Friday, January 22, 2021

Democracy, Buster


January 22, 2021

Looks like the honeymoon lasted perhaps 20 hours. There is currently something going on in the early days of the new Senate that reminds me of the movies. The hero is faced with two options, maintain his integrity by honestly answering when asked to do something illegal – he doesn’t actually have to do it, just to say he will in order to get on the villain’s good side. So often, the hero will not even pretend to go along, preferring to remain true blue, thereby putting himself in grave danger. The other option of course is to simply pretend to play along in order to prevail in the end. Despite never even seeming to waiver, the hero almost always emerges victorious. This is not a fucking movie.

I am referring to the current dance around the filibuster. McConnell is trying to get new Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer to agree to never kill the filibuster in return for…well, we’re talking about Malignant Mitch, so who gives a fuck what he’s offering (though for the record, what he’s offering is something that is typically given as a courtesy). McConnell is a proud hypocrite whose word is as good as having a single square of toilet paper to keep you dry in a deluge. The way I see it, Schumer has two options: 1) tell McConnell to go fuck himself, or 2) tell McConnell, “Sure Mitch, that seems fair enough. I promise not to mess with the filibuster in order to win your esteemed cooperation.” Then, when the time is right, like when McConnell tries to pull his usual shit, do a 180 and kill the filibuster.

Meshuggeneh Mitch McConnell’s Maniacal Mishegoss 

Meanwhile, Malignant Mitch, who for several weeks helped prop up the lie that Joe Biden did not win the 2020 election, thereby contributing to the attempted coup and violent siege of the Capitol, is already threatening to essentially filibuster to prevent Democrats from controlling Senate committees, something they won fair and square, once again showing that Ratpublicans have no respect for the will of the American voters or that thing we call democracy. All the more reason to go with option #2.

The other thing McConnell and his Sedition Caucus want is for us all to pretend their prolonged, ultimately deadly attempt to overturn a secure and legitimate election never happened. Unity Now! They are furious that their usual and customary means of stealing elections was not enough to keep the worst president in American history on the payroll for another four years. I may have mentioned this before, but I believe it warrants repeating; sing it with me now, “Fuck Mitch McConnell.” You have to admit, it does have a nice ring to it.

It is long past time for Democrats to stop bringing marshmallows to a gunfight.

I. Mangrey recommending.

Gil Scott-Heron - B-Movie

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