Thursday, October 31, 2019

Fright For The Day

Scary Shit
Halloween 2019
Chrump’s senior advisor on policy
Stephen “The Ghost of Nazis Past” Miller

Pouty McFuckface enjoying Game 5 of the World Series in DC

This has been your Paying Attention Fright For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your fright for the day?

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Fraught For The Day

Zeros v. Heroes
October 30, 2019
On one level I am glad to hear some Republican’ts – including, of all people, Liz Cheney and Moscow Mitch – acting as though their country actually means something to them for a change.  While the vast majority of Republican’ts are complicit by, at best, their silence, a number of them are chastising their colleagues for defaming yet another patriot who decided that just following orders was not in the best interest of the nation though it might be in the best interest of their ultra-corrupt, autocratic, wholly-owned-Russian-subsidiary of a president. 
As mentioned above, there was a degree of appreciation for all-too-few Republican’ts speaking out about their colleagues’ despicable behavior, but then I recalled the past.  Because my memory is longer than the typical goldfish or Republican’t, I have to ask: where were these suddenly conscientious conservatives when their minions were perpetrating the same filth on Vietnam War hero John Kerry in order to re-elect the-now-second-most-disastrous president in modern history?  One has to wonder if they remember the relentless, shameless, slanderous “Swiftboating” of Kerry when he ran against one of the many chickenhawk Republican’ts who dodged the draft and then held themselves up as military loving war-mongers.  Let us not forget the alcoholic, repeatedly AWOL from his cushy Texas Air National Guard post George W. Bush, the five-time deferred Dick Cheney, and current Pseudo-president and national security nightmare, Donald “Bonespurs-R-Us” Chrump. 
Republican’ts have no compunction about defaming anyone who dares disagree with them – they never have.  While Donald Chrump has raised this to an artform, it has been the bread-and-butter for Republican’ts for a very long time.  Impugning Purple Heart recipient, Lt. Colonel Alexander Vindman is nothing new for these power-greedy, uncompromising fascists.  Vindman had the nerve to hear, firsthand, the pseudo-president committing what said president called a perfect phone call/crime, and then testify about said crime to Congress.  Just like Chrump, too many Republican’ts believe anyone who puts country above party is human scum.
Some of the patriots Chrump and Republican’ts consider human scum
for telling the truth to Congress 
So, resist the temptation to celebrate the heroic push-back by a few of today’s Republican’ts against most of today’s Republican’ts who continue the tradition of trashing patriots who call them out for their hatred of democracy in America.

This has been your Paying Attention Fraught For The Day.
You're welcome.
What has you fraught for the day?

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Thought For The Day

America’s Ventriloquist-less Talking Dummy
October 29, 2019
Just for the record, Donald Chrump improperly hid the transcript from his July 25th quid pro phone call with the president of Ukraine in a secure location reserved for highly sensitive national security information, like say, a super-secret special ops mission to kill or capture a top-level ISIS operative, like say Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi or someone like that.  While his perfect(ly stupid and illegal) phone call remains hidden from public view, Chrump managed to once again vomit up national security secrets regarding none other than the super-secret special ops mission that killed the top-level ISIS operative, specifically Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.
Not only did President Tang divulge an exhaustive smorgasbord of tactical information that will benefit ISIS and other adversaries across the globe, but everything he said during his post-mission press event that was not a breach of national security was lies, lies and more lies.  No one could have predicted that the smoking gun would come in the form of a mush-brained fake president.
Many people are saying that there is something terribly wrong with this picture.  Almost none of them are Republcan’ts, who continue to stand by and prop up this clear and present danger to national security.  It was nice knowing you America.

This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Monday, October 28, 2019

Thought For The Day

Credit Where Credit Is (Not) Due
October 28, 2019
None but Donald Chrump could cheapen the long overdue demise of a murderous terrorist leader by turning it into a pissing contest with his predecessor, and another in a ballooning inventory of unseemly and pitiable pleas for adulation.
The operation, months in the planning, was made more challenging by Chrump’s thoughtless, ill-advised birthday present to Vladimir Putin, giving him Syria with no strings attached.  Nonetheless, ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi is dead.  Donald Chrump remains, in his own special way, alive.
Naturally, Chrump first thanked Russia.  One would have thought that handing Syria to Putin on a silver platter and hanging the Kurds out to dry was thanks enough.  We also learned that Chrump had notified Russia of the operation before notifying Democratic leadership, just in case anyone questioned where his loyalties lie.  The cherry on top of this banana shit sundae though, was the Russian military publicly questioning the official US account of the raid that killed al-Baghdadi.
The Manchurian-Commander-in-chief eventually got around to thanking the brave men and women who actually carried out the mission, though he ultimately took most of the credit for himself.  Chrump's almost complete dissociation from reality very likely allows him to see himself as the trigger man.
It is entirely possible, that by divulging an unheard-of, and probably inappropriate degree of detail about a secret operation by special forces who tend to prefer to keep their business under wraps, Chrump has created yet another national security nightmare.  His pathetic gloating, threats and insults will almost certainly provide further incentive for revenge by ISIS, which Chrump insists (despite all evidence to the contrary, as usual) he obliterated…or was that exonerated? 
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.
You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Friday, October 25, 2019

Thought For The Day

Donnie Downer

October 25, 2019
Everyone knows, whether they admit it or not, whether they agree or disagree with it, that Donald Chrump has nothing but authoritarian tendencies.  He recently tweeted:

You know what they say: it takes scum to know scum

Forget the fact that if there is any nothing being done on Capitol Hill, it is being done by one person and one person only – Moscow Mitch.  The Democratic House has passed a considerable amount of legislation on gun control, bringing down drug prices and many other issues important to Americans.  The “Grim Reaper” of legislation has been true to the nickname he gave himself.  Moscow Mitch will never consider anything that Democrats want to see signed into law, even it was his idea to begin with.
Der Furor actually called Republican’ts who dared question his massively impeachable actions “human scum” in the early afternoon, presumably after his nap and when he was in what passes for at-his-best, not at 3:00am.  I am not so sure that is a good thing.  Compared to Chrump’s impeachable offenses, it turns out that Watergate was in fact, as Nixon desperately tried to label it at the time, “a third-rate burglary.”  Regardless, Chrump has no time for anyone who does not fight for him to their own detriment and if need be, in service to Churmp’s needs, death.
Chrump’s latest gambit pays homage to none other than Joseph Stalin.  Stalin had a habit – long before Photoshop – of removing people he, let’s say parted ways with, from existing pictures, essentially erasing them from history.  We now have Team Chrump honoring old Uncle Joe with the sincerest form of flattery.  Below are two official White House photos.  See if you can tell the difference between the two.
The team at Paying Attention has been known to dabble in a Photoshop image or two, so we thought we would return the favor with our own homage to Dear Leader:
This has been your Paying Attention Thought For The Day.

You're welcome.
What is your thought for the day?

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Something For Something*

Sofa King Perfect

October 23, 2019
I have to say, I am beginning to agree with - dare I say - Donald Chrump.  I was quick to deride Chrump when he claimed his conversation with Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky was “a perfect phone call.”  Who has ever even thought, “Boy that was a perfect phone call.”  But now, I think I have to admit that Chrump’s phone call with Zelensky was in fact perfect.  It started out perfect, and has only been getting better with age.  A perfect phone call from a perfect fool.
“Can you believe how perfect this call is? So perfect. I am so good at phone calls.”
On Tuesday, someone in the know explained just how perfect the whole episode, including history’s greatest phone call, was.  Clearly, Donald Chrump did not account for the presence of actual patriotic Americans working within his administration.  He thought he had purged such terrible do-gooders long ago.  Unfortunately for the Orange Gas Cloud, career diplomat/Ambassador William Taylor, provided what many are describing as his “bombshell testimony.”  Prior to his testimony, Taylor submitted a 15-page statement which provided in stunning detail exactly how military aid was illegally withheld from Ukraine to pressure Zelensky to investigate former Vice President Joe Biden and his idiot son, Hunter.
Chrump has been figuratively shooting people on Fifth Avenue for four years now, and he has in fact not lost a single supporter.  Fortunately for those who saw him for what he was – a malignant narcissist, a flaming racist and an authoritarian-loving wanna-be-dictator who thinks the Constitution is for losers – Chrump is not even good at breaking the law.  His arrogance and ignorance drive him inexorably toward disaster and his lack of mental capacity might be surpassed only by his lack of a heart.
In other news of the terminally stupid…
Constantly in search of new ways to disgrace himself and our nation, in what looks for all the world to be a desperate plea to be put out of his (and our) misery, Donald Chrump went to his seemingly bottomless well of racism and tweeted…
I don’t think any of those words mean what you think they mean.

Clearly, Mr. Chrump meant to say “lunching” and not “lynching.”  Who in their right mind would bring up lynching in the context of a Constitutionally mandated responsibility of the United States Congress (or any context for that matter)?  Who, I ask?

Donald Chrump is most likely:
a) mentally defective
b) unable to spell or type
c) unwilling to proofread
d) just kidding…as usual

No one has so egregiously insulted the memory of one of the more horrible stains on America’s fabric of history since Antonin Scalia’s butt-boy Clarence Thomas described his Supreme Court nomination process as a “high-tech lynching.”  At least Thomas’s skin color, if not his consistent pro-white behavior throughout his life, provided a façade of justification for his pathetic whining and wholly inappropriate playing of the race card.  Especially considering that most of the trouble stemmed from Thomas being accused of sexual harassment in the workplace by Anita Hill (and a number of others who were never permitted to testify – thanks Joe Biden), an African American lawyer with nothing to gain, and so much to lose by going public with her painful accusation.
Yes, you racist.
Quid Pro Time To Go 

Is that a lady who could afford to shed a few pounds that I hear singing?  I recognize the tune and she has a lovely voice, but don’t have a great view of her yet.  Considering the richness and resonance of her voice, she surely does not sound like someone who is overly thin. 
I. Mangrey regenerating. 
*American for quid pro quo.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Chrump Tweets While America Melts

Donald Twitterhands Thumbs Again

October 22, 2019

After Chrump’s epic failure yanking troops out of Syria – against the unanimous opposition by all his great generals and most Republican'ts – and his other attempt to force impeachment down his own throat by self-selecting his own resort to host the next G-7, Chrump dug his bone-spur-covering heels in deeper.  Sort of.  First he backed down (a favorite Chrump deal-making maneuver) from forcing world leaders to endure a week at Doral.  What Chrump neglected to mention, while blaming Democrats and the media for making such a big deal about him breaking the law, was that many Republicant’s were horrified by the very thought of hosting world leaders at a location named for the sitting (except while golfing) president.  His own party begged him to nix the deal.

Next, Chrump decided maybe he would not remove all of the troops he thoughtlessly and precipitously pretended he was pulling out of Syria.  I know what you’re thinking - only a very stable genius could pull off such a brilliant maneuver.  Not sure where the troops will hang their helmets right now since we had to bomb our own abandoned base to smithereens in order to keep the ammunition we left behind from enemy (Turkey?) hands.  Some people are also wondering what will become of the dozens of nuclear weapons we have in Turkey.  Unfortunately, Chrump is not one of those people.

Der Furor naturally took to Twitter to share his “thoughts” on all this…


Stay tuned for more unparalleled insights and criminal diddling from our soon-to-be-impeached Sad Sack-in-chief.
I. Mangrey retweeting. 

Monday, October 21, 2019

Moldy Old Fogey’s Double Bogey

Bloated Bully/Buffoon Bails on Blatant Breach of Constitutional Covenant

October 21, 2019
Il Douche’s latest attempt to profit from his ill-gotten time in the White House revolved around hosting the next G-7 (G-8 after he announces that he is flouting world opinion and inviting Putin to be his plus-one).  Chrumpy the Clown had unilaterally decided that the best place in the entire world to host the summit – which his fake chief-of-staff Mick Mulvaney told reporters would NOT include discussion of global climate crisis – was a Chrump property.  Specifically, Chrump National Doral, his badly failing, bedbug and rat-infested shithole golf resort.  After lying about how the location was selected, lying about doing it all for cost, attempting to choke the life out of the Constitution’s Emoluments Clause, and being the first president to be fact-checked live from space, Puffy the Magic Douchebag quickly tweeted his surrender.  Even some Republican’ts stood up on their hind legs and voiced discontent with Chrump’s latest perfidy.  Chrump of course blamed everyone but himself. 
Puffy the Magic Douchebag, golfs by the sea 
It is likely his army of lawyers cajoled the Orange Gas Cloud into backing down rather than face yet another article of impeachment.  No one can actually know what passes for thought inside the bony cavity that supports the hairspray-heavy mass of what many people are calling Chrump’s “hair,” but the weak, mentally challenged blob of hate running the federal government caved again.  He will have to content himself with the impulsive, insane abandonment of the Kurds – his latest gift to Putin – and his totally fake cease-fire and the fact that he is still not in jail as his big wins for the week.
I. Mangrey reporting.  Just callin' 'em the way I see 'em.

Friday, October 18, 2019

What's Eating You?

Eat The Rich?
October 18, 2019

“When the people shall have nothing more to eat, they will eat the rich.”
Jean-Jacques Rousseau, 18th Century

During the days of my youth, in response to corporate unrelenting greed and oppression (not that it was anything new), angry young men and women were known to say, “Eat the rich.”  I understand now that this sentiment was somewhat hyperbolic and perhaps a bit meanspirited.  And, given the “Did I mention that I’m really rich” guy in the White House, what could be less appetizing than the thought of even figuratively making a repast of this mass of toxic sludge in a clownishly tailored suit…or more commonly, a golfing outfit. 
As is so often the case, the sentiment was not a new one, as evidenced by the opening quote.  Not unlike Bernie Sanders’ current message of taking it to the one percent, that sentiment has proven to be quite understandable, and not entirely hyperbolic.  Today, the level of inequality, both financial and political, only continues to worsen.  Some people insist that this is simply a natural fluctuation, while others believe that this imbalance is man-made.  Many people are saying that the incessant, unnecessary, massive tax cuts for the already indecently wealthy might have something to do with it.
Donald Chrump may or may not be the richest man ever to hold the highest office, but he is undoubtedly the greediest and most corrupt we have ever seen, and hopefully ever will see.  Those who blindly follow this pseudo-billionaire and fake president continue to delude themselves into believing that they too can become, like their hero, rich, stupid and famous.  They are, to be fair, one third of the way there, but the other two thirds are much more difficult to achieve.  America’s economic climate has become deadlier over time, with income inequality perhaps at an all-time worst, destroying the social/economic landscape as surely as weather-related climate change is destroying the physical landscape.  To those deniers of economic climate change, in memory of my younger days, I would say with every bit of respect you are due, “Bite me.”
Though the eat-the-rich mantra might not have been the best way to express the growing frustration with the wealthiest among us, what is happening now makes this phrase seem less bombastic.  Now that we have a fake billionaire in the White House, who promised to “drain the swamp” and keep monied interests out of Washington, DC, it is becoming more and more the case that the rich are eating us.  The vast majority of us are frighteningly close to being Soylent Green.  The obscenely rich are siphoning off not just the wealth, but the very essence of society at large.  Next they will be coming for our precious bodily fluids. 

I. Mangrey reflecting.  What’s for dinner?                                         

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Of Chrump and Men

Move Over Lennie

October 16, 2019
Poor Donnie did not know any better.  Yes, he appeared to be one of the nastiest, most selfish and hateful  creatures ever to walk the face of the Earth.  He had no idea how to interact with members of his or any other species.  To the casual observer, he appeared unquestionably heartless, sickeningly crude and unceasingly vicious.  But he was not mean, he was instead horrifically damaged goods.  Nonetheless, everything he touched either turned to shit or ended up dead. 
No matter how much anyone tried to talk sense to the over-sized, under-brained brute, Donnie simply could not help himself.  He hurt those he loved as much as he trampled those he hated.  If he had been in possession of even a speck of self-awareness, he might have realized that he was at every turn inflicting incalculable damage on himself.  The fact that he was so stunningly ignorant and self-absorbed, was very likely the only thing that saved countless lives that would have otherwise ended up as collateral damage.  No one could have brought Donnie’s reign of horror to a close without Donnie’s own inescapable penchant for self-destruction.

Despite the fact that far too many showed him undeserved affection, Donnie hated almost everyone and loved (if it could be called love…and it most certainly could not) only one – himself.  He hated sharks, flies, mosquitoes, all but one of his children, and anyone who ever dared disagree with him, unless Donnie was later able to publicly humiliate them and cause them to kiss his horrifying ass.  No matter what, Donnie would ruin their lives, if only by virtue of the mortal, if not fatal, miscalculation of being known to have associated with him.
Somebody tell him about the fucking rabbits already…

before anyone else gets hurt
In the end there was no choice but to put poor, demented Donnie out of our misery.  Though the end came too late for many it was still a relief, and hope remained that one day, however far off, there would be some level of recovery, though it seemed depressingly unlikely that anything would ever be the same again. 
I. Mangrey reporting.  Somewhere Over the Painbow.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Chrumper-Dumper Bumper Stickers


From the people who brought you VOTEGRA for Electile Dysfunction, the premier Chrump escape hatch RENT-A-COMA, the least-selling children’s books Good Night Goon, and Donald and the Very, Very Large uh-Brain, and the newest technology for election protection  the MORON-A-TRON Mental Detector, not to mention the soon-to-be highest rated show ever – Chrump Family House Arrest...
Paying Attention offers up its new line of

Chrumper-Dumper Bumper Stickers



If you do not own a car, go out and buy a bumper, you will want to display these proudly as they were meant to be seen.


Saturday, October 12, 2019

Hair Today, Goon Tomorrow

Howdy Gowdy

October 12, 2019
Chrump is reportedly bringing in former Rep. Trey “Benghazi, Benghazi, Benghazi” Gowdy to reportedly another public mouth for his anti-impeachment team.  Gowdy is set to leave Fux News and join Chrump’s “legal” team to help protect the Orange Gas Cloud from himself and his immanent impeachment by the House of Representatives. 
You would not know it to look at him – you would likely not know anything good about him to look at him – but some say he is a good lawyer.  Mostly, though, they are the same ones who say Chrump is a good president. 
My guess is that Chrump figures the dumber the haircut the smarter they must be.  After all, one assumes Chrump looks in the mirror every day before he appears in public, thinking, “I have the best “hair” probably in history.  No one has “hair” like this.  It’s perfect “hair.”  The most perfect “hair” ever.  Believe me.  I better send my girl out to the store, I’m down to my last ten cans of hairspray and that will be gone by noon unless I can stay inside all day.”
Only his hair stressor knows for sure

“The notion that you can withhold information and documents from Congress, no matter whether you’re the party in power or not in power, is wrong. Respect for the rule of law must mean something, irrespective of the vicissitudes of political cycles.”
                               Trey Gowdy, June 20, 2012

Is there any doubt that Gowdy will be as dogged a pursuer of truth and justice in 2019 as he said he was in 2012?  He has much to live up to, joining all the best people and all.
Gowdy’s new boss has said repeatedly that Article II of the Constitution gives him unlimited power to do whatever he wants.  Gowdy’s boss also seems to believe that his supreme executive power means that anyone who works for him, has ever worked for him, has ever known anyone who works for him or has ever heard of him is disqualified from talking to Congress about anything other than what a great president he is or how huge his inauguration crowd was.
What a Tangled Web We Weave When We Are Lying Sacks of Shit
The announcement of Gowdy’s new position coincides with the arrest by the FBI of two buddies of Chrump’s other mouthpieceofshit Rudy Giuliani for funneling foreign money into political campaigns.  Take one guess whose.  Igor Fruman and Lev Parnas were intercepted hours after lunching with Rudy at Chrump International Hotel in DC (which, according to the law, Chrump should have been ousted from, and is ground zero for Chrump’s Emoluments Clause violations).  

Fruman and Parnas, both born in the former Soviet Union and up to their eyeballs in Chrump’s Ukraine scandal, were planning a one-way trip to Vienna, Austria.  Fruman and Parnas operated companies called 'Fraud Guarantee' and 'Mafia Rave'.  The two were relieved of their potential frequent flyer miles at Dulles International Airport and are now guests of the federal government in a secure location.  Giuliani cancelled his planned one-day (not one-way, unfortunately for all of us, including Rudy it seems) trip to Vienna shortly thereafter.
Fruman, Parnas and Giuliani sharing a happy, albeit ugly and stupid moment
The same happy threesome with another buddy (who says he never met two of them)
Rumors are that Chrump is looking for a new chief-of-staff…
Apparently, Chrump is not only one with an animal on his head
There is talk that Mr. Gowdy may not be joining the Chrump team after all.  Perhaps he is smarter than he looks.  Or maybe he got a new hairdo.

I. Mangrey reporting.  I’ve got a feeling.