Sunday, March 31, 2019

Cruella DeVos

Cruella de Vile

March 31, 2019
Drastically more evil version of Disney’s Cruella de Vil, Education Secretary Ditsy DeVos, who never went to public school and has more wealth than everyone you have ever known or will know put together and whose family has given some $200 million to Republican’ts, announced a complete withdrawal of federal funds for Special Olympics – the same amount of money we pay for five of the approaching infinite number of golf outings for the biggest cheater in the history of golf…and quite a few other activities.
Cruella DeVos

DeVos has made it clear thus far in her tenure as the least qualified person on the planet – with the possible exception of Ted Nugent – that she thinks public education should be eradicated, and once testified that rather than consider some sane policy to cut down on school children being cut down by firearms, teachers should be armed.  Her delusional rationale was, “I think probably there, I would imagine that there’s probably a gun in the school to protect from potential grizzlies.”  The latest insight from the intellectually blind, deaf and incredibly dumb DeVos was claiming that “students may be better served by being in larger classes.”   DeVos also does not believe in research, thinking, or poor people. 
And her boss proudly boasts that he “loves the poorly educated,” who love him right back.
Murderous Donald
On September 11, 1916, Mary the elephant had finally had enough of her circus captivity and humiliation.  Mary, being your usual intelligent elephant, turned on her trainer, and put him out of her (and his) misery.  Two days later, without even a hint of a fair trial by a jury of her peers, Mary was transported to the town of Erwin, Tennessee where the very fine people of Erwin carried out Mary’s death sentence.  Apparently, there were no self-defense or stand-your-ground laws back then.  Mary never threaten entire nations, kidnapped children or grabbed anyone by the pussy.  All she did was stand up for her right as one of God’s creatures, to lead a dignified life.
Mary’s final minutes
Meanwhile her (crime) boss Don Chrump, who took the “em” out of empathetic, talked about the effectiveness of threatening immigrants and refugees with machine guns.  Chrump yelled at reporters, “But we don’t do like other countries. Other countries stand there with machine guns ready to fire.  We can’t do that and I wouldn’t want to do that, OK?” he lied, before noting “it’s a very effective way of doing it, but I wouldn’t want to do it, we can’t do it.”  Machine guns?  Kidnapping children, putting them in cages and stoking fear on both sides of the border not good enough?  I guess we should be grateful Chrump is not already positioning nukes at our southern border.
Not satisfied that he was being brutal, tyrannical and amoral enough, the Orange One later said he might be closing the border next week.  In response to questions following Der Furor’s latest deranged tweet-storm attacking and threatening Mexico over lies about trade and immigration, the qresident said, “If they don't stop them [immigrants], we are closing the border.  We will close it and keep it closed for a long time.  I'm not playing games.”  Really?  Since when?
Chrump once again demonstrates his utter lack of understanding of borders, international trade, foreign relations, human behavior, emotions or realities or American law.  Not to worry, soon Chrump will pivot and begin acting like a normal person. 
Admittedly, there is not any concrete evidence of Donald Chrump personally murdering anyone.  That does not mean he has not done so.  He has however, lead a life of crime, punishment, loathing and fearmongering.  And racism.  And sexual assault.  They hang elephants, don’t they?
I. Mangrey.  Period.

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