Saturday, December 16, 2023

Fun Fact For The Day - Cheese And Kraken

Trump Lawyers v. The Law

December 16, 2023

Hey, remember when several of Trumps “lawyers” pled guilty to interfering with the Georgia presidential election way back in 2020? Remember the 2020 presidential election? Nobody knows who won.

Kenny “The Cheese” Chesebro, Sidney “Release the Kraken” Powell and Jenna Ellis, as part of their guilty pleas, were required to provide apologies to Georgia voters for removing their noses from Trump's ass long enough to stick them where they did not belong by attempting to fuck with Georgia's election results.

To her potential, albeit too-little-too-late credit, Ellis managed to squeeze out several paragraphs and chose to read her apology in public, complete with a full complement of tears and regrets, and some mention of what she did and why. It looked surprisingly real, though it might have all been due to the fact that her co-conspirator/ringleader Trump refused to cough up a single ill-gotten cent for poor Jenna’s defense. You know the old saying, “When you lie down with dogs, you wake up royally fucked over.”

Cheese And Kraken

On the other hand, The Cheese and Kraken took a different approach to penning their “apologies,” each managing to offer up just single-sentence statements. neither one bothered to acknowledge what they did and/or why, though Chesebro did mention “Count 15” in his statement as if anyone knows what the fuck that was. Unlike Ellis’ seemingly heartfelt, at-least-sincere-on-paper mea fuck-up, Chesebro and Powell chose passive/aggressive slop:

They say brevity is the soul of wit; in this case it is the soul of shit

Move over Billy Shakespear. Turn in your typewriter Truman Capote. Who needs Maya Angelou? These two educated, licensed, and highly respected (at some point, one assumes) attorneys, one of whom – Powell – continues to fling feces conspiracies about the outcome of the 2020 election, chose to have a four-year-old child pen their so-called apologies.

A reply is warranted…

Was that not in fact fun?

This has been your Paying Attention™ Fun Fact For The Day.


  1. Cheese and kill me.

    1. Well, I would, for the right price. What's it worth to ya>?
