Monday, January 27, 2020

Mr. (Don't) Know It (At) All

A Very Stupid Genius

January 27, 2020
The recent book by Pulitzer Prize winners Philip Rucker and Carol Leonnig, A Very Stable Genius: Donald J. Trump’s Testing of America lays out in excruciating comprehensiveness many of Impeached-president Chrump’s examples of his very, very large uh-brain, his best words, his knowing more than anyone about everything, and his Guinness World Record-worthy ignorance of absolutely everything, apparently including not knowing what happened at Pearl Harbor.  You heard that right folks, Chrump claimed to have “read about, spoken about, heard about, studied” Pearl Harbor, but nonetheless asked his then chief of staff, John Kelly, “Hey, John, what’s this all about? What’s this a tour of?”  To which Kelly no doubt replied dutifully, “Nothing really sir, it’s just about a bunch of losers who were too stupid to have bone spurs.”  No one is surprised, most are nauseated to learn of Chrump’s ignorance of one more subject.

The authors met with over 200 anonymous senior administration officials, national security and intelligence professionals, friends and advisors to the president, many of whom normally avoid the press like the plague, but were so disturbed by this most dangerous and ignorant president that they felt compelled to alert the world via super-secret, anonymous meetings with Rucker and Leonnig.
The Dumbest Guy in Every Room
Not wanting to be outdone by reporters Chrump called “stone cold losers,” and clearly determined to prove their reporting was only the tip of the idiocy iceberg, Chrump continues to add goofy grist to the moronic mill.  Take for example Chrump – in the midst of his own impeachment trial – thumbing his nose at Congress and the American public by bragging about the fact that, “we have all the material. They don’t have the material.”   Here we have Chrump himself providing the best (though certainly not only) proof yet of his flagrant obstruction of everyone – from the FBI, to Robert Mueller, to congressional investigators – involved in determining the truth.  
Or perhaps you would prefer his latest psychotic break, one of his patented stream-of-cuckoo-for-Cocoa Puffs rants when asked about Tesla’s Elon Musk (an actual genius, though not particularly stable).  Chrump’s response to being asked what he thought of Tesla Motors’ tremendous success went further out into the ozone than any of Musk’s rockets in response.  "Well, you have to give him credit.  He's also doing the rockets. He likes rockets, and he does good at rockets too, by the way…And I was worried about him, he’s one of our great geniuses and we have to protect our geniuses.  We have to protect Thomas Edison – we have to protect all of these people that came up with originally the light bulb, and the wheel, and all of these things…”  Yes, Thomas Edison is in imminent danger.  Maybe we need to blow someone up to protect Edison before something terrible happens to him.  And whichever great American invented the wheel, who is protecting that guy?  Who is protecting the great American wheel?  Badly damaged minds want to know.
Chrump v. Constitution
Chrump was asked to take part in a project that included  all six living presidents, as well as six vice presidents reading sections of the Constitution on camera.  While blaming his inability to manage the task on everyone and everything else in the room, Chrump whined, “It’s very hard to do because of the language here.  It’s very hard to get through that whole thing without a stumble.  It’s like a different language, right?” The cameraman tried to assure the man-child that it was no big deal, to take a break and try again.  Chrump continued to struggle, and again remarked, “It’s like a foreign language.”  Of course it seemed like a foreign language to this hot air buffoon.  First, it is in English, and second, it is the Constitution – two things with which this clown is singularly unfamiliar.
Maybe it was so difficult because Chrump’s people requested lighting with more orange in it.  This from the guy who has been railing against light bulbs that make him look too orange.  Can you say psychotic?
According to our sources, this is Chrump’s head.
No one knows for sure what is going on
atop or within this rotting melon
When are people going to stop telling the truth about Donald Chrump?  Who will step up and protect this very stable genius from being attacked by his own words?  No other president, in fact almost no one anywhere has ever been so persistently humiliated by having his own words publicized.  It is a disgrace I tell you.  All the poor man is trying to do is invent the wheel.  How will he ever get anything accomplished if people keep listening to him and repeating his words as though they had some sort of redeeming social value?
While deranged deadbeats (I do not have the Pulitzer Prizes to be considered a stone cold loser) like myself might find it entertaining to amuse ourselves and others with these endless tales of idiocy courtesy (not a word often associated with Donald Chrump) of this president, all of the anonymous motherfuckers who will only speak out under cover of secrecy need to step out of Chrump’s ever-darkening shadow and speak the truth in broad daylight, perhaps in the middle of Fifth Avenue while everyone is looking so that this pathetic excuse for a human being, let alone a president, loses a voter or two.  A number of career officials have put country ahead of their own well-being and have lost their jobs and more over it.  It is time for all of these anonymous cowards to stop just following orders and protect us instead of themselves and Donald Chrump.
Clock Fight
Remember, this is all a game to Chrump.  He has no concept of the reality most of us share.  He cannot see past whatever mirror is in front of him and even in the absence of a physical mirror, all he ever sees is himself.  And, he likes what he sees.  SAD.
Remember the movie WarGames from 1983?
With psychotic narcissist Donald Chrump desperately trying to avoid being removed from office and having his miniature finger on The Button, the Doomsday Clock, which measures our proximity to total annihilation due to global thermonuclear war and/or climate disaster, is closer to midnight – i.e., The End – than it has ever been since it was created in 1947.  I would not deign to place blame for the clock’s current setting squarely on the padded shoulders of Donald Chrump, but neither would I imagine that Mr. Chrump’s current station and the current setting of the Doomsday clock are entirely coincidental.
Just for the record, it is possible for this clock to move backward.  This is only a guess, but I imagine the Doomsday Clock was created precisely to facilitate, if not encourage us to move away, not toward midnight.  Apparently, humans just ain’t that bright.  So, the good news is, at least we might not have to put up with all this bullshit for very much longer.
We’ll Meet Again
I. Mangrey reporting.  Get your affairs in order.

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