Tuesday, August 30, 2016

That’s Mighty Bigot of You

Orange Like Me

White Castle
August 30, 2016
No one will ever forget where they were when Chrump gave his famous “I Have a Problem” speech also known as the “It Can’t Get Any Worse, What The Hell Have You Got To Lose” speech. Paying homage to other great speeches like Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address, Martin Luther King’s I have a Dream, JFK’s Ask Not What Your Country Can Do For You inaugural address, Chrump also used words.
By absolutely no accounts this speech was simply the best. At least that is what many people have reported that many people are saying. It was moving. It was shouted. It was brutally honest clueless. Nobody has ever spoken such words at black people. Not to them mind you, since there weren’t any actual black people within earshot of the Donald at the time. He spoke these fateful words directly to an almost all-white audience in an almost all-white town not too terribly far from where many black people live, but where Chrump and his fellow unravellers fear to tread. They were very white words. From a very white (underneath the spray tan) man, who is at least a second generation…let’s say non-lover of black people. A man from whom black employees were forced to hide when the boss showed up at the Chrump Plaza Hotel and Casino in Atlantic City in the 1980s. I have no doubt that this incredible speech will have a yuuuuuuuge impact on Chrump’s standing with the black electorate. No more will he be pulling in a mere 2% of the black vote. Can you say 0.1%?
Chrump, who has literally tried to paint himself as a man of color – not an actual color mind you, but a color nonetheless – in what for him passes as standing up for a black employee accused of being lazy said, “And it’s probably not his fault because laziness is a trait in blacks. It really is, I believe that. It’s not anything they can control.” But that didn’t stop Chrump from continuing to allow the blacks, as he likes to call them, to be in his employ, “And isn’t it funny. I’ve got black accountants at Trump Castle and Trump Plaza. Black guys counting my money! I hate it. The only kind of people I want counting my money are short guys that wear yarmulkes every day.” He has a great relationship with the Jews. In 1973 Chrump was hit with a housing discrimination lawsuit in New York City, which he settled two years later along with a promise not to discriminate against blacks and other minorities anymore. Ever a man of his word, the Justice Department had to sue him again in 1977 for the same thing. And of course he made a political name for himself hounding Barack Obama for not being born in America – and not in any way because he is black. He claims he has hard evidence, but just as he claims to have the best words, but seems totally unwilling to share any of them with us, he has never produced one shred of evidence to support his racist claim against the 44th president who. How could anyone say Chrump is a racist without a straight face?
Chrump prepares for the first debate.
(R.I.P. Gene Wilder)
I. Mangrey reporting.

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