Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Clinton Trumps Chrump

Must This Show Go On?

Hempstead, NY
September 27, 2016

I hate to admit it but Don Chrump really held his own in his first presidential debate. According to RNC chair and actual talking chair Reince Preibus, Don prepared for this big moment by firing people on The Apprentice and his experiences abusing all those poor pathetic little men during the Republican’t primaries. Chrump was fully dressed, stood upright the entire time and once even briefly acted respectful to Hillary. Chrump certainly did not live down to the expectations of this reporter. Not once did he call Hillary Clinton the b-word, or the c-word, or the other c-word. His “hair” remained exceedingly well behaved the entire time. However, the form supporting the malignant mane struggled considerably throughout the event.
Chrump pretended to sip his water about 400 times, squirmed constantly like a five year old needing to pee, and his constant sniffing like a truffle hog with hay fever or perhaps as Howard Dean wondered:
Could this also explain all the ridiculous 3:00am tweeting?
Immediately after the debacle debate Don ran straight into the loving arms of Sean Hannity to try to make up for the fact that he could not speak in coherent sentences about actual issues in front of 84,000,000 people. Strongly advised by his beloved daughter to refrain from hurling childish insults at his opponent all that was left for Chrump was to lie, pout, make faces, lie some more and interrupt not only his opponent but the moderator as well. By one count Chrump out-interrupted Clinton 51-17. He has the best interruptions. And not even the finest Persian rug can lie like this guy.

After he slept off whatever it was that was going on during the debate, Chrump managed to pick up the phone to use his last lifeline in what to him is just another unbelievably beautiful episode of his reality show. First thing this morning he called in to Fux and Friends to register more complaints. “That was just unbelievable last night. Hillary just kept talking whenever I tried to interrupt. Who does that? Not very presidential if you ask me.”* responding to a question about whether all the sniffling was due to a cold or allergies, after several minutes grumbling about the bad microphone he was given and how low the volume was, Chrump told the Fux Freaks, "No, no sniffles. No, you know, the mic was very bad, but maybe it was good enough to hear breathing, but there was no sniffles."** Chrump also whined about moderator Lester Holt, "He gave me very unfair questions at the end, the last three, four questions, but I'm not complaining about that. I thought he was okay."** Yes this is what passes for not complaining in the Land of Chrump, the same alien universe where the main moron constantly says the things he would never say as in, “I would never say that Hillary Clinton is a worthless loser like most women I know. That’s just not something I would ever say. Ever, ever, ever.”*
Chrump’s most ardent and most unhinged supporter, Rudy Giuliani has such great confidence in his boy Don’s ability to fend for himself that, "If I were Donald Trump I wouldn’t participate in another debate unless I was promised that the journalist would act like a journalist and not an incorrect, ignorant fact checker.” The only incorrect, ignorant fact checker I saw last night was Lyin’ Don Chrump. Tough to be more presidential than that…unless maybe you were a ferret – and not just wearing one.
Hillary Clinton for her part had to repeatedly stop herself from laughing so hard she might have to do that thing she did during a commercial break during one of the primary debates, which Chrump found so “disgusting”. If you guessed ‘going to the bathroom’ you are last night’s big winner. Clearly this is something a person of Chrump’s stature has other people do for him. I suppose this explains why he is so full of shit.
*actual made-up quote
** actual quote
I. Mangrey reporting. If you can read this you’re too darn close.
                                                                                                                        Mad in USA

Monday, September 26, 2016

Helter Chrumpster


September 24, 2016 

Each and every day Don finds a new way to assure the American citizenry that he knows nothing whatsoever about democracy, the Constitution or the essence of the Great American Experiment. He thinks the troops will follow his every order to commit war crimes. He believes in strong non-elected leaders are better than those who are democratically elected…or possibly even George W. Bush. He insists that the incredibly unconstitutional and proven-to-be-ineffective “stop-and-frisk” program put in place by Rudy Giulliani in New York is what black communities really need. Chrump has said that women should be punished for having perfectly legal medical procedures (the same procedures he was okay with until he needed to convince gullible anti-choice voters that he was one of them) because he thinks they should not be allowed to choose what to do with their own bodies. Well he probably is not anti-choice, but he is happy to say he is…or whatever he feels the angry mob du jour standing in front of him calls for. 

Don’s latest self-exposé of cluelessness (as of this moment, and subject to being replaced by something worse if he opens his face sphincter again) has him lamenting the fact that the New York/New Jersey bomber, who is an American citizen, is being provided with medical care, food and a lawyer. This situation, which Don considers so utterly distasteful, is completely consistent with the Constitution, and despite the potential for things not to work out the way Chrump would like, it is the American way. Our founding fathers presumably included this provision purposely. What a bunch of losers. They didn’t even want to torture British captives despite the fact that some British captors tortured captive colonists. Winners do not take this kind of crap without dishing it right back. Winners don’t help bad people get justice. They assess the situation, rashly decide you are guilty and hand out their own justice without a second (or often a first) thought. Winners are people like George Zimmerman; he did not waste time waiting for professional lawmen or questions or answers. He won. You didn’t see his obituary in the paper. Winning. This is America – when a black man makes you feel nervous you shoot first, answer questions later…or not. And when a white man – in clear violation of the law – waves a gun around in the middle of a crowd of peaceful black protesters angry that another of them was shot dead by police for being black-with-hands-in-the-air, he is politely asked to move along, completely undead. 

I hope no one tells Chrump that in 1770 John Adams – a lawyer – defended British soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre in court because he believed everyone was entitled to a fair trial and competent representation. The Constitution is obviously rigged. And don’t get me started on John Adams. Who the hell did he think he was? What did he ever do for America besides defending those murderous Redcoats? I bet Chrump can’t think of a single thing. Period.  

Chrumpy Manson

Blinded by The White: Can you find Chrump’s African American in the audience? 

I knew there was something eerily familiar about the way Chrump is pretending to court the African-American community to vote for him. Speaking to his usual 99% white audience he croaked, “We’re going to rebuild our inner cities because our African-American communities are absolutely in the worst shape that they’ve ever been in before. Ever, ever, ever.” I guess the guy who missed the whole Revolution/Constitution thing could just as easily be totally unaware of slavery, being counted as 3/5 of a person, Jim Crow, the Civil Rights Movement and countless other historical eras. None of these events affected his ability to lie, cheat, steal and discriminate. The only racially charged episode that did affect Chrump’s public standing was the Birther Era during which The Orange One was obsessed with pretending to be obsessed with Barack Obama’s birth certificate (and college transcripts and passport application). This deplorable episode made Chrump very popular with a certain demographic in America. The Basket Cases. However, it now appears that Don is disavowing any knowledge of the birtherism he so proudly championed a few years (days?) ago ever having occurred as well. In a (very clear, impressive Ron-Hubbard- type voice) deep calmly assured voice he told the world, “President Barack Obama was born in the United States. Period.”* 

Regardless, Chrump’s current babbling about black people in America is anything but original. Just as Chrump has been riding Nixon’s goat-tails with his uninformed more-stop-and-frisk-and-more-police-in-black-communities-law-and-order-bullshit, he is now channeling another American icon – Charles Manson. Among his other delusions Manson was convinced that a huge race war was in the works and that he would be the one to help usher it in. Why you ask? Because by Manson’s logic the blacks would eventually kill all the whites and end up in charge. And this is where the Chrump/Manson genius comes in: both cult leaders believe that black people are incapable of fending for themselves and need a Great White Hope to lead them. This is what Manson thought he would be and this is what Chrump is selling right this very moment. Like a big old Manson…I mean Chrump Steak. 

Chrump eats it. So should you. 

I. Mangrey reporting.
*By the time this piece was fininshed Chrump un-disavowed his Birtherism claiming he only said Obama was born in America so he could “get on with the campaign.”                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Mad in USA

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Debase Prep

When Chrumps Fly

Hempstead, NY
September 19, 2016
Most presidential candidates, with the self-proclaimed exception of pathological liar Don Chrump, prepare vigorously before the typically few debates leading up to a presidential election. Camp Chrump insists that their candidate, whose sole qualification for being president is (allegedly) having a pulse, though he has also told us he has “a very good brain” and “the best words” (neither claim has ever been demonstrated let alone proven) doesn’t need to prepare. By the way, did he mention that he’s really rich?* Hillary Clinton, whose only qualifications include being first lady, New York senator and Secretary of State, readily admits to having a team of advisors and performing mock debates as she prepares to get into the verbal ring with the most unpredictable, unstable and unqualified candidate for president since the Youth International Party - the Yippies - ran Pigasus the Pig for president in 1968. Just to be clear, Pigasus was more political theater than serious candidate. What the hell is Don Chrump?
Rumor has it that Hillary is doing debate prep with a Chrump surrogate who is not just the typical stand-in, but a Chrump impersonator dressed as a clown. According to Clinton, “I wanted to get someone in there who most closely replicates what I’m up against. Sure I have advisors and coaches, but I want to practice standing up there in debate mode hearing and seeing the kinds of things I expect from a verbal sparring partner who really encompasses the essence of my actual opponent. I needed to find someone with the same degree of gravitas as the real Chrump. I have been doing everthing that I can to wear myself down, incapacitate my mental capabilities and memory in order to not take undue advantake of Don or frighten the majority of Americans who are scared of big words, carefully explained policy and women. Is it possible that his “hair” has sucked out most of his brain as well as those who find him appealing? Whatever the reason, deplorable is as deplorable does. Mr. Chrump called my factually quite accurate description of a large segment of his supporters “the worst mistake of the political season”, which seems a bit strange coming from the man who inarguably is himself the worst mistake of this or any other political season, not to mention the fact that he is a basket of deplorable all by himself.”
Chrumpo the Deplorable Clown
Chrump is continually whining that the debates are rigged. And I believe him. why shouldn’t I? Presidential debates favor individuals who can think, speak in coherent sentences about a particular subject, have some greater-than-a-five-year-old’s grasp of anything vaguely resembling reality and have something substantial to offer the electorate besides bullying, bluster and bullshit. Don’s latest gripe is that the moderator of the first debate, Lester Holt is a Democrat. Obviously there’s no way anyone can be objective when dealing with Chrump, not the media, not his opponents, not the Republican’t party he represents, not Mexican-American judges, not debate moderators who are registered Democrats, not anyone he has not paid off. Hell, his own daughter won’t even date him. You will not be surprised in the least to learn that Holt has been a registered Republican’t since 2003. I eagerly await Mr. Chrump standing up for his opponent to be treated fairly during this clearly rigged debate.
*Yes he did…repeatedly.
Where Assholes (Never) Fear to Tread
Chrump bravely appeared on Bill O’Reilly’s show the other night prepared for whatever hard-hitting questions another of America’s quintessential lying liars might throw at him, or perhaps use to cuddle closer.

The Mouth that Whored and Pouty McFuckface
During the interview O’Reilly brought up Hillary’s ISIS strategy and her assertion (shared by many in the intelligence and military communities) that Chrump is already global disaster and a great recruiting tool for the terrorist group. In response Chrump, rather than lie about the question just posed, instead lied about an unrelated topic – his temperament. It’s not like he had a choice. His brain was busy wondering how his “hair” looked while his face-sphincter was busy pinching off a few more words.
CHRUMP: They’re talking about – my strongest thing is my temperament. And they talk about my temperament. They put ten things on a board and they said, “Oh, let’s go after him for temperament.” It’s my strongest thing according to the people who know me best. I won’t even say it myself. I think, maybe, even if I was going to say it, my temperament is the best. I know how to win. 

O'REILLY: But I want a little more definition. When you say my strongest suit is my temperament, what does that mean to you?
CHRUMP: Well, I know how to win. I know how to win. I’ve been winning. I do win, even in sports. I win. We don’t win. Our country doesn’t win.
Please tell me I am hallucinating all of this. Please. That you can tell me. For now all can do is call it what it is: Bull-chrump.
One last thing:
Regarding Hillary Clinton’s health, if Hillary was on the verge of a coma and had half of her brain eaten away by space bugs she would still be an infinitely more viable, coherent and capable candidate for president than the hysterical, fiber-covered pile of artificially flavored orange Jell-O that passes for a worthy opponent. And please, let us not forget that though unelected for four years and purported to be in peak physical (and what for him passed for intellectual) condition, George W. Bush once occupied the White House and was almost killed by a pretzel before defeating the wheat-based foe and going on to destroy the American economy and whatever façade of sanity held sway over the Middle East.
I. Mangrey reporting.
Mad in USA

Thursday, September 15, 2016

The Home Kvetch

When is the Mean Man Going To Stop Yelling At Me?

September 10, 2016
Professional pundits would have us believe that the day after Labor Day is the real, practical start of the presidential campaign. This is the day that political pundits refer to as The Home Stretch of the just-shy-of-infinitely-long presidential campaign season(s). The final days of the 2016 election, when those who have not been paying attention to the race thus far are now ready to tune in. Now they tell me. This time around they are perhaps the final days of democracy, or as Chrump’s advisor on religious issues and foreign policy Michele Bachmann puts it, “I don't want to be melodramatic but I do want to be truthful. I believe without a shadow of a doubt this is the last election. This is it. This is the last election.” Now she tells me.
Kim Jung Orange
I have a very good brain.
Believe me. 100%. Build the wall.
As the campaign whines down Chrump is struggling with all minority voters. With one exception. He is winning with the Russians – I don’t know about Russian Americans – but actual Russians love him. During the recent ‘Commander in Chief’ forum Chrump again professed his admiration for Vladimir Putin, explaining that Putin “has an 82% approval rating according to the different pollsters…I think that when he calls me brilliant [he actually did not] I’ll take the compliment. Okay? If he says great things about me I’m gonna say great things about him.” I guess if that’s what Chrump calls presidential then that’s what I call presidential.

Chrump’s anti-gay, ant-choice, anti-climate change, anti-evolution, Koch-sucking running mate has drunk the Chrump Tea and publicly said “I think that it has been inarguable that Vladimir Putin a stronger leader in his country than Barack Obama has been in this country.” Here is one Russian’s response:
I believe Kasparov calls this checkmate.
So now the Republican’t party has become the Putin lovin’ party. Even George Orwell would find this hard to believe.

Chrump is also fond of leaders in North Korea (he’s impressed by the young Un’s powerful leadership at such a tender age) and China (he loves the strength they showed in putting down the 1989 democratic protests at Tiananmen Square). North Korea and China are also big Chrump fans as is the Ku Klux Klan and most other hate groups the world over. ISIS sees Chrump as the perfect recruiting tool whereas we see him as simply a perfect tool.
Don’t It Make My Red States Blue
As push sidles ever closer to shove and up continues to resemble down, red states can be observed holding their breath in a desperate attempt to elude the vile stench that is Chrump, and they appear to be turning blue. Georgia, Arizona, Missouri and Texas are just a few starting to look blue-ish. The Dallas Morning Star, after what the editorial page editor called “a very deliberate and carefully constructed decision,” featured an article entitled, “We recommend Hillary Clinton for president.” The Star last endorsed a Democrat before World War II. I found myself uncontrollably amused by this section: 

The [Republican] party's over-reliance on government and regulation to remedy the country's ills is at odds with our belief in private-sector ingenuity and innovation. Our values are more about individual liberty, free markets and a strong national defense. 

While I couldn’t be happier to think that Texas will dump Chrump, I must parse this ever so briefly: 

Private-sector ingenuity and innovation – I assume this refers to innovations like for-profit schools, hospitals and prisons, union-busting, outsourcing and economy-wrecking sub-prime mortgages and credit default swaps – very ingenious 

Individual liberty – as long as you're not a woman, LGBTQ...or a black person trying to vote

Free markets – meaning corporations (many of which are propped up by tax dollars, i.e., welfare) are free to do whatever they want including flouting regulations, election tampering, tax evasion, murder and environmental destruction...wheeeeee it's free 

Strong national defense – yeah, like September 11, 2001 and the subsequent illegal invasion of Iraq for no reason, and everything that's going so well in the Middle East since we nationally defended our selves...I mean our oil companies…and Dick Cheney’s retirement fund via Halliburton 

Go Longhorns! 

That Time Chrump Made Sense
After Chrump was for the Iraq war and not long after he decided he was against it, he told the New York Times of Hillary Clinton’s vote, “Don’t forget that decision was based on lies given to her. She’s very smart and has a major chance to be our next president.”
It was disclosed that the self-professed (yet not borne out by any facts whatsoever) Don Chrump skimmed money from his “charitable foundation” to buy among other things a six-foot tall painting of himself.
Notice that Chrump had the artist grossly exaggerate the size of his hands.
Chrump spent $20,000 of money donated by other people and earmarked for charitable purposes to buy this stunning tribute to the one he loves and admires more than even Vladimir Putin himself.

I. Mangrey reporting. Please don't take this personally. 
Mad in USA 

Saturday, September 10, 2016

This is Your Wife

Where’s Melania?

September 9, 2016

Many people are asking what ever became of Melania Chrump? Ever since the third self-loathing woman to marry the world’s most self-loving man delivered Michelle Obama's stirring speech at the RNC, Melania has literally disappeared. POOF! Was the body ever found? Was there a murder weapon? Did Don have her eliminated? Did he kill her in the limousine with his voice? Did he kill her at Chrump Tower with his hair? On his plane with a bucket of KFC? Inquiring minds want to know. Many people are asking these questions, not me. Many other people. Thousands and thousands of them. And these are some of the top people. Some report having seen Chrump dancing on a makeshift grave. I just report what I see on the internets.
Maybe Chrump decided to get rid of her because she came to this country as an illegal immigrant. Many people are saying this. Maybe she is the one hiding his tax returns. Paying Attention has sent a team of experts out in search of these elusive documents. They have already found incredible things. That I can tell you. One hundred percent. The things they are finding will shock you. Unless you are conscious.
I. Mangrey reporting.
                                                                                                    Mad in USA

Friday, September 2, 2016

Paying Attention EXCLUSIVE

Coming Soon…

Not Sure Where Yet
September 1, 2016
I predict that Chrump will shoot someone on Fifth Avenue just to prove that what he said some months ago is true. He told a “friend” that ever since he said, “I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose any voters,” he has been obsessed with really shooting someone to prove he was right. The anonymous individual – demanding anonymity lest he or she become the target of Chrump’s new obsession – told Paying Attention in an exclusive interview  that, “Mr. Chrump – that’s what he has insisted I call him ever since we met as teenagers at the New York Military Academy – became fascinated to learn that he could probably shoot someone in cold blood, in broad daylight and not lose one single voter come election day in December. I don't know why he said he learned about it, he's the one who said it...more than once. Mr. Chrump went on to say it was very tempting since he hadn’t ever shot anyone before. I’m not sure why he winked at me when he said that. I just let it go. I mentioned carefully that he was actually the one who said it, so what did he mean when he said he learned about it. This seemed to upset him. I could see his natural skin tone begin to push up through the artificial coloring – I believe it’s Orange #34. I decided it was better not to pursue the matter and just let him pay me the usual ‘being-his-friend’ fee and live to breathe another day.”
In The Mean Time
How does he do it? Up at five every morning washing, rinsing and repeating – no one knows how many times, then two hours staring into the mirror admiring who-knows-what and blowing kisses, waiting for just the right consistency – not too wet, not too dry – when he can begin the three-hour comb-around-and-around-and-around and hairspray marathon. Then it’s off to a busy day of campaigning, frothing-at-the-mouth and insulting everyone he meets or thinks about. Followed by a scrumptious meal of Chrump Tower taco bowls or KFC on the good china or just spraying two or three cans of Cheez Whiz into his face in order to have it ooze out through his pores to augment the custom coloring job. Finally, between midnight and 3:00 am some heavy tweeting in a desperate attempt to ensure that he leads the headlines later that day. How does he have so much energy? A little crystal meth perhaps? Many people are saying that Chrump drinks a five hour energy drink every hour just to keep his edge. Nobody knows for sure, not even Don himself, but many people are saying he is on something. How does he do it? More importantly why does he do it? And why must he do it where everyone has to see it? Most important of all, when is he going to stop? For now let me just say to Donald Chrump, “Go fire yourself.”
Adios Asshole
We had a chance. Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto, who previously compared Chrump to Hitler and Mussolini, and much to the abject horror of most Mexicans, invited Chrump to Mexico, absolutely certain that the man who called most Mexicans coming to America criminals and rapists would not show up, actually ended up having to host the virulent racist live and in person. America should have immediately built that beautiful wall to keep him from coming back. While in Mexico, Chrump didn’t have the balls to talk about his great wall and deportation squads. He acted “presidential” and lied to the Mexican people about where he stands and then lied to the American people about what was said in Mexico. American reporters immediately forgot the vile, self-obsessed child Chrump has been over the past 15 months (even without the prior 828 months of being a vile, self-obsessed child) as they swoon over him having “a presidential moment”. Really? One presidential moment suddenly erases a lifetime of buffoonery? Immediately after pretending to be reasoned and diplomatic Chrump returned to the scene of the crime-against-humanity he calls a presidential campaign and turned the hate and fear-mongering up to 12 during a screed in Arizona. If not for the concrete-like stability of his “hair” his head would have exploded as he raged on about “criminal aliens” raping and killing everyone in America and then taking our jobs. In response to Chrump’s crazed rant Peña Nieto said "His policy stances could represent a huge threat to Mexico, and I am not prepared to keep my arms crossed and do nothing. That risk, that threat, must be confronted. I told him that is not the way to build a mutually beneficial relationship for both nations." And Hillary Clinton’s poll numbers continue to drop. How does she do it?
I. Mangrey reporting. Nurse!

The Right to Gloat

Orange Is the New Blank

August 31, 2016

“Oh you better elect me folks or I’ll never speak to you again.
Can you imagine, can you imagine how badly I’ll feel if I spent
all of that money, all of this energy, all of this time and lost?”
Donald J. Cheesepuff, August 14, 2016

The right to vote is often described as being central to our democracy. Could be. Our beloved founders however did not really think the average American was particularly worthy of selecting leaders. They thought this was best left to white, male landowners. Period. Obviously slaves were not considered as part of the voting public. I assume the reason was the daunting inconvenience of counting up all those 3/5 of a vote. Women I imagine were considered too emotional and frail to vote. It appears that there are many among us who long for those good old days. Speaking of the socially, morally and mentally challenged… 

Republican’ts are very worried about voter fraud. Their standard bearer for the 2016 presidential campaign Donzo Chrump has warned us that people will be voting five or ten times in “certain sections” of Pennsylvania. For one thing, Chrump lies so much even he doesn’t believe a word he says. For another, the type of in-person voting fraud Chrump and the Republican’ts are perpetually trying to frighten us with is by all accounts virtually non-existent, but…Surprise! It is Republican’ts who are trying – and often succeeding – at defrauding legitimate voters most of whom happen to be...wait for it...black. I wonder how Chrump’s black supporter feels about that. We’ll have to get back to him after he finishes (He actually did this.) emailing cartoons of Hillary in black face.  

Let’s be honest here; what really scares the crap out of Republican’ts is people actually voting. They hate voting. And they are not too fond of voters – unless they are still in the womb. Bogus voter ID laws, strategically eliminating polling places, restricting early voting, having the Supreme Court stop the vote count in order to appoint a president – there are many tricks available for those who know that low voter turn-out favors their side. Supreme Court Chief Jerkoff Justice John Roberts decided that racial discrimination in America is a thing of the past and led the decision to gut the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Immediately after the near-murder of the Voting Rights Act, which among other things kept a close watch on states that had a history of trying to keep black folks away from the polls like Texas, North Carolina and the like, states like Texas, North Carolina and the like started crafting laws to keep black folks away from the polls. Immediately. Like within days, maybe it was hours.  

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down North Carolina’s new law writing that various provisions of the law "target African Americans with almost surgical precision." Go figure. What an odd coincidence. As everyone in the Bush administration said when it turned out Iraq had no WMD (which everyone else knew was the case) and when Iraq descended into mayhem and civil war after Bush’s illegal and ill-advised invasion in 2003 (which everyone else in the world knew would be a disaster), “Nobody could have anticipated” there would be such disastrous repercussions. On the other hand these same geniuses scoff at the very idea of climate change, which everyone else on the planet knows is well under way and wreaking havoc for many people across the globe. Speaking of climate change, have you noticed that nobody is saying a word about climate change since Bernie Sanders bowed out of the race? A pox on both houses. 

Chrump and the Con Way 

Chrump’s campaign CEO du jour Stephen Bannon, who was charged with, though not convicted of, assaulting this then wife in 1997 turns out to have at least one other skeleton in his closet. Bannon’s ex-wife, in a sworn statement during divorce proceedings, testified that Bannon opposed allowing their children to attend an exclusive private school because of "the number of Jews that attend. He doesn't like Jews and he didn't like the way they raise their kids to be whiney brats and he doesn't want the girl going to school with Jews." Kellyanne Conway, Chrump’s current campaign manager, insists that despite all information to the contrary her candidate, who she despised a few short months ago while she was running the (sorry to bring this up) Ted Cruz campaign, is in fact winning. Conway tells the unfortunate listener that there are hordes of ‘secret Chrump supporters’. Millions of people who are ashamed to admit to poll-takers that they will vote for the Demented Pressurized Cheese Food Product currently all over the place in the role of presidential candidate.

Frankly I’m not sure who is more frightening, those who are unwilling to tell anyone that they support a lying, loudmouthed, cheating bigot or those who proudly proclaim their approval. At least the secret supporters have enough sense to realize that supporting Chrump is despicable and that they are embarrassed to admit it. This would all be so much easier if Hillary Clinton wasn’t so calculating, untrustworthy and unlikeable.  

I. Mangrey reporting. Doc, it hurts when I do this.
Mad in USA