Sunday, January 31, 2021

It's The Ratpublicans, Stupid

Shitizens United

January 31, 2021

    Remember, those who do not learn from history are
    doomed to fuck everything up for the rest of us.

                                                                                  Ed Venture

If anyone thought that D. Turmp was a big problem, they were obviously correct in that assessment. However, he was definitely not the big problem. That would be Mitch Fucking McConnell and his Ratpublican Party. What is interesting is that their unique variety of spinelessness gives them power, whereas the version of spinelessness possessed by Democrats only serves to make them more vulnerable and powerless.

Ratpublicans are showing their spinelessness by continuing to grovel at the alter of Turmp. Despite his double IMPEACHMENT. Despite his incitement of a white supremacist, conspiracy theory addled, violently ignorant mob to lay siege to the Capitol, the same Capitol wherein Democrats and Ratpublicans alike were forced to take shelter while having their offices, computers and documents – not to mention the very Capitol itself – violated. Despite Turmp’s mob threatening the very lives of several Democratic lawmakers, and at least one Ratpublican – Turmp’s number one pathetically subservient ass-kisser – Mike “Fuck Me Hard Donald, Just Don’t Tell Mother” Pence.

Top members of the Fuck America Party

Forty-five out of 50 of these rat-fucking bastards nonetheless voted in favor of Rand Paul’s motion that the imminent IMPEACHMENT trial of #45 is unconstitutional. Despite the well-accepted fact that it is not. One of those deplorable fascists is none other than Mitch Fucking McConnell, who not that long ago said of the insurrectionists, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.” Unsurprisingly, the now ex-Senate Majority Leader neglected to take either responsibility or credit – depending on one’s perspective – for being one of those ‘powerful people’ who had the mindless millions eating lies out of the palm of his blood-stained hand. Fucking McConnell later lied that he might be in favor of IMPEACHING Turmp.

Catch 45

McConnell also refused to reconvene the Senate before Joe Biden’s inauguration in order to allow the IMPEACHMENT process to move forward. Now that Biden is president, McConnell says it is too late to hold an IMPEACHMENT trial since Turmp is no longer in office.

Paul, who tried to claim that it was Democrats who incited violence, was the only one in the room not wearing a mask. I hope that the next any of these weasels, particularly Dr. Rand Paul, try to go maskless on federal property, President Biden’s new mandate that masks must be worn on federal property will be enforced, or maybe someone should just punch his mouth shut so he can’t infect anyone, either with his spittle or his diseased words. Or maybe he could just wear a fucking mask.

It is entirely possible that things are only going to get worse after the long-overdue removal of Turmp from office. As the Ratpublican Party becomes more fully, more shamelessly, the White Supremacist Party. They must be politically beaten down until there is nothing left of them but a bunch of hate-hurling homunculi, powerless to fulfill their wish to return America to pre-Civil War racism as opposed to 21st Century racism, which apparently is not brutal enough for them.

All that being said, many Ratpublicans still love Turmp to death. I have to agree this is a worthy goal. I wish them great success in their endeavor.

I. Mangrey reporting. Only eight (or so) more shopping days until the IMPEACHMENT trial. 

Saturday, January 30, 2021

The Never Ending Story

Black Lives Shattered

January 30, 2021

Persecutors Prosecutors in Colorado announced that they would not charge two police officers who drew their guns and handcuffed a black family, including two girls, after suspecting them of riding in a stolen car in August of last year. No one was surprised. These, let’s call them what they are – PIGS – refused to let Brittney Gilliam, the woman driving the car, show them her license and registration for the car they said was stolen. They instead held this completely innocent family at gunpoint for two hours. Two hours. Two. Hours. Four. Children.

Black family held hostage at gunpoint by Colorado cops for no reason,
similarly, sky declared blue

The children, ranging in age from 6 to 17, were ordered at gunpoint to lie facedown on the parking lot, and two were handcuffed. The girls broke down into tears and screams as several white police officers loomed over them.

The entire family is now receiving therapy for PTSD, and the children are reportedly unable to carry out normal daily activities – including eating – without the trauma overshadowing their lives. These vicious criminals posing as police officers must be brought to justice, if such a thing can be said to still exist in the land of the greed and home of the slave.

This is what appears to be a majority of Ratpublicans want to see happen on a more consistent basis. Until America is “great” again. When these miscreants yell about wanting their “freedom,” what they are demanding is freedom from having to share “their” country with people of color. Whoever named the last one a “civil” war, was surely funny in the head. Now that we are living in a very similar time, it is clear that there is nothing civil about this.

I. Mangrey reporting. Get up, stand up, stand up for your rights.

Bob Marley - Get Up Stand Up


Friday, January 29, 2021

Holding On For Dear Life

When They Go Low, Stomp Them Into The Ground
(Figuratively Speaking, Of Course)

January 29, 2021

Most Ratpublicans, even those who very briefly said out loud that Turmp bore responsibility for the January 6th white supremacist terror attack on the Capitol (particularly Mitch Fucking McConnell and Kevin McCarthy) that he personally fomented for months (years really) and then made sure there would be an insufficient law enforcement presence, are whining that everyone should, according to presidential wannabe and Turmp sycophant Nikki Haley “get over it”, just let it go. The attack of January 6, 2021 was objectively one of the worst days in American history, which some of you may remember happened less than a month ago.

During the era of Vietnam War protests most of the violence was perpetrated either by the police or saboteurs planted within the movement by the FBI. Never did and demonstration even dream of storming the Capitol or violently overthrowing the duly elected government. The worst thing ever threatened during that era was when Abbie Hoffman and the Yippies! threatened to surround the Pentagon for the purpose of levitating it.

Ratpublicans want to wipe a violent, deadly siege of the Capitol with both Houses in session to ceremonially formalize the landslide victory of Joseph Biden over Donald Turmp a month earlier by the base of the Ratpublican Party, under Rand Paul’s rug.

After leaving not one shit-sodden stone unturned in a supremely undemocratic effort to overturn the will of the American people, an effort they knew from the outset was based on bullshit lies and doomed to abject failure, Ratpublicans want us all to forget the complicity, the incitement and the continued support they provided for the seditious racists’ attempted coup. It’s working for them; it had better not work on the rest of us.

Unfettered Man

John Fetterman

Fetterman’s Freak Flags Flying Freely above seditious shitheads

Meanwhile, the Pennsylvania wing of the Fuck-America Party is throwing a hissy fit over Lt. Governor John Fetterman flying a marijuana-leaf flag and a gay pride flags from the state capitol, despite Ratpublicans having slipped a clause banning such dangerous actions into a budget bill last November. Some people would find Fetterman’s antics less threatening to life, limb and democracy than say, laying siege to the Capitol with plans to kidnap and murder elected officials. Why can’t Pennsylvania Ratpublicans just let it go?

So, can we have Al Franken back now?

I. Mangrey requesting.

Thursday, January 28, 2021

Patriotism, Bitches!

Hold My Truths

January 28, 2021

Everyone seems to be asking how President Joe Biden intends to make nice with the 74,000,000 ignoramuses who voted for the guy Biden crushed on November 3, 2020. Maybe your memory is better than mine, but I don’t recall one single person ever asking how the guy who got crushed in the popular vote by Hillary Clinton in 2016 how he would bring the country together by respecting all those Americans who did not vote for him.

Pseudo-patriotic pinheads pummel police

Some supporters of the self-proclaimed/self-deluded party of law and order showed their utter disdain for our laws, our order and our democracy (I guess it sounds to much like Democrat), a disdain shared by a significant number of that party’s elected officials and their newly ejected president, were responsible for the deaths of five people including a police officer. Now we learn that they were also responsible for nearly 140 injured officers – some severely – as well as two officer suicides resulting from their attempted coup. Never doubt that Ratpublicans are inveterate hypocrites.

Declaration of Independence Meets Declaration of The Indefensible 

While a number of these super-genius-patriots were rummaging through the Capitol like a bunch of lobotomized locusts, they stumbled across the seat of one Ted Cruz, who saw in these cretins an opportunity for self-aggrandizement and fund-raising. Cruz helped delay the Senate vote count certifying the Electoral College vote (an unpatriotic, undemocratic miasma in itself) as cover for the insurrection and his political sugar-daddy Turmp. So these morons are rifling through Ted’s papers and whipping themselves into an even bigger lather when they discover that Cruz is planning to de-certify the Electoral votes of Arizona. This, they are caught on video (caught by themselves, I might add) wailing that Cruz was planning to “sell them out” when if fact, de-certifying Arizona is exactly what they wanted him to do. This is really all you need to know about this moronic movement of malicious militia malcontents. Oh, and the My Pillow crack-head is one of them.

We hold a lot of shit to be self-evident, but clearly much of it is anything but self-evident to a large swath of our fellow citizens. They hold other truths to be self-evident, that white men are created better, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Racism, Idiocy and the pursuit of Stupidness.

At least Jefferson expressed some remorse and sense of guilt about his racism

Lastly, nothing screams patriotism like beating police protecting the Capitol from terrorists bent on overthrowing the United States with American flags. Oh, and like waging a terrorist attack on the Capitol. Naturally, they were sporting more Turmp flags than American ones. Patriotism Bitches!

I. Mangrey reacting.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Thought For The Day

January 26, 2021

I might be wrong about this, but it seems to me that allowing members of the Sedition Caucus to bring firearms onto the House floor is probably a bad idea. Oddly, it is illegal to bring a gun onto the House floor, though one might think this would be a no-brainer, particularly so soon after the Second-Amendment-Ãœber-Alles crowd violated the Capitol on January 6th. Metal detectors were installed in the Capitol after the attempted coup, inspired and/or aided and abetted by countless Ratpublicans and incited by Donald Turmp. Apparently, they need to install mental detectors as well.

Several members of the disloyal opposition have been defying Capitol police’s efforts to force them to go through the detectors, some attempting to smuggle guns onto the floor, others just doing what they do best – being douchebags.

The Guess Who – Guns, Guns, Guns

Just so we’re clear. Lawn darts are illegal because several people suffered injuries, but guns are the lifeblood of America. I say either do something intelligent about guns or add lawn darts to the Second Amendment.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Monday, January 25, 2021

His Filth Goes Marching On

Gory, Gory, Hallelujah

January 25, 2021

Cleanup In Aisle 1600 !

I’ve been wondering what I’ll do once we don’t have feces-flinging-fool Donald Turmp to kick around anymore, or at least to be forced to pay attention to every damn day. Turns out there is plenty of stupid to pique my interest. The 147 Ratpublican representatives who voted against their Constitutional oaths, by refusing to certify the completely legitimate election of Joe Biden jump immediately to mind. Disgraced IMPEACHED IMPEACHED X-Fake president Donald Turmp – the only president with more IMPEACHMENT than terms in office, and more days spent golfing than working – leaves behind the American Carnage he imagined and then created. America remains mired in more of a freshly visited litter box than a sand trap. Of course Turmp had a lot of help, and much of that help remains right where it was, and will continue to fester.

Part of me had hoped that once America had drunk enough disinfectant to cleanse the covfefe from our system, that the long-overdue excision of a brain-dead, hot air buffoon from the Executive Branch would provide me with a long-sought pause in the disaster, that one day, like a miracle, it would disappear, that I could rest my weary fingers, let my injured mind wander aimlessly for a while, allow my soul to find some solace.

So Much Stupid, So Much Time

So it looks like my level of paying attention will have to remain on Orange Alert, at least for a little while, until they can round up all the seditious dipshits and lock them away…okay, so maybe not such a little while. Let me assault you with a few excremental examples before I force myself to attempt to take a break. I promised myself I would try to think happier thoughts, at least until the White House has been sufficiently cleansed – literally – to the point that the Bidens and those in the Biden administration can safely roam the White House without fear of contacting COVID-19 and who knows what other disease vectors left swirling around what has been an unprotected, unsafe petri-dish since at least last January.

Boebert & Palin: Separated at birth, and from brains

New brand-new member of Congress’ QAnon wing of the Republican’t Party Lauren Boebert (R-Crazytown) who apparently was elected to represent Psycho City in Colorado, recently posted a two-plus-minute-long video about how she carries her dildo/Glock everywhere she goes, and dammit, she is gunna bring her bestie into the Capitol ostensibly to protect America from people like her? This was before she led a misguided tour for her sad-sack, shithead seditionist buddies. This little recon mission took place exactly one day before her QAnut co-conspirators invaded the Capitol, armed with weapons, handcuffs and maps of the Capitol Building. Almost everything malignant militia would need to take control of the seat of government, possibly kidnap and/or assassinate government leaders with whom they disagreed, with the possible exception of brains. Like Palin before her Boebert has no concept of the Constitution, an unhealthy, unholy obsession with a Second Amendment she does not really understand. And what a surprise, neither of these goonish girls has a handle on the First Amendment. Boebert is facing a lawsuit for allegedly violating the First Amendment rights of those of her constituents who dare to disagree with her.

Boebert continued her sedition (not to mention, stunning stupidity) into the following day, once her cohorts had breached and begun defiling her new workplace:

But wait, there’s more…

Just as Donald Trump made many people feel much less animosity toward super-idiot, war criminal and who-many-thought-was-the-worst-president George W. Bush, the new, unimproved GQP (Grand QAnon Party) makes people nostalgic for the days of the brain-dead, Constitution-illiterate Tea Party.

There is no need to discuss the air-headed oxygen thief that is Boebert’s dumbleganger Sarah Palin, since her exploits are unfortunately all-too-well-known at this point. Maybe someone will sew them back together at the lips so we can stop having to hear them make noise.

Speaking of stupid, it looks like the My Pillow crackhead got his ass and pillow show dropped from several major chains after showing up at the White House during the last throes of Turmp the Terrible to tell Turmp to consider imposing martial law, and recommending other dumbass fascist ideas to Dumb Leader. Dumb fuck, dumb pillow. 

But Wait, There’s Moron…

Radical religious fundamentalist/hypocrite Mike Pompeo could not resist one more of his patented remove-shoe-(optional)-insert-foot-in-mouth-(apparently unavoidable), blather, wince, repeat ad nauseum maneuvers before being removed from the horrible job he’s been doing as whatever-the-hell-he-was-supposed-to-be. Out of sight (or in plain sight), out of (his) fucking mind.

Then of course, there’s newly-minted-moron Josh Hawley, good old, reliably-rotten Ted Cruz, crazy cracker Lindsey Graham and countless other vacuous vipers (like most of the Republican’t members of Congress) struggling for air time and hopefully actual air in the months and years to come.

Brief aside: Hawley is yet another radical Christian who believes in the singularity of Church and State and has little time for those who do not share his flavor of religion. He spoke up for the rights of militia members after the 1995 Oklahoma City bombing and defended racist L.A. police detective Mark Fuhrman’s use of racial slurs during the O.J. Simpson trial. So, there’s that.

Proposed billboard from MeidasTouch (maybe show them some love)

At least there will be no more perfidious press secretaries, no more psychotic Stephen Miller, just 70-plus million racist and racist-adjacent Turmp lovers looking for another slavior to help make America white again.

At least those of us comprising the sentient part of America can begin to seek help for our PTSD – Post Turmp Stress Disorder. Hopefully, Turmp’s American Carnage stops right here, and stops right now.

I. Mangrey for a little while longer. Keep your seats in the upright position and seatbelts fastened tightly.

Saturday, January 23, 2021

Question For The Day

January 23, 2021

Just when you think these fucking motherfuckers can’t get any fucking worse, we learn that some fucking fuckwit scraped the fucking word ‘TRUMP’ (the world’s first five-letter four-letter word) into the back of a manatee, a species even more endangered than Americans with functioning brains.

My money would be on noted murderer of defenseless, endangered animals, Don, Jr. but I’m unconvinced that he has the wherewithal to make legible letters, let alone squeeze out an entire word in one try. That, and the fact he probably would not immerse himself in water and risk washing off his protective layer of slime.

Un-violated manatees desperately trying to peacefully co-exist with hairless apes

This has been your Paying Attention Question For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your question for the day?


What the fuck is wrong with these people?

Marlon Craft - State Of The Union

Friday, January 22, 2021

Democracy, Buster


January 22, 2021

Looks like the honeymoon lasted perhaps 20 hours. There is currently something going on in the early days of the new Senate that reminds me of the movies. The hero is faced with two options, maintain his integrity by honestly answering when asked to do something illegal – he doesn’t actually have to do it, just to say he will in order to get on the villain’s good side. So often, the hero will not even pretend to go along, preferring to remain true blue, thereby putting himself in grave danger. The other option of course is to simply pretend to play along in order to prevail in the end. Despite never even seeming to waiver, the hero almost always emerges victorious. This is not a fucking movie.

I am referring to the current dance around the filibuster. McConnell is trying to get new Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to agree to never kill the filibuster in return for…well, we’re talking about Malignant Mitch, so who gives a fuck what he’s offering (though for the record, what he’s offering is something that is typically given as a courtesy). McConnell is a proud hypocrite whose word is as good as having a single square of toilet paper to keep you dry in a deluge. The way I see it, Schumer has two options: 1) tell McConnell to go fuck himself, or 2) tell McConnell, “Sure Mitch, that seems fair enough. I promise not to mess with the filibuster in order to win your esteemed cooperation.” Then, when the time is right, like when McConnell tries to pull his usual shit, do a 180 and kill the filibuster.

Meshuggeneh Mitch McConnell’s Maniacal Mishegoss 

Meanwhile, Malignant Mitch, who for several weeks helped prop up the lie that Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election, thereby contributing to the attempted coup and violent siege of the Capitol, is already threatening to essentially filibuster to prevent Democrats from controlling Senate committees, something they won fair and square, once again showing that Ratpublicans have no respect for the will of the American voters or that thing we call democracy. All the more reason to go with option #2.

The other thing McConnell and his Sedition Caucus want is for us all to pretend their prolonged, ultimately deadly attempt to overturn a secure and legitimate election never happened. Unity Now! They are furious that their usual and customary means of stealing elections was not enough to keep the worst president in American history on the payroll for another four years. I may have mentioned this before, but I believe it warrants repeating; sing it with me now, “Fuck Mitch McConnell.” You have to admit, it does have a nice ring to it.

It is long past time for Democrats to stop bringing marshmallows to a gunfight.

I. Mangrey recommending.

Gil Scott-Heron - B-Movie

Thursday, January 21, 2021

In Case You Missed It...

It’s Biden Time

January 21, 2021

This is an Ex-president

Finally, Donald Turmp Is Practicing Appropriate Social Distancing...Great Riddance!

It does feel different today. It finally does not feel like the world is constantly punching me in the face. I’m no fan of Joe Biden. Never have been. From his disgraceful treatment of Anita Hill when she tried, at great personal risk, to warn us about Clarence Thomas – Hill was right, Biden was dead wrong and misogynistic. To his bankruptcy bill to protect credit card companies from American citizens’ ability to declare bankruptcy. For most of his time in the Senate, I referred to Biden as the senator from Citibank.

Biden was not my first, second or third choice to take on Turmp in 2020. Though thankfully, his reputation – well-earned though it was – as a gaff machine dissipated in the incessant foul tempest of gaff dissembly-line Donald Turmp.

Despite all of this, I could not be happier today. A great menacing blob has been lifted from on top of us. I will allow myself a turn at euphoria, however brief. I will thank Creation that Joe Biden and not Donald Turmp is President of the United States. The sniveling shit-weasel that hijacked a great, however drastically flawed, nation and had his gang of gangrenous-brained goons hold it down while he grabbed it by the pussy, spit in its face, humiliated it for all the world to see, and finally tried to take it for his own by instigating a brutally stupid coup attempt on the eve of his long-overdue eradication, before ultimately slinking away with his head up his ass, has been put out of our misery.

It’s all yours Joe. I will try to be patient while you set out on what will likely be a fool’s errand of trying to work with the disloyal opposition. But not for long. There is no time for malarkey. You might remember a past president who wasted years trying to reach across the aisle, only to have his fingers bitten off. You know this man. His name is Barack Obama. He got nothing. Nada. Zilch. Zero. Except being continually kicked in the balls. Is that what you want? Your balls are surely too old to survive very much kicking I would think. It is not up to you to reconcile. It is up to Malignant Mitch McConnell (who is already gumming up the works as he desperately tries to hold on to power) and his Ratpublicans to beg forgiveness. They will not. They do not care much for America. They despise democracy. They are for the most part greedy, power-hungry thieves…except for the ones that are just plum crazy QAnon and/or Tea Party tin-foil-hatters. Many of them, I assume, are flaming racists. But, I will not begrudge you trying to do the right thing. Just don’t keep bringing crayons to a knife fight. Watch your step President Biden. Do not waste too much time trying to reason with those acting in bad faith. Please.

So, go Joe. You have a chance to overshadow your decades of protecting the strong against the weak. You have a golden opportunity to leave behind one of the most vaunted legacies in American presidential history. I know you will do something real to deal with the current pandemic. Save the environment. Lift up the less fortunate at the expense of the greedy, over-paid, under-taxed. Let all Americans have access to quality health care without having to sell their children. Repair the melting pot. Make America great for once.

I. Mangrey reporting. Remember, smile – or whatever that is on McConnell's face – is a liar’s mouth.


It's All Over Now Baby Orange

January 21, 2021

To quote Joe Biden, "This is a big fucking deal."

Next Stop...


Wednesday, January 20, 2021

The Inauguration Heard Round The World

The Presidency Survives Turmp, Will America?

January 20, 2021, 12:30 PM Eastern Time

Joseph R. Biden, Jr. sworn in as 46th president

I will try and keep this brief. Finally, against all odds, and against all odd, Joe Biden has been successfully sworn in today. My only complaint is that the oath of office, needs to be modified to reflect the new reality in America. It must say, “preserve, protect and defend the Constitution against all enemies foreign and domestic, particularly Donald Turmp.” Once Turmp no longer walks among us, we can think about changing it back, but it might be best to simply leave it in place as a reminder.

Apologies for not being ready to let go and walk away, but really. I thought I would be so glad to be rid of this terrible affliction – one that makes the current virus pandemic pale by comparison – that thoughts of the Orange Gas Cloud would quickly dissipate, leaving me at least a bit of peace. But no, I find myself still fuming, like a wild fire beaten down to ash and coals, still needing to be watched less it burst back into deadly flame. After all, a virus can be vicious and brutal, taking many lives and disrupting many more, but Turmp ripped at our souls and the soul of our nation. A virus has no malice, no brain. Trump, though bereft of brain, more than makes up for the lack with a massive, immeasurable dose of malice.

The miserable shit-weasel/IMPEACHED-IMPEACHED-ex-Fake president held a pathetic campaign rally after completing his criminal pardon spree and shortly before the planet-wide sigh of relief at the swearing in of Joe Biden as the 46th president of the United States. A surprise to no one, as Turmp remained steadfast in his dishonest, delusion and danger to democracy. Refusing to mention Biden’s name, Turmp spewed his usual mile-long-string-of-lies, ignorance and drivel, ending with what amounts to a threat to the country he just spent four years trying to destroy for his benefactor Vladimir Putin. Before shuffling off-stage to the ironic tones of the Village People’s YMCA, Turmp warned, “See you soon.”

Yes, Turmp’s second-in-command Mike Pence opted to be present for the ultimately – no thanks to either Pence or Turmp’s yeoman efforts to the contrary – peaceful transfer of power. Make no mistake, this was nothing other than political calculus designed to keep his comatose hopes to continue a life in shitty politics alive. I wish him hell.

I. Mangrey relieved.

I Feel A Four-Years-Long Wave Of Nausea Finally Ebbing

Go To Russia. We Love You Leaving. You’re Very Special.

January 20, 2021, Later that same morning

As most of a nation in tatters prepares to rid itself of a living lesion by inaugurating its 46th President Joe Biden, can you imagine, if (GULP) Trump had won in November, trying to talk him out of insisting on having the biggest crowd ever to attend a swearing in on hand to bask in his gory*?

Trump is planning to run for president again though he should be planning to go to prison, but that’s okay. He has not yet decided whether he should take another stab at becoming Russia’s president of the United States, or to go right to the source and run in Russia next time. On his way out the door today, it appears that Trump is trying to declassify sensitive information regarding Russia, information the intelligence community has classified as too sensitive to publicize. One last stroking of Putin’s whatever before sore winner, sore loser, generally festering sore Trump oozes out of office.

Stephen Miller has already drafted Trump’s first Russia First stump speech. Another Paying Attention exclusive, just for you:

“There’s no way I can lose to Vicious Vlad. I like to call him Little Lenin, since he loves the Beatles so much…well that’s what people are telling me. What the hell has he ever done for you? All he ever did was help me make America great again. Is that what you paid him to do? Make America great? America sucks. I should know. I’m the one who tried to destroy America and its very fake, very weak and stupid democracy. Puny Putin – I sometimes call him that – thought I was going to make America great and still he helped me get elected, bigly. Let him show everyone the pee-pee tape. See if I care. If he’s not careful, I’ll grab hm by the pussy. They let you do that in America by the way and if you want to be able to do that here, then vote Trump. I alone can fix everything. Very easily. I can make your dishwashers and showers very strong and powerful. I can make your toilets flush like nothing you’ve ever seen before and that’s no shit.”

*Not a typo

I. Mangrey keeping it real.

Word For The Morning - KOYAANISQATSI


January 20, 2021, 6:00 AM Eastern Time

Today is meant to be the official termination of Donald Trump’s ignominious administration. There are still six hours left during which it remains possible that the Teflon Trash-heap will pull some bad craziness. And we are still up to our eyeballs in assholes. I have yet to see any sign of chickens ready to be counted.

So, hopefully for the last time for a long time I share a wonderful word. The best word in my humble estimation. This word became one of my favorite of all time after I saw the brilliant, moving and unique 1983 Godfrey Reggio documentary of the same name.

Koyaanisqatsi – the trailer

This has been your Paying Attention Word For The Morning.

Morning maniac music...

Frank Zappa – Dumb All Over

Steppenwolf – Move Over (crank it up)

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Taking Out The Trash

Trump’s Greatest Shits

January 19, 2021

The Second Time Around

More history. For those who one last reminder of the terror presidency of Donald Trump, read on. For those who rightly cannot devote another moment of thought to this disaster, close your eyes think happy thoughts and hope this fake administration will finally, really be coming to an end.

Trump has been so fucking nice they IMPEACHED his ass twice. That’s right boys and girls. We seem to have survived the worst, most corrupt, most narcissistic, most disastrous, most fascist president in American history IMPEACHED two times by Congress – the second time with Republican’t cooperation in the House, however meager. Wow. I am shocked that a few Republican’ts think that a president should not urge violent racist sociopaths to lay siege to the Capitol Building and string up his vice president. Who could have guessed it? The rest of them continued with their treasonous conspiracy theory of a stolen election. And helped to turn our nation’s Capital into a war zone.

Trump tried every trick in the book to get thrown out of office – an office he never wanted and never fulfilled in any way. Enlisting Russia to help him get elected in the first place was not enough. Firing everyone involved in discovering the truth of his collusion with Russia was not enough. Kidnapping innocent children and assuring they would never see their parents again was not enough. Repeatedly standing up for Putin, for white supremacists barely even raised a Republican’t eyebrow. Threatening the president of Ukraine unless they manufactured evidence of malfeasance by Joe Biden’s son was not enough. Threatening the Secretary of State of Georgia if he did not “find 11,780 votes” that would upend the legitimate thrice-counted victory of Joe Biden in favor of Trump, complete with physical evidence, was not enough. Please forgive me if I omitted anything important; it is literally impossible to keep track of all the offenses committed by this disgraceful mutant. And please forgive me if I do not give these brave, ridiculously-too-late Republican’ts kudos for finally daring to stand up to Trump in the waning minutes of the eleventh hour.

Nonetheless, Trump is the only president to be IMPEACHED two times, it will mean little – as much as I love a good IMPEACHMENT – if, after committing even worse treason than what led to the first one, he is not convicted, removed and tossed into the nuclear wastebin of history. Though, it seems there is perhaps half a chance that enough Republican’ts realize they must finally cut and try to run from Trump who, if he has not already, will tear their party into bits. Works for me.

We hear that Mitch McConnell is in favor of Democrats IMPEACHING Trump and believes that Trump “provoked” the seditious assault on our Capitol. What courage. What patriotism. No seriously, what courage? What patriotism? Such a statement from McConnell is worth about as much as a three-dollar bill, a wooden nickel and McConnell’s soul. I will believe that McConnell is in favor of actually doing something when he votes to convict. I am not even touching my breath, let alone holding it. And even if McConnell does, beyond all imagination vote to convict the man he admits is guilty of the worst high crime ever committed by an American president, that would not budge the needle of McConnell’s soul tank, which has long been on EMPTY. But Trump has been so beyond the pale, even McConnell is considering protecting the Republic.

I. Mangrey on Inauguration Eve.

Hope Springs External

Eyes Tightly Shut, Jaw Clenched, Fingers Crossed, Breath Held

January 19, 2021

Disgraced TWICE-IMPEACHED Fake president Donald Trump is hoping, as soon as he has finished selling off pardons to his fellow scumbags, to have a huge crowd on hand to send him off to prison retirement. Will he be paying these people out of his porn-star-hush-slush fund or with tax-payer dollars? Like disgraced on-the-verge-of-impeachment-quitter Richard Nixon before him, Trump will remain delusional to the end.

Der Furor wanted a big military-style sendoff as he slithers away from the worst presidency in American history, one that ended with him trying to get his minions to take over the Capitol in order to stop the final, formal certification of his successor’s landslide victory. The Pentagon, despite being recently stocked with Trump’s hand-picked monkeys – one of whom recently held an incoherent press conference, the only salient moment of which was when he said, “I cannot wait to leave this job, believe me” – declined to participate in any way with Trump’s final public exhibition of self-pleasuring.

Trump desperately tries to round up a crowd to attend his exile party.
(Is that Steve Bannon?)

Nixon famously spent his final days drinking himself into a stupor and conversing with portraits of former presidents in the West Wing. Trump claims not to drink or do any drugs (many first-hand witness accounts to the contrary), but by most accounts he has been fuming, raging, ranting and generally losing what little mind he had in his possession as the loss of protection from justice bestowed upon him by the cynical and criminally complicit Republican’t Party loom ever larger.

Make Trump Bankrupt Again!

I. Mangrey holding on for dear life. So little time, so much fear and loathing.

Bonus Bit:

I hope this is running through the corroded canyons of Trump's febrile mind...

Johnny Cash - 25 Minutes To Go