Sunday, December 31, 2023

Bringing You the Future Before It’s Too Late, Part III

 Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle

Still trying to bag the elusive Would-Be-Monarch Butter Fly

I Can See Next Year From Here

December 31, 2023

Anyone can put together a look back at the year that was. Not that there’s anything wrong with that. But it takes true courage, a complete disregard for common sense and real spunk to pretend to know what will happen in the year to come.

So, here it is. The final installment of what to expect in 2024.

Donald Trump – the long COVID of presidents – still has us gnashing our teeth, fighting to keep food down, losing sleep and praying that the Constitution will ultimately prevail despite the unrelenting and seditious efforts of its arch enemies – Donald Turmp, his Fascist Party, and the Supremely Extreme Court. Hopefully, Trump’s legacy will attain a fate similar to so many of Turmp’s other fraudulent, and ultimately failed ventures.

Ed Venture
Unmanageable Editor

August 16, 2024

The Call Is Coming From Inside The Louse

Stock photo of Trump on phone

During an alleged bathroom break at a courthouse, perpetual defendant Trump makes a series of perfect phone calls to secretaries of state, county election officials, the few local election workers who have not been threatened by MAGAts, and random Second Amendment fetishists in seven battleground (figuratively speaking, for now) states attempting to persuade them to not certify the election results in their states, though everyone knows Biden will win their popular votes by double-digit margins in the 2024 election that is more than a month away. According to reports, Desperate Don even rang up Brad Raffensperger in Georgia for old times’ sake, to give it one more shot. People waiting in the courtroom wondered what was taking so long, but they just figured Trump was full of shit and needed extra time in order to flush five or six or fifteen times. And Trump says it’s windmills killing dolphins.

Trump’s next phony phone call will be behind a different “desk”

September 11, 2024

He Cannot Not Tell A Lie

Under oath Trump, sweating more than a badly beaten football team in a cramped post-game sauna, swears up, down and sideways, “Melanie made me do it. She is a very foreign and possibly very dangerous person. She’s the brains in the outfit and she might be part of the fake Russia hoax. I think she might even be from Russia. I only do what she tells me. I obviously don’t understand how anything works. It was all Melanie and Ivanka. I think Ivanka was out to get me from the beginning because I refused to date her. This is the God’s truth. I forgot to bring my Bible, but Two Corinthians – am I right? Cross my heart and hope you die.

She’s the one – that foreign-sounding loser over there. I never met her before.

September 24, 2024

The election is put in jeopardy when unexpectedly, Donald Trump holds himself hostage, having himself handcuffed to Ivana’s coffin near the first tee at the failing Bedminster Resort and Golf Abyss. He threatened to take himself out if his demands are not met. As you might imagine, his demands included “stopping the vote count as soon as I have more votes, since last time I was winning bigly and then suddenly they said they kept counting votes and they said I lost. I did not lose and you know it and everyone knows it.” The self-hostage also demanded “a $5B ransom and a get-out-of-jail-free card, plus all the fake witch hunt charges must be dropped” and something about calling off the 2028 election just to be safe.” At least we don’t have to worry about this self-loathing cretin developing Stockholm Syndrome.

You can see how important this tax-break, I mean gravesite is to Donald. It has been left this way presumably to make it easier to dig up when the time comes to retrieve the classified documents buried with his dear ex-wife. You would think being Ivanka’s mother would have bought her a modicum of caring; after all, he did date her.

Before we finish our predictions for 2024, this brief word from our sponsor…

November 6, 2024

Joe Biden defeats Donald “Just Call Me President Anyway” Trump in a landslide-and-a-half. Trump only managed to win Texas, Florida, Mississippi, South Carolina and almost every mental institution.

Trump seeks refuge at his hideous home at Mor-on Lago, where he is greeted by the only crowd still having any interest his existence. A flock of vultures.

Best Mor-on Lago buffet ever

November 28, 2024

Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade included, among its famous giant balloons, a giant deflated Trump balloon dragged through the streets until it disintegrated into dust. 

December 13, 2024

Fake Hoax Alert

After being crushed (for the third time) at the polls, and seemingly nearly picked clean by vultures, it is revealed that Donald Trump was in fact a creation of an AI program that had been infected with a virus.

The virus was described by one expert as “the COVID of computer viruses,” adding “while the Trump bot was completely fake, a digital disaster, the human COVID-19 virus was absolutely real and killed millions of actual people.” Countless computer technicians tried everything they could think of to quell the virus, including shining a powerful light inside the computer and pouring bleach inside it. While this approach did manage to destroy every computer it was tried on, it was unsuccessful in eliminating the virus itself, which is why Trump was able to continue his surreal existence long enough to practically destroy America in four years and then attempt one more interminable term in office.

Sort of like Max Headroom, but evil and less real looking

Thank goodness the American people managed to win the day, even overcoming the absurd Electoral College – always there at the ready to override the will of the actual electorate. Efforts are still under way to determine the orangins, uh oranges of the virus, uh where the virus came from, and ensure it cannot create anything as horrific ever again.

December 25, 2024

Donald J. Trump, STFU In Peace

It was as if the entire world, well the entire world minus the toxic vein of fascist fuckwads, asked Santa for one thing and Santa delivered. People were dancing in the streets. Atheists were thanking God. The world lost a malignant cancerous growth that threatened life as we know it. On his long-overdue deathbed, Donald Trump finally concedes the 2020 election. Just kidding, his final words were, “Biggest crowds ever…stolen elections...11,780 votes…president for life…covfefe.”

December 31, 2024

This Will Have Been The Year That Will Have Been

We are predicting that the year 2024 will come to an end, at midnight or there abouts. We are simply not stupid enough to even consider predicting how. There is a non-zero percent chance that we will once again be relieved to wring out another year.

Do I smell smoke?

To be fair, we have to share one more prediction. It is not our prediction, and since it is very unlikely that anyone will have gotten this far, we decided to put it here. See if you can guess whose prediction this is for 2024…


Yes, as everyone knows, the economy rises or falls based on who will be the next president. That was an actual quote from an actual (as far as we know at the moment) person – ex-president Donald “Flopsweat” Trump.

Out With (ano)The(r) Bad Year, In With The Completely Unpredictable (With The Exception Of Our Predictions) And Potentially Fatal New Year

In any event, hope for the best, expect the worst. Remain vigilant. Sleep with one eye open. The year 2024 is coming for you and is plotting to kill you if you’re not prepared.

Mel Brooks – Hope For The Best

And this is not a prediction, this is a guarantee: the word of the year will be

Either that or the ever-reliable gift from the Hopi language 

Anyway, that’s it for Paying Attention in 2023 and now we all know what to expect in 2024 – or at least some of it. For now, just enjoy New Year’s Eve, think responsibly, and for now, forget the future ever happened.

Feel free to ignore all predictions except this one from the world’s foremost authority: “If we don't change direction soon, we'll end up where we're going. 

From Ed Venture, I. Mangrey, T. Doff and Shay King, and our research and legal teamS:

Hello 2024, come right in, we’ve been expecting you.
We know what you did next summer.

Don’t let the sun, the moon or any other
proximate celestial body catch you crying

Saturday, December 30, 2023

Profiles In Garbage

Haley’s Vomit

December 30, 2023

Before we begin, you need to know that there is a secret word for today’s edition of Schmuck Of The Day. It’s a common word, found every day around the nation.

The secret word is ‘Slavery’

These fascist Ratpublicans are simply impossible to believe. At a recent New Hampshire town hall, South Carolina’s favorite daughter, Nikki Haley – who is of Asian Indian descent, but is trying to get right-wing, racist pig voters to think of her as white – did her state (you know, the state that started the Civil War) proud.

Haley was asked by a voter, “What was the cause of the United States Civil War?” Haley took a long, deep breath, turned tail and literally walked away from the questioner and the question. Realizing there was no physical escape, the soon-to-be-ex-candidate put on her tap shoes and began her response with, “Well don’t come with an easy question.” Inquiring minds want to know: Is there any easier question though?

Nikki Haley preparing to spew a whole lotta nothin’

Haley then proceeded to dance like she was Gregory Hines in his prime. Tap, tap, bob, weave, tap, tap. “Roll of government” this, “the rights of the people” that. Haley danced around the truth for so long all one could think of was “they shoot horses, don’t they.” Haley tried everything to avoid using the word ‘slavery,’ one with which one can only assume she has at least a spit of familiarity. She finally ran out of breath, thinking she had emerged victorious and put the annoying question to rest, and tried to turn things around, asking her inquisitor, “What do you think the cause of the Civil War was?”

After reminding Haley that she was the one running for president, the man who asked the question thanked Tricky Nikki adding, “In the year 2023, it’s astonishing to me that you answer that question without mentioning the word slavery.”

Just when you thought Icky Nikki had been utterly humiliated, she unsheathed her Jell-O-sharp wit and replied, “What do you want me to say about slavery?”

Touché beeotch. At least Haley avoided mooing, “Stand back, and stand by,” or referring to the seditionists of the Confederacy as “very fine people.” Maybe next week.

Seriously, “What do you want me to say about slavery?” Oh, I don’t know; anything? Maybe say the word?

At one point during Haley’s unsuccessful circumlocution, she meandered off course, which was the whole point of course, saying “We need capitalism; we need economic freedom.” Well governor, which is it?

With any luck, that gaseous gash below her nose will finally heal shut and she can slink back to the Secession State where she belongs.

I. Mangrey reporting. And retching. 


Todd Rundgren – STFU

Friday, December 29, 2023

Bringing You the Future Before It’s Too Late, Part II

Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle 

The End (of The Year) is Near

December 29, 2023

Telling It Like It Will Have Been

It is time to pick up where we laughed off. Hopefully, you are sufficiently soused, fittingly fried, tenuously toasted, or otherwise appropriately altered as 2023 melts away like the Arctic and if many people have their way, America’s democracy. If you had already started your Rent-A-Coma experience and are not seeing this in a timely manner, welcome back – I hope you are feeling refreshed, or at least blissfully unaware of any of the disastrous depredations that occurred while you were “out.” 

It was with great trepidation, constipation and crustacean – no, that can’t be right… that we even forced ourselves to look at the coming year. 2024 promises to be horrifying, angst-ridden and exhausting. And that’s the best-case scenario. This election could have people running for the exits faster than the audience at the premier of Springtime For Hitler just before the lovely and talented Lorenzo St. DuBois took the stage and stole the show.

Lorenzo St. DuBois – best Hitler ever

As we watch 2023 dissolve into the American memory abyss, Donald Trump is desperately appealing each and every indictment, claiming that former presidents, even a disgraced, twice-impeached, four-time-indicted (so far), failed insurrection leading and Fifth-Amendment-dependent ex-one-term one has a lifetime get-out-of-jail-free cards. Never thought I would use the words ‘Donald Trump’ and ‘appealing’ in the same sentence.

In any event, welcome to Part II of our annual three-part series on the way it will be in 2024. With any luck the prediction gods will provide something to save the day, if not the year.  

January 16, 2024

It’s My Party And I’ll Win If I Want To

Trump wins the Iowa caucuses running away, but is either confused about having won or is so accustomed to whining, yelling and mooing about hoaxes, witch hunts and rigged elections, that he spends several hours between midnight and 3 am posting a series of all-cap screeds on his soon-to-be-forgotten fake media platform…I want to say Ruth Social, or something like that. Here’s a frightening and painful sample:

Despite being told by his team that he had actually won, Trump began kicking his aides and throwing food until he was finally subdued with the help of a tranquillizer dart, well several, since no actual elephant tranquillizers were available.

February 25, 2024

What's That Smell? Is It Musk?

Despite still insisting that he lost the “very fake and horrible” Iowa caucuses, Trump announces his running mate as he continues his for American fascism. Quoting Hitler with reckless abandon, praising Xi and Putin at every turn, many thought it would be Mike Flynn or perhaps super-genius and anti-Semitic, anti-social-media empresario Elon Musk. Others insisted Trump would choose Icky Haley or the sniveling Reejek Ramasmarmy.

It turned out to be a complete unknown. Someone who could rile up the base and drive the libs crazy. Someone who would never – at least not for the next 20 months or so – criticize Trump or say anything that would make Donald seem stupid by comparison. Though small in stature, and having never been in politics, this would-be second-in-command at least comes with no baggage, no skeletons in the closet. In fact, no skeleton whatsoever…

This would assure Trump that his VP would always stand by him, well at least once he was born and was given a name, if not quite able to actually stand yet. And there is no way little What’s-is-name would be able to run against his boss in 2028, 2032 or any election prior to 2060. After that, he could just be mysteriously shot or suffer a high-rise window mishap.

April 1, 2024

Golden (Or Is It Orange) Shower
             Piss On, Piss Off

Trump finds that pissing off the courts is not enough, so he whips out his mushroom-shaped, barely-functional phallus and reenacts the infamous Pee-pee Tape, only this time he’s the one providing the golden shower, pissing on the court, with his idiot lawyer Alina Habba taking friendly water, taking it on the chin, as it were.

Another dangerous leak from a not-so-anonymous leaker

July 21, 2024


As part of the settlement for E. Jean Carroll’s second defamation suit – the one she filed after Trump was found liable and forced to pay $5M in the first civil trial, immediately after which Donald went out and defamed her again – Trump was required to change the marquee on every property festooned with his name. The judge thought a new name would be appropriate

Trump lobbied the judge to go with “MUGSHOT TOWER” instead

Ironically, though figuratively his name is now “Mud,” revenues went up as soon the TRUMP logo came off those buildings that had still been saddled with it.

Nap Time

Go and have a nap or a concussion, maybe some Prozac or a quick round of Rent-A-Coma. There is a good chance Part III is coming soon. 

We’ve got the Magic 8 Ball in overdrive – we asked again later, survived countless hazy replies, and a surprising number of “Signs point to WTF”. These are not fake predictions.  

Making predictions takes intense preparation and concentration
in order to get oneself in touch with the spirits

Ed Venture, I. Mangrey, T. Doff and Shay King continue bringing you the future before it gets away.

Thursday, December 28, 2023

Broken News – Short And Sweet…And Sour

R.I.P. Tommy Smothers

December 28, 2023

This past Tuesday, the world said good-bye to one of its finest. Entertainer. Activist. Mensch. And Tommy Smothers was the Yo Yo Man.

Yo Yo Man

I grew up watching the Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour every week for three years – after which they were canceled for being too controversial. Mostly, too politically controversial. Whatever else might have been at play, Tom was a comedic genius.

Tom as Johnny Carson on The Tonight Show

I had the good fortune to see the Smothers Brothers live in 2001. Less than one month after the events of 9/11. The brothers were in fine form, hadn’t lost a step. Despite the world practically falling off its axis at the time, they were able to bring great joy and laughter. Funny, topical, talented as ever.

Here are the Smothers Brothers, joined by George Seagal, doing Phil Ochs’ Draft Dodger Rag

And here are Tom and Dick doing The Impossible Dream

And when you watched them perform, you just knew that Tom always liked you best.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled mishegas. 

Wednesday, December 27, 2023

Broken News - Running Of The Bulls(hit)

Stupid Deep, Morons High

December 27, 2023

This is not as new as some of our past Broken News (not to be confused with Fractured Fairy Tales) scoops. This never-ending-story began long ago, but seems to be reaching what most of us hope is its fever pitch.

We are referring to the no-holds-barred, knock-down-drag-out battle for stupidity supremacy in the Fascist (nee Ratpublican) Party. I would not want to be the one charged with deciding on the “winner.”

I really did not want to even mention this latest un-reality show, but there were too many requests. People kept stopping me in the street with tears in their eyes – some of them big strong men who never cried in their lives – pleading, “Sir, would you please say something about all these horrible, pathetic debates to see who will get to have their head up Donald Trump’s ass the farthest for 2024?”

Well, the debates are over and it's all over but the counting. At this point all I can muster  is this…

Clearly, the Russian judge is in the tank for Trump

If you thought the collection of crackpots, creeps and nitwits vying for favor in the 2016 Fascist Party primary were pathetic losers, and I’m fairly certain you did, this latest crop, though lacking in numbers, makes up for that by an overwhelming display of psychosis, idiocy and above all, fascist fuckwittery. All in the name of seeing who can come within 50 points of Der Furor, who despite 91 indictments hanging over his Crayola-colored face (I believe that particular hue is called Putrid Pumpkin) and comically-coiffed “hair.”

Meanwhile, most of corporate media is caterwauling about how old Joe Biden is.

This has been a Paying Attention™ Special Broken News report.

We now return you to your regularly scheduled pogrom. 

Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Bringing You the Future Before It’s Too Late, Part I

Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle

The End (of The Year) is Near

December 26, 2023

Where Will We Have Gone From Here

Well, here we are once again. One year dies out, another takes its place. 2023 will perhaps be best known for two things. The first being Donald Justice-Denied Trump’s smorgasbord of indictments. All across the land, from Florida to New York to Georgia (will Michigan be next?) to other trouble in New York, Trump is facing all manner of civil and criminal charges. From defamation over alleged rape, to financial fraud, stealing classified documents, to insurrection, to being a first-class fuckhead (well, he’s not on trial for that – we are).

The second thing that has made 2023 so special is that Trump showed his true color on the campaign trail. It’s not orange and it’s not even pasty-white. It’s full-blown fascist. It’s not like it was much of a secret before, but now it’s the whole show. There’s nothing else. Take it or leave it. Trump is not just singing the praises of the ruthless autocrats sprinkled across the globe, he is now singing the phrases of Hitler and Mussolini. And his cult followers are eating it up with a spoon. Sure, they’re often missing their mouths and covering themselves in filth, but they are getting ready to puke up whatever they manage to swallow, and they are too near us all for us to avoid getting splattered. All they need is one wafer-thin mint of fear and loathing and KABLOOIE!!

One wafer-thin mutiny

Sure the Climate Crisis catastrophes accelerated in number and degree across the globe as oil companies continued to sabotage all attempts to reduce human impacts on global conditions.

If this was the America that Donald Trump is looking to make, he would have either been locked up pending trials or found himself briefly looking up at the 15th-story window from which he had only moments earlier been looking down.

Oopsie, damned Russian-made windows

Save America From Americans

Still, thanks to Ratpublicans insisting on eliminating elections, democracy and reality in general, the stupidity – now with more fascism – is so overwhelming and so widespread that our entire system of political and social norms, such as they are, risk collapsing into chaos. It is not hyperbole to imagine long-term irreparable damage to civilization itself if these medieval Machiavellian morons have their way. This is not one of our predictions (Or is it?), but just something think and gnash your teeth about.

Now, Back To The Future

Many people do not realize that predicting the future is not an exact science. Truth be told, science is not always an exact science. A large swath of America does not even think science is real. In reality – as if that’s still a thing – nobody can predict the future…as if that’s still a thing. Nonetheless, we will put our non-existent reputation on the line to tell it like it will be. Our record has been as good as anyone’s since our first foray into Predictions, Prophecies, Prognostications, Projections and Piffle back in 2013.

I. Carnac, questioning all the answers that will be given in 2024

So, 2023, finally goes the way of all years, good, bad or ugly. At this point it, is all but guaranteed that we will be here to see it end.

In any event, here is what we predict you will see over the next 12 months…

January 1, 2024

Despite numerous attempts to shut that whole thing down, the year 2024 will not be cancelled and will proceed full speed ahead in spite of the looming cliff, clearly visible just ahead. As Trump attempts to wrest the wheel from Joe Biden (who I believe still has a valid driver’s license) people with discernable IQs are scrambling to save democracy and/or apply for citizenship somewhere that has no internet service.

Will America make it across the divide, or suddenly throw it in reverse?

January 6, 2024

Crappy Anniversary

Donald Trump celebrates his favorite day in American history by hiring (well, not actually hiring, which implies paying someone) several thousand mentally-deficient cult members to reenact that fateful day when Trump brought forth on this continent a most horrific tableau. In fact, he did not so much hire them as hold those pathetic enough to attend his rally hostage.

It was Defective Donny’s hope that his minions would descend on the White House, break out the old Mike Pence gallows, hang Joe Biden and install Donald back in his God-given (and therefore God-taken-away, if you believe in all that stuff) position as all-knowing, all-seeing, all-bleaching position. You know, the position that the voters never wanted him to have (despite God’s apparent wishes) as evidenced by his two crushing defeats in the popular vote.

Apparently, Trump had tired of being turned down by court after court in response to his incessant, albeit ridiculous meritless pleas to have all charges dismissed because he had previously been king and therefore “has absolute immunity,” and was, according to himself, “very likely to soon become America’s first dictator” after which he “would just go and pardon himself anyway.”

And so begins the Paying Attention™ panoply of predictions for 2024. As always, Ed Venture, I. Mangrey, T. Doff and Shay King attempt to bring you the future before it’s too late.

Go and get an appropriate attitude adjustment and break out the popcorn folks, we’re just getting started. It is predicted that Part II will be appearing very soon.

You won’t want to miss a moment of 2024…or will you 

Friday, December 22, 2023

His Kampf

If It Walks Like A Duck, And It Talks Like A Nazi…

December 22, 2023

“I never read Mein Kampf.”
Donald Trump, December 19, 2023
after talking like Hitler at one of his Bund rallies*

Donald “Dictator For Day One” Trump has never been shy about his love and admiration for every very strong and powerful murderous dictator whose name he has come to know. Like Kim Jong Un, with whom Trump exchanged love letters. Like Putin, Orban, Bolsonaro, Duterte, Xi and Modi to name a few. And of course, the classics like Hitler and Mussolini. Trump and his Red Hat (i.e., Brown Shirt) cultists are all frighteningly fond of these very fine people and all manner of white supremacists, Christian nationalists, neo-Nazis, anti-Semites and insurrectionists. Trump has also waxed pathetic about such heroes as Al Capone and Hannibal Lecter, who Donald apparently believed was a real person.

Forty-two percent of recently polled, likely Iowa Republican caucus-goers said that Trump's recent remarks about immigrants “poisoning the blood of our country” makes them more likely to support him, according to a new poll by the Des Moines Register/NBC News/Mediacom. Unsurprisingly, Sen. Tommy “Minus-sign In Front Of His IQ” Tuberville (R-Duh) said of Trump’s Hitleresque comment, “I’m mad he wasn’t tougher than that.”

While Trump continues to spout Nazi phraseology – calling immigrants “vermin” and mewling about “poisoning the blood of our country” cited above – every time he waggles his dentures, pundits find it necessary to declare that “Donald Trump did not read Mein Kampf.” As if that had some bearing on how and why Trump manages to use similar or identical language as the murderous dictator’s murderous dictator, among other fascist fuckwads of days gone by, but apparently not bye.

Der Furor

While I will not argue the point that Donny Dipshit did not read Mein Kampf any more than he has read the Bible, the Constitution or any other book-like object. Hell, he didn’t even write the book he “wrote” – The Art of The Deal; the actual author of that selection – Tony Schwartz – once said, “I don’t know if Donald read every word in the book, but I know I wrote every word in the book.” Schwartz also said that as the book put Donald on the map, he regrets ever having been a part of it and has donated every penny to charities that are anathema to Trump – which would be any charity that actually was a charity, unlike the Trump family “charity” which only gave money to the Trump family until it was dismantled by the courts, and the Trumps were banned from ever creating another charity.

Herr Drumpf and friends

Anyway, let us stipulate that no, Trump in fact did not read Hitler’s works, even though his ex-wife and current golf course ornament Ivana (an immigrant, as was Trump’s mother and is his current wife, what’s-her-name) reported (and Trump later admitted) that he kept a copy of My New Order – a collection of Hitler’s speeches published after his death, on his nightstand. The fact that Trump did not personally read Hitler’s version of Mein Art of The Deal does not preclude the likelihood, nay the guarantee, that everyone around Trump, particularly the likes of the ghoulish Stephen Miller and the orcish Steve Bannon, has read if not memorized Mein Kampf, and has been spoon-feeding its ideas and terminology to the mentally incapacitated kumquat conman for years.

If It Walks Like A Duck, And It Talks Like A Nazi…

Do the math.

*To quote the late, great Molly Ivins in response to Pat Buchanan’s 1992 RNC speech, “It probably sounded better in the original German.”

I. Mangrey. You?


Fortunately, Dark Brandon is starting to get real, calling out Trump’s Hitler talk. Biden had this to say when asked if Trump is an insurrectionist

“It’s self-evident. You saw it all. Now whether the 14th Amendment applies, I’ll let the court make that decision. But he certainly supported an insurrection. No question about it. None. Zero.

Biden has also said (via Twit/X)

“Trump poses many threats to our country: The right to choose, civil rights, voting rights, and America's standing in the world. But the greatest threat he poses is to our democracy.”

Please sir, can I have some more?