Friday, January 31, 2020

Danger, Will Robinson, Danger

Lost In Disgrace

January 31, 2020
Danger! Warning! Republican’ts!
This is all just incredible.  A witness-free and witless-heavy trial.  My stomach is aching, my head is in knots.  Chrump’s ex-National Security Advisor John Bolton claims he saw the quid, the pro and the quo.  Lev Parnas has coughed up another video of another meeting with Chrump.  Chrump insists he does not know Giuliani’s indicted buddy Parnas, but it seems Chrump spends more time with Parnas than he does with his own children, well, at least more than Eric. 
Bolton has offered to testify if subpoenaed, which he knows full well will never happen in Moscow Mitch’s kangaroo court.  Another fake patriot like Jim Mattis, John Kelly, H.R. McMaster, Don McGahn – who left the House of Chrump because they could no longer work for a man who had no respect for his office, for them, or for this nation.  None of them has the guts, or apparently cares enough for this country to step forward and expose this disaster-in-chief, to tell the American people what they have seen and protect us from further abuse.  So many patriots, so little patriotism. 
The headlines declare that Mitch McConnell seems to have enough votes to block witnesses in the impeachment “trial.”  To block witnesses from appearing in a trial.  We have all by now heard it a thousand times: How can you have a trial without witnesses and evidence?  How indeed.  No one has ever heard of such a thing because such a thing does not exist.  Except in our current McConnell/Chrump-altered reality.  Apparently, I was under the mistaken impression that I was in the United States of America, not the Duchy of Grand Chrump, land of the Louse That Roared.
Mitch McConnell, kangaroo judge, jury and executioner of democracy
I saw a former chief-of-staff for retiring Sen. Lamar Alexander, one of the Republican’ts who had been listed as witness-curious, but unsurprisingly came down on the side of no witnesses.  The gentleman was asked about Alexander’s thought process, which he described as “deliberate and close to the vest.”  He said above all else, his old boss “would never vote to impeach or convict a president, he has too much respect for the office of president.”  Are you fucking kidding me?  If he does in fact have even a little respect for the office, he would surely want a man who has absolutely no respect for the office – or anything else for that matter, including himself – removed for the sake of the office. 
These people are such irredeemable hypocrites it defies both logic and imagination.  We are truly, and perhaps irrevocably fucked beyond repair.  I know people say we have survived all manner of seemingly irreparable assaults on our society, our Constitution and the very soul of the nation.  Slavery, Civil War, World War, assassinations, Vietnam, Richard Nixon.  But come on, this is the 21st fucking century and we are, with unerring consistency, and irrefutable acceleration, getting worse and worse.
It is interesting to hear Republican’ts yammer on about how the Democratic House of Representatives rushed through their impeachment process.  Forget that their supposed haste was due to not wanting to wait for however many years it would take to get through the courts to have their Constitutionally mandated subpoenas obeyed by the renegade executive branch that seems oblivious and impervious to any and all attempts at oversight.  Now the Republican’ts are trying desperately to rush through the trial phase, crying that witnesses will serve to drag the process out.  And Chrump’s personal attorney Jay Sekulow, vengeance at the ready, threatened that if the Senate votes for witnesses he will call a long chain of witnesses that will greatly lengthen the trial.  So there.  What exactly is their hurry anyway?  It seems their boss, Mr. Chrump wants this wrapped up before the Super Bowl and definitely before the State of Disunion speech.  Because that, my friends, is how Republican’t justice works.
Someone recently said, the Democrats want witnesses because they know they will further implicate Chrump, and the Republican’ts do not want witnesses because they know they will further implicate Chrump.  If Chrump had one single witness who could make him look less guilty, everyone would know about it.  No one who has first-hand knowledge about Chrump’s perfect phone call, or anything else Chrump has done before or during his time in office can say anything in Chrump’s defense under oath.  All of this impeachment trial nonsense is bad enough, but the thought of allowing this psychotic usurper another minute, let alone another four-year term.
Another good point was made by ex-Republican’t Rep. David Jolly of Florida; if you are angry at Republican’ts for what they are perpetrating, save some of your wrath for John Bolton because Bolton can go on any show he chooses, any time he chooses and tell his story.  He also could have voluntarily testified before the House. 
Come on Mr. fake ambassador, be a patriot,
tell your truth, and make me eat my thumbs
With any luck, the voters will spank these cowardly, self-serving Republican’t brats right out of office in November. 
I. Mangrey reporting.  Cautious and nauseous.

Thursday, January 30, 2020

Second Thought For The Day

Wall, Hair and Genius: All Very Stable
January 30, 2020
Apparently, Hot Air Buffoon Donald Chrump’s beloved border “wall” is as stable as his “hair.”  A section of Chrump’s border wall, or fence or shower curtain or whatever he is calling it these days, was brought down by one of Chrump’s arch nemeses – the wind.
If not for the adjacent trees, Chrump’s wall would be flat on the ground.
According to our sources, the bizarre substance
on Chrump’s head is his “hair”.*
The Greenpeace banner near the White House looks pretty solid

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Second Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your second thought for the day?

Thought For The Day

Too Soon?  Too Late?
January 30, 2020
Republican’ts keep whining that we are too close to an election to remove this impeached president from office.  In fact, some of them are contending that, just as when the insisted that a sitting president cannot appoint a Supreme Court justice close to an election, a Congress cannot impeach a president close to an election (even an election in which that president is accused – and in this case, clearly guilty – of cheating on an international scale to win – just as he did to get elected in the first place).  In fact, neither of these things is true.
Republican’ts insist that Democrats are attempting to thwart the will of the American voters and that we must let the American people (and based on their defense of Chrump’s solicitation of foreign entities to help him cheat, presumably Russian and whatever other countries he can recruit to help him) decide whether or not Chrump should be president.  Now correct me if I’m wrong, but didn’t the American people (and almost certainly the Russians) have a hand in electing this demented warthog once already?  Do we really need to make sure the American people get the opportunity to do that again?  Can the American electorate really be trusted to do the right thing?  Functioning minds want to know.
If you hired a babysitter so you could have a night out on the town and you came home around midnight to find your little darlings staked out on the front lawn, would you hire that babysitter again?  Imagine this scenario the next time you want to go out – Dear, it’s almost 6:00 and our reservation is for 7:00 and we forgot to get a sitter; should we call that young lady we used last time?  I know things were a little different than we expected, but after all the children were still alive when we got home and now it’s too close to our reservation, so should we discuss the pros and cons of leaving her with our children again?  Or is it too late and we should just call her again?  What could possibly go wrong after all?
Chrump’s legal monkeys have insisted, while avoiding the facts like they were the plague during their opening statements in the Senate impeachment hearings, that a president cannot be impeached and convicted unless they commit an actual crime.  According to most legal experts this is what those in the legal community call bullshit. In any event, how is this even an issue?  Donald Chrump is himself a crime.  His whole life has been one long criminal act.  Even his “hair” is a crime. 

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Wednesday, January 29, 2020

A Pause In The Impeachment

Poetic License

January 29, 2020

It’s a poem.  It’s an interview.  It’s a dialogue.  It’s imminent.  It’s already happened.

For Better or Verse

He lies.
Everybody lies.
He’s lied more than 16,000 times while in office for 1100 days.*
He’s good at it, you go with your strengths.
The guy is a lie, from "hair" to toe

He admitted to sexually assaulting women.
It was just locker room talk.
More than two dozen women have come forward to accuse him of sexual assault.
They’re lying.
I thought you were okay with that.
That’s only for men; plus, they only lied once.

He repeatedly threatens to commit war crimes.
There are very fine people on both sides.
What the hell does that have to do with anything?
Why do you hate America?

I think he provides sexual favors to Vladimir Putin.
Have you seen that guy on a horse?
He said he fell in love with Kim Jong Un.
Have you seen that guy on a horse?
The entire world is laughing at him.
He’s a very funny guy.

Everything he touches turns to shit.
You would die of you didn't shit regularly.
That's not the same thing.
You're not the same thing.
He constantly insults our allies.
Fuck you.

Is it okay that he's a raging racist?
If the shoe fits, wear it.
You got me on that one.

Is there anything he could do to turn you against him?
He could become a Democrat.
Get stuffed.
I’ve enjoyed it.
*That would be around 15 lies per day.  However, if you figure he works at most four to five days per week, bringing his total number of work days to around 625 and his lies per day up to 26, and then you figure that he has been at one of his golf courses 30 percent of his time in office (at great expense to taxpayers and great profit to himself), further reducing his number of work days to around 350 and increasing his lies per day to almost 50.  We know that he spends most of his day watching Fux News, tweeting, eating and arranging his “hair” so, figure he only works at most four to five hours per day (not that anyone is suggesting he work harder; God forbid. We are damned lucky he’s a lazy fuck).  His well-documented cheating at golf does not count in this current tally of lies, since he is not at work.  So, bottom line, Chrump probably lies close to ten times per working hour.  This is not an occasional happening.  This is Chrump’s consistent hourly average lying; every single hour that he is allegedly working.  One wonders if a guy with three separate families in three separate states lies with such frequency.
For our purposes, Chrump wandering around Mor-on-Lago telling guests they will soon get some very big news, does not count as working.**

**Yes, it is unusual for a poem to have anything like a footnote.  We live in interesting times.  As Mick Mulvaney would say, “Get over it.”

I. Mangrey waxing poetic, such as it is.

Monday, January 27, 2020

Mr. (Don't) Know It (At) All

A Very Stupid Genius

January 27, 2020
The recent book by Pulitzer Prize winners Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America lays out in excruciating comprehensiveness many of Impeached-president Chrump’s examples of his very, very large uh-brain, his best words, his knowing more than anyone about everything, and his Guinness World Record-worthy ignorance of absolutely everything, apparently including not knowing what happened at Pearl Harbor.  You heard that right folks, Chrump claimed to have “read about, spoken about, heard about, studied” Pearl Harbor, but nonetheless asked his then chief of staff, John Kelly, “Hey, John, what’s this all about? What’s this a tour of?”  To which Kelly no doubt replied dutifully, “Nothing really sir, it’s just about a bunch of losers who were too stupid to have bone spurs.”  No one is surprised, most are nauseated to learn of Chrump’s ignorance of one more subject.

The authors met with over 200 anonymous senior administration officials, national security and intelligence professionals, friends and advisors to the president, many of whom normally avoid the press like the plague, but were so disturbed by this most dangerous and ignorant president that they felt compelled to alert the world via super-secret, anonymous meetings with Rucker and Leonnig.
The Dumbest Guy in Every Room
Not wanting to be outdone by reporters Chrump called “stone cold losers,” and clearly determined to prove their reporting was only the tip of the idiocy iceberg, Chrump continues to add goofy grist to the moronic mill.  Take for example Chrump – in the midst of his own impeachment trial – thumbing his nose at Congress and the American public by bragging about the fact that, “we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”   Here we have Chrump himself providing the best (though certainly not only) proof yet of his flagrant obstruction of everyone – from the FBI, to Robert Mueller, to congressional investigators – involved in determining the truth.  
Or perhaps you would prefer his latest psychotic break, one of his patented stream-of-cuckoo-for-Cocoa Puffs rants when asked about Tesla’s Elon Musk (an actual genius, though not particularly stable).  Chrump’s response to being asked what he thought of Tesla Motors’ tremendous success went further out into the ozone than any of Musk’s rockets in response.  "Well, you have to give him credit.  He's also doing the rockets. He likes rockets, and he does good at rockets too, by the way…And I was worried about him, he’s one of our great geniuses and we have to protect our geniuses.  We have to protect Thomas Edison – we have to protect all of these people that came up with originally the light bulb, and the wheel, and all of these things…”  Yes, Thomas Edison is in imminent danger.  Maybe we need to blow someone up to protect Edison before something terrible happens to him.  And whichever great American invented the wheel, who is protecting that guy?  Who is protecting the great American wheel?  Badly damaged minds want to know.
Chrump v. Constitution
Chrump was asked to take part in a project that included  all six living presidents, as well as six vice presidents reading sections of the Constitution on camera.  While blaming his inability to manage the task on everyone and everything else in the room, Chrump whined, “It’s very hard to do because of the language here.  It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.  It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to assure the man-child that it was no big deal, to take a break and try again.  Chrump continued to struggle, and again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.”  Of course it seemed like a foreign language to this hot air buffoon.  First, it is in English, and second, it is the Constitution – two things with which this clown is singularly unfamiliar.
Maybe it was so difficult because Chrump’s people requested lighting with more orange in it.  This from the guy who has been railing against light bulbs that make him look too orange.  Can you say psychotic?
According to our sources, this is Chrump’s head.
No one knows for sure what is going on
atop or within this rotting melon
When are people going to stop telling the truth about Donald Chrump?  Who will step up and protect this very stable genius from being attacked by his own words?  No other president, in fact almost no one anywhere has ever been so persistently humiliated by having his own words publicized.  It is a disgrace I tell you.  All the poor man is trying to do is invent the wheel.  How will he ever get anything accomplished if people keep listening to him and repeating his words as though they had some sort of redeeming social value?
While deranged deadbeats (I do not have the Pulitzer Prizes to be considered a stone cold loser) like myself might find it entertaining to amuse ourselves and others with these endless tales of idiocy courtesy (not a word often associated with Donald Chrump) of this president, all of the anonymous motherfuckers who will only speak out under cover of secrecy need to step out of Chrump’s ever-darkening shadow and speak the truth in broad daylight, perhaps in the middle of Fifth Avenue while everyone is looking so that this pathetic excuse for a human being, let alone a president, loses a voter or two.  A number of career officials have put country ahead of their own well-being and have lost their jobs and more over it.  It is time for all of these anonymous cowards to stop just following orders and protect us instead of themselves and Donald Chrump.
Clock Fight
Remember, this is all a game to Chrump.  He has no concept of the reality most of us share.  He cannot see past whatever mirror is in front of him and even in the absence of a physical mirror, all he ever sees is himself.  And, he likes what he sees.  SAD.
Remember the movie WarGames from 1983?
With psychotic narcissist Donald Chrump desperately trying to avoid being removed from office and having his miniature finger on The Button, the Doomsday Clock, which measures our proximity to total annihilation due to global thermonuclear war and/or climate disaster, is closer to midnight – i.e., The End – than it has ever been since it was created in 1947.  I would not deign to place blame for the clock’s current setting squarely on the padded shoulders of Donald Chrump, but neither would I imagine that Mr. Chrump’s current station and the current setting of the Doomsday clock are entirely coincidental.
Just for the record, it is possible for this clock to move backward.  This is only a guess, but I imagine the Doomsday Clock was created precisely to facilitate, if not encourage us to move away, not toward midnight.  Apparently, humans just ain’t that bright.  So, the good news is, at least we might not have to put up with all this bullshit for very much longer.
We’ll Meet Again
I. Mangrey reporting.  Get your affairs in order.

Saturday, January 25, 2020

Thought For The Day


He’s Not a Criminal, He’s a Very Stupid Boy
January 25, 2020
Lindsey Graham, in a desperate attempt for one more kiss of Chrump’s butt, insisted, “All I can tell you is from the president’s point of view, he did nothing wrong in his mind.”  As someone who has watched a considerable number of lawyer shows on television, I can say with absolute television certainty that ignorance of the law is no excuse.  I can also say, with regard to Donald Chrump, that ignorance of every fucking thing in the history of the world – particularly in combination with the constant boasting that he knows more about everything than anyone – should, in a normal universe, be a disqualification from public office and in Chrump’s case, disqualification from public appearance of any kind.  Even if he does think he is the chosen one.
R.I.P. Terry Jones

* As always, we apologize for posting such graphic and disturbing images; we hope no one will be emotionally scarred or made physically ill for having seen this one.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, January 24, 2020

Malice In Winnerland

Schadenfreude With A Chance Of Irony

January 24, 2020

As Impeachment Season wends its way across the months, now in the Senate “trial” phase, one cannot help but wax nostalgic for the winningest president ever.  Just in case he wins at being found guilty of the charges he is guilty of.
So much winning.  Many people are wondering how much more they can take.  Many others are beyond wondering, and are positively frantic to stop all these Chrumpian chriumphs.  I have heard many people cry out, “If this is what winning feels like, I don’t even want to play.  How many Fifth Avenue shootings must we endure?” 
Donald Chrump continues his unique winning streak.  He is the only president afforded the opportunity to pay out millions of dollars in compensation, both during his campaign and during his time in office, as a result of being found guilty of fraud – Chrump University and his phony family charity foundation, to name just two. 
He is the only president to pay off porn stars to keep them quiet about extramarital affairs, for which his personal attorney ended up doing time for committing campaign finance violations in service to the unindicted co-conspirator identified as “Individual One” aka Donald Chrump.  Chrump is not the only president to take office after being crushed in the popular vote – that is the only way Republican’ts can win at the national level, think of it as gerrymandering on steroids – still, a win is a win.  Right?  Chrump is the only president to have both the FBI and Russia conspire to get him elected.  Now that’s what I call winning.
Chrump can also boast being only the third president in American history to be impeached (Nixon only gets a dishonorable mention due to resigning in disgrace before official impeachment proceedings began).  That’s a win, right?  Even better, Chrump is the only one to be impeached during his first term, also Chrump got more votes in the House for impeachment than did Bill Clinton.  Chrump, unlike anyone else, can boast getting support in his impeachment battle from Russian dictator Vladimir Putin, who agrees wholeheartedly with Republican’t talking points, as he made clear last December during his annual marathon so-called “press conference,” not to mention his invaluable assistance in Chrump’s historic (in his mind) 2016 victory against the American electorate.

This is where all the winning is

During a 2014 interview on – you guessed it – Fux and Friends, long before he became an impeached president, and before he dared Nancy Pelosi, “If you are going to impeach me, do it now, fast,” Chrump projected, “Do you think Obama – seriously – wants to be impeached and go through what Bill Clinton did? He would be a mess. He would be thinking about nothing but – it would be a horror show for him. It would be an absolute embarrassment. It would go down on his record permanently.” 
Anonymous sources in the White House report that Chrump is obsessed with his impeachment and thinking about nothing but.  This must be a horror show for him.  It must be an absolute embarrassment.  It will go down on his record permanently.  If only he could have imagined such a horrible scenario and taken steps to avoid being a criminal piece of shit more deserving of impeachment than any president in American history.  What a shame.
I. Mangrey reveling.  Enjoy the scintillating scent of schadenfreude. 

Thursday, January 23, 2020

We Are Paying Attention

January 23, 2020

Long-time friend of this blog, Steve Gallop has asked us to post the following plea to Americans:

America is at a crossroads. We have a renegade president who neither understands nor cares to obey the laws of this nation.  He has been impeached and is now on "trial" in the Senate. It is critical that all of us contact - via phone, email, or mail - our Republican senators and tell them in no uncertain terms that we are paying attention. Signing online petitions is not enough. Contact your senator personally.

I just sent this to my senator. I also sent it to the editor of my local paper.  Feel free to use any or all of this to apply pressure to Republican enablers. They value their jobs above all else. Let them know we are watching them.

Dear Senator Toomey:

I have placed several calls to your office in hopes of learning your position on the current impeachment proceedings.  It appears I have gotten my answer via your votes on the first day of Senate hearings when you and every other Republican senator voted against allowing new witnesses or new evidence to be included in these hearings.  I hope I am missing something. 

I, along with a large majority of Americans, am of the opinion that a trial requires witnesses and documentary evidence.  Since the White House forbade testimony by key witnesses and withheld every bit of evidence during the House investigation, is seems essential that the Senate hear these witnesses and view all pertinent evidence in order to arrive at an informed verdict.

As I watch the Senate hearings, I am reminded of the considerable and credible evidence brought forth during the House impeachment hearings, all of which seem to point to the distinct possibility that President Trump was applying pressure on an ally in order to obtain advantage in his re-election bid and that the White House was actively obstructing Congress’ investigation thereof.
We recently learned that the GAO concluded that President Trump broke the law by withholding funds from Ukraine that were approved by Congress.  These, of course, are the funds at the heart of the impeachment.

The president’s defense team has provided little or no substantive rebuttal to any incriminating testimony or evidence.  It seems the president's lawyers are focused more on what they claim are procedural shortcomings rather than anything substantive to do with the voluminous evidence provided during the House investigation, which resulted in two articles of impeachment against President Trump.

If in fact, as President Trump repeatedly claims, the phone call with Ukrainian President Zelensky was “a perfect phone call,” then there can be no good reason to deprive the American people of the opportunity to learn as much as possible, in order for us to feel confident that the president should be exonerated.  This is the only way to bring this matter to an appropriate conclusion.  It is difficult to understand why the president would not want those who had first hand information about his perfect phone call and could exonerate him, to testify under oath in public.  I would think that the president himself would be anxious to have his name cleared on the record, rather than as a result of an acquittal without a trial.

I would greatly appreciate hearing directly from you where you stand on the issue of an actual trial with witnesses and documentary evidence being made public versus an acquittal without any trial, which looks for all intents and purposes like an attempt to keep the American people in the dark.
I may not understand all the legal and procedural nuances of these hearings, but from what I have been able to discern, you and all your Republican colleagues voted against every single amendment proposed by Democrats to allow witnesses and/or documents.  Please let me know if I am mistaken in my conclusion.

Lastly, yesterday I was stunned to hear President Trump tell reporters, “I got to watch enough — I thought our team did a very good job. But honestly, we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”  I hope you took the time to view this shocking video admission.  I know of no other way to interpret this except as President Trump describing obstruction of Congress.

I hope you and your Senate colleagues will find the courage and patriotism to stand up for our Constitution and not simply for your party’s leader who insists he is above the law.


Steven J. Gallop, OD
Glen Mills, PA

Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Moscow On The Potomac

Make America Russia Already

January 22, 2020  
Dosvedonald Chrump and Moscow Mitch McConnell continue their relentless Russiafication of the United States.
Pre-coital bonding
Ukraine’s Orange Revolution was a push away from Russian corruption and toward democracy.  It was ultimately unable to extricate Ukraine from its history of corruption, but ultimately Ukraine elected a comedian, who by all appearances finally meant to leave behind all the corruption and make a serious attempt at real democracy.  So what happens?  The world’s self-proclaimed greatest force for democracy leans on him as hard as Russia ever could.  The American president immediately steps in and demands Ukraine pretend to investigate a political rival in order to receive military assistance that had already been promised by the U.S.
America’s Orange Revolution was the exact opposite.  The 2016 revolution that put an Orange Gas Cloud in the White House looks to make America Russia.  Not to “make America great again” (a plagiarized slogan to begin with), not to make America anything again (with the possible exception of a bastion of racism and hatred not seen since the Civil Rights Movement, if not the Civil War Era).  Instead it wants to make America something new and even more grotesque.  America is now under the tiny thumb of a Revolting Orange Gas Cloud that cares for nothing other than its own aggrandizement, power and greed.
Before Dosvedonald came along, Moscow Mitch was already hard at work Russiafying America.  The most obvious move that put Mitch on the anti-democracy map was proudly stating, “The single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.”  Honor his oath to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States?  Pshaw.  Do everything in his power to achieve results for the betterment of the people of the United States?  Yeah, right. 

The one, the only – Moscow Mitch McConnell
When McConnell’s mission to deny Obama a second term did not pan out, McConnell continued stonewalling everything Obama tried to do.  Perhaps most important was McConnell’s blocking of judicial appointments all across the country.  Then he hijacked Merrick Garland’s nomination to the Supreme Court after the long-hoped-for demise of the delusional Antonin Scalia, who claimed to be channeling the Founding Fathers.  Scalia claimed to be an “originalist” who knew exactly what the drafters of the Constitution meant by every word and phrase, something even they would not have claimed.  Garland was a highly qualified nominee, greatly respected on both sides of the aisle, who Moscow Mitch refused even a hearing – because he knew Garland would fly through the process and attain the seat on the highest court that was Obama’s to give. 
Since then, McConnell has packed the federal courts with young, unqualified ideologues who will change the face of this country for the rest of our lifetimes. 
While over at the Supreme Court, McConnell has handed Chrump and America the lightweight Neil Gorsuch and the credibly-accused sexual assaulter and unabashed beer lover Brett Kavanaugh.  
Now Moscow Mitch is trying to hide the impeachment trial from the American people by holding the hearings under cover of night and by keeping the press at bay.  He did not attempt to hide his intention to make a mockery of this impeachment trial, or his utter contempt for his special oath to be an impartial arbiter of this serious trial.  Not to mention his absolute disdain for the American people – will they ever notice?
For his part, Orange Don invited top level Russians – our perennial adversaries, to say the least – into the Oval Office just a few months into his anti-presidency, and shared sensitive national security secrets.  Two years later, while Russia continued their years-long invasion of and war on Ukraine – our ally – Chrump illegally withheld military funds (approved by Congress and signed by him) in return for demanding corrupt action by Ukraine to the benefit of Chrump himself.  This scared the crap out of the newly elected Ukrainian president, while pleasing Chrump’s benefactor Vladimir Putin no end.
Where will McConnell’s and Chrump’s Moscow on the Potomac take us next?  Cancel the upcoming presidential election?  Allow the election to proceed, hoping that all the voter suppression and Russian meddling will do the trick and then deny any result that goes against Chrump, McConnell and Russia?  Stay tuned. 
If ever a president needed to be limited to one term, #45 is the one.  Despite having the best words, though he has clearly kept them all to himself, despite knowing more than everyone about everything, this president has made George W. Bush look like George Washington.  Chrump doesn’t know where China is.  He said that Seoul, South Korea was too close to North Korea and needed to move.  He only recently learned what Pearl Harbor had to do with anything. 

America needs another Orange Revolution
Medical experts talk about things like smoking, excessive drinking, drug abuse, poor eating and sleeping habits taking so many years off a person’s lifespan.  Every day Dosvedonald Chrump remains in office shortens the lifespan of the United States of America.  He is the human equivalent of wanton opioid abuse and he will kill us if we do not get the help we need.  Immediately.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Turn on, tune in take no shit.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Bummer Reruns

Blather, Retch, Repeat

January 20, 2020
While on the surface this looks like pure, unadulterated bullchrump, the insistence of Chrump and other assorted mental midgets like Rand Paul that Hunter Biden, Joe Biden and the Constitutionally-protected whistleblower be called to testify at Chrump’s imminent (in the actual sense of the word, not the new Orwellian anti-definition foisted on us in recent times by Chrump’s hench-mutants) is as stale as Moscow Mitch McConnell’s daily breath.
Chrump greets press corps for rare press event sans choppers

This whole scenario hearkens back to the time period after September 11, 2001.  Everyone in the entire world knew that 16 out of 19 suicide terrorists responsible for the 9/11 attacks were Saudi nationals.  This was inconvenient for two main reasons. 1) The Bush family and the House of Saud as well as a wealthy family by the name of bin Laden, by that time, had a decades-long bond that was thicker than blood – it smelled like crude oil and was the pigment of money, and 2) the Bush family has just whisked every Saudi they could rustle up out of the country when no one else in the nation was even permitted to fly.  Needless to say, a better scapegoat was needed to deflect America’s attention away from the real perpetrators.  Et voilà, in a neocon/greed-fueled drunken stupor, a new baby war was conceived in a faraway land called Iraq.  That little war eventually grew to be a man and is now so disenchanted it wants to kill those who brought it into the world.
One of America’s very special presidents
Now we have the amoral, cornered rat known as Donald Chrump, desperate to avoid the proverbial hangman’s noose for crimes against the Constitution and the nation.  Crimes he himself admitted to repeatedly.  On television.  On Twitter.  As always with this ne’er-do-well, he has one play in his 280-character playbook.  Blame. Someone. Else.  Chrump wants the focus to be on the subject of his crime, not the actual criminal.  I suppose the “thinking” is, “If Hunter Biden hadn’t done something that countless sons-of-power before and after him have done (Ivanka and Don, Jr. leap to mind) that I could use to tar his father who is likely to kick my fat ass in November, then I could not have used that alleged information to bribe, extort and blackmail the president of Ukraine for my own personal benefit.  So obviously, Hunter Biden is the cause of all this illegal business I clearly perpetrated.  And that radical leftist whistleblower who I personally appointed to my administration without ever meeting or knowing in any way, is clearly guilty of not just following orders.  And Joe Biden should have known better than to challenge my supreme authority by running against me in a Constitutionally mandated election.”  SSDD.

Is Zelensky thinking what we’re thinking?

Similarly, as we were led down the garden path of reasons for illegally invading Iraq from Iraqi liberation to Iraqi women’s liberation to Saddam was working with al Queda to weapons of mass destruction all the way to “weapons of mass destruction program related activities,” which of course, never materialized, and then Bush tried to frighten us with the threat of the “smoking gun that could come in the form of a mushroom cloud.  Ultimately, we got:

And then Dick Cheney shot a man in the face in to dispel any lingering doubts
In today’s version we have Chrump’s excuses for assassinating an Iranian official (albeit one who no one outside of Iran would rather see alive than dead) go from intelligence on an imminent threat to blow up an embassy, to Chrump saying, “I think it would have been four embassies, could have been military bases, could have been a lot of other things too, but it was imminent”, maybe it was a Burger King, or Wendy’s or a Cheesecake Factory, maybe a stray cat – who knows?  Then, according to Mike Pompeo, “There is no doubt that there were [sic] a series of imminent attacks being plotted by Qasem Soleimani.  We don’t know precisely when, we don’t know precisely where, but it was real.” Then they moved on to he was a bad guy we wanted to kill because he had done bad things that had been imminent prior to the time he did them.  SSDD.
When it comes to providing the American public with a satisfactory explanation as to why, at that particular point in time it suddenly became critical to take out Soleimani, Chrump has been cagey-A, and Pompeo has been cagey-B.

Oh, and then we learned that the Chrumpies had been looking for the right excuse to kill Soleimani for seven months.  If that’s not imminent, then nothing (or everything) is (or isn't).

I. Mangrey rereporting.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Thought For The Day

Most Perfect Name Ever
January 18, 2020

This guy’s name is Brett McGurk.  Did he have his name legally changed after looking in the mirror?  Or was he named by Matt Groening?
McGurk is a national security expert who has served under Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama, and one would imagine, was not overly pleased when he was kept on under Impeached-president Donald Chrump.
McGurk had planned to leave his post heading up the counter-ISIS campaign in mid-February 2019.  On December 22, 2018, following Chrump's decision to withdraw troops from Syria, McGurk announced his resignation effective December 31, 2018.  
Chrump tweeted in response to McGurk’s announcement that he did not know McGurk and questioned if McGurk was a “grandstander.”  Of course he did. 

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?