Sunday, January 31, 2021

It's The Ratpublicans, Stupid

Shitizens United

January 31, 2021

    Remember, those who do not learn from history are
    doomed to fuck everything up for the rest of us.

                                                                                  Ed Venture

If anyone thought that D. Turmp was a big problem, they were obviously correct in that assessment. However, he was definitely not the big problem. That would be Mitch Fucking McConnell and his Ratpublican Party. What is interesting is that their unique variety of spinelessness gives them power, whereas the version of spinelessness possessed by Democrats only serves to make them more vulnerable and powerless.

Ratpublicans are showing their spinelessness by continuing to grovel at the alter of Turmp. Despite his double IMPEACHMENT. Despite his incitement of a white supremacist, conspiracy theory addled, violently ignorant mob to lay siege to the Capitol, the same Capitol wherein Democrats and Ratpublicans alike were forced to take shelter while having their offices, computers and documents – not to mention the very Capitol itself – violated. Despite Turmp’s mob threatening the very lives of several Democratic lawmakers, and at least one Ratpublican – Turmp’s number one pathetically subservient ass-kisser – Mike “Fuck Me Hard Donald, Just Don’t Tell Mother” Pence.

Top members of the Fuck America Party

Forty-five out of 50 of these rat-fucking bastards nonetheless voted in favor of Rand Paul’s motion that the imminent IMPEACHMENT trial of #45 is unconstitutional. Despite the well-accepted fact that it is not. One of those deplorable fascists is none other than Mitch Fucking McConnell, who not that long ago said of the insurrectionists, “The mob was fed lies. They were provoked by the president and other powerful people.” Unsurprisingly, the now ex-Senate Majority Leader neglected to take either responsibility or credit – depending on one’s perspective – for being one of those ‘powerful people’ who had the mindless millions eating lies out of the palm of his blood-stained hand. Fucking McConnell later lied that he might be in favor of IMPEACHING Turmp.

Catch 45

McConnell also refused to reconvene the Senate before Joe Biden’s inauguration in order to allow the IMPEACHMENT process to move forward. Now that Biden is president, McConnell says it is too late to hold an IMPEACHMENT trial since Turmp is no longer in office.

Paul, who tried to claim that it was Democrats who incited violence, was the only one in the room not wearing a mask. I hope that the next any of these weasels, particularly Dr. Rand Paul, try to go maskless on federal property, President Biden’s new mandate that masks must be worn on federal property will be enforced, or maybe someone should just punch his mouth shut so he can’t infect anyone, either with his spittle or his diseased words. Or maybe he could just wear a fucking mask.

It is entirely possible that things are only going to get worse after the long-overdue removal of Turmp from office. As the Ratpublican Party becomes more fully, more shamelessly, the White Supremacist Party. They must be politically beaten down until there is nothing left of them but a bunch of hate-hurling homunculi, powerless to fulfill their wish to return America to pre-Civil War racism as opposed to 21st Century racism, which apparently is not brutal enough for them.

All that being said, many Ratpublicans still love Turmp to death. I have to agree this is a worthy goal. I wish them great success in their endeavor.

I. Mangrey reporting. Only eight (or so) more shopping days until the IMPEACHMENT trial. 

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