Thursday, November 28, 2019

Happy Illegal Immigrants Day

What a Turkey

November 28, 2019
Psychotic racist, anti-president Donald Chrump held another of his signature Chrump Fux Klan rallies Tuesday in Sunrise, Florida.  He began thusly, “As we gather together for Thanksgiving, you know, some people want to change the name Thanksgiving.  They don't want to use the term Thanksgiving. And that was true also with Christmas. But now everybody's using Christmas again. Remember this?”  Chrump carried on, “But now we're going to have to do a little work on Thanksgiving.  People have different ideas. Why it shouldn't be called Thanksgiving. But everybody in this room, I know, loves the name Thanksgiving. And we're not changing.” 
Unsurprisingly, Chrump’s idiocy was birthed in racism.  This week’s target people of color are the Native Americans who do not see Thanksgiving from the same perspective as their lighter hued occupiers.  It is possible to imagine that someone as violently (not being judgmental, just accurate) opposed to immigrants as Chrump might have at least a modicum of sympathy for those whose lives were destroyed by illegal immigrants.  Not to mention someone whose family (as well as two thirds of his wives) immigrated to this country.  You would be very, very uh-wrong. You are likewise excused if you missed the war on Thanksgiving.  Chrump just started it.  And he will win it.  So much winning.  I’m sick of it.
The orange-dipped, mentally defective and toxically delusional meat bag in the red hat eventually veered even further off anything even vaguely resembling rails.  Unfortunately, it is almost impossible to be shocked at this point.  Nonetheless, there might be some degree of interest, if only for the tragicomic value, in his latest mouth fart.  Chrump told his intellectually incapacitated throng of adoring assholes, “…and then we beat Barack Hussein Obama and whatever dynasty that is.”  Not making this up folks.
Chrump was not finished.  In case his comment about beating the Obama dynasty was not proof enough that Chrump was 51 cards short of a full deck, he wanted to assuage any vestige of hope that there remained a shred of his very, very large (though never overly functional) uh-brain as he bragged about one of the many Obama accomplishments he regularly takes credit for, blurting, “You know we just set another sock rocket… you saw that, right? The stock market!”  Yes, like the schlock varmint said, the shock rocket, I mean the sock puppet, I mean the stock market that Obama rebuilt (without bothering to un-fuck the 99 percenters who elected him) after Bush/Cheney crashed it, continues its upward trend despite Chrump’s best efforts to fuck everything up.  As usual, his quivering hordes cheered wildly even though almost none of them own stocks and the rising market only serves to widen the massive wealth gap in this country.   
Just keep cheering this guy on, you turkeys.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Overeat responsibly.

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