Saturday, November 30, 2019

Thought For The Day

Dear Abbie

November 30, 2019

Abbie caught much flak for his flag shirt
Mick Mulvaney is catching flak for aiding and abetting
a criminal who hates democracy, but it’s fine
for him to wear a flag shirt apparently
Abbie Hoffman would have been 83 years old today.  He was only 52 when he decided he had had enough in 1989.
Hoffman, whatever else he may have been, or been seen as, was a patriotic American.  And a trouble maker.  He had his faults.  They were not few and were not small, but Hoffman never left the land of his birth, and always tried to make it a better place.  He joined the Civil Rights Movement in the early ‘60s, threw money onto the floor of the New York Stock Exchange, and threatened to use psychic energy to levitate the Pentagon and cause it to “turn orange and vibrate until all evil emissions had fled,” which would immediate end the war in Vietnam.
Hoffman co-founded the Youth International Party – the Yippies, who ran a pig – Pigasus, for president, and perhaps most famously was part of the Chicago 7 (originally eight, until Bobby Seale demanded a separate trial).
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Illegal Immigrants Day

What a Turkey

November 28, 2019
Psychotic racist, anti-president Donald Chrump held another of his signature Chrump Fux Klan rallies Tuesday in Sunrise, Florida.  He began thusly, “As we gather together for Thanksgiving, you know, some people want to change the name Thanksgiving.  They don't want to use the term Thanksgiving. And that was true also with Christmas. But now everybody's using Christmas again. Remember this?”  Chrump carried on, “But now we're going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving.  People have different ideas. Why it shouldn't be called Thanksgiving. But everybody in this room, I know, loves the name Thanksgiving. And we're not changing.” 
Unsurprisingly, Chrump’s idiocy was birthed in racism.  This week’s target people of color are the Native Americans who do not see Thanksgiving from the same perspective as their lighter hued occupiers.  It is possible to imagine that someone as violently (not being judgmental, just accurate) opposed to immigrants as Chrump might have at least a modicum of sympathy for those whose lives were destroyed by illegal immigrants.  Not to mention someone whose family (as well as two thirds of his wives) immigrated to this country.  You would be very, very uh-wrong. You are likewise excused if you missed the war on Thanksgiving.  Chrump just started it.  And he will win it.  So much winning.  I’m sick of it.
The orange-dipped, mentally defective and toxically delusional meat bag in the red hat eventually veered even further off anything even vaguely resembling rails.  Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to be shocked at this point.  Nonetheless, there might be some degree of interest, if only for the tragicomic value, in his latest mouth fart.  Chrump told his intellectually incapacitated throng of adoring assholes, “…and then we beat Barack Hussein Obama and whatever dynasty that is.”  Not making this up folks.
Chrump was not finished.  In case his comment about beating the Obama dynasty was not proof enough that Chrump was 51 cards short of a full deck, he wanted to assuage any vestige of hope that there remained a shred of his very, very large (though never overly functional) uh-brain as he bragged about one of the many Obama accomplishments he regularly takes credit for, blurting, “You know we just set another sock rocket… you saw that, right? The stock market!”  Yes, like the schlock varmint said, the shock rocket, I mean the sock puppet, I mean the stock market that Obama rebuilt (without bothering to un-fuck the 99 percenters who elected him) after Bush/Cheney crashed it, continues its upward trend despite Chrump’s best efforts to fuck everything up.  As usual, his quivering hordes cheered wildly even though almost none of them own stocks and the rising market only serves to widen the massive wealth gap in this country.   
Just keep cheering this guy on, you turkeys.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Overeat responsibly.

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thought For The Day

Show Them The Money
November 27, 2019
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Maya Angelou
The only thing outstanding about Donald Chrump?  Debt.  Chrump is a one-man shitstorm on so many levels.  In this case, he touches down like a spray-tan tornado wherever he pleases, causing great upheaval and expense.  The disruption is generally temporary, while the economic damage apparently lingers on indefinitely.  This is nothing new for the life-long grifter.  It seems the only way to get paid by Donald Chrump is when he wants you to shut up about having sex with him.  

The picture below shows the amount of money Chrump and his campaign currently owe to American cities for expenses related to his rallies over the past few years.  The money owed to Washington, DC is from his American Carnage inauguration.  We still do not know how the record amount of money collected for the cheapest (and worst attended) ever inauguration was spent; all we know is that it sure as hell was not spent on compensating the District’s expenses.
At least he is consistent

In other news of Chrump’s unwavering penchant for financial misdeeds, a New York judge ordered him to pay $2 million as restitution for using his phony Chrump Foundation “charity” as a slush fund for his political interests.  That is, when he was not using it to buy giant portraits of himself.  This comes well after another judge ordered the foundation be dissolved.  
Given all of this perfect behavior, when do we get to see his perfect taxes?  It looks like we will have to wait for the Supreme Court, now with more fascists, to decide if the American public has a right to see our anti-president’s tax returns as we have been able to do with every president since Richard “Yeah, he was a fucking crook” Nixon.  As if Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and John Roberts were not enough to make you violently ill, Chrump and Moscow Mitch have pummeled our democracy with the likes of Neal Gorsuch and credibly accused sexual assaulter Brett “I LIKE BEER, DO YOU LIKE BEER? I LIKE BEER” Kavanaugh.  These five (in)justices are apparently what stands between democracy and yet another step down the road to fascism in America.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, November 25, 2019

Cracker Graham

The U.S. Senate: Brought to You By Russia, “Bought” From You By Russia

November 25, 2019

Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky did not want to do it.  At the moment Zelensky had finally resigned himself to lying to the world in order to stay in the good graces of psychotic conman Donald Chrump, Chrump Cheneyed himself – once again, shooting himself in the face.  As Zelensky prepared to sit down with Fareed Zakaria on CNN, or perhaps Fucker Carlson on Fux News, Chrumpy the Clown released call notes (not anything like a transcript) of his perfect, beautiful, totally innocent, completely hidden July 25 phone call with Zelensky. 

The call notes clearly showed Chrump asking Zelensky to announce he was investigating Joe and Hunter Biden.  This, even though Zelensky was not, and likely would not, since the Bidens’ alleged wrongdoing, along with the absurd notion that Ukraine was setting up Russia to take the fall for election interference, both had been debunked as conspiracy theories.

Chrump’s attempted extortion, bribery and/or quid pro quo with Zelensky also happened after a Republican’t investigation found and reported that Russia had in fact interfered with the 2016 election, to Chrump’s advantage.  “C’mon Zelensky buddy, daddy needs a new pair of swing states.  Naturally, the other reason Chrump wanted this to happen, besides his need to cheat at another election, was to abet his benefactor, Vladimir Putin's take over of Ukraine.
Zelensky did not want to lie to the world for Chrump despite his county's desperate situation.  But, Chrump had another ass up his sleeve – today’s Benedickless Arnold, Lindsey Graham.  After being repeatedly humiliated by Chrump, and repeatedly displaying his righteous indignation toward, and unparalleled disdain for his one-time rival, Graham now has his head so far up Chrump’s ass that he can often see who Chrump is shouting at by looking out of Chrump’s gaping maw.
“I thought we weren’t doing that until we got back to the White House.”
Chrump demanded…I mean suggested that Zelensky publicly announce he was investigating Biden and the Democrats as precondition for an invite to the White House.  There were no preconditions, other than assurance that there would be no American witnesses present, for meeting with, telephoning, and one assumes late-night spooning with Putin.  Nothing was requested before Chrump went crawling to Kim Jong Un, though to be fair, there were some beautiful letters from Kim.  Nevertheless, Lindsey “I’m not going to read the transcripts” Graham is going to give Chrump the gift Zelensky would not.  Is Graham hoping Chrump will make him King of Ukraine?  Or maybe buy him Greenland?  Or let Lindsey lick grits off his ass, or his whatever?  Politics makes strange bedfellows.
Graham is being joined in his fool’s errand by Chuck “Oh shit, he’s still alive?” Grassley (R-IA), and Ron “Ain’t no one dumber than me” Johnson (R-WI).  A larger group of criminals…I mean Republican’t senators – all of whom will be acting as jurors in the upcoming impeachment trial of Donald Chrump have already met with Chrump (the defendant in the upcoming impeachment trial of Donald Chrump) and his attorney to “map out a strategy.”  For his part, Chrump has, for some time now, been busy bribing, extorting and/or quid pro quo-ing these potential jurors with campaign cash and as-yet-unknown other strong-arm tactics.  There is no confirmation of the story that Mitt Romney recently woke up to find a dog strapped to the roof of his car.
What happens when everyone in the line-up did the crime?
Realizing that they have no defense because their feckless leader is guilty as hell and will simply not stop implicating himself in the crimes he has confessed to more times than he has publicly stated that if Ivanka was not his daughter he would be dating her. Woe is we.
I. Mangrey reporting.  I am not the walrus.  Are you?

Bonus entertainment – an oldie but a goodie…

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thought For The Day

Making Impeachment Great Again
November 23, 2019
Chump, who insisted he was not watching his impeachment proceedings, somehow knows exactly what is happening, as it happens.  Maybe he is psych(ot)ic.  Maybe he is lying, it has happened a time or 13,000 since he has been in office.
Chrump is fortunate to have the recently housebroken Devin Nunes and his pack of feral boors on the committee.  To avoid allowing the impeachment hearings to become inundated with facts and reason, they used most of their time to fling insane, repeatedly debunked by all quarters, conspiracy theories that they hope will, a) keep the mentally deficient (and I do not say this to be mean, only to be accurate) wing of the Republican’t base stupid and hoodwinked and, b) attempt to obscure any meaningful, damning testimony showing that Donald Chrump was bribing Ukrainian president Zelensky for dirt on Joe Biden, or at least to pretend he was investigating same.
Hot on the heels of Gordon Soldland’s John Dean-like appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, Der Furor got into a shouting match with himself (some are saying they could hear him in Ukraine) on the White House lawn.  Chrump bellowed over and over, at unnecessary volume, reading from a wad of unnecessary paper with a giant Sharpie for the hard of reading, “I WANT NOTHING.  I WANT NOTHING.  I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO.”, etc.
Apparently, Chrump is having trouble lying without notes, really big notes

This is what we have with Congress investigating just one single, solitary violation of Chrump’s oath of office and the law of the land.  Can you imagine what it would take to investigate all of Chrump’s transgressions?  It would take the better part of a day just to list and explain them all.  We would still be investigating him during Ivanka’s second term.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Basking in Briberygate

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bus

November 21, 2019
The wicket is getting stickier by the minute.  We are now in week two of Donald Chrump’s Super Slob-Stopping Impeachment Extravaganza.  Things do not appear to be getting better for the Orange Gas Cloud we are forced to call “president.”  Witness after witness has laid out clear, first-hand evidence of bribery and malfeasance – some would say high crimes and misdemeanors – by their boss.  Even the witnesses called by Chrump’s water-carriers could not avoid implicating their dear leader.  Of course, as we have come to know, the loudest and most damning witness continues to be Donald Chrump himself.

Unsurprisingly, the best defense Republican’ts have is to attack the character of career non-partisan patriots in favor of the most disgracefully anti-American, pro-Russian, lying racist currently leading their party.  That, and the hypocritical attacks on the process their party devised, which is now being used against them by Democrats.  And, an almost fanatical devotion to their semi-duly-elected Tweeter-in-chief.
Today’s Republican’ts are the exception to the adage that the fish rots from the head down.  The Republican’t party has been rotting from the bottom up for decades.  How many Democrats are members of the KKK?  How many Democrats have sold their souls to Russian interests like Moscow Mitch McConnell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Dana Rohrabacher, Pete Sessions, Devin Nunes and Donald Chrump?  
Devin Nunes you say?  But he seems like such a wonderful man.  Turns out the mentally and ethically challenged Mr. Nunes was working with Giuliani’s now-indicted-and-in-jail buddy Lev Parnas.  Parnas reportedly helped arrange meetings for Nunes while Nunes was investigating the oranges origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election meddling.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News
Where’s Gordo?

Yesterday’s testimony from Gordon “I better find a way to save my lying ass after perjuring myself” Sondland has the nation all atwitter.  Oddly, Donald Twitterhands did not rage tweet at Sondland during his incredibly damaging testimony.  Sondland threw just about everyone whose name he could recall under the bus.  The millionaire real estate mogul bought one of the most important ambassadorships in the world by giving $1M to Chrump’s inauguration and then just followed orders that he now admits were improper.  Now that Sondland has had some time to mull over a prison sentence, and has seen no small number of his fellow Chrumpers already behind bars, his memory has greatly improved.  And he has some wonderous tales to tell.   
I. Mangrey’s Madlife Crisis
I only regret that I have but one life with which to both live a theoretically normal life while also trying to keep up with the shit-circus that is the Chrump anti-presidency.  Keeping my middle finger on the pulse of our current impeachment holiday season alone, requires a minimum of 48 hours a day to watch, process and recover from. I, we will likely (not definitely) recover.  Hopefully, the object of all the mishegas – Donald Chrump – will not.  Hopefully, the preponderance of witnesses and evidence of his horrifying wrongdoings will bring him to a fitting end – a figurative Bonnie and Clyde last stand, where he goes down in a hail of justice, or if need be a hail of ballots, instead of him bringing all of us down in a hail of bullshit.
I. Mangrey reporting.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Thought For The Day

You’ve Got Fail 

November 20, 2019
When Donny Met Rudy
Damaged Don and Ridiculous Rudy have known and loved each other for many years, several decades in fact.  Now, for the moment at least, they are thick as thieves…literally, though Rudy might soon find himself looking up at the bus under which Donny is poised to throw him.  Rudy married his own cousin, while Don has merely fantasized on television and radio, repeatedly, about “dating” his daughter – though he has not declared this in public lately.  Chrump never said he would grab his fantasy date by the pussy (that we know of), but he never said he would not.
Both of these self-lovers have a habit of letting loose with words of anything-but-wisdom on a regular basis.  Today we feature big bad Don and his mouth of carnage:
“We are the ones that got ISIS.  We are the ones that took care of it, specifically me.”    Donald J. Trump, October 16, 2019
“I’m the one that knows more about it than you people… As you know, most of the ISIS fighters that we captured – we, we not Obama.  I’m the one that did the capturing.”
Donald J. Trump, October 21, 2019
When your balls are bigger than your brain, especially when your balls are the size of BBs – specifically when you are Donald Chrump – it becomes exceedingly difficult to take you seriously.  Not that most people ever did.  And when you pal around with the likes of Rudy G and others of similar caliber (again, think BBs) too numerous to mention, and too painful to remember, and often impossible to imagine – like the recently-arrested-while-attempting-to-flee-the-country Lev and Igor, you continually scare the shit out of everyone wise enough to have not drunk your noxious, brain-wasting Kool-aid.  We need to squeeze this purulent puss wart out of the White House as one would a ballooning blackhead, before we all are infected beyond the point where any treatment could be effective.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
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Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Thought For The Day

Donald Chrump - The Anti-president
November 19, 2019
Many descriptors have been applied to the current occupant of the White House in an effort to do justice to the unfathomable injustice that is the 45th presidency of the United States.  These include: “Pseudo-president,” “So-called president,” “*president*,”  “Most corrupt, self-serving, incompetent, psychologically indisposed, worst fucking president hopefully ever (I’m pretty sure I heard this one somewhere).  Things like that. 
The Paying Attention team alone, other than refusing to spell his name the way he does, has been unable to settle on any one of some dozen commonly used prefixes, suffixes and generally insulting epithets.  Der Furor, Orange Gas Cloud, qresident, etc.  Mostly we have chose to avoid placing Chrump's name and the title president next to each other. 
I recently heard Constitutional/legal scholar Lawrence Tribe use “anti-president.”  Anti-president seems to be about as good a way of referring to the fraudulent Chrump, of allowing that name and that title to co-mingle, as there is.  Simple.  Elegant.  Immensely appropriate.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, November 18, 2019

Thought For The Day

November 18, 2019
Last Wednesday, on Day One of Donald Chrump’s Super Slob-Stopping Impeachment Extravaganza, Chrump told reporters who asked if he was watching the hearings, “I'm too busy to watch it.  It's a witch hunt, it's a hoax.  I'm too busy to watch it.”

Two days later, on Day Two of the hearings, Twitterbell’s itchy Twitter finger got the better of him.  Not content with all the evidence against him, coming from every direction, and from– if you will pardon the delicious irony and unavoidable glee attached to the next word – unimpeachable sources, and the veritable smorgasbord of possible articles of impeachment, Der Furor decided to make available one more felonious act.  Though not the first time Chrump has publicly spouted criminal intent and committed criminal action, this was one of his best so far. 
During the nationally televised testimony of criminally-ousted ambassador to Ukraine Marie Yovanovich, the testimony he was too busy to watch, and was too busy to watch, because he is so very busy, Chrump attacked Yovanovich on Twitter.  This prompted Chairman Adam Schiff to ask the witness if the president tweeting such comments were intimidating in her mind.  They were.  This witness felt intimidated.  Witness intimidation is a federal offense.  As is Donald Chrump.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Thought For The Day

November 17, 2019
From Russia, With Love
You gotta love that the person who opened the floodgates for career diplomats to speak truth to abuse-of-power was Marie Yovanovitch – a Russian born American citizen who loves America too much to put her own, by all accounts stellar, career as a diplomat above her duty to uphold her oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.” 
Marie Yovanovitch speaks the truth.  Donald Chrump hates that.

Yovanovitch saw a flagrant foul and blew her whistle.  In public.  Without cover of anonymity.  She opened the door for others to come forward in defiance of the Department of Justice, the State Department and the White House, and rescue the country she and they love.  Unlike Donald Chrump, the country Yovanovich loves is America, not Russia.  She is an American hero.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, November 15, 2019



History in The Faking
November 15, 2019
As reported yesterday, Donald Chrump may not be watching his presidency, his reputation and hopefully his very future taken behind the woodshed and beaten like a rug after a dust storm, but many Americans are watching the current Greatest Show on Earth closely.  Impeachment Season 2019 makes the staff at Paying Attention nostalgic for impeachments past.  Personally, I still remember coming home from school every day and turning on the tiny black-and-white TV set in my kitchen to watch the inimitable Sen. Sam Irvin lead the ultimately historic Watergate Hearings.
Select Committee on Presidential Campaign Activities, Senate Watergate Committee
Regular visitors to this site are all too well aware of our unabashed obsession with the Watergate Scandal and the subsequent impeachment and departure-in-disgrace of its deranged perpetrator Richard Nixon.  Nixon hired a group of ex-CIA and Cubans led by G. Gordon Liddy, dubbed “The Plumbers” to break into the Democratic National Committee headquarters in the Watergate Hotel in an effort to sabotage the presidential campaign of Nixon’s opponent – George McGovern.

That Was Then, This Is Wow
Intently angling for his own departure-in-disgrace, Donald Chrump hired “The Dumbers” in a desperate and stupid attempt to sabotage Chrump’s presumed opponent for the 2020 presidential race.  The Dumbers are led, of course, by dementia-adjacent Rudy Giuliani, whose idiot minions include Rick “Oops” Perry and Gordon “I Paid $1M For Chrump’s Inauguation and All I Got Was This Lousy Ambassadorship and A Possible Indictment For Perjury” Sondland.  Giuliani is the genius who, above all else, should always be remembered for insisting, against all good counsel, that the security command center for the top leadership of the City of New York be located in Seven World Trade Center – Ground Zero on 9/11.  Rudy did not hire Cubans; he probably thought they were in ISIS.  Instead, America’s mayor/moron went right to the Motherland, and brought in some top-notch Russian operatives to help with his treasonesque mission.  Two of them – Lev and Igor – are now in prison, awaiting trial and/or turning state’s evidence.
In the Watergate saga, Deep Throat divulged critical information to Woodward and Bernstein in the shadows of a Washington, DC parking garage.  In Blabbergate, Dumb Throat, Donald Chrump personally provided a doctored transcript of his “perfect phone call” with Ukraine President Zelensky to the news media he so despises.  Despite taking the time and effort to manipulate the transcript before releasing it, the document clearly showed Chrump committing bribery and/or extortion, or as it was called in Ancient Rome ‘quid pro quo.’  Oh, and then his chief-of-staff – Mick Mulvaney, who Chrump will soon deny he ever knew – admitted it and told us all to “get over it” because “we do it all the time.”
This beautiful and very perfect impeachment figures to be an interesting process, and it is always fun to watch Republican’ts punching themselves in the face on every single network for hours on end.  But I still have not figured out what type of wine goes with impeach.  Red for Republican’t or white for the color of their nationalism?  Or perhaps a nice Russian vodka.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Do I dare to eat impeach?

Thursday, November 14, 2019

The Sweet Smell of Impeachment Blossoms

Moscow on the Potomac

November 14, 2019
Lindsey Graham says he will not watch the impeachment hearings, presumably because there are no blow jobs involved.  Donald Chrump spent Day One of his impeachment hearings giving another figurative (we assume) blow job to Turkey’s genocide-desiring dictator Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan.  Chrump claims (i.e., lies) that he too will be ignoring the hearings – apparently, he will only be re-tweeting other people who are watching the proceedings.  Chrump lied to reporters, “I'm too busy to watch it.  It's a witch hunt, it's a hoax.  I'm too busy to watch it.”  Eric Chrump said the hearings were “boring”, presumably because he does not understand all the big words, having inherited his father’s IDD (Intelligence Deficit Disorder) and attention span of a mayfly.  And everything sounds muffled with his head so far up his ass.
It also seems that most of the Republican’ts on the committee are ignoring the hearings as well.  They are intent only on pushing their totally and repeatedly debunked conspiracy theories and making their president proud of their distraction, lying and Chrump-worthy idiocy.
One thing all of these treacherous cretins have in common is their undying allegiance to Mother Russian, and utter contempt for America and our democracy.
Third-Rate Burglary vs. First-Rate Bribery
Watergate had Deep Throat.  Deep Throat was able to keep his identity secret until after his death, 40 years after the fact.  Today we have Dumb Throat; that would be none other than Donald Chrump himself.  No one has done more to undermine this president than Chrump.  And no one has been more up front about bragging about his crimes, practically standing in the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and shooting his mouth off.  It would be wrong to suggest that Chrump should literally shoot his mouth off (though many Republican’ts are wishing he would), so maybe we should suggest that he just glue it shut.  He could even remove his foot first.
Dare to dream bigly
I. Mangrey reporting.  Uncomfortably numb.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Day One of Public Impeachment Hearings on Donald J. Chrump

A Man For All Treasons

November 13, 2019
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.  Donald Chrump, as everyone knows, does not learn from or about anything.  Rather than engage in the Constitutionally mandated process of impeachment, Richard M. Nixon opted to tuck his tail between his legs and run away.  As the disgraced criminal and coward prepared to board Marine One away from the White House he dishonored and into the shadows of history, he turned to those assembled and flashed a beaming smile and the now-enshrined-in-American-photo-iconography double "V" for victory.   
He could not have been any happier than those watching him finally leave
Will Donald J. Chrump follow in Nixon's soiled, clueless footprints?  Tune in over the next few weeks as Chrump's own impeachment process unravels Chrump and exposes for all to see and however many to continue to deny – the true depths of depravity, and even-worse-than-blowjob infractions perpetrated upon the American public by Donald Chrump and his no-longer-merry band of miscreants.
Andrew Johnson was a racist who opposed the Fourteenth Amendment and ultimately abused his office.  Nixon was mentally unstable and a malignant narcissist who in the end was charged with obstruction of justice, abuse of power and contempt of Congress.  Donald Chrump has inarguably outdone Tricky Dick on all fronts, and he is no slouch when it comes to racism.  Oh, and Bill Clinton had an affair with an intern.  By all accounts Chrump stopped sexually assaulting women before entering office.
The I-Team
I. Mangrey relishing.  Remember the Watergate.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Thought For The Eve

Time to Kiss Our Ass Goodbye
November 12, 2019

It is finally the moment so many Americans – most in fact – have been waiting for.  More it seems, every day.  Today is Donald Chrump’s very, very well-earned Public Impeachment Hearings’ Eve.  Stock up on popcorn and tofu all you kale and quinoa loving human scum.  Your democratically elected Democratic-led House of Representatives will do their best to expose all the cheating, lying and outright criminal intent, along with a healthy dose of evidence thereof.  Enjoy this historic moment for weeks to come.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Eve.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the eve?

Monday, November 11, 2019

Who Needs Intelligence?

Back in The USSA
November 11, 2019

I understand that nations need intelligence communities that keep track of adversaries.  The United States has layer upon layer of intelligence agencies – some we know about and some whose very existence is too sensitive for the hoi polloi to know about.  Our CIA has perpetrated any number of unsavory, illegal and downright horrifying acts over the years.  That being said, on the assumption that they do at times provide necessary services for our national security, I would much rather have them working for our interests than for Russia’s, as Donald Chrump and his vast network of Russian and Russia-adjacent agents seem to prefer. 
Chrump from day one has repeatedly denigrated our intelligence community in favor of Vladimir Putin.  To be fair, Chrump’s relationship with anything that smacks of intelligence has all the solidity of a lace doily engulfed in flames.
May Day Mayday
Last week, Comrade Chrump told stunned reporters – when he wasn’t bellowing at them to “be quiet” – that his idol and benefactor Vladimir Putin invited him to attend next year’s May Day Parade in Moscow.  Have no doubt that Chrump knows nothing of the history of May Day, or Russia, or May Day in Russia.  “President Putin invited me to the – it’s a very big deal!” he said. “Celebrating the end of the war, etc., etc.  A very big deal.  So I appreciate the invitation… I would love to go if I could.”  I would gladly buy him a one-way ticket.
A Drip Down Memory Lane
Chrump yukking it up with two of his Russian benefactors right after he fired Comey
During a May 10, 2017 meeting in the Oval Office, the president betrayed his intelligence community by leaking the content of a classified, and highly sensitive, Israeli intelligence operation.  The meeting, during which Chrump did not allow American press, also featured Chrumpo the Clown telling the Russians that he was not concerned about their meddling in the 2016 election.  It is unclear if Chrump requested and/or paid for more Russian help for his re-election bid in 2020.  It would be wise to assume that he did.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Home, home on the rage.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Thought For The Day

Quid Pro Quollusion
November 9, 2019
She said.  He said.  She said.  He said.  He said.  Non-partisan, patriotic, career foreign service officials said.  Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman said.  Many people are saying it.  The president’s chief-of-staff said it.  Soon, many of these people will be saying it out loud, in front of cameras for all to see. Unfortunately, they are saying quid pro quo instead of words Americans can understand, like bribery or extortion.  Or perhaps more appropriate in the case of the alleged-rapist/self-professed-sexual-harasser-in-chief – tit for tat.
Lindsey Graham, the Arnold Ziffel of the Senate, has come up with more excuses for Chrump’s extortion scheme than Dick Cheney and his little buddy George had excuses for illegally invading Iraq.  Anyone remember how that turned out?  Graham’s latest doozy was mewling that Chrump’s Ukraine policy was too incoherent, thus rendering Chrump “incapable of forming a quid pro quo.”  Although he has been getting away with it for all of his adult life, the fact that Chrump is lousy at committing crime does not absolve him of accountability.  Apparently however, Lindsey Graham does.  The only response to that, is to hold them both accountable.
Groan Acres
‘Tis the Season For Impeachment, Falalalala La La La La
So, the Republican'ts could not stop moaning that the private hearings they loved for their never-ending Benghazi fetish (which ultimately found nothing whatsoever) were simply beyond the pale for investigating actual criminal activity that Donald Chrump committed in broad daylight.  Now, their brainless leader Chrump is whining about having public hearings that will allow everyone to learn all the gory details of his impeachment process.
The Deposition Will Be Televised
The bottom line is that next Wednesday brings Impeachment Season to live TV.  We are already decorating our Impeachment tree.  Despite having slammed reality TV recently, we at Paying Attention will be glued to the hearings.  Hopefully, from time to time one of us will be able to come up for air and bang a few choice words out for your enjoyment and/or consternation.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?