Thursday, November 21, 2019

Basking in Briberygate

We're Gonna Need a Bigger Bus

November 21, 2019
The wicket is getting stickier by the minute.  We are now in week two of Donald Chrump’s Super Slob-Stopping Impeachment Extravaganza.  Things do not appear to be getting better for the Orange Gas Cloud we are forced to call “president.”  Witness after witness has laid out clear, first-hand evidence of bribery and malfeasance – some would say high crimes and misdemeanors – by their boss.  Even the witnesses called by Chrump’s water-carriers could not avoid implicating their dear leader.  Of course, as we have come to know, the loudest and most damning witness continues to be Donald Chrump himself.

Unsurprisingly, the best defense Republican’ts have is to attack the character of career non-partisan patriots in favor of the most disgracefully anti-American, pro-Russian, lying racist currently leading their party.  That, and the hypocritical attacks on the process their party devised, which is now being used against them by Democrats.  And, an almost fanatical devotion to their semi-duly-elected Tweeter-in-chief.
Today’s Republican’ts are the exception to the adage that the fish rots from the head down.  The Republican’t party has been rotting from the bottom up for decades.  How many Democrats are members of the KKK?  How many Democrats have sold their souls to Russian interests like Moscow Mitch McConnell, Rudy Giuliani, Mike Flynn, Paul Manafort, Dana Rohrabacher, Pete Sessions, Devin Nunes and Donald Chrump?  
Devin Nunes you say?  But he seems like such a wonderful man.  Turns out the mentally and ethically challenged Mr. Nunes was working with Giuliani’s now-indicted-and-in-jail buddy Lev Parnas.  Parnas reportedly helped arrange meetings for Nunes while Nunes was investigating the oranges origins of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election meddling.
Jimmy Kimmel’s Lie Witness News
Where’s Gordo?

Yesterday’s testimony from Gordon “I better find a way to save my lying ass after perjuring myself” Sondland has the nation all atwitter.  Oddly, Donald Twitterhands did not rage tweet at Sondland during his incredibly damaging testimony.  Sondland threw just about everyone whose name he could recall under the bus.  The millionaire real estate mogul bought one of the most important ambassadorships in the world by giving $1M to Chrump’s inauguration and then just followed orders that he now admits were improper.  Now that Sondland has had some time to mull over a prison sentence, and has seen no small number of his fellow Chrumpers already behind bars, his memory has greatly improved.  And he has some wonderous tales to tell.   
I. Mangrey’s Madlife Crisis
I only regret that I have but one life with which to both live a theoretically normal life while also trying to keep up with the shit-circus that is the Chrump anti-presidency.  Keeping my middle finger on the pulse of our current impeachment holiday season alone, requires a minimum of 48 hours a day to watch, process and recover from. I, we will likely (not definitely) recover.  Hopefully, the object of all the mishegas – Donald Chrump – will not.  Hopefully, the preponderance of witnesses and evidence of his horrifying wrongdoings will bring him to a fitting end – a figurative Bonnie and Clyde last stand, where he goes down in a hail of justice, or if need be a hail of ballots, instead of him bringing all of us down in a hail of bullshit.
I. Mangrey reporting.

1 comment:

  1. Those interviews? Gold, Jerry.
    This is why the electoral college has to be retired.
