Monday, January 4, 2021

Republican’ts Fly The Coup

White Punks On Dope

January 4, 2021

Donald Chrump’s crime spree against America continues unabated. Like a cop shooting a black man in the back, there seems to be a distinct absence of consequences for this dangerous white man. Yesterday we were treated to another perfect phone call from Der Furor Donald Chrump. This flawless, hour-long attempt to enlist the help of Georgia’s Republican Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, who Chrump has previously cajoled, threatened and slandered for not manipulating Georgia’s legitimate vote totals to simulate a Chrump victory. Washington Post reporter Amy Gardner who ended up with audiotape of the entire perfect phone call, referred to the very beautiful call as a “rambling and at times incoherent conversation.” Rambling and incoherent is Chrump’s brand.

At one point Chrump can be heard laying out his very simple and very beautiful plan, “So look. All I want to do is this. I just want to find 11,780 votes, which is one more than we have, because we won the state.” There is also incontrovertible audio evidence of Chrump repeatedly saying, “There’s no way I lost Georgia. There’s no way. We won by hundreds of thousands of votes.” Did I mention that this time we actually have the audiotape? Is it too late to impeach the motherfucker already again? Many people are saying, “Fuck no!”

Make America Great Already!

Tomorrow (hopefully) we will learn much about the fate of this country. The ability of our newly, legitimately and unquestionably elected president to take this country out of the little, blood-stained hands of Donald Chrump is on the line. If Mitch McConnell is allowed to remain in charge of the nation’s legislative agenda, the stench of Chrump will be that much harder to remove, if not impossible for the foreseeable future.

The day after that brings what has always been a simple procedural exercise by Congress. This year it will anything but. January 6, 2021 is the day that Congress will finally verify what the totality of all 50 states and the grossly obsolete Electoral College, not to mention the Supreme Courts of several states and of the United States – on numerous occasions – have already made abundantly and repeatedly clear. Joe Biden’s victory over IMPEACHED Fake president Donald Chrump cannot be denied. Or can it?

Chrump hard at work as his lunatic fringe show their unshakable approval

Absolutely no one should be surprised that so many Republican’ts are willing to throw this country and our democracy under their gas-guzzling, hot air-transporting campaign buses. How can these sniveling shitbags be expected to be loyal to the United States when they were not even able to remain loyal to themselves? How many of these Republican’ts bellowed about how disgraceful, dishonest and unqualified Chrump was…right up until they made him their party’s standard bearer (Hint: all of them). Then, it was not enough to simply stop making honest albeit negative comments about their sociopathic, psychotic, malignantly narcissistic leader.

They did not keep quiet, choosing instead to pretend they never said what they said, and to praise their great and powerful leader to the ends of the Earth, and hopefully their political careers. These Republican’t weasels gave up their country and its Constitution, gave up their integrity – such as it was – and sold for a penny their already rapidly deteriorating souls…to Donald Chrump – pussy-grabbing racist authoritarian, who was never really a Republican’t, just a pathetic television celebrity conman who would just as soon shit on their dinner plates as say hello. Chrump was and remains all those brutal assessments hurled his way, and nothing more.

Lindsey Graham stands up on his hind legs for the man he 
loves and who he once called a “kook” and and a “race-baiting 
xenophobic religious bigot” who was “unfit for office.”

As of now, we have at least 140 Chumpublican members of the House and 12 Senators poised to take their seditious circus act to the final level. Knowing full well that their side-show of denying the clear results of the 2020 election – only in states where Chrump lost, including those where Republican’ts down-ballot won – has neither legal, nor logical, nor mentally sound footing, they are prepared to go down with the shit.

I. Mangrey reporting.

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