living under corporate and medical fascism. This is tyranny. When do we get to use the guns? No, and I'm not — that's not a joke. I'm not saying it like that. I mean, literally, where's the line? How many elections are they going to steal before we kill these people?” Morons like this guy are just too confused (and insanely violent) for words. If he had any idea what he was talking about, he would go all Second Amendment on the fascist fuckwit with the vacant look he sees in his mirror.

The Bears – Robobo’s Beef

It apparently bears repeating that the 9/11 hijackers killed around 3000 Americans. The mass murderer Turmp is responsible for hundreds of thousands of dead Americans thanks to his coddling of COVID-19. It is entirely possible that more than 3000 of his followers died from ingesting disinfectant, as advised by their cult leader.

It’s called an Orange Gas Cloud:
4 oz. Clorox
2 oz. Cointreau
1 oz. Old Grandad
2 spritzes tanning spray
and a twist of lemming
To be fair, it does prevent you from getting COVID. Viruses prefer live hosts.

According to Turmp’s COVID response chief Dr. Deborah Birx, Dear Leader’s insane response to the pandemic cost 130,000 American lives. Others put that number considerably higher. Either way, Turmp, like his buddy Bolsonaro in Brazil, should be tried for crimes against humanity.

And thank God we have Ted Cruz standing up on his hind legs to protect the rights of parents flashing Nazi salutes at school board meetings because of mask mandates. Ted’s home state of Texass, having already outlawed legal abortions by siccing radical Christian vigilantes on anyone associated with anyone seeking an abortion, now has set its legally-blind sights on banning 850 books on race and sexuality. Freedom! First Amendment! God bless white America.

Many people are saying that Ratpublicans are anti-democracy. That is not a point I could possibly argue. What I haven’t heard any people saying is that not only are they anti-democracy, they are fighting, red in tooth and claw, against civilized society. With their Second Amendment fetishism, their attempted martyring of the January 6 terrorists, their disgraceful obedience to a disgraced, authoritarian, twice-impeached, failed Florida blogger, they are clearly inciting and cultivating a movement of hatred, racism and an approach to society that is much more early hominid than 21st Century human. It should be noted that Ratpublicans hate democracy in no small part because democracy is not the least bit fond of them.

I could be wrong.*

I. Mangrey re-assembling.

* Obviously, I meant I couldn’t be wrong.