Wednesday, January 1, 2020

New Year, No Resolution...Yet

T’aint Our Problem

January 1, 2020

“For Trump, now impeachment will appear in the opening paragraph of his life.”
                       Presidential historian Douglas Brinkley.

So, Happy New Year to you all.  Here’s hoping all your holidays were as pleasant as can be, given the backdrop that is the current state of affairs.  Hopefully, now that you have a good grasp of the year to come, you can continue to enjoy the rest of Impeachment Season.  In the meantime, there is no time to rest on our laurels.  We had our fun, now we must gird our loins, woman-up and fight to remove the Tumor-in-chief from our body politic.  And hopefully, by this time next year we will be raucously ushering in more than just another new year.
In the few moments when Donald Chrump is not obsessing over toilets flushing and the global threat of killer windmills, he is obsessing over his impeachment.  He has been psycho-tweeting at Nancy Pelosi for two weeks.  There are reports that the impeached-president is so distracted that he can barely cheat at golf every day.
Chrump has told those unfortunate and/or senseless enough to spend time with him that impeachment would leave his presidency “tainted.”  Really?  Mr. Chrump should get a grip.  It is he himself that will leave his – and possibly every subsequent – presidency tainted.  He tainted his campaign the moment he opened his face sphincter to announce that he was running for president, oh and by the way, that he was a flaming white racist.  He almost tainted himself out of winning the election when we heard him gleefully admit to his history of sexually assaulting women.  He escaped the proper scrutiny over that by tainting his nomination even further when he called on Russia to interfere in the election on his behalf.  And he tainted his so-called presidency by being the despicable, narcissistic conman known as Donald Chrump, who simply cannot in any way stop himself from continuing the criminal pursuits that are the hallmark of his life.
Impeachment is merely the moldy cherry (perfectly acceptable under Chrump’s no-regulation administration) atop Chrump’s homemade shit sundae sprinkled with rat poison sprinkles (also perfectly acceptable under Chrump’s no-regulation administration).  The main thing impeachment really added to this toxic treat was finally putting the Constitutional Seal of Disapproval on Chrump’s horrifying, overtly criminal enterprise.
Der Furor is apparently worried about how people will remember him.  He should be worried that people will remember him.  Outside of the horrifyingly large number of racists and mentally challenged supporters who continue to deny reality and persist in supporting the worst (in so many ways) president in American history, most people will be working harder than Brett Kavanaugh trying to polish off a six pack in preparation of assaulting a classmate, to forget this ignoramus ever tainted the White House.
Pelosi seems fed up with self-impeaching putz
Chrump’s impeachment was followed by a masterful play by Nancy Pelosi.  The Speaker elected to hold off on sending the current articles of impeachment to die behind Moscow Mitch’s Iron Curtain of Obstruction.  Since then, Chrump has filled his delirious hours and days incessantly tweeting.  Tweeting and manufacturing even more impeachable offenses, like trying to expose the whistleblower who blew his cover.  But, let’s face it, his cover-up of an inconceivable mélange of impeachable acts is about as effective as the cover-up atop his worm-eaten cranium.  Besides, there could very well be more articles of impeachment yet to come. 
I. Mangrey recovering.

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