Friday, September 2, 2016

The Right to Gloat

Orange Is the New Blank

August 31, 2016

“Oh you better elect me folks or I’ll never speak to you again.
Can you imagine, can you imagine how badly I’ll feel if I spent
all of that money, all of this energy, all of this time and lost?”
Donald J. Cheesepuff, August 14, 2016

The right to vote is often described as being central to our democracy. Could be. Our beloved founders however did not really think the average American was particularly worthy of selecting leaders. They thought this was best left to white, male landowners. Period. Obviously slaves were not considered as part of the voting public. I assume the reason was the daunting inconvenience of counting up all those 3/5 of a vote. Women I imagine were considered too emotional and frail to vote. It appears that there are many among us who long for those good old days. Speaking of the socially, morally and mentally challenged… 

Republican’ts are very worried about voter fraud. Their standard bearer for the 2016 presidential campaign Donzo Chrump has warned us that people will be voting five or ten times in “certain sections” of Pennsylvania. For one thing, Chrump lies so much even he doesn’t believe a word he says. For another, the type of in-person voting fraud Chrump and the Republican’ts are perpetually trying to frighten us with is by all accounts virtually non-existent, but…Surprise! It is Republican’ts who are trying – and often succeeding – at defrauding legitimate voters most of whom happen to be...wait for I wonder how Chrump’s black supporter feels about that. We’ll have to get back to him after he finishes (He actually did this.) emailing cartoons of Hillary in black face.  

Let’s be honest here; what really scares the crap out of Republican’ts is people actually voting. They hate voting. And they are not too fond of voters – unless they are still in the womb. Bogus voter ID laws, strategically eliminating polling places, restricting early voting, having the Supreme Court stop the vote count in order to appoint a president – there are many tricks available for those who know that low voter turn-out favors their side. Supreme Court Chief Jerkoff Justice John Roberts decided that racial discrimination in America is a thing of the past and led the decision to gut the 1965 Voting Rights Act. Immediately after the near-murder of the Voting Rights Act, which among other things kept a close watch on states that had a history of trying to keep black folks away from the polls like Texas, North Carolina and the like, states like Texas, North Carolina and the like started crafting laws to keep black folks away from the polls. Immediately. Like within days, maybe it was hours.  

The 4th Circuit Court of Appeals struck down North Carolina’s new law writing that various provisions of the law "target African Americans with almost surgical precision." Go figure. What an odd coincidence. As everyone in the Bush administration said when it turned out Iraq had no WMD (which everyone else knew was the case) and when Iraq descended into mayhem and civil war after Bush’s illegal and ill-advised invasion in 2003 (which everyone else in the world knew would be a disaster), “Nobody could have anticipated” there would be such disastrous repercussions. On the other hand these same geniuses scoff at the very idea of climate change, which everyone else on the planet knows is well under way and wreaking havoc for many people across the globe. Speaking of climate change, have you noticed that nobody is saying a word about climate change since Bernie Sanders bowed out of the race? A pox on both houses. 

Chrump and the Con Way 

Chrump’s campaign CEO du jour Stephen Bannon, who was charged with, though not convicted of, assaulting this then wife in 1997 turns out to have at least one other skeleton in his closet. Bannon’s ex-wife, in a sworn statement during divorce proceedings, testified that Bannon opposed allowing their children to attend an exclusive private school because of "the number of Jews that attend. He doesn't like Jews and he didn't like the way they raise their kids to be whiney brats and he doesn't want the girl going to school with Jews." Kellyanne Conway, Chrump’s current campaign manager, insists that despite all information to the contrary her candidate, who she despised a few short months ago while she was running the (sorry to bring this up) Ted Cruz campaign, is in fact winning. Conway tells the unfortunate listener that there are hordes of ‘secret Chrump supporters’. Millions of people who are ashamed to admit to poll-takers that they will vote for the Demented Pressurized Cheese Food Product currently all over the place in the role of presidential candidate.

Frankly I’m not sure who is more frightening, those who are unwilling to tell anyone that they support a lying, loudmouthed, cheating bigot or those who proudly proclaim their approval. At least the secret supporters have enough sense to realize that supporting Chrump is despicable and that they are embarrassed to admit it. This would all be so much easier if Hillary Clinton wasn’t so calculating, untrustworthy and unlikeable.  

I. Mangrey reporting. Doc, it hurts when I do this.
Mad in USA

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