Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Thought For The Day

Show Them The Money
November 27, 2019
“When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time.”
Maya Angelou
The only thing outstanding about Donald Chrump?  Debt.  Chrump is a one-man shitstorm on so many levels.  In this case, he touches down like a spray-tan tornado wherever he pleases, causing great upheaval and expense.  The disruption is generally temporary, while the economic damage apparently lingers on indefinitely.  This is nothing new for the life-long grifter.  It seems the only way to get paid by Donald Chrump is when he wants you to shut up about having sex with him.  

The picture below shows the amount of money Chrump and his campaign currently owe to American cities for expenses related to his rallies over the past few years.  The money owed to Washington, DC is from his American Carnage inauguration.  We still do not know how the record amount of money collected for the cheapest (and worst attended) ever inauguration was spent; all we know is that it sure as hell was not spent on compensating the District’s expenses.
At least he is consistent

In other news of Chrump’s unwavering penchant for financial misdeeds, a New York judge ordered him to pay $2 million as restitution for using his phony Chrump Foundation “charity” as a slush fund for his political interests.  That is, when he was not using it to buy giant portraits of himself.  This comes well after another judge ordered the foundation be dissolved.  
Given all of this perfect behavior, when do we get to see his perfect taxes?  It looks like we will have to wait for the Supreme Court, now with more fascists, to decide if the American public has a right to see our anti-president’s tax returns as we have been able to do with every president since Richard “Yeah, he was a fucking crook” Nixon.  As if Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito and John Roberts were not enough to make you violently ill, Chrump and Moscow Mitch have pummeled our democracy with the likes of Neal Gorsuch and credibly accused sexual assaulter Brett “I LIKE BEER, DO YOU LIKE BEER? I LIKE BEER” Kavanaugh.  These five (in)justices are apparently what stands between democracy and yet another step down the road to fascism in America.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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