Tuesday, January 14, 2020

As Bad As It Gets

The Planet You Save May Be Your Own

January 14, 2020
I really hope that the impending environmental crisis, which is currently doing everything possible to convince the human race that their days are numbered and rapidly burning to a crisp, becomes a major issue in the upcoming election.  Anyone who can look on, watching millions and millions of God’s creatures destroyed because humans are too selfish to protect the planet from themselves, and not get the message that things had better change and fast, really need to pack their bags and move to another planet.
Jack Nicholson – As Good as It Gets
Some of you might be familiar with this touching, classic line from the Academy Award winning film.  I found myself thinking about this line the other day as some news person showed a clip of the Orange Gas Cloud on January 9, 2020 saying, “That’s a very sore subject.  I want clean air and clean water.  I want the cleanest air with the cleanest water.  The environment is very important to me.” 
Chrump lets loose on his love of the environment
Then the disgusted, frustrated commentator, clearly at-wits’-end, described Chrump’s latest move to add to the total destruction of as much of the planet as possible, as quickly as possible.  It seems Mr. Chrump was not being entirely honest about his love for the environment.  Makes one wonder what else he might have lied about.
Chrump’s latest assault on Mother Nature and all of us who cannot live on merely hairspray and hamberders proposes to gut 50-year-old environmental impact statements, killing the ability of local communities, native tribes and others to delay or block mining, drilling and infrastructure development in favor of protecting the environment.  According to Chrump and his anti-science, anti-environment, climate-crisis-denying, flat-Earth aficionados, there is simply too much waiting while a bunch of liberal, tree-hugging, losers try to assess possible environmental repercussions of gouging, drilling, stripping and otherwise trashing everything and anything in deference to getting the already rich to be even richer as quickly as possible by sucking the rest of us dry and stealing the planet from our children.
Pure poison personified.
My first thought, after throwing up in my mouth a little was, “Donald Chrump makes me want to be a worse person.”  I am not a violent person, but it is illegal to write or to speak aloud the kind of things that went through my mind.  But it is perfectly acceptable for the most protected man on the planet to blithely lie right to our faces about his feelings for the environment, while out of the other side of the misshapen, malignant mouth that spews the horrific bile concocted by his very, very large uh-brain.  Chrump constantly talks about raping and murdering the very planet on which, despite his complete lack of awareness thereof, he shares with the rest of us. 
Meanwhile, Puerto Rico, the land that Racist-in-chief Chrump continues to forget because it is full of brown people, got whacked by a serious earthquake.  Puerto Rico is still waiting for promised funds for hurricane clean-up.  As much as I would hate to do this to Puerto Rico, or anyone for that matter, Chrump should be tethered to a palm tree in Puerto Rico.  Not like someone about to be burned at the stake, he could be on a long leash so he would be able to move around – I’m angry, but I am not a monster.  People could throw rolls of paper towels to him, but not at him; I’m sure he has the best reflexes.  Once he learns his lesson and releases the funds, without demanding Puerto Rico do him a favor though, we can discuss bringing him back to the mainland.  That is, assuming we still have room.  As Chrump likes to tell refugees who are not from Norway, or Whiteland or those other non-shithole countries he deems acceptable, it is too crowded here.
Canned Heat - So Sad (The World’s In A Tangle)
I. Mangrey repulsed.  EARTH FIRST!

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