Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Will Wounders Never Cease

Why, I Oughtta…

March 17, 2021

I will say one thing for Mitch Fucking McConnell – he sure is one cagey little shit. The Grim Raper (figuratively speaking) showed neither shred of shame, dollop of decency, nor iota of irony as he said with a straight face after passage of President Joe Biden’s American Rescue Plan Act, “We’re on the way out of this. We’re about to have a boom. And if we do have a boom, it will have absolutely nothing to do with this $1.9 trillion.”

Just so I have this straight. McConnell and his Turmpified Ratpublicans fucked this country up and down the block for four years; and without consent for most of us. They yanked $1.9 trillion out of the economy and handed it over to this country’s multi-millionaires and billionaires via Turmp’s 2017 tax “reform”. (At the time, Turmp told his buddies at Mor-on Lago that he just made them a lot of money.) Then Ratpublicans pretended there was no virus pandemic which proceeded to kill off 535,000 Americans (so far) – more than any other country on Earth. Throughout the entire pandemic, even to this day, they have acted like the COVID-19 pandemic version of Holocaust deniers. It does not help one bit that many of them are actual Holocaust deniers. And now they are poised to be pandemic relief deniers.

Let me take this one piece at a time:

“We’re on the way out of this.” In true bipartisan fashion, Democrats worked with Ratpublicans – just before the 2020 election – to provide desperately needed financial support to American families and businesses, even though this could easily have worked to assure Donald Turmp the ability to have an equal number of impeachments and terms in office. Not sure exactly what “this” we are supposedly on the way out of. Many American businesses are still on life support, as are many families. There was absolutely no plan in place to distribute the vaccine since the Commander-in-chief was too busy trying to steal the election, and his merry Ratpublicans were too afraid to do anything that might irk the jerk.

“We’re about to have a boom.” Is McConnell simply bragging that he is still having regular bowel movements? While that is to be applauded at his age, especially considering the volume of feces filling every available space within his skin, that will provide little relief for a struggling and dying nation. If he is referring to the economy, he and his horrible henchmen can hardly claim any credit for that.

“And if we do have a boom, it will have absolutely nothing to do with this $1.9 trillion.” So, are we or are we not about to have a boom? Make up your tiny little mind Mitch. Either way, any improvement in the lives of real people will have much more to do with the $1.9 trillion in Biden’s package, the lion’s share of which will immediately stimulate not only millions of households but the national economy, than it did with your equally large tax cut for the rich, hardly any of which made its way back into the nation’s economy, instead of resting comfortably in the oversized pockets of the obscenely wealthy.

Coming Soon To An Alternative Reality Near You

Once the pandemic is brought under control thanks to Biden’s efforts, we can expect to hear Ratpublicans who insisted the pandemic was a hoax, claiming that the pandemic they previously said did not exist is nowhere near over, and that it is over thanks to Donald Turmp.

I. Mangrey seething.

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