Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Q and A(holes)

And You Thought You Had Problems

March 30, 2021

If you’re reading this, you’re probably too darn close, but that is not what I came here to talk about. If you are reading this, I would wager that there is a less-than-zero chance you are a follower of the all-powerful, all-knowing, albeit perpetually 100% wrong, alleged entity known as Q.

At August 19, 2020 press tantrum, Donald Tumrp replied to a question about QAnon, “I don’t know much about the movement other than I understand they like me very much. Which I appreciate. But I don’t know very much about the movement. I have heard that it is gaining in popularity…” Turmp then proceeded to explain at some length that he did in fact know quite a bit about them, particularly about them being very upset about all the Black Lives Matter protests across the country. He continued, “So, I don’t know really anything about it other than they do supposedly like me.” And after all, in his badly damaged brain, nothing else really matters.

This might be Q itself, or just another intellectual invalid

QAnon followers, who may number in the millions, are not only willing to believe anything other than what most sentient beings would consider to be objective reality, they are also mortal enemies of anti-fascists, as they revel in what they are sold is “The Great Awakening”. The favorite theme at the root of all QAnon psychoses is the conspiracy theory that a cabal of satanic pedophiles and cannibals controls world governments and the media.

One thing they believe is that people like Hillary Clinton, George Soros and Tom Hanks eat babies for their rejuvenative powers. My question, beside the obvious WTF, is how do they know that eating babies has rejuvenative powers unless they themselves have eaten enough babies to know it works?

And You Thought I Had Problems

It turns out that some research has unearthed something so unsurprising, so stunningly obvious one wonders why this bit of information – that almost 70% QAnon addicts are a little funny in the head (as opposed to 19% of the general population) – had not emerged sooner. I suppose most people always assumed that a large majority of those who admit to being part of the QAnon looney-bin, have been formally diagnosed with mental health issues – I know I did. And, we are not talking about just the lack of intellectual curiosity, capacity or character. We are talking about serious, often debilitating psychological conditions such as post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and paranoid schizophrenia. You know, the kind of people you can really count on to run your government. This doesn’t make them bad people, just millions of dangerous mental patients who flew over the cuckoo’s nest.

Nobody Expects The Stupid Insurrection

Clearly, many QAnon adherents are 51 cards short of a full deck. But they are frighteningly effective at making themselves heard. For those of you keeping score at home, their chief weapon is stupidity. Stupidity and brain damage…brain damage and stupidity…and ruthless racism…their three weapons are brain damage, stupidity, and ruthless racism…and an almost fanatical devotion to Donald Turmp…Their four…no…Amongst their weapons…Amongst their weaponry…are such elements as fear, surprise...I'll come in again.

If you squeeze the Q shaman, be sure to
wash your hands and drink plenty of bleach

The only thing that surprised me was how low the number is. Could it really be true that more than 30% of the people who actually believe any or all of the provably insane bullshit coming from Q do NOT have serious, verifiable mental problems?

Stupid Is As Stupid Doozy

Garret Miller, the most recent arrestee from what Turmp described as just a bunch of “hugging and kissing the police and the guards” on January 6th deserves a great big shout out. Having already tweeted “assassinate AOC” while defiling the Capitol, the FBI says Miller also posted a selfie on F*#$book with the comment, “just wanted to incriminate myself a little lol”. Who’s LOLing now?

Federal agents found this very-stable-genius-lover sporting the perfect attire when they showed up at his house to “congratulate” him for his brilliant choice of endeavors on January 6th. The feces icing on this fuckwit’s shit cake, was his shirt with a photograph of Turmp, which said “Take America Back” and “I Was There, Washington D.C., January 6, 2021.” We know you were there asshole. Everyone knows you were there. You posted pictures of yourself at the scene of the crime. That, oddly enough, is how you got caught, genius. If I were you, I’d hurry up and eat a bunch of babies – you’re gonna need your strength in prison.

I. Mangrey regenerating.

Sunday, March 28, 2021

Question Of The Day

Asking For Some Friends

March 28, 2021

Okay, so that was actually four questions. Blame it on Passover.

Questions, Questions, Questions, flooding into the mind of the
concerned young person today (as they have for thousands of years).

However, one answer is more than sufficient for all of these questions: FUCK NO.

This just in: Our alternative sources are saying that Georgia Ratpublicans are floating new legislation to make the votes of Black Americans worth 3/5 of white votes.* Why does this sound so familiar?

This has been your Paying Attention Question Of The Day.

You're welcome.

Do you have any questions today?

*This may not be true in the non-alternative sense…yet.

Friday, March 26, 2021

Fables Of Facism

Fabulous As Faubus*

March 26, 2021

Georgia fascists – not the former Soviet republic (which is objectively less fascist than the American state of the same name) – under the ill-gotten leadership of Gov. Brian Kemp passed an omnibus bill transparently aimed at intimidating and disenfranchising Black Georgians. The bill was rushed through the Ratpublican-majority state senate in less than a day, and immediately signed into law the Ratpublican governor.

After the secret, male-whites-only signing ceremony, Kemp went full Orwell, claiming that the new laws clearly designed to cut the legs out from under Georgia’s Black electorate would make voting much easier. Shortly before these racist laws were signed into law, President Joe Biden commented on Georgia’s new laws, “What I’m worried about is how un-American this initiative is. It’s sick. It’s sick…The Republican voters I know find this despicable.”

Kemp further disgraces himself at hoods-optional signing ceremony to stop Blacks from voting

Ratpublicans across the country are flexing their anti-democratic muscles with new legislation to squash the ability of Black Americans to vote. Georgians have just made it illegal, among other blatantly racist, draconian measures, to provide food or water for people waiting in line (sometimes for up to 10 hours) to vote. And why, you might ask, are so many people waiting so long to vote? Because Georgia has continuously made it harder to vote by shuttering polling locations. And where, you might ask, are most of these polling places closed, and the consequent ridiculously long lines to be found? Mostly in heavily Black districts.

To be fair, Ratpublicans in Georgia just had their fat, white asses handed to them – losing the 2020 presidential election, and then losing their two senate seats to a Black man and a Jewish man. Kemp who “defeated” Stacey Abrams in 2018 by purging tens of thousands of Black voters knows that the only way Georgia can possibly stem the Blue Tsunami overtaking their electorate is to stop as many Black people from voting as possible.

Georgia State Rep. Park Cannon – a Black woman – attempted to witness the shameful display and knocked on the door. She was quickly handcuffed, physically removed from the building by a phalanx of State Patrol Troope “by use of threats or violence” and a charge of disrupting the meeting (By knocking on the door?).

Georgia State Rep. Park Cannon, arrested for attempting democracy while Black

Compare this to the initial response to the brutal terrorist insurrection at the nation’s Capital on January 6th by mentally defective white people at the behest of the president they worshiped. Most of the traitors were permitted to simply leave the scene of the crime and return to their homes – some of them to clear their homes of amassed weapons in case authorities happened to come after them some day. Many of the white attackers were released from custody, one permitted to travel to Mexico while awaiting trial. Lucky for them they were not a Black woman politely knocking on a door.

Charles Mingus - Fables Of Faubus

*Orval Faubus, Democratic Governor of Arkansas from 1955 to 1967, refused to comply with a unanimous Supreme Court decision in the 1954 case Brown v. Board of Education and subsequently ordered the Arkansas National Guard to prevent black students from attending Little Rock Central High School.

In Other News Of Sociopathic Racists…

Disgraced, Twice-Impeached-One-Term-Ex-president Whatsizname, never one to pass up an opportunity to show off his psychotic chops, told Fux News’ Laura Ingraham, “It was zero threat, right from the start; it was zero threat. Some of them went in, and they are hugging and kissing the police and the guards... a lot of the people were waved in, and then they walked in and they walked out…They’re persecuting a lot of those people.”

So much hugging, kissing and winning

I. Mangrey for a change.

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Thought For The Day

Stolen Dreams, Stolen Trees

March 25, 2021

Biden, if you’re listening, I hope you’re able to find the three crab apple trees planted by Jacqueline Kennedy and removed by Melanoma Turmp that are missing. I think you will probably be rewarded mightily by our press.

As you may recall, Turmp’s Stepford wife put her signature, personal  curse touch on, among other horrifying things, the famed Rose Garden at the White House. In the vein of Mrs. Turmp’s dreadful, ghoulish blood-red Christmas Tree gauntlet, her destruction of the Rose Garden took something beautiful and remade it in her colorless, tasteless, other-than-human image. Just as her horrific husband did with the nation he pretended to lead in between golf outings.

Of all the things she choked the life out of, why could not one of them have been the father of her son?

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Monday, March 22, 2021

Thought For The Day

Two Thoughts For The Price Of None

March 22, 2021

Minority Leader/Hater Mitch Fucking McConnell took to the Senate floor in response to threats from Democrats to tweak or trash the filibuster. The Senate rule known as the filibuster was instituted by mistake in the early 1800s thanks to Aaron Burr, and has been frequently used to obstruct progress on civil rights and voting rights for African Americans. In response to the Democratic threat to make the Senate an actual democracy where 50 out of 100 votes wins the argument, McConnell issued a threat of his own: “Nobody serving in this chamber can even begin, can even begin to imagine what a completely scorched earth Senate would look like.”

Is he fucking kidding? Nobody living in this country even has to try, even has to try to imagine what a completely scorched-earth Senate looks like. We all witnessed first-hand exactly what it looks like for the past 12 years while Fucking McConnell ran roughshod over this country – stealing two Supreme Court seats, stopping Barack Obama from filling more than 100 federal court vacancies, in what some scholars have described as a “blockade,” and generally obstructing everything that Democrats tried to achieve during Obama’s presidency. Because he could.

Fucking McConnell spent Turmp’s single term filling the courts with young, stunningly unqualified (a number received the lowest rating from the American Bar Association, who recommended against them serving Big Macs and fries, let alone on the federal bench), nearly 90 percent white, nearly 80 percent male, and about two-thirds white men, inept ideologues who are poised to poison the judicial branch for decades with their white/male privileged ignorance.

I suppose Mitch could do worse if Democrats dared cross him, but maybe he will drop dead before he gets the chance. Not wishing this of course, just acknowledging the prospect.

This miserable excuse for a fuming pile of shit McConnell made clear that if Dems piss him off by using actual democracy, and if he were to regain his grossly undeserved power as “majority” leader (Across the country, Democratic candidates routinely garner more total votes than Ratpublicans, but thanks to gerrymandering end up with fewer seats.) he and his Ratpublican rabble “would move swiftly to defund sanctuary cities and Planned Parenthood, add new protections for the right to life of the unborn, work on concealed carry laws, and a new era of domestic energy production.” A disgusting, power-mad sociopath, but at least he is consistent.

Non-Sequitur Ahead

Basketball player Meyers Leonard recently poked the public eye by using an anti-Semitic slur. He claimed he did not know the word was considered hate speech, wanting us to believe he is not only dumb, but blind and deaf. Leonard was suspended by his Miami team and fined by the league for his philological infraction. He was subsequently traded from Miami to the team in Oklahoma, presumably because anti-Semitism is more acceptable in Oklahoma than it is in Miami.

Update/full disclosure: apparently Leonard will not play for Oklahoma and is just being used as trade fodder. We’ll see where he ends up. We wish him continued tsuris.


This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.

What is your thought for the day?

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Goodbye Dummy!

Wax Turmp Gets And Wacked

March 20, 2021

A wax dummy of America’s 45th president/dummy housed at Louis Tussaud's Waxworks in San Antonio, Texas had to be removed from public view because people kept punching and clawing at it, eventually damaging the likeness of the terribly damaged subject. And really, who could blame them. It was all but impossible and extremely illegal to punch the real thing when it truly mattered, and likely still remains so.

Fake Dummy

The most unfortunate part of having to stow #45 in wax where the Sun don’t shine is that it looked so much more natural than the original and is certainly less of a threat to democracy, mental health and physical survival than the creature it is meant to immortalize. The real dummy is probably quarantined down in Mor-on-Lago, where the dining room is closed and guests beach club services are suspended, after “several” staff tested positive for the Turmp Virus. Poor Donnie, he’ll have to take a break from personally beating the help.

According to our reporters, safely distanced from Turmp’s current super-spreader location, The disgraced twice-impeached, one-term White House usurper “hopes to have the opportunity to at least personally, if not physically abuse his under-paid workers before he ends up in prison.”


Unfortunately, the wrong dummy is now stuffed in a closet, out of public view.

I. Mangrey rejoicing.

Friday, March 19, 2021

Women’s Herstory Month

That’s Why The Lady Is A Champ

March 19, 2021

“The role of women in the past was much more important than we
have dared to imagine…This says a lot about the process of silencing
that women have suffered since.”
Cristina Rihuete, professor of prehistory
                 University of Alabama at Birmingham

March is Women’s History Month. There have been countless women who contributed to the betterment of the human condition, despite perpetual opposition and obstruction from men. From Harriet Tubman to Fannie Lou Hamer. From Billie Holiday to Rosa Parks. From Cleopatra to Angela Merkel. From Anne Frank to Golda Meir. From Emma Goldman to Bella Abzug. From Susan B. Anthony to Gloria Steinem. From Barbara Jordan to Ruth Bader Ginsburg. From Pocahontas to Jane Goodall. From Abigail Adams to Eleanor Roosevelt to Michelle Obama.

We are fortunate to have a wealth of women today who will be seen as all-time great and consequential women when their history is written.

Greta Thunberg, Stacey Abrams, Kamala Harris, 
Nancy Pelosi, Deb Haaland, Rosa DeLauro

Thank you Greta Thunberg for speaking and fighting for Mother Earth and for those who cannot speak. Thank you Stacey Abrams for standing up for American voters’ rights and turning Georgia blue. Thank you Kamala Harris for cracking if not exactly breaking the glass ceiling for women in the White House. Thank you Nancy Pelosi for being one of the most effective Speakers of the House. Thank you and congratulations Deb Haaland becoming Interior Secretary and for continuing to take on the death-by-oil machine and becoming the first Native American cabinet-level caretaker of our lands. Thank you Rep. Rosa DeLauro (D-CT) who fought tirelessly for the Child Tax Credit for almost two decades, and finally saw it realized in Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act. Thank you Stacey Plaskett, Letitia James, Fani Willis, Katie Porter, Elizabeth Warren, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Malala Yousafzai, Oprah Winfrey, Amanda Gorman, and many others.

Not All Idiots Are Men (I Just Couldn’t Leave Well Enough Alone)

There have been and are strong women on the other end of the political spectrum, but most of them are brain damaged. From Phyllis Schlafly to Laura Ingraham. From Ayn Rand to Ann Coulter. From Sarah Huckabee Sanders to Kayleigh McEnany. From Kellyann Conway to Kimberly Guilfoyle. From Susan Collins to Michelle Bachman and back again. From Sarah Palin to Lauren Boebert. From Ivanka Turmp to Marjorie Taylor Green. From Jeanine Pirro to Fucker Carlson – well, he might not actually be a woman, but he sure ain’t a man. These are some messed up mamas, though they all are determined to try their best to propel their demented agendas. I am not meaning to be rude, just honest.

Fucker Carlson often looks like he just took a crap in his own mouth, which 
1) is not as hard as it sounds since his head is well positioned for this, and 
2) explains why so much of what comes out of his mouth is pure, unadulterated shit

Many Idiots ARE Men…And Also Ratpublicans Too

Wednesday, 172 House Ratpublicans voted against renewing the Violence Against Women Act. This disgraceful display occurred just 24 hours after eight women – including six Asian American women – were gunned down in a shooting spree at three different Atlanta massage establishments by a shooter who claims he murdered these women because of his sex addiction. Apparently, this white devil thought that sounded better than saying he murdered a bunch of Asian women because was a flaming racist. He might be right about that. But, as is the case with so many privileged, white racists, they would not know racism if it stared back at them in their mirrors…which it does every single day. Or he is just another coward who won’t admit his truth.

Aretha Franklin and Annie Lennox
Sisters Are Doin' It for Themselves

I. Mangrey – a man among women.

Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Will Wounders Never Cease

Why, I Oughtta…

March 17, 2021

I will say one thing for Mitch Fucking McConnell – he sure is one cagey little shit. The Grim Raper (figuratively speaking) showed neither shred of shame, dollop of decency, nor iota of irony as he said with a straight face after passage of President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act, “We’re on the way out of this. We’re about to have a boom. And if we do have a boom, it will have absolutely nothing to do with this $1.9 trillion.”

Just so I have this straight. McConnell and his Turmpified Ratpublicans fucked this country up and down the block for four years; and without consent for most of us. They yanked $1.9 trillion out of the economy and handed it over to this country’s multi-millionaires and billionaires via Turmp’s 2017 tax “reform”. (At the time, Turmp told his buddies at Mor-on Lago that he just made them a lot of money.) Then Ratpublicans pretended there was no virus pandemic which proceeded to kill off 535,000 Americans (so far) – more than any other country on Earth. Throughout the entire pandemic, even to this day, they have acted like the COVID-19 pandemic version of Holocaust deniers. It does not help one bit that many of them are actual Holocaust deniers. And now they are poised to be pandemic relief deniers.

Let me take this one piece at a time:

“We’re on the way out of this.” In true bipartisan fashion, Democrats worked with Ratpublicans – just before the 2020 election – to provide desperately needed financial support to American families and businesses, even though this could easily have worked to assure Donald Turmp the ability to have an equal number of impeachments and terms in office. Not sure exactly what “this” we are supposedly on the way out of. Many American businesses are still on life support, as are many families. There was absolutely no plan in place to distribute the vaccine since the Commander-in-chief was too busy trying to steal the election, and his merry Ratpublicans were too afraid to do anything that might irk the jerk.

“We’re about to have a boom.” Is McConnell simply bragging that he is still having regular bowel movements? While that is to be applauded at his age, especially considering the volume of feces filling every available space within his skin, that will provide little relief for a struggling and dying nation. If he is referring to the economy, he and his horrible henchmen can hardly claim any credit for that.

“And if we do have a boom, it will have absolutely nothing to do with this $1.9 trillion.” So, are we or are we not about to have a boom? Make up your tiny little mind Mitch. Either way, any improvement in the lives of real people will have much more to do with the $1.9 trillion in Biden’s package, the lion’s share of which will immediately stimulate not only millions of households but the national economy, than it did with your equally large tax cut for the rich, hardly any of which made its way back into the nation’s economy, instead of resting comfortably in the oversized pockets of the obscenely wealthy.

Coming Soon To An Alternative Reality Near You

Once the pandemic is brought under control thanks to Biden’s efforts, we can expect to hear Ratpublicans who insisted the pandemic was a hoax, claiming that the pandemic they previously said did not exist is nowhere near over, and that it is over thanks to Donald Turmp.

I. Mangrey seething.

Monday, March 15, 2021

Beware The Idiots Of March

There Is No Vaccine For Racism

March 15, 2021

Sen. Ron Johnson, the moron from Wisconsin, recently told some asshole on the radio, “I'm also criticized because I made the comment on January 6th I never felt threatened. Because I didn't. mainly because I knew that even though those thousands of people that were marched into the Capitol were trying to pressure people like me to vote the way they wanted me to vote, I knew they love this country, truly respect law enforcement, would never do anything to break a law, so I wasn't concerned. Had the tables been turned, Joe, this gets me in trouble, had President Trump won the election and tens of thousands of Black Lives Matter and Antifa protesters, I might have been a little concerned.” Mighty white of you Ron.

The Silly Putty filling Johnson’s head is beginning to affect his idiotic thinking 

First of all, yes. Johnson fucking said that out loud. Second, he clearly cannot see his white privilege or his deep-seated blatant racism. Third, this is the same idiotic Ron Johnson who used his questioning time during the Capitol security hearing to parrot a broadly debunked conspiracy theory that the January 6 insurrectionists weren't actually Trump supporters, but were “agents provocateurs” and “fake Trump protesters.”

There Is No Vaccine For Stupid

Four-out-of-five living past presidents – Barack Obama, George W. Bush, Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter – publicly recommended that everyone get a vaccine. The fifth-out-of-five, and psychotically stupid one got a vaccine before everyone else, but did not tell anyone presumably because he spent an entire year (so far) that the virus pandemic was a hoax meant to stop him from being reelected. As always, Turmp was talking about himself when he called the virus pandemic a hoax meant to stop him from being reelected.

I. Mangrey. Friends, Romans and countrymen lend these idiots a piece of your mind.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Who’s On Worst?

Creepy, Crawly Cretins

March 13, 2021

I cannot believe I’m saying this, but there is a way in which life was easier when Donald Turmp was assaulting our sense and our senses 24/7. Please don’t hate me, but stay with me for a moment. At least when Turmp was unavoidable, it was easy to focus on the problem. Now that the Lord of the Flies is mired in his sand trap, all of the filthy little maggots he had nurtured for five years are crawling all over everything trying to pick apart the body politic. It’s not like they weren’t before, but the tar-and-crow-feather-black shadow cast by the Orange Horror was obscuring much of their anti-altruistic activity. Now that Turmp has been cancelled by the culture, not only are these parasitic putzes all more easily visible, and increasingly psychotic, vitriolic and despotic, each and every one of these diseased weasels (sorry to mix vermin metaphors, but it sounded too good in my head to resist) is now vying to be the one standing atop the bloated corpse of their dear, departing lord-and-savior and the GQP.

You know what

Whether it is Lindsey Graham mewling about children crossing the border from Mexico: “They're children today but they could easily be terrorists tomorrow,” or Mike “Son-of-Ted-Cruz” Lee freaking out about H.R. 1 – the For The People Act of 2021 – a bill designed to enhance the ability of ALL Americans to vote: “Everything about this bill is rotten to the core. This is a bill as if written in hell by the devil himself,” or all the Red states fashioning laws – like the one making it illegal to provide food or water to people forced to wait in line for five hours to vote (thanks to previous voter suppression laws that created these disgracefully long lines), or Lauren Boebert pretending that the reason we have razor-wire fence surrounding the Capitol is Democrats and not her and the tragic traitors she aided and abetted in terrorizing Congress and vandalizing the Capitol, or Marjorie Taylor Goofball’s pathetic war on the LGBTQ community, or every single fucking Ratpublican pitching a fit over Democrats wanting to spend the exact same $1.9T to beat back the pandemic and help economically desperate American families to recover that Ratpublicans recently spent on completely gratuitous tax cuts to the already wealthiest Americans, or trying to make a planet out of the Muppet/Dr. Seuss/Potato Head molehill. 

And do not even get me started on the fact that not one of these Turmp-addled Ratpublican assholes in the House or Senate voted for the most sweeping thank-you to American families who are struggling and dying as a result of the pandemic Ratpublicans helped fester for an entire fucking year. As you are well aware, I could go on, and on, and on, but I’ll leave it here before someone undeserving gets hurt.

I’m just saying that it was easier to focus on a big fat orange slug than on a massive mélange of maggots.

I. Mangrey restraining.                                                                                                


Thursday, March 11, 2021

Surviving PTSD (Post Turmp Stress Disorder)

Life Goes Off

March 11, 2021

Not surprising, but still no less deplorable, all 50 Ratpublican senators voted ‘Fuck-America’ on the American Rescue Plan Act – a piece of legislation actually designed to make America great again.

Turmp’s own eunuch Lindsey Graham breaks down in 
tears on learning that poor people will get money

According to non-existent sources claiming to be familiar with the emasculated senator from the Secession State (I think that’s on their license plates), Graham was overheard saying, “I don’t know how Democrats can just give money away to poor, and especially Black people. What did they ever do to deserve help? What have they ever done for this country? Why can’t these people just help themselves? Where are we going to get the money needed to give the wealthiest Americans another tax cut? Does anyone think it’s a coincidence that this bill will cost $1.9T, the exact same amount of our last tax cut to benefit the top 1% richest Americans during the last administration?”

According to an unverified report, Barack Obama told Joe Biden, “This is a big fucking deal.” Though not on a hot mic, like some people we know.

Dangerous, Delusional Dipshits

In the beginning of the pandemic, not only did we have no leadership from the top, the top dog sabotaged everything. He did not just ignore the problem, he mad sure that anyone who dared address the problem was ridiculed as he fought against fighting the virus. Go fucking figure.

Now that we have just a glimmer of hope with the emergence of vaccines, we are losing leader at the state level. One by one, governors are saying they have had enough of pretending to do the right things – staying away from crowds, social distancing when around others, and of course that most horrifying, tyrannical, freedom-crushing demand of all time – wearing a fucking mask.

So now it is increasingly up to individuals to do what is necessary to overcome both the virus pandemic and massive ignorance of people in positions of power, alleged leaders who are clearly too stupid to dress themselves…with s simple fucking mask. But leaders/elected officials are people. No better, though in many cases, very possibly worse, than you and me.

Speaking of people, a crowd of Idahoan idiots gathered round a burn barrel and burned up a bunch of masks. I have to admit to being impressed that they took the masks off first. Impressed, but not pleased.

Not to be rude, but why can’t these people just get sick and suffer

These mentally defective dimwits were inspired by Idaho Ratpublican State Representative Karey Hanks who said she has “done some research” which showed that masks can cause injuries to “even our souls.” You know what they say, too many kooks spoil the lives of millions of innocent people. Or was that broth?

In 1963 a Buddhist monk Thích Quang Duc immolated himself to protest the policies of the corrupt South Vietnamese government. You know, the one our country later decided to back in a horribly unjust war that tore this country apart. At that time majority of the Vietnamese population were Buddhist. They faced horrible discrimination, a kind of systemic racism you might say, at the hands of President Ngô Đình Diệm, a member of the minority Roman Catholic population. I think these Idahoan mask burners should go one better and emulate Duc. That will teach those damned scientists and reality-based losers.

C’mon Idaho, stop being such wimpy losers and put your fire
where your mouth is - where your mask should be

I. Mangrey reporting.


Monday, March 8, 2021

Make Reality Great Again

So Much Stupid, So Little Time

March 8, 2021

What passed for reality between June 16, 2015 and January 20, 2021 was unlike anything we have seen in this country in our lifetime. The last administration may have provided ludicrous, redundant tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, who just happen to be almost exclusively white males, but it taxed the fuck out of most of us. Economically, emotionally, and physically. I think I am suffering from Post Turmp Stress Disorder: There are still times when I start twitching for a moment when I hear the words “The president said…”

As usual, the latest prediction/delusion from the all-powerful Q failed to materialize spectacularly. For some reason the Earth did not swallow up Joe Biden and Donald Turmp was not inaugurated on March 4th. Next up for Q-anon – mixing up some cocktails for the return of the Hale-Bopp Comet.

Kill The Bill

When last we met, multi-millionaire senator Ron “Undaunted Dumbass” Johnson (R-WTF) was poised to exercise his right as both senator and fucking asshole to have senate clerks read aloud the 628-page COVID-19 relief package – the American Rescue Plan Act – on a mostly empty senate floor. Johnson, having invoked this idiotic stunt, was required to personally sit through the entire proceeding. This stunning and futile gesture wasted the nation’s time from around 3:20 p.m. Thursday to just past 2:00 a.m. on Friday.

Ron Johnson cuts off his own nuts as the bill prevailed

Johnson, the most delusional senator currently serving, if not of all time, who repeatedly reads conspiracy theories, and Russian propaganda into the record, insisted on this fruitless exercise because he wanted the American people to see just how horrible this rescue package was. Needless to say, just shy of no one witnessed this latest Ratpublican assault on poor and middle class Americans, democracy and common sense. It would not be surprising to learn that Johnson was ignorant of (among countless other things) the fact that 79% of the American public, including 60% of Republicans, view Biden’s proposal favorably. Probably because they desperately need the help this bill provides in order to survive. Did you hear that Joe Manchin?

Manchin caused debate on the literally life-saving legislation (which stands to cut child poverty in half) to come to a grinding halt for nine hours on Friday while he decided whether or not to screw his fellow Democrats and the American public who elected Biden and Democrats generally because of the promise of passing legislation like the American Rescue Plan Act and side with Mitch Fucking McConnell and the racist, classist, fascist Ratpublicans, who have proven more and more with each passing day, that they absolutely despise people of color, people of low economic standing, and democracy.

Funny thing, once the reading ended and Johnson left the floor, Democrats jumped in and changed the time allotted for debate on the bill from 20 hours to three. And there were no Ratpublicans there to object, so the change will stand. So, in the end Johnson instead of delaying the inevitable passage of the bill by eleven hours, managed to speed the process up by six hours.

In the end, Manchin’s indecent indecision managed to get Ratpublicans their six hours (plus three more) of time wasting before finally siding with his own party, so I guess he can at least feel proud about that. And as everyone in Washington, DC knew all along, the bill made it through the Senate. Not one single Ratpublican, neither in the Senate or the House voted with 76% of Americans to pass Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act. Fuck ‘em all.

Millionaires Murder Minimum Wage

In addition to Manchin, six other Democrats (plus Independent Angus King) voted against raising the federal minimum wage to the recommended and still paltry $15/hour (which would be raised incrementally, making all of this even more pathetic). Considering how many hours a week these people actually do the people’s work, it would be great to see how well they would survive on $7.25/hour – the federal minimum wage since 2009, which is worth about $8.84 today. Unfortunately, this increase is smaller than the inflation rate during that time, so that $7.25 is actually worth around $6.00. Two-thirds of Americans, none of whom are millionaires, favor the raise. See the net worth of the eight Dem senators who voted against raising the minimum wage:

Sinema, not yet a millionaire, but senators “earn” $174,000/yr

One More Stupid Fucking Thing

Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-Nazi Germany), at the tender age of 25 is already a true Ratpublican. He appears to have been a serial sexual assaulter, has lied about practically every aspect of his life story, and loves him some Nazis. Cawthorn went on a pilgrimage to Adolph Hitler’s (yes, that Adolph Hitler) mountain retreat – the Eagle’s Nest in 2017. He posted several gleeful and triumphant selfies on Instagram, referring to Hitler as the Fuhrer (including the umlaut which takes more effort than I am willing exert): “The vacation house of the Fuhrer. Seeing the Eagles Nest has been on my bucket list for awhile (sic). It did not disappoint.” I don’t even have a bucket list, but if I did, guess what would not be on it. Cawthorn later insisted, “I’m not a Nazi. I’m not a white supremacist.” Nuff said. He did not mention if some of his best friends were Nazis.

What a lucky motherfucking sonofabitch, living out his Nazi dream

The new Ratpublican wunderkind promised that his first act after being sworn in would “be to object to the Electoral College certification of the 2020 election.” A few weeks before the Capitol insurrection, Cawthorn told an audience, “Get on the phone, call your congressman, and feel free – you can lightly threaten them.” I must have missed that part of the First Amendment. Madison Cawthorn, another great self-proclaimed Nazi patriot. Someone should look into the voting irregularities that got him elected.

I. Mangrey reporting. Happy International Women's Day

Friday, March 5, 2021

Democrats Behaving Badly

Bad (Blue) Dog! Bad (Blue) Dog!

March 5, 2021

Andrew Cuomo is making Al Franken look like Mike Pence (sorry Al, but you know what I mean). Franken was pilloried for less offensive behavior than what Cuomo is being accused of, and Franken's "offenses" took place long before he was in office. Also, dozens and dozens of female co-workers vouched for Franken; I have yet to hear anyone stand up for Cuomo. To make matters worse, the junior senator from Cuomo's home state, Kirsten Gilibrand, who was instrumental in causing Franken's political demise has yet to offer up a peep against Cuomo. This makes me more pleased than ever that Gilibrand was blamed and shamed for her role in giving Franken the bum's rush without any investigation, let alone any kind of hearing.

Cuomo: “I never touched anyone inappropriately.”
She is not looking longingly into his eyes.

If there was ever a time when Democrats should act more like Ratpublicans and let one of their own get away with something, it would have been with Al Franken, but not Andrew Cuomo. This is true, even without getting into Cuomo’s fudging the numbers of nursing home deaths to make it look like he was doing a heck of a job with the coronavirus in New York State. He was not, even though he was on TV every day saying he was.

Shitty Joe Manchin

West Virginia’s “Democratic” Senator Joe Manchin is suddenly feeling a need to be…well, act principled. Manchin voted to confirm 20 nominees of the previous administration, who had histories of behavior much more egregious than Neera Tanden, whose nomination to Biden’s cabinet Manchin has single-handedly canceled. He said he didn’t like the combative tone of some of Tanden’s tweets. Really? Did Tanden talk about grabbing anyone by the balls? Has Manchin been unconscious for the past five years? Don’t bother answering that.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez pointed out that Manchin had no problem voting to confirm fellow white male Jeff Sessions as Turmp’s attorney general despite his history of, shall we say, racial insensitivity. Surely it is a coincidence that Manchin, senator from the third whitest state in the Union – at 93% – has been fine with snarky, sexist, racist white guys, but gets his knickers in a twist over an Asian American woman who dared say things out loud that many people are thinking. Did I mention Tanden went after people on both sides of the aisle? Nonetheless, her nomination was ultimately withdrawn. Manchin will continue to serve as senator, and jeopardize all manner of progressive legislation for years to come.

Manchin is also currently working to kill the possibility of passing $15 federal minimum wage, though he had no objection to handing over huge and wholly unnecessary and undeserving sums of money to America’s richest assholes, the vast majority of whom are white males, in the form of tax cuts. The senator is also fighting against allowing too many people to get more rescue funds and increased unemployment benefits during this current pandemic crisis. This is bound to effect many of his constituents in West Virginia where the minimum wage is $8.75. Not that there’s anything right with that.

It’s my money, I’m saving it for rich, white guys, and you can’t have any.

Manchin has also expressed unyielding refusal to end the racist, Jim Crow-sustaining filibuster. Naturally, besides being affected disproportionately health-wise, black business owners are suffering dire consequences of the pandemic/recession. As you might expect, there are disparities between American white owned businesses people and those owned by all minority groups. The largest disparities are typically with Black entrepreneurs and could put a generation of Black entrepreneurs out of business. I am not saying the Joe Manchin is a racist. Nor am I saying he is not.

Of The Rich/White People, By The Rich/White People, For The Rich/White People

Never to be outdone when it comes to behaving badly, Ratpublicans are planning to do everything possible to gum up the works in passing Joe Biden’s COVID-19 rescue package. Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WTF) is invoking a rarely-used ploy, insisting that the entire 628-page bill be read aloud to the Senate (likely because he is unable to read it himself) before the 20-hour make-believe debate on the Senate floor, before the actual vote can take place. Apparently, it’s not enough that these rich, white motherfuckers do not want regular folks to receive a pittance of the money they pay in taxes, most of which goes either to building useless military equipment or gets hijacked to support rich white motherfuckers, in order to meet the bare minimum of survival.

Ron Johnson, wasting valuable oxygen

For the record, Ron “Bet He’s Dumber Than He Looks And Sounds” Johnson is worth more than $10,000,000 and Joe Manchin-of-the-people is worth upwards of $7,000,000. More than everyone I know put together. Probably more than the collective wealth of half the people in West Virginia – the state Manchin claims to represent. But, God forbid single moms should be paid a living wage. (Fun fact: $15/hour was a good idea 20 years ago; now, not so much.) Manchin is not the richest senator, probably not by a longshot, but he is rich enough to STFU when it comes to rescuing desperate, struggling American families with a little bit of cash that will, by the way, help to stimulate the national economy. Oh, and will keep millions of children from starving to death. To be fair, it was after all rich, white, male assholes who founded this nation, mostly for their own benefit. So I guess things are working pretty much as the framers intended.

I. Mangrey reporting.