Saturday, November 23, 2019

Thought For The Day

Making Impeachment Great Again
November 23, 2019
Chump, who insisted he was not watching his impeachment proceedings, somehow knows exactly what is happening, as it happens.  Maybe he is psych(ot)ic.  Maybe he is lying, it has happened a time or 13,000 since he has been in office.
Chrump is fortunate to have the recently housebroken Devin Nunes and his pack of feral boors on the committee.  To avoid allowing the impeachment hearings to become inundated with facts and reason, they used most of their time to fling insane, repeatedly debunked by all quarters, conspiracy theories that they hope will, a) keep the mentally deficient (and I do not say this to be mean, only to be accurate) wing of the Republican’t base stupid and hoodwinked and, b) attempt to obscure any meaningful, damning testimony showing that Donald Chrump was bribing Ukrainian president Zelensky for dirt on Joe Biden, or at least to pretend he was investigating same.
Hot on the heels of Gordon Soldland’s John Dean-like appearance before the House Intelligence Committee, Der Furor got into a shouting match with himself (some are saying they could hear him in Ukraine) on the White House lawn.  Chrump bellowed over and over, at unnecessary volume, reading from a wad of unnecessary paper with a giant Sharpie for the hard of reading, “I WANT NOTHING.  I WANT NOTHING.  I WANT NO QUID PRO QUO.”, etc.
Apparently, Chrump is having trouble lying without notes, really big notes

This is what we have with Congress investigating just one single, solitary violation of Chrump’s oath of office and the law of the land.  Can you imagine what it would take to investigate all of Chrump’s transgressions?  It would take the better part of a day just to list and explain them all.  We would still be investigating him during Ivanka’s second term.
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

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