Monday, March 11, 2019

With Undue Respect

Even a Little Is Much Too Much

March 11, 2019
Most reality TV personalities have a finite shelf life.  Once their time on the show ends, most of them disappear back into the general populace.  Most are thankfully never heard from again.  Some of them find a way to stay in the public eye.  All of them stop being reality show participants.  All of them save one. 
The main character created for the reality show The Apprentice has become a combination of Frankenstein’s monster and The Fly.  Borne of an experiment gone terribly wrong, the star of The Apprentice continues to walk (more of less) among us long after the show ceased to air.  The show’s main character, New York real estate tycoon buffoon and living caricature of a business executive Donald Chrump, was conceived as a parody, a fake, a roadmap of how not to run a business, but audiences decided he was a hero.  When first approached about the project, Chrump told the show’s producer that reality television “was for the bottom-feeders of society.”  That was before Chrump realized, and declared publicly that he “loves the poorly educated.”  And they of course, love him…even though he actually does not love them, and was simply talking out of his ass as usual.
The Apprentice and its even dumber sequel ended, as the character wore thin and ratings, which dropped significantly each season, were poised to fall into the toilet.  Unfortunately, the character continued to live his life of baseless arrogance, malignant narcissism, staggering buffoonery and consistent failure as though he was still on the set.  All of that has continued unabated and undiluted to this day.  And his schtick is wearing ever thinner.  Sadly, so much of this country is unable to distinguish between artifice and reality that this fiendish brute is now living in the White House, and called by many “president.” 
STFU – you’ll be glad you did
Donald Chrump continues to pretend he knows what he is doing while acting like a mob boss and doing his best to drive this country into an abyss, all the while focused on, above all else, increasing his fake fortune.
The media and members of Congress need to stop carefully criticizing Chrump by saying ‘with all due respect.’  There is no respect due this guy.  Respect is earned, not bestowed by strange women in ponds distributing swords, nor by the Electoral College.  It matters not what position he holds.  He himself has made that abundantly clear.  Chrump remains the same ignorant, racist, sexist conman that descended that golden escalator in 2015.  And that guy was the same ignorant, racist, sexist conman born into a family of ignorant, racist, probably sexist con-family seventy-some years ago.
Remember when people kept hoping and/or saying that Chrump would pivot, that he would stop being such an ignorant, racist, sexist conman, that he would grow into the job?  Well, do ya punk?  Notice how no one has said this in a very long time?  Everyone has finally, completely given up on any kind of pivot.  Chrump saw to that.  He has not budged one orange inch.  And neither has his “hair.”  He should get less respect than Rodney Dangerfield.  He deserves less respect than puss.

Why would anyone respect this guy?  No one actually does.
I. Mangrey (dis)respecting.

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