Monday, March 25, 2019

Mueller Madness Barr None

An Inconclusive “Conclusion”

March 25, 2019
Full disclosure, I am not a lawyer.  Unlike all the Republican’t lawmakers and pundits who have consistently blown off climate science with statements like, “I’m not a scientist, but it’s obvious that global warming isn’t real because it’s cold outside,” I am not saying that I know exactly what I am talking about.  I am just freaking out loud.
That being said, now that Robert Mueller has handed his report to William Barr, his new Chrump-chosen boss – a boss that has publicly stated that Mueller has no business investigating Chrump, though Barr insists he is friends with Mueller and respects him. 

Barr previously served as Attorney General for George Bush, The First.  During that time Barr advised Bush to pardon all the convicted criminals from the Reagan administration in order to protect Bush the elder, who was surely complicit – at least – in the Iran-Contra criminal enterprise.  The pardons were controversial and Barr was the architect as well as Bush’s cover.  Just another day at the over-reaching-executive-power office that is always tolerated whenever Republican’ts control that branch.
As I said, I am not an attorney, but it seems odd to me, from what is already in the public record, that Mueller did not cause Don, Jr., Ivanka, Jared K and the Russian-in-chief to testify under oath.  But what do I know?
Donald Chrump is up to his fake “hair” line in Russian money/debt and perhaps blackmail.  Don, Jr., said in 2008, “In terms of high-end product influx into the US, Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” and said, “I love it,” when offered dirt on Hillary Clinton by Russians.  Eric Chrump in 2014 told a golf reporter, “We don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.” 
Jared and Ivanka are also up their beady little eyeballs in Russian, Saudi and other non-American money that could easily be used as leverage against American interests.  It was recently discovered that Mr. Ivanka was using illegal means of communication in his “official” capacity as Chrump’s one-man shadow cabinet.
Chrump himself has been obsessed with Russia and Russian money for over 30 years, ever since American banks – not exactly known for having conscience, integrity or good sense – decided to stop loaning money the deadbeat, self-described “king of debt” Donald Chrump.  We know Chrump was desperately seeking to build Chrump Tower Moscow across from the Kremlin, which he of course denies, despite overwhelming proof.  We know that countless members of Chrump’s inner circle have extensive Russian connections.  And lied about them repeatedly.  This could all be very innocent coincidence.  And the Earth could really be only 6,000 years old.  And flat as a pancake.
I will remain hopeful that other jurisdictions are poised to follow up on recommendations springing from Mueller’s work, and that the entire Chrump Crime Family will at the very least be made to publicly answer questions about how they conspired with Russia (and others?) to steal America, cover up their high crimes and then obstruct justice to keep their secrets and their money.  I will not be holding my breath. 
The fight between Uncle Sam and Uncle Scum is still in the early rounds;
those hoping for an early knock-out should not count the champ out yet
I would be lying if I said I was not extremely disappointed at the moment.  I thought Mueller would give me something to hang my president hat on.  Why was there so much lying by Chrump and his closest underlings about interactions with Russians connected to Putin?  So much lying that Chrump’s lawyers would not let him testify, knowing he could not do so without adding to the lying, even under oath.  Why did Mueller not give Chrump the opportunity to lie under oath? 
It remains difficult to imagine that there was no serious hanky, if not panky during the 2016 election.  I probably need to watch more Fux News to get the real truth.
Barr gave his version of Mueller’s findings, describing no prosecutable crimes and including the phrase, “…while this report does not conclude that the president committed a crime, it also does not exonerate him.”

Eventual Watergate hero John Dean

I. Mangrey resetting.  And resisting.

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