Sunday, March 31, 2019

Cruella DeVos

Cruella de Vile

March 31, 2019
Drastically more evil version of Disney’s Cruella de Vil, Education Secretary Ditsy DeVos, who never went to public school and has more wealth than everyone you have ever known or will know put together and whose family has given some $200 million to Republican’ts, announced a complete withdrawal of federal funds for Special Olympics – the same amount of money we pay for five of the approaching infinite number of golf outings for the biggest cheater in the history of golf…and quite a few other activities.
Cruella DeVos

DeVos has made it clear thus far in her tenure as the least qualified person on the planet – with the possible exception of Ted Nugent – that she thinks public education should be eradicated, and once testified that rather than consider some sane policy to cut down on school children being cut down by firearms, teachers should be armed.  Her delusional rationale was, “I think probably there, I would imagine that there’s probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.”  The latest insight from the intellectually blind, deaf and incredibly dumb DeVos was claiming that “students may be better served by being in larger classes.”   DeVos also does not believe in research, thinking, or poor people. 
And her boss proudly boasts that he “loves the poorly educated,” who love him right back.
Murderous Donald
On September 11, 1916, Mary the elephant had finally had enough of her circus captivity and humiliation.  Mary, being your usual intelligent elephant, turned on her trainer, and put him out of her (and his) misery.  Two days later, without even a hint of a fair trial by a jury of her peers, Mary was transported to the town of Erwin, Tennessee where the very fine people of Erwin carried out Mary’s death sentence.  Apparently, there were no self-defense or stand-your-ground laws back then.  Mary never threaten entire nations, kidnapped children or grabbed anyone by the pussy.  All she did was stand up for her right as one of God’s creatures, to lead a dignified life.
Mary’s final minutes
Meanwhile her (crime) boss Don Chrump, who took the “em” out of empathetic, talked about the effectiveness of threatening immigrants and refugees with machine guns.  Chrump yelled at reporters, “But we don’t do like other countries. Other countries stand there with machine guns ready to fire.  We can’t do that and I wouldn’t want to do that, OK?” he lied, before noting “it’s a very effective way of doing it, but I wouldn’t want to do it, we can’t do it.”  Machine guns?  Kidnapping children, putting them in cages and stoking fear on both sides of the border not good enough?  I guess we should be grateful Chrump is not already positioning nukes at our southern border.
Not satisfied that he was being brutal, tyrannical and amoral enough, the Orange One later said he might be closing the border next week.  In response to questions following Der Furor’s latest deranged tweet-storm attacking and threatening Mexico over lies about trade and immigration, the qresident said, “If they don't stop them [immigrants], we are closing the border.  We will close it and keep it closed for a long time.  I'm not playing games.”  Really?  Since when?
Chrump once again demonstrates his utter lack of understanding of borders, international trade, foreign relations, human behavior, emotions or realities or American law.  Not to worry, soon Chrump will pivot and begin acting like a normal person. 
Admittedly, there is not any concrete evidence of Donald Chrump personally murdering anyone.  That does not mean he has not done so.  He has however, lead a life of crime, punishment, loathing and fearmongering.  And racism.  And sexual assault.  They hang elephants, don’t they?
I. Mangrey.  Period.

Friday, March 29, 2019


The Boy Who Cried NO COLLUSION

March 29, 2019 

The Mewler Report
Practically everyone, for one reason or another, is making a big deal about Chrump claiming that the Mueller report resulted in “a complete and total exoneration,” and once again yelling at the world – NO COLLUSION.  This familiar barrage began again after Chrump’s specially selected Attorney General Bill Barr, who wrote 19 pages stating that Mueller’s investigation was illegal, wrote his “summary,” which included the phrase “while this report does not conclude that the President has committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”  Ever undaunted by the facts, Donald Chrump immediately and very strongly – however pathetic, disingenuous and psychotic – repeated his oft-repeated chorus, “No Collusion!  No Collusion!”
I do not understand all the excitement.  At every turn, for any reason, for no reason, on an almost daily basis, Chrump has whined, screamed, moaned and tweeted in all caps – NO COLLUSION.
He shouted from the fairway, he shouted from the green,
“No collusion!  No collusion!  Not that I’ve seen.”
The Boy Who Cried NO COLLUSION

There was once an old Man Boy who accidentally became president of the most powerful nation on Earth.  He was a rather lonely, pathetic little man, lying every moment about his obvious collusion with enemies to “win” his election, so he thought upon a plan by which he could trick people to believe his lies.  He screamed and tweeted at all hours of every day and every night to the village tapping and calling out “NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION,” and many of the villagers were stupid enough to believe him, though many of them knew he was totally full of shit.  The boy was always pleased with himself, and ignored the smarter people and continued the same trick, day after day, month after month and now year after year.  Then, one day, his loyal assistant claimed there was in fact no collusion, but there might have been collusion, and the boy of course cried out “NO COLLUSION, NO COLLUSION,” still louder and oftener than before.  By this time more and more of the villagers, who had grown more and more tired of this bellowing buffoon and his laundry list of lies, realized the boy was again deceiving them, and nobody stirred to come to his help.  So, the Congress of the village decided to keep investigating until all the facts were exposed for all the village to see, a wise man of the village said”

“A liar will not be believed, even when he speaks the truth.”

Finally, the boy’s very strict step-mother sent the boy to his room without Twitter.
And no one ever heard or saw the boy again.
Everyone but the boy lived happily ever after.
The Party That Cried Healthcare
It has been eight years since Obmacare became law.  Since that moment, Republican’ts have tried almost 100 times to kill it.  During that time, Obama’s Affordable Care Act has only become more popular with the public.  Unperturbed by public opinion and desperate to appease their corporate masters, McConnell, Ryan (since expunged) and the party of Nixon relentlessly and cluelessly strove to eradicate health care in America.  At some point the Republican’t mantra became “repeal and replace.”  At no point however, did they ever bother to even pretend to have a plan to replace anything.  Right now, Hair Chrump is screaming about the expensive premiums, crippling deductibles, and the fact that Obama did it. 
As always, Republican’ts, now cemented to President Albatross, are trying to con the American public that Democratic policies are to blame for corporate thievery.  Chrump says that Republican’ts will be the “part of healthcare.”  Many Americans know that insurance companies are the ones killing people with unaffordable premiums and deductibles – not Obama, or his care.  These people crushed Republican’ts at the polls in 2018, and are chomping at the bit to do it again in 2020.
I. Mangrey repurposing.

Tuesday, March 26, 2019

Thought For The Day

Fascism on The March

March 26, 2019
Bitch McConnell strikes yet another blow for fascism.  In 2016, McConnell reportedly threatened Barack Obama against letting the American public know that Donald Chrump was credibly under investigation (as he remains to this day) for aiding and abetting Russia’s attempts to interfere with the 2016 election – in Chrump’s favor.
The mentally and morally crippled Senate Majority Leader blocked a resolution calling for special counsel Robert Mueller's report to be released publicly.  The House has already passed such a resolution by a 420-0 margin.  It takes zero imagination to figure out why McConnell wants to keep secret the full report, rather than the predetermined bumper-sticker “version” offered up by Chrump’s newly-installed henchman who was hand-picked for this specific purpose.
Chrump’s personal lawyer Jay Sekulow yesterday said that he “would fight very aggressively” against letting Americans know Chrump's written answers to Mueller's questions.  God bless America.  Well, what’s left of it.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Madness Barr None

An Inconclusive “Conclusion”

March 25, 2019
Full disclosure, I am not a lawyer.  Unlike all the Republican’t lawmakers and pundits who have consistently blown off climate science with statements like, “I’m not a scientist, but it’s obvious that global warming isn’t real because it’s cold outside,” I am not saying that I know exactly what I am talking about.  I am just freaking out loud.
That being said, now that Robert Mueller has handed his report to William Barr, his new Chrump-chosen boss – a boss that has publicly stated that Mueller has no business investigating Chrump, though Barr insists he is friends with Mueller and respects him. 

Barr previously served as Attorney General for George Bush, The First.  During that time Barr advised Bush to pardon all the convicted criminals from the Reagan administration in order to protect Bush the elder, who was surely complicit – at least – in the Iran-Contra criminal enterprise.  The pardons were controversial and Barr was the architect as well as Bush’s cover.  Just another day at the over-reaching-executive-power office that is always tolerated whenever Republican’ts control that branch.
As I said, I am not an attorney, but it seems odd to me, from what is already in the public record, that Mueller did not cause Don, Jr., Ivanka, Jared K and the Russian-in-chief to testify under oath.  But what do I know?
Donald Chrump is up to his fake “hair” line in Russian money/debt and perhaps blackmail.  Don, Jr., said in 2008, “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” and said, “I love it,” when offered dirt on Hillary Clinton by Russians.  Eric Chrump in 2014 told a golf reporter, “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” 
Jared and Ivanka are also up their beady little eyeballs in Russian, Saudi and other non-American money that could easily be used as leverage against American interests.  It was recently discovered that Mr. Ivanka was using illegal means of communication in his “official” capacity as Chrump’s one-man shadow cabinet.
Chrump himself has been obsessed with Russia and Russian money for over 30 years, ever since American banks – not exactly known for having conscience, integrity or good sense – decided to stop loaning money the deadbeat, self-described “king of debt” Donald Chrump.  We know Chrump was desperately seeking to build Chrump Tower Moscow across from the Kremlin, which he of course denies, despite overwhelming proof.  We know that countless members of Chrump’s inner circle have extensive Russian connections.  And lied about them repeatedly.  This could all be very innocent coincidence.  And the Earth could really be only 6,000 years old.  And flat as a pancake.
I will remain hopeful that other jurisdictions are poised to follow up on recommendations springing from Mueller’s work, and that the entire Chrump Crime Family will at the very least be made to publicly answer questions about how they conspired with Russia (and others?) to steal America, cover up their high crimes and then obstruct justice to keep their secrets and their money.  I will not be holding my breath. 
The fight between Uncle Sam and Uncle Scum is still in the early rounds;
those hoping for an early knock-out should not count the champ out yet
I would be lying if I said I was not extremely disappointed at the moment.  I thought Mueller would give me something to hang my president hat on.  Why was there so much lying by Chrump and his closest underlings about interactions with Russians connected to Putin?  So much lying that Chrump’s lawyers would not let him testify, knowing he could not do so without adding to the lying, even under oath.  Why did Mueller not give Chrump the opportunity to lie under oath? 
It remains difficult to imagine that there was no serious hanky, if not panky during the 2016 election.  I probably need to watch more Fux News to get the real truth.
Barr gave his version of Mueller’s findings, describing no prosecutable crimes and including the phrase, “…while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Eventual Watergate hero John Dean

I. Mangrey resetting.  And resisting.

Sunday, March 24, 2019

First Amendment 2.Oh My

Be Lest

March 24, 2019
Because clearly, many people in high places need to read this:
First Amendment of the Constitution of The United States
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
With skin thinner than a baby onion, the very, very fragile uh-Donald Chrump and his sniveling lap-weasel Rep. Devin Nunes are waxing apoplectic about satirists satirizing them.  Nunes is suing Twitter and three of its users for defamation and negligence.  Because they mocked him. 
Melania updates her message so as not to humiliate Donald
Insisting on maximizing irony, Chrump signed an executive order on Thursday requiring some unspecified form of “free speech” (actually to protect the very fine people in right wing extremist groups) on college campuses under threat of losing research funding by some unspecified arbiter (probably Chrump, who has nothing better to do).  This might be better than George W. Bush’s “free speech zones.”  Just kidding. 
Only days earlier, Chrump accused Saturday Night Live of colluding with the Russians and wants the Justice Department to investigate everyone who dares make fun of him.  Except for him.    

First of all you pitiful little man, why the fuck are you watching reruns of SNL?  Shouldn’t you be watching Fux News?  Or yelling at paintings?  Who do you think they should be knocking?  Hillary Clinton?  John McCain?  Oh wait, that’s your schtick.  But wait, there’s more – and it only took him 15 minutes to finish his “thought.”

Besides being certifiably insane and completely dishonest…oh forget it…

Fun Fact
In March of 2010 Nunes, who illegally shared information from the Mueller investigation with Der Furor and is suing Twitter for $250M for, was asked to comment on Tea Party protesters hurling the N-word at civil rights icon/Rep. John Lewis.  Nunes replied, “Yeah, well, I think that when you use totalitarian tactics, people begin to act crazy.  I think there’s people that have every right to say what they want.  If they wanna smear someone, they can do it.”  Someone should remind Rep. Numbskull that what’s sauce for the feces fondling fuckwit is sauce for the gander.  Or something like that.  While they are at it, they should deliver unto him a copy of the Constitution.
And with that, the #LookAtMeToo movement is off to the races.
I. Mangrey regretting.

Friday, March 22, 2019

This is Still Happening, Isn't It


March 22, 2019
It is possible I have mentioned this before, but I fear it bears repeating.  Donald Chrump is a catastrophucking disaster on two legs.  His very, very large uh-brain is clearly disintegrating right in front of our eyes.  However very, very large it might be, it was never all that functional to begin with.  His always-tenuous grip on reality – never really a grip, so much as a hanging-by-the-fingernails kind of thing – has now struck Vaseline.  Add the Mueller probe and all the other investigations to the long-festering syphilis, and you have very, very serious uh-brain damage people.
This sorry excuse for a salamander is too busy standing up for racist Fux News hosts, whining about SNL reruns and the possible fact that all of his fake Twitter followers are being removed from his list.  He remains obsessed with John McCain, who dared oppose Chrump’s foolish fascism.  Chrump still wants Hillary Clinton locked up.  His newest obsession is Kellyanne Conjob’s husband, who has been a frequent, brutal and accurate critic of the Orange Gas Cloud.  Mr. Kellyanne Conway – as Chrump likes to call him – has made comments like, “Your stupidity knows no bounds” and “The administration is like a shitshow in a dumpster fire.”
And, more recently…

Conway then added…
Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders’
definitions of two conditions — narcissistic personality disorder
and antisocial personality disorder.

This was the last straw for Chrump.  Finally, unable to keep his thumbs shut, dug down into the rotting recesses of his crippled cranium and pulled out his wittiest repartee, his best words if you will, to shut Conway up for good.
Parscale's tweet was all lies, Chrump was obviously looking in the mirror
Oddly, it did not have the desired effect, so Chrump had to double dumb down:

Oddly, that did not end it…

Jimmy Kimmel spells it out

He wants the Justice Department to go after satirists because they are mean to him and no one else. In what remains of Chrump’s fevered uh-brain, nobody ever made fun of any politicians until Chrump came along.  One can’t help but feel sorry for poor baby Donald…I’m sorry, I should have said one can help but feel sorry for poor baby Donald. 
No Parking
Chrump needs to be in a nice soft room, or put out to pasture, or sent to a farm upstate somewhere.  Like perhaps the lovely, deteriorated, Donald J. Trump State Park in Mahopac, New York. 
This is a real sign, but the park is as fake as the man whose name it bears
I shit you not, this is a real thing.  In fact, I drove past it myself five years ago, long before the fear of a Chrump candidacy, let alone presidency, had wrapped its tiny orange hands around my soul, and well before the degree of loathing at the sight or sound of Chrump that I have since found it unavoidable to develop.  At least he was thwarted from building one of his shithole golf courses on the land. 

Chrump’s “park” – a metaphor for Chrump’s America

Like Chrump himself, the park is nothing more than a derelict, a façade, with no redeeming social value – since it is closed.  Unlike Chrump, the land remains mostly in its natural state, doing the Lord’s work by simply being.  Chrump of course, is working to put a stop to all that.
I. Mangrey reporting. 
*Holy. Fucking. Shit.  Trying to keep it clean.

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Thought For The Day

March 21, 2019
The Less Bad Old Days

According to George Conway, “He lies even when it makes no sense to lie.  As one of his lawyers once told me, Trump couldn’t be allowed to talk to Mueller because ‘he’d lie his ass off.’”

Donald Chrump lies for two main reasons. 1) He is a mentally deranged, sociopath with neither discernment of or interest in what might be true, and 2) Telling the truth about anything would unquestionably and immediately land him in jail.
Remember when were completely outraged that George W. Bush and seven of his administration’s top officials made at least 935 false statements in the two years following September 11, 2001? 
Chrump does that in a few days. 
And, there is only one of him. 
And he is only "functional" for four to five hours a day.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, March 18, 2019

Not One Bear Voted For Chrump

Are You Smarter Than the Average Bear?

March 18, 2019

As Republican’ts, now under the (probably lift-augmented) boot of their malignant mob boss Donald Chrump, continue their greed-driven assault on the environment, others persist in their fight to hold back the forces of filth.  While many Democrats attempt to bring America a Green New Deal, Republican’ts continue their relentless pursuit of total environmental destruction.

In 2017 Chrump and former Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke – who left office under an ominous cumulonimbus cloud of 18 investigations – perpetrated the largest public lands protection rollback in modern American history. They ignored sovereign tribes’ claims of sacred lands, public opinion, and jeopardized the health and lives of local communities.

Rep. Rob Bishop (R-UT) told reporters that for those who live in the west, the ideas in the Green New Deal “are tantamount to genocide.” Bishop added, “That may be an overstatement, but not by a whole lot.”  Bishop, second only to Mike Pence as the whitest person in America explained his credibility saying, “I’m an ethnic.”

Rob Bishop – so ethnic you have to wear sunglasses to view him 

If Only it Was the Other Kind of Club

The cover story of the latest Sierra Club magazine, “Animals are Smarter Than You Think,” provided yet more evidence rebutting the idea that only humans have what we call intelligence.  Sure, we are the only ones capable of creating massive pollution and other forms of environmental destruction sufficient to eradicate our very presence on this otherwise finely tuned, beautiful planet, but other species have their own gifts and skills.

According to the article, “This research highlights an intriguing possibility: Could it be that much of North America is populated by hundreds of thousands of exceptionally intelligent nonhuman beings?”  This would be very fortunate as the number of even basically intelligent human beings appears to be dwindling.

Magazines often release multiple versions of covers for special issues.  Sierra Club (or someone) made two versions of their latest issue.


The original cover, aimed at the environmentally friendly population
Special edition cover aimed at Chrump supporters
In August 2018, following Sweden’s hottest summer ever, that country’s 15 year-old Greta Thunberg protested at the parliament to get politicians to act on climate crisis.  Thunberg’s solo protest was the catalyst for the Youth Climate Strike movement.  Following Thunberg’s lead, the movement comprises young people skipping school in favor of putting their bodies where their mouths are.  Brings to mind another great fighter for social change:
“There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!”
Mario Savio -  University of California, Berkeley Dec 2, 1964
Thunberg’s solo protest saw her sitting quietly on the cobblestones outside parliament in central Stockholm every day for two weeks instead of going to school.  The Swedish teen said school was a waste of time, “What am I going to learn in school? Facts don’t matter anymore, politicians aren’t listening to the scientists, so why should I learn?” 
Outside the parliament building Thunberg handed out leaflets saying, “I am doing this because you adults are shitting on my future.”  She stated, “I am doing this because nobody else is doing anything. It is my moral responsibility to do what I can.  I want the politicians to prioritize the climate question, focus on the climate and treat it like a crisis.”
SCHOOL STRIKE THE CLIMATE: Greta Thunberg, starting good trouble

Greta Thunberg’s TED Talk Dec 12, 2018
Greta Thunberg has been nominated for the Nobel peace prize, on the eve of the Youth Climate Strike’s biggest single day of global action yet, which ultimately brought young people to some 1700 locations in more than 100 countries on March 15th.
I. Mangrey replacing.  The kids are alright.  Whew.

Saturday, March 16, 2019

Thought For The Day

Former Watergate prosecutor Jill Wine-Banks
The Company He Creeps
March 16, 2019
In case you are not keeping score…
Chrump praises Putin above anyone else in the entire world.  He believes Putin over the entire U.S. intelligence community.
Chrump believes Kim Jong Un is a strong leader with whom he is “in love.”  All the while, Kim continues to pursue nuclear weapons and the means to deliver them to Chrump’s front door.
And of course, he is fond of Philippine strongman/lunatic Rodrigo Duterte and his alter-ego Jair Bolsonaro of Brazil.  Three diseased peas in a moldy pod.
Chrump assured us there were “very fine people on both sides” of the white nationalist/anti-white nationalist side following the hate-filled, anti-Semitic, deadly Charlottesville save-the-Confederate-statues-or-die protest in 2017. Chrump's behavior before and since has made it clear he does not respect both sides, and has made clear which side he prefers.

Der Furor recently voiced more authoritarian threats against those who dare get in his way, “You know, the left plays a tougher game, it’s very funny, I actually think that the people on the right are tougher, but they don’t play it tougher.  Okay?  I can tell you I have the support of the police, the support of the military, the support of the Bikers for Trump – I have the tough people, but they don’t play it tough – until they go to a certain point, and then it would be very bad, very bad.”  One sick, dangerous sociopath.
Chrump, on the heels of the New Zealand mosque massacres, clearly perpetrated by a white supremacist who praised Chrump in his manifesto, was asked if he was, “Do you see today white nationalism as a rising threat around the world?”  unsurprisingly, our Nationalist-in-chief replied, “I don’t really. I think it’s a small group of people that have very, very serious problems.”  Pot…kettle…yada, yada, yada.
Of course Chrump doesn’t see any threat from white nationalists.  If he did that, he would risk losing a large chunk of his base.  Without the haters, all our Anti-Semite/Islamophobe-in-chief has are the poorly educated, Lindsey Graham and basket of deplorable Congressmen like Steve King, Matt Gaetz and Devin Nunes.  Even Mitch McConell thinks Chrump is an idiot, but just like Vladimir Putin, finds Chrump a useful idiot.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, March 15, 2019

The Ideas of March


March 15, 2019

I admit to being a bit peeved when House Speaker Nancy Pelosi told reporters, “I’m not for impeachment unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country.  And he’s just not worth it.”
Divides the country?  There are certainly reasons to demur on the idea of impeachment – at this particular moment in time – but dividing the country?  Don’t you think it’s a bit late to worry about that?  The country was arguably less divided in 1860. 
Having spent one of my formative years glued to the Watergate hearings and subsequent departure of the vile, corrupt Richard “Yes He Was So A Crook” Nixon under threat of imminent impeachment, the Constitutional remedy for removing such virulent toxins from our political system has always held a special place in my heart.
I’ve still got it…the shirt, that is
Pelosi is uniquely qualified, and has proven more than a match for the Toxic Orange Gas Cloud Chrump (It is rumored that Chrump wears an adult diaper whenever he has to be in a room with Pelosi.), so I will suspend judgment for now on the wisdom of putting the spotlight on her impeachment stance for now.  I suppose the fact that Mitch McConnell – the Old-Age Mutant Fascist Turtle – will never allow his Party-Ãœber-Alles Republican’t minions in the Senate to complete the impeachment process, makes the point fairly moot. 
Mitch McConnell –Old-Age Mutant Fascist Turtle
Nixon was able to hold onto power (though not his mind) for as long as he did because it was not until Republican’ts believed that their own jobs were imperiled by the albatross they previously nurtured and fattened up, that they determined they were getting fucked by their own Dick.  And that has got to hurt.  As continues to this day, Republican’ts did not give a shit about the country they “served,” only their own asses.
In the awful chance that El Chrumpo finds enough single-digit IQ voters (Remember, he loves the poorly educated.) to ooze him into a second term, it would be good to have some fresh impeachment cobbler ready to squish into his nauseatingly-dyed kisser.
At least Pelosi left the door open for “something so compelling and overwhelming” that might dictate a change in sentiment.  She is going to need a bigger door.
I am still hoping that Chrump will end up impeaching himself with his own petard.  He seems intent on destroying himself.  If only those who love him would get out of his way.
I. Mangrey recalling.

Monday, March 11, 2019

With Undue Respect

Even a Little Is Much Too Much

March 11, 2019
Most reality TV personalities have a finite shelf life.  Once their time on the show ends, most of them disappear back into the general populace.  Most are thankfully never heard from again.  Some of them find a way to stay in the public eye.  All of them stop being reality show participants.  All of them save one. 
The main character created for the reality show The Apprentice has become a combination of Frankenstein’s monster and The Fly.  Borne of an experiment gone terribly wrong, the star of The Apprentice continues to walk (more of less) among us long after the show ceased to air.  The show’s main character, New York real estate tycoon buffoon and living caricature of a business executive Donald Chrump, was conceived as a parody, a fake, a roadmap of how not to run a business, but audiences decided he was a hero.  When first approached about the project, Chrump told the show’s producer that reality television “was for the bottom-feeders of society.”  That was before Chrump realized, and declared publicly that he “loves the poorly educated.”  And they of course, love him…even though he actually does not love them, and was simply talking out of his ass as usual.
The Apprentice and its even dumber sequel ended, as the character wore thin and ratings, which dropped significantly each season, were poised to fall into the toilet.  Unfortunately, the character continued to live his life of baseless arrogance, malignant narcissism, staggering buffoonery and consistent failure as though he was still on the set.  All of that has continued unabated and undiluted to this day.  And his schtick is wearing ever thinner.  Sadly, so much of this country is unable to distinguish between artifice and reality that this fiendish brute is now living in the White House, and called by many “president.” 
STFU – you’ll be glad you did
Donald Chrump continues to pretend he knows what he is doing while acting like a mob boss and doing his best to drive this country into an abyss, all the while focused on, above all else, increasing his fake fortune.
The media and members of Congress need to stop carefully criticizing Chrump by saying ‘with all due respect.’  There is no respect due this guy.  Respect is earned, not bestowed by strange women in ponds distributing swords, nor by the Electoral College.  It matters not what position he holds.  He himself has made that abundantly clear.  Chrump remains the same ignorant, racist, sexist conman that descended that golden escalator in 2015.  And that guy was the same ignorant, racist, sexist conman born into a family of ignorant, racist, probably sexist con-family seventy-some years ago.
Remember when people kept hoping and/or saying that Chrump would pivot, that he would stop being such an ignorant, racist, sexist conman, that he would grow into the job?  Well, do ya punk?  Notice how no one has said this in a very long time?  Everyone has finally, completely given up on any kind of pivot.  Chrump saw to that.  He has not budged one orange inch.  And neither has his “hair.”  He should get less respect than Rodney Dangerfield.  He deserves less respect than puss.

Why would anyone respect this guy?  No one actually does.
I. Mangrey (dis)respecting.